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Chapter 344: Guan Feng and the Blind


Not long after, a young figure suddenly appeared in front of the gate of Gao Mansion.

It was a man with a tall and straight body, outstanding appearance, a little arrogance and a temperament that no one seemed to like. What was even more conspicuous was that he was holding a bunch of candied haws in his hand, but it had been eaten now.

There's only one left.

The young man looked at the magnificent door and the pair of majestic lion stone sculptures in front of the door, and confirmed the clues again, "Yes, the old blind man just told me that the Gao Mansion is very rich, and in front of the door

There are also a pair of stone lions, so you can’t go wrong with this one!”

After saying that, the young man bit off the last candied haws on the bamboo stick.

Creaking, creaking...

I don’t know what kind of fruit this candied haws is made from. It tastes quite chewy. The young man nodded with satisfaction and said to himself: "This candied haws tastes good. It seems to be a new variety. It feels like eating chicken claw tendons."

, Hmm... When I go back later, I will ask the old blind man where he bought it, and I must get two more bunches to take back to my senior brothers and others to try."

This young man is none other than Guan Feng, a liberal arts student who Su Pingan specifically told him to treat differently.

Just a few minutes ago, Guan Feng walked through the fog and walked into Shuangshui Town. Walking on the busy long street, he, like everyone else, was confused.

"Isn't it the 'Liao Zhai' we promised? It's not scary at all."

Guan Feng seemed a little disappointed.

Not long after walking forward, he soon noticed the old blind man on the street. It was not his fault, but the signboard behind the blind man was too eye-catching and arrogant.

"A sharp cut, a fortune worth a fortune? I'll go, that's such a big statement, then I have to see him and see if he really has this ability!"

Guan Feng was used to being arrogant, and he couldn't stand others being arrogant in front of him, so he immediately walked over, slapped the table and said, "Hey blind man, are you accurate in your fortune telling?!"

When the old blind man heard the foreign accent and the extremely impolite and arrogant attitude, didn't this agree with what the previous kid told him before he left?!

But why is he alone? Didn't he agree that there would be five more?!

Forget it, don't care, as long as you can make money.

So the old blind man immediately started to act. He grinned and said, "Yes, no, no money!"

"Hey, you are so confident, then I have to teach you a lesson!"

Guan Feng relied on the fact that he did not belong here, so he quickly wrote a word on the paper in front of the table and said: "Old blind man, what I wrote is the word 'Guan', then you can test it for me now.

Who is my surname, where do I live, and what do I do? If the test is not accurate, don’t blame me for trying to take advantage of you and destroy your business!”


Hearing Guan Feng's words, the old blind man took a deep breath.

It's not that he's afraid that Guan Feng will really mess with him, but he's never seen anyone so stupid as to write out his last name and ask others to guess what his last name is. This is even five years old.

No kid can do such an idiotic thing.

Also, this guy keeps saying "I am a young master" as if he is afraid that others will not know that he is a child of a rich family. He can answer this even without the information that the kid before told him in advance.

"Meeting such a fool, I really deserve the money I make."

The old blind man felt happy in his heart, and then he pretended to touch it. After touching the paper for a while, he pretended to be profound and replied: "Well... the word "Guest Officer" is written smoothly, squarely and forcefully.

This font is also a traditional Chinese character, which is generally only popular in Shendu, so if I guessed correctly, the young master should be from Shendu. And the word 'Guan' was written with a strong emotion.

He has a chic and unrestrained style, which can be said to be the same as that of other people, and also shows a trace of nobility, so if I am not mistaken, the guest officer should be named Guan Mingfeng, and he is either rich or noble, and I am afraid he is still a scholar."

Hmm... I know, I know, but I still have to go through the process.

So the old blind man made up a nonsense and used it to fool Guan Feng.

But after hearing what the old blind man said, Guan Feng was immediately shocked, "Can you really calculate so many things from this one word, and can you still calculate that my name is 'Guan Feng'?"

