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Chapter 567 Want to reconcile? No way!

"General, dead move, you lose!"

"Ah...this is impossible. It's only thirteen moves. How could I lose?"

"Hahaha... You don't understand this, right? Who asked you to come to Qingfeng Restaurant so late? This was when Qingfeng Restaurant first opened. The Su family personally taught us the trick 'Thirteen Moves to Abandon a Horse'. Before, I told

These people have never succeeded before, and now they have finally found someone they can kill, hahaha..."


In the next few days, the 'Wenbao' not only spread throughout Shendu, but also began to spread to surrounding prefectures and counties, and 'chess' became popular in Shendu almost overnight.

After learning from newspapers and newspapers that chess is not only simple in rules and easy to learn, but also can accumulate literary skills, both women, children, the elderly, and young children in Shendu City began to play chess. Now in the streets and alleys of Shendu City,

Everywhere you can see chess games in full swing.

Moreover, various chess clubs in the city are also growing rapidly. In just a few days, more than a dozen chess clubs have appeared on Wang Street alone, and they all also call "Xiangqi Juniors"

'This comic book is used as a secret book, and I am even more familiar with the various chess games in it than Su Pingan himself.

This also allowed the comic book "Chess Boy" to replace the previous number one "Dragon Babu" on the star list in a very short period of time, successfully occupying the top spot.

It was also because of the rumors of 'Xiangqi' and various rankings that Su Ping'an's popularity surged. On the third day after the publication of the newspaper, 'Zhu Xian' successfully surpassed 'Xianren' and regained the top spot again.

It also opened a long distance at once, and no matter how Wenzong yelled at Wangyue Tower, 'Immortal' could never shake the position of 'Zhu Xian' again.

Everyone can predict that as long as nothing unexpected happens later, Su Ping'an is bound to win this time in the literary ranking battle.

Nangong's house, under the pavilion in the back garden.

After inquiring about the current competition situation on the Wangjie Wenbang, the corners of Nangong Ming's mouth turned up slightly. Looking at the information in his hand, a light flashed in his eyes, and then he said to himself: "Sure enough, this surname

Su had already planned. He must have planned that the 'Star List' would dominate this month's list, and there was also a 'Wenbao' to be published, so he had anticipated the result before the competition.

No wonder he dared to make a bet with the Gao family, all of this was planned. Fortunately, I didn't agree to him at the beginning, otherwise wouldn't I be like that idiot from the Gao family now? "

Nangong Ming couldn't help but recall the scene when Su Ping'an sent a letter asking him to have a gambling battle.

Su Ping'an had just made a bet with the Gao family, and then sent someone to send a message to Nangong Ming, saying that he would also use this gambling opportunity to settle the matter with the Nangong family, and let Nangong Ming take over if he had the guts.

The bet was made, and the words written in the letter were very sharp, and every sentence was stimulating Nangong Ming's fate.

However, Nangong Ming was no better than Gao Jin. He had always been more intelligent. At that time, he felt that this matter was inappropriate, so he did not agree to accept the bet.

Now it seems that the decision he made was indeed a wise one.

"As long as I don't give him a chance, I will see how he will seek revenge from me!"

Nangong Ming's eyes sparkled, and he seemed to be full of interest in how Su Pingan would seek revenge from him.

As soon as 'Xiangqi' came out and dominated the star rankings, Su Ping'an was no longer invincible. On the day before the end of the distance competition, 'Zhu Xian' had always firmly occupied the first position, and

The score far exceeds that of the second-placed "Xianren", with a total number of viewers approaching 10 million.

This result suddenly shocked many people's jaws. After all, even with such a high level of attention on the star list, it is impossible to achieve such results even at the top of the list or even dominating the list for two months, but now it is just a competition between the two.

It's simply astonishing that a book can achieve such a result through gambling.

But if you think about it carefully, it's not surprising. It's just because this gambling battle is so eye-catching.

The two sides in the gambling fight were the Gao family, who was extremely powerful in the divine capital; and the other side was the talented writer who was now famous and unrivaled and had created a 'new chess way'. In addition, there was the gambling fight.

It attracts attention in itself, which is why it has created an unprecedented gambling spectacle.

And after a month of competition, this gambling battle is finally coming to an end.

The sun is rising, the sky is clear, the wind is gentle and the sun is beautiful.

Early in the morning, the downstairs of Qingfeng Restaurant and Wangyue Tower were full of people. Today was the end of the gambling battle, so everyone was moved by the news.

Take a look at the past article list.

‘Zhu Xian’ ranked first, with the total number of viewers exceeding 10 million, and the results shocked everyone.

"It's incredible. 'Zhu Xian' has exceeded 10 million readers. This is the only book in the history of Shendu City that can exceed 10 million readers in one month."

"Don't say it's just a month. Even many students can't accumulate such results in a lifetime, but the Su family did it in just one month. It's really amazing!"

