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Chapter 750 Stars Change

Book Dojo, the name is simple and straightforward, and it tells everyone clearly what this place is about.

As a venue for calligraphy competitions, the standards here are naturally not too bad.

The entrance is a space that is nearly the size of an entire basketball gym, and directly in front is a row of essays, and in the middle are rows of square tables and tea seats. Moreover, the roof of this clubhouse is high, so half of the venue is deliberately used inside the house. A second floor has been renovated above, where some people can sit down and enjoy tea and read books.

Moreover, the walls on both sides of the entire venue are specially decorated. There are fountains and water flowing down the walls, just like water walls. There are also small ornamental fish ponds, bonsais, rocks and other objects lining the walls, which make people feel like It was very interesting and complemented each other, and at the same time it also made the whole venue's style suddenly rise a lot.

"So many people!"

When Su Ping'an and the others arrived at the venue, it was already full of people.

Looking around the huge clubhouse, one could see that it was packed with people. It was as noisy as a vegetable market, and it was impossible to hear what they were saying.

After entering the venue, Su Pingan and the others went to the essay list first to check the situation. After finally squeezing in, when they looked at the essay list, they were quite surprised.

There are not many works on the literary lists nowadays, only a few, not even ten.

"Hey, why are there so few works? This is nothing like the competition of the Four Kingdoms. Even if a literary meeting is held in a random restaurant, the amount of time in the morning will far exceed this amount." Feng Shaoyang and others were very worried. Surprised.

Hearing this, Long Cheng explained from the side: "Actually, it's very simple. It's precisely because this is a competition among the four countries. Therefore, there are only a dozen or so literary and cultural countries that are eligible to participate. If the four countries are added together, the total number may not exceed Seventy people. Moreover, the rules have been temporarily changed this time, so when the literary cultivators from various countries compete again, they will naturally have to consider a lot. Therefore, the literary cultivators from the other three countries are probably also discussing what to do this time. Deal with it."

After hearing Long Cheng's analysis, everyone nodded and thought it made sense.

Then everyone looked at the works currently hanging on the literary list. The titles of those works were quite satisfactory, and the themes were also very traditional. They were either fairy tales, contemporary fantasy, or biographies. You could open them at will. Looking at the book, the content and story are of an average level, not surprising.

"This is probably because the other Three Kingdoms literary cultivators saw that the rules have been changed, so I just asked some literary cultivators to come forward and test the water with their works to see if the new rules will have an impact on the popularity of the storybook."

After reading the contents of several books, Su Ping'an had a vague guess in his mind.

At this time, Guan Feng in the crowd noticed another problem and exclaimed: "Hey, look, this time the rankings on the literary list only have the names of the works, not the names of the authors."

After he said this, everyone noticed that several works on the literary list really only had the title of the book, popularity and number of readers, but there was no author name at all.

Wen Liang thought of something quickly, and said with a stern look, "Are you going to hide your name? That's a good idea, and it's more fair."

Su Ping'an heard this and asked, "How do you say it?"

Other literary cultivators also looked over.

Wen Liang smiled and explained: "The previous Four Kingdoms Calligraphy Competition was held in different places, so the popularity was actually biased to a certain extent.

For example, the last Four Kingdoms Competition was held in our Daxuan Kingdom. Without anonymity, our Daxuan’s calligraphy and literature scores were much higher than those of the other three countries.

The last one was held by the Gale Kingdom. Except for the top spot in the calligraphy competition, our Daxuan, who finally won the top spot because of his outstanding strength and really fascinating story. The popularity of the other calligraphy and literary cultivators is compared with the literary cultivation of the Gale Kingdom.

They are also slightly inferior.

So to a certain extent, wherever the Four Nations Competition is held, the people of that country will be inherently biased towards the culture of that country, which would be unfair.

But now that you have lost your name, you don’t have to worry about it, because the people in Da Zhan will not know at all the works on the literary list, which ones were created by writers from their country, and which works were created by writers from other countries.

