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Chapter 362 Can the story be written like this?

"...The world has changed drastically, the climate has drastically worsened, and disasters have begun to occur throughout the Blue Star. At first, it was just a wildfire, a drought, the extinction of a species, the disappearance of a city...until this disaster is closely related to everyone.

Because the sun is aging rapidly and continues to expand, in one hundred years the sun will expand to the point of engulfing the entire blue star. In three hundred years, the entire solar system will cease to exist...

Faced with this catastrophe, mankind showed unprecedented unity. In order to let more people survive, the coalition government decided to push the entire blue star out of the solar system and fly to a new home deep in space. This long and magnificent journey

The human immigration plan is named the 'Wandering Blue Star' plan..."

At the beginning of the story, Su Pingan explained to everyone the origin of the 'Wandering Blue Star' plan and the huge idea of ​​10,000 engines driving the entire Blue Star into the depths of space. When the scribes saw such a shocking start,

The result was not what Su Ping'an expected. All of those people were shocked, dumbfounded and exclaimed.

“Let me go, the Zongheng Continent ten thousand years from now will be called ‘Blue Star’?”

"The scribes are all extinct, are there only ordinary people left on Blue Star?!"

"There is a catastrophic disaster in the world. The human race has developed so much that it can allow the entire continent to enter space? This is awesome!"

"Using 10,000 engines to propel the entire Blue Star? Is this possible for humans? And... what is an 'engine'?!"

"Perhaps you can understand it as ten thousand Confucian sages pushing the entire 'Blue Star' into the depths of the sky?"

"Gan, how on earth did this guy come up with it? This story is incredible!"

Thousands of scribes gathered in front of Su Ping'an's literary list. The noise was so loud that it almost turned the entire arena into a vegetable market. It was a noisy mess.

They were all shocked by the future world in the book shown by Su Pingan. They found it incredible and novel. Their eyes could not even leave the pages of the book. There was also such a huge brain hole that would push the entire Zongheng Continent.

Space is something that is simply unimaginable in their minds.

"What are they arguing about? What's impossible..."

Next to them, Wen Liang, Long Cheng and others were busy writing. When they heard such a sudden movement, it was difficult for them not to pay attention.

Then listen to what those people are talking about.

What 'Blue Star'? What 'engine'?

What other space station?

What the hell are they talking about?!

The four of them looked confused.

"Forget it, don't worry about them, don't be affected by them, everyone should write their own stories first."

Long Cheng's mood fluctuated slightly. It took him a lot of effort to concentrate on himself from the noise around him, and then he continued to lower his head and write.

But just because he can do it, it doesn't mean that Guan Feng and the others can do it too.

"I went and they actually lived underground."

"The ground temperature actually reached dozens of degrees below zero. Is it that exaggerated?"

"Everything is covered in ice, it's terrible!"

The discussions from the scribes around him continued, which made Guan Feng, who was already impatient, unable to sit still.

"Oh, I don't believe that the story written by that guy can be so good. How could it attract so many people talking about it on the first page? I'll go take a look!"

So out of strong curiosity, Guan Feng, with an attitude of looking for trouble, immediately dropped the brush in his hand and squeezed in front of Su Pingan's essay list. After printing the first page of the manuscript, he walked aside

Watched quietly.

The beginning of the chapter is an incredible description of the world of Zongheng Continent ten thousand years later, which directly made Guan Feng open his mouth.

"Ten thousand years later, in the Zongheng Continent, there will be no culture, no practitioners, no demon cultivators, and no barbarians. How is this possible?!"

At the first glance, Guan Feng felt astonished. Although he was denying it, his heart was filled with waves.

Over the years, some people have written the story of Zongheng Continent before, and some have written the story of Zongheng Continent now, but no one has written the story of Zongheng Continent’s future.

Even if there is, everyone's thinking is still limited to the framework of the world of culture and energy, and cannot be separated from the practice of culture and energy. No one has ever directly subverted the entire continent's cultivation system like Su Pingan, and even the continent has changed its name to "Lan"

Star', this kind of thought makes people call him a good guy!

"How did this guy come up with this idea? His brain is too..."

He subconsciously wanted to praise her, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back.

Then he continued to look down. Ten thousand engines pushed away from the entire continent and left the 'solar system', heading towards the depths of the universe. Guan Feng's scalp was once again shocked and numb.

Although he didn't fully understand what the 'engine', 'solar system'... these things were, he could understand the meaning of the whole story.

"Let the continent leave its current position and use the power of a huge empty boat equivalent to ten thousand to pull the entire continent deep into the sky? Damn it, is this an idea that anyone can come up with?!"

Guan Feng even forgot to hide his expression and blurted out in shock.

His reaction caught the attention of Feng Shaoyang and Wen Liang beside him, and also surprised the latter two.

Feng Shaoyang couldn't help frowning and said: "What kind of shocking story did this guy named Su write? It can actually shock Guan Feng, who has always been against him. Is the story he wrote really powerful?!"

Wen Liang also secretly asked: "Would you like to go and take a look? Maybe you can be inspired too?!"

Adhering to this idea, Feng Shaoyang and Wen Liang unexpectedly stood up together and pushed towards Su Pingan's essay list. When they both found that the other party was like them and came to see Su Pingan's story, the two of them

There was a hint of embarrassment in his eyes.

"Ahem...don't get me wrong, I just came here to take a look and see how this guy writes."

Feng Shaoyang was still a bit stubborn, so he had to find a way out for himself.

Wen Liang smiled and shook his head. He knew Feng Shaoyang's nature well, so he did not expose it.

Then both of them got the first page of the manuscript, lowered their heads and started reading quickly. When they saw the shocking opening, the two of them couldn't hold back and cursed on the spot: "Fuck, the story can still be like this.


The combination of subverting the three views, unprecedented ideas, bold and novel creativity, all combined, directly made Feng Shaoyang and Wen Liang uneasy.

They felt that their ideas had been impacted, and at the same time they couldn't believe how long Su Sheng Xiaomeng's brain was, and why he would come up with such a story. Everything written in this story was nonsense, but when everyone

After seeing it, I will be inexplicably attracted and unable to extricate myself. It is so novel!

Hearing even the two of them exclaiming, Long Cheng, who had been struggling to hold on, suddenly couldn't hold on any longer. Especially when everyone saw such a big reaction after reading Su Ping'an's story, Long Cheng

Cheng's heart was as curious as a cat scratching his head.

"How about... let me go and have a look too?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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