"Tsk tsk... Although we are envious, they also earned it through strength, so we cannot envy them."

"Indeed, 'Zhu Xian' is also good-looking!"

While everyone was talking about it, at Qingfeng Restaurant, Su Ping'an came downstairs wearing sky blue casual clothes.

With the recent surge in popularity, Su Ping'an has collected a large wave of literary energy, and his cultivation level has also broken through to the third level of literary master.

He almost broke through two levels in a month, which shows how much popularity this gambling battle brought to him.

But that's not important. What's important now is that he can finally come to terms with the Gao family.

When he came to the literary list, Su Ping'an glanced at the data on the literary list. Seeing that the outcome was decided, he looked over to Wangyue Tower, and then shouted: "Why, now that the outcome has been decided, is it possible that Wangyue Tower

Don’t you even dare to show your face?!”

I knew clearly that today was the day when the competition ended, but at the end of the day, the door of the restaurant at Wangyue Tower was not even opened.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding people immediately started discussing.

"What are you doing? Wangyuelou doesn't even dare to show his face. This is too embarrassing."

"That's right, it doesn't matter if you lose the competition, but if you don't even dare to show up, it's too shameless."

"The Gao family cannot afford to lose..."

In Wangyue Tower, listening to the noise outside, Gao Jin's face was so angry that he almost burst into flames, "Damn it, bastard, damn it..."

This guy kept cursing, but even he didn't know who he was cursing specifically. He was just using this to express the anger in his heart. Soon after, Gao Chong and Gao Wentian left.

Walked downstairs.

Gao Chong's face was indifferent, without a trace of emotion. After hearing the noise outside, his eyes became even more gloomy, and then he ordered: "Even if our Gao family loses, we can't have stage fright, otherwise our Gao family will no longer be able to win in the city of God."

We have a foothold. Open the door!"

Following the owner's instructions, the people in the restaurant hurried forward and opened the door.

Gao Jin's expression became more and more gloomy, and at the same time there was some panic in his eyes.

Gao Wentian's face showed a look of disinterest and defeat.

He was full of confidence before and thought he was bound to win this competition, but he didn't expect that it would be this result in the end.

"Hey, look, people from the Gao family are coming out!"

Outside, seeing Wangyuelou opening the store door, the crowd outside was shocked.

Then under the gaze of everyone, Gao Chong took the lead and strode forward, followed closely by Gao Wentian and Gao Jin. After arriving in front of everyone, Gao Chong first saluted Long Xuan, "Your Highness, Sixth Prince!"

Long Xuan nodded slightly and agreed. He originally wanted to speak first, but Gao Chong acted quickly and looked at Su Ping'an first and said: "Master Su Wen, as the saying goes, it is better to dissolve enemies than to make knots. The relationship between you and Quanzi is

I have made my grudges clear, and I once again express my deep apologies for everything Quanzi has done to the Su family. I have already given Quanzi a lesson. If Su Wenshi is still dissatisfied or has any requests, you can just go ahead.

Mention, I just hope that our two families can turn their hostility into friendship and settle their old grudges. What do you think?"

As the head of the Gao family, he has such status and status in the city of God. He rarely softens words to others like this. Moreover, his words are sincere and his attitude is more sincere, but he suddenly gained many onlookers around him.

Due to the goodwill of the crowd, many people whispered: "The head of the Gao family is really good, and his attitude is quite sincere!"

"Yes, it's rare for someone as powerful as the Gao family to say soft words in such a low voice. This is rare to see."


After listening to Gao Chong's words and looking at the reactions around him, Su Ping'an immediately narrowed his eyes slightly and said to himself: "This Gao Chong is indeed the head of the Gao family. This move is so powerful!"

Others couldn't see it, but Su Ping'an instantly guessed the other party's intention.

Is Gao Chong admitting his mistake by speaking softly?


The other party was performing, Gao Chong was doing this deliberately, and then wanted to win the favor of the surrounding crowd, and use this to build momentum and force Su Pingan to give in.

After all, he is the head of the Gao family, and the Gao family is extremely powerful. It is already rare for others to lower their heads and say soft words. If Su Pingan does not forgive, it will give people a sense of coercion.

The feeling of being too human.

And this is exactly what Gao Chong wants to see.

Even Long Xuan beside him was deceived and whispered to Su Ping'an: "Ping'an, you see, the Gao family has taken the initiative to admit their mistake. If possible, why don't you take a step back? After all, the Gao family

The momentum is great, if the trouble goes too far this time, it will be detrimental to your Su family in the future."

Of course, Long Xuan was also thinking about Su Pingan, but Su Pingan was not afraid.

He looked at Gao Chong, snorted coldly, and said directly: "Then... what if I don't agree to reconciliation?"

When Gao Chong heard this, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and murderous intent burst out in his eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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