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Chapter 370 Judgment Arrives


Seeing that there was only the last trace of the sun left in the sky, the figure of the white-bearded old man who had disappeared from the ring flashed and soon appeared on the ring again.

He seemed to have begun to prepare for the final judgment, and announced loudly: "At the last quarter of an hour, I hope that those who have not finished writing their stories will finish it as soon as possible, and those who still have golden beans in their hands, please also throw in yours as soon as possible." Golden beans, otherwise when the time is up, all the golden beans will disappear and be deemed invalid!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden commotion in the arena.

Those scribes who still had the golden beans in their hands began to get into the final entanglement and struggle over who to vote for the golden beans in the end.

Guan Feng, who was still working on the manuscript, became even more anxious. There were even beads of sweat on his forehead, "Damn it, how could it be so fast? No, I must still have time, I must be able to do it... …”

The reason why Guan Feng hasn't finished writing is because he learned that his story was "off topic" midway, and then he chose to abandon the previous story and write a new one according to the rules, which caused him to waste his time. It took nearly a morning.

The response to his new story was not good either. Until the end, there were not many golden beans in the box in front of his essay list. It was extremely miserable.

In this last quarter of an hour, both Feng Shaoyang and Wen Liang, who had finished the story, breathed a sigh of relief and felt completely relaxed in their hearts.

After the story was written, the judgment could only be left to the scribes on the stage, so they were bored and turned their attention to Su Pingan's essay list.

"In order to write a manuscript, I haven't finished reading his story yet. This is the perfect time to read the rest of the story!"

Wen Liang was inspired by Su Pingan's story and determined his future writing ideas. So he was now more interested in Su Pingan's story. He immediately came to the latter's essay list and printed it. After downloading the next two manuscripts, I started reading them again with concentration.

The same goes for Feng Shaoyang. He also wants to continue to 'learn' more exciting content from Su Pingan's story so that he can gain strength for his next story.

At this time, Long Cheng had already read the entire story of 'The Wandering Blue Star'. He turned around and found Su Ping'an again. As soon as they met, he couldn't help but praise: "Su Wenshi is such a genius. I didn't expect you to be like this." I can write all the stories. Especially the scene at the end where all human beings work together to ignite Jupiter. It made my blood boil and my eyes filled with tears. If I had a golden bean, I would not be able to help giving it to you. Sending all the support. It’s really well written!”

"No, the stories written by the Longcheng scribes are also good, and I was fascinated by them!" Su Pingan said.

"Stop saying these polite words. Compared with your story, my story is simply not worth mentioning. But I am very curious about Su Wenshi's various settings in the story, and the various knowledge in the future world. , and how did you come up with these things about 'space' and 'galaxy'?"

Long Cheng seemed to really like the story of 'Wandering Blue Star', and even pursued the knowledge in it.

When Su Ping'an heard this question, the corner of his mouth twitched.

How should I explain this to him? Could it be that this is knowledge from another world?!

If you say this, you will obviously be regarded as a fool!

So Su Pingan smiled and gave a slightly modest answer: "I just thought about it casually, and then I figured it out!"


Long Cheng's expression froze.

This is really a 'modest' answer.

Just think about it, it’s such a powerful story, but if you think about it seriously, how terrifying would it be?!

Long Cheng thought that Su Pingan didn't want to tell him the real answer, so he shook his head and didn't force it.

In just such a short time, the sun in the sky has completely set, and a quarter of an hour is over.


When the allotted time came, the old man with a white beard who was responsible for supervising this test conjured a gong and struck it with a hammer.

As the sound of the gong came out, the remnants of the scribes who were still hesitating in the arena immediately disappeared with a swoosh, as if they had been evaporated directly. Even the golden beans that some scribes were still struggling with in their hands finally disappeared.

None of them were able to vote and disappeared together.

"Okay, the time is up and the test is over."

The old man with the white beard still had a smile on his face, but his tone was serious and unquestionable.

Guan Feng's hands almost cramped in order to rush the manuscript, but at the last moment, he still had one ending left to finish, but the manuscript had disappeared.

"Damn it!"

Guan Feng couldn't help but cursed secretly, his face as dark as the bottom of a pot.

He knew that his test was miserable this time. First he went off topic, and now he has not even finished writing a complete story. There are not many golden beans in the box, which makes him seem to have seen his own ending.

The white-bearded old man waved his hand, and an invisible force pulled the boxes of the five people on the ring, and automatically flew in front of him, saying: "I will repeat the rules of this test again. This test is based on 'Contemporary Fantasy'

' Mainly, each person writes a story. The more innovative the story, the better. The final judgment is based on the number of golden beans. The one with the most golden beans wins, and only when the number of golden beans reaches 1,000 can he be judged as 'First Class'.

And get the qualification to enter the next mountain test. Now start counting the golden beans in each person's box, starting with the first person on the left..."

The box on the first person on the left is the one that closes the wind.

The old man with the white beard moved his fingers slightly, and under the stimulation of Wen Qi, the golden beans inside floated out automatically.

Everyone on the ring also looked up, and at a glance, they saw some golden beans only as big as peanuts floating out from Guan Feng's box. Those golden beans were all round and exuded.

The faint brilliance is very conspicuous.

The golden beans floated in the air, ten in a row, but Guan Feng's golden beans finally only formed two rows of five, which is the number of twenty-five. This result can be described as quite miserable. Even Guan Feng himself was confused.

It's a bit hard to watch.

Feng Shaoyang had already disliked Guan Feng, but now that he saw that the latter's score was only twenty-five golden beans, he immediately burst out laughing and sarcastically said: "This is the student of Shendu Liberal Arts College."

His strength, this is really surprising, hahaha... I'm sorry, I can't help it, please allow me to laugh for a while, hahaha..."

"Damn it, you damn bastard!"

Listening to the wanton laughter, Guan Feng's originally ugly face became even more ferocious at this moment.

If looks could kill, then Feng Shaoyang would probably be riddled with holes by now!

This chapter has been completed!
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