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Chapter seven hundred and twenty-ninth, get the supernatural powers

The noisy night finally passed. After dawn, when the outside world began to become lively, both Daxuan Hotel and Dali State Hotel became extremely quiet.

At noon, Feng Shaoyang, Guan Feng and others were sleeping soundly when suddenly there was a knock on the door next door, and then someone shouted: "Adé, get up and have lunch!"

It doesn't matter what he calls, but just because of this "Ad", it seems to have awakened some kind of magic spell.

In a daze, Feng Shaoyang heard a sound of "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah?

Sibi cluck..."

When Guan Feng next to him heard what he said, he immediately woke up and said, "Ah!"


Then the two of them slowly woke up, and their eyes gradually changed from confusion to fear.

"Shit, what did I just do?!"

"You're such an idiot!"

"You were the one who said 'Ah' first!"


The two of them froze at the same time, and then covered their heads with the quilt.

At this moment, they both wanted to die.

What a shame!

And the same scene didn't just happen between the two of them. In the dining hall, a group of Daxuan soldiers were eating, and then they saw a group of liberal arts students walking in listlessly, looking at their sloppy steps and heavy bags under their eyes.

It looked like his body had been hollowed out.

Seeing this scene, the Daxuan soldiers all looked horrified, and then asked in a low voice: "Hey, what's wrong with them?"

"You still don't know? The music played all night last night, didn't you hear it?"

"Oh, I'm always a heavy sleeper and snore, so I didn't hear anything. What's wrong?"

"It's okay. If you want to know what's going on, just shout 'Ah!' and someone will tell you!"

The soldier looked back at the liberal arts students doubtfully, and then with the attitude of giving it a try, he turned back and shouted, "Ah!"

In an instant, all the listless and dying liberal arts students in the dining hall suddenly stood up as if they had been given a shot of chicken blood, and said, "Ahhhh!"

The soldier was stunned when he saw this scene.

I wiped it, it was so neat!

Then some students came back to their senses, looked around with an annoyed expression and shouted: "Which bastard shouted 'Ah!', come out here and see if I don't kill you!"

The other people also looked around in the canteen with murderous looks. The frightened soldier quickly turned his head away, pretending not to know anything, but he was surprised in his heart: "It seems that yesterday

These people must have experienced an unforgettable night tonight. Is 'Ah Si' a code word?!"

At the same time, the situation in Dali Kingdom next door is not much better than that in Daxuan.

Elder Shen Qing's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, because in just a short period of time during lunch, he had already heard many people greeting him, but the one who shouted out was 'I have met the elder Si'.

God damn ‘Elder Ah Si’!

After listening to this song all night, my name even changed!

At this time, Zhou Hu walked over listlessly. When he passed Elder Shen, just as he was about to say hello, Elder Shen already spoke viciously, "If you dare to shout half an 'Ah Si' for me, I will

I’ll throw you into the river!”

Zhou Hu felt the murderous aura, and immediately woke up with a start, and then quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, elder, I'll go 'ah ah yo' right away... No, I'll leave right away, leave right away..."


Elder Shen Qing's face was already grim, and the anger in his eyes was uncontrollable, "Damn Daxuan people, I have recorded this account for you. When the Four Kingdoms Competition comes, I will make sure you look good!"

That night, when night fell again, I don't know why, whether it was the literary cultivators of Daxuan Kingdom or the people of Dali Kingdom, they all suddenly shuddered as they watched the night fall.

At this time, Su Ping'an had already asked Wang Shaotong and Xiao Fuzi to start setting up Wen Yinluo and Liuyin Stone again. When they saw this, a group of liberal arts students such as Feng Shaoyang and Guan Feng quickly gathered around them and said softly.

He said: "Brother, can I call you brother? You should quickly collect your magical powers!"

Guan Feng also said with a bitter face: "Yes, after listening to your 'ah sid' all night last night, I was always thinking 'ah sid' when I went to sleep. I really can't bear it if this continues.


Other literary cultivators also echoed, "Everyone Su, we are really in trouble. Do we want to stay in peace and quiet for a few days? The Four Kingdoms Competition will be held in seven or eight days. We don't want to just start writing a story and be like, 'Ah!'

', as soon as I play the piano, I say 'Ah ah yo', please forgive us!"

Seeing that these people finally knew they were afraid, Su Ping'an couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and then pretended to be calm and said: "Why, you don't want to compete with Dali Country anymore. It's only been two days, and you have given up so quickly. Maybe the other side

We have to fight back tonight, what if I stop and they are caught off guard?"

This time, before Feng Shaoyang and the others could refute, a voice suddenly came from the wall next door, "No, we don't want revenge, we admit defeat."

Everyone followed the sound, and they saw, my dear, that on the wall next door, a row of Da Li Chinese literary cultivators were crawling up. Each of these people was also in low spirits, looking excessively greedy, and looked extremely embarrassed.

Zhou Hu was among them, and what he just said was what he said. He just heard this guy lying on the wall and angrily saying: "This time you are so cruel, we admit defeat. We provoked this matter in the first place. We can also apologize to you."

, but you must quickly stop your...evil songs, and if you have the ability, wait until the Four Kingdoms Competition for us to compete again."

Feng Shaoyang and others gave in when they heard that the people from Dali Country had given up. If it were any other time in the past, they would have started to laugh excitedly, but now, their biggest enemy is Su Pingan. As long as Su Pingan stops causing trouble

, then the world will be at peace.

So Feng Shaoyang and Guan Feng did not gloat about their misfortune, but hurriedly strike while the iron was hot: "Boss, you see they have admitted defeat, let's just forget about this and don't continue."

"Yes, yes, you don't remember the faults of others, so please put away the Wen Yin Luo and the Phrase Stone!"

Others also offered words of advice.

Seeing that they all looked afraid that he would continue, Su Ping'an felt funny in his heart.

The reason why he took action was because he had a headache caused by these guys two days ago. He wanted to live a peaceful life for two days, but he didn't expect that they couldn't handle it just two days after he took action.

This made Su Pingan secretly shake his head.

With this little ability, you still have the nerve to come out and compete with others?!

But now that the goal was achieved, thinking that he should be able to live in peace for some time in the next period of time, Su Ping'an agreed reluctantly.

Seeing that Su Pingan agreed to stop, Feng Shaoyang and Zhou Hu both breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, Elder Zhuo and the others in the distance saw that they finally stopped making trouble, and the wrinkles on their faces relaxed. Then they sighed and said: "Hey, these guys are so capable, just two of them."

God, I'm afraid my life will be shortened by several years."

Elder Hua was convinced, while Elder Chun's mouth twitched unnaturally because he almost said "Ahhhhh".

I have to say that this song is so weird, it's like a magical sound that can be used to brainwash people. I can't forget it even if I want to.

On the other side, after Su Pingan agreed to stop, everyone felt relieved and felt that they could finally sleep peacefully. However, before they all left, someone finally couldn't help but be curious and asked what they all wanted to know.

The question was, "Master Su, your new song has such a unique style, what is its name?"

Su Pingan replied leisurely, "Uneasy."

"Uneasy? Well, it really lives up to its name. No wonder when I saw that you wanted to continue playing this song again, my heart was in a state of confusion. I was so damn 'uneasy'!"


This chapter has been completed!
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