Guan Feng was really shocked.

He originally thought that this was just an illusion, and the old blind man was just a character in the story. It was impossible to figure out his identity no matter what, but now the other party not only figured it out, but also accurately stated his name, including

I even guessed the identity of the scholar, which is a bit amazing.

Guan Feng no longer dared to look down on the old blind man, and his attitude immediately became much more respectful. Then he hurriedly took out a piece of gold leaf, handed it to him respectfully and said: "Old gentleman, I was blind and couldn't see Mount Tai before.

Please forgive me. Now I would like to ask you to help me calculate again. Where is the best place to go when I come to Shuangshui Town this time? How can I achieve what I want in my heart as soon as possible?"

The old blind man calmly took the gold leaf and pinched it secretly. After confirming that it was real, he nodded and continued: "Okay, let me touch it for you..." But in fact, in his heart

But the old blind man was already laughing like crazy: This stupid kid is so easy to deceive!

With that said, the old blind man continued to pretend and touched the paper for a while, and then led Guan Feng to the Gao Mansion according to Su Ping'an's instructions.

"Go and find Gao Fu. All mysteries can be solved."

"Gaofu? Which Gaofu?"

"Gaomen Courtyard, a pair of stone lions in front of the gate."

"I understand, thank you sir for your advice."

"Wait a minute... for the sake of your sincerity, I have another important thing here that may be able to help you!" "Tanghulu? What's the use of it?"

"It's best to finish eating when you reach the gate of Gaofu. Maybe you will understand naturally by then. Go ahead..."

The old blind man waved his hand in a pretentious manner, showing his superior demeanor, and then he let Guan Feng leave on his own.

He was afraid that if this guy continued to ask questions, he wouldn't know how to make it up.

Guan Feng did not doubt that he was there, so he immediately took the candied haws of apples and bowed respectfully to the old blind man, then turned and left, "Gao Mansion... this must be the key to breaking through the barrier. Wait, I'm coming!"

Standing in front of the gate of Gaofu, Guan Feng finished eating the last candied haws. He didn't know whether it was from his heart or something else. He felt as if he was suddenly filled with courage, "Gaofeng, I want to see what's in this."


After saying that, Guan Feng strode forward and knocked on the door of Gaofu. However, no one answered after knocking for a while, so he pushed hard and the door opened.

Guan Feng walked in cautiously, then looked into the courtyard and found that although the courtyard was brightly lit with candles, there seemed to be no one around. What was even stranger was that there were red celebratory posters posted everywhere in the courtyard.

There are also red lanterns and red silk hanging on the gate tower, as if there is a wedding banquet.

"What's going on? With such a big family, where are all the people?"

Although Guan Feng felt strange, he was not afraid. He walked through the courtyard and came to a living room before stepping in. Guan Feng was startled.

Because in the living room in front of him, there was a corpse hanging upright under the beam of the hall.

"Hiss...what's going on?!"

Guan Feng took a deep breath at that moment.

Then I looked at the corpse. It seemed to be a young man with disheveled hair. If I looked closely, he seemed a little familiar.

Guan Feng plucked up the courage to take a closer look, but the sight almost scared him to the point of peeing, because the hanged man turned out to be...

"Su...Su...Susheng Xiaomeng?!"

At that moment, Guan Feng felt a rush of cold air rushing from his back to the sky. He subconsciously turned around and ran away.

But at this moment, a gust of dark wind blew, and all the bright candles in the courtyard were suddenly extinguished at this moment. Even the door of the Gaofu Mansion automatically closed with a 'bang' without any wind.

Guan Feng immediately froze on the spot, his legs shaking uncontrollably. There seemed to be some faint movement behind him. He slowly turned around and saw the body that was facing him. He didn't know.

When was it actually facing him, and the corpse seemed to be... smiling at him?!

The next moment, a burst of shrill screams resounded throughout the Gaofu compound.


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