Yes, in this case, all literary majors can only compete for rankings on literary lists based on their true talents and practical knowledge."

After everyone heard this, they suddenly realized again.

Even Su Pingan nodded, feeling that such an anonymous performance would indeed make the competition fairer.

There are only a few works on the literary list now, among which the number of viewers at the top of the list has exceeded 10,000, but the cumulative literary power is very low. This shows that many people have read the story, but there are not many people who are satisfied with the story.


Someone in the crowd said: "This morning has already passed. Why are there only so few works on the literary list? Are the calligraphy and literature cultivators from these four countries not even up yet?"

"That's right, and the few movies on the list now seem too vulgar. The stories they write are not even as good as those on the list of the restaurant next door to us. This is why I have the nerve to participate in the Four Kingdoms Competition. Which country is this?

Was it written by Wenxiu?"

"Anyway, it's definitely not the literary editor of our Dazhan. Our literary editor of Dazhan can't write such a frustrating thing!"

"That's not our Gale..."

Then some people in the crowd who knew the inside story stood up and said: "Don't worry, everyone, the rules of the Four Nations Competition have been adjusted this time. The current list is no longer just pursuing the top three to become famous.

, this time there is also a points competition system. Each ranking on the calligraphy list now represents points. Only the country with the highest accumulated points in the end can win the first place in this calligraphy competition.

Therefore, when the Four Kingdoms Literature Reviewers participate in the competition, they will inevitably have to consider a lot more, such as subject matter, content structure, etc... What everyone is competing for is not only the first place in the literary list, but other rankings are equally important.

In other words, in this calligraphy competition, the competition will definitely be more intense, and similarly, their stories will definitely be more exciting, which is a rare good thing for us book lovers.

As the saying goes, if you have a good meal, you will never be late, so it doesn’t matter if everyone waits.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone at the scene was immediately appeased.

Many people suddenly realized it.

"So this is ah!"

"Well, that makes sense!"

"So, there will definitely be more good stories this time, hahaha... That's good, that's good..."

In the crowd, Long Cheng and the others immediately frowned again when they heard these words, feeling that the pressure had unknowingly become heavier.

Before, there was still internal pressure on the rankings, but now even these book fans know the new rules of the competition, and their expectations have been raised to such a high level. Once the stories you write later cannot meet the expectations of the book fans,

, the blow to Wenxiu would undoubtedly be fatal, and it would even make Wenxiu lose the qualification to compete for rankings from the very beginning.

"This is really bad..."

Longcheng felt a little bad about this.

But just when everyone was worried, Wen Liang just wanted to discuss countermeasures with Su Ping'an, but he didn't expect to find anyone after searching around.

Everyone searched around the crowd, and then found Su Ping'an coming back with a jade slip. Seeing the jade slip, Wen Liang was startled and asked: "You...you have already made the jade slip? Have you thought about it?"

What story are you going to write?”

Su Ping'an nodded with a relaxed expression and asked Xiang Wenliang, "Yes, is there any problem?"


Wen Liang's tone paused.

The question is okay, but shouldn’t you be more cautious and think more about the story?!

You just went up and signed up so directly, which shows how frustrated we are, you know?!

Others in the Academy of Arts were also a little speechless. They just felt that Su Ping'an was too reckless. He still treated the Four Kingdoms Competition as if it were a literary conference in Daxuan and could be manipulated casually?!

It’s just messing around!

Long Cheng was silent for a moment, but soon he focused his attention on the jade plaque in Su Pingan's hand. He subconsciously leaned over and said, "Then let's see what story you want to write."

"Yes, yes...what is the title of your book?!"

Everyone came together at once.

Su Ping'an didn't intend to hide it, so he showed the jade plaque in his hand openly. Then everyone saw three words written on the jade slip, and subconsciously read: ""Star Change"


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