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Chapter 752 Can't afford it?

There were not many works at the calligraphy conference in the morning. The other three countries were either waiting and watching, or they were busy coming up with new stories, just like Wen Liang and Long Cheng. However, in the afternoon, there were many more books on the calligraphy list.

, at least the literary cultivators of the four countries have begun to build jade slips.

After all, this is a competition. The earlier the storybook appears, the sooner it will gain popularity.

There is only one chapter of Su Ping'an's "Star Transformation", but in just one afternoon, the number of readers has exceeded 10,000. Because there were not many books on the list at the beginning, it was still early for him to establish a book, so it ranked tenth

Position, this position is neither good nor bad, so I can still make do.

Seeing that the competition became visibly fiercer, Su Ping'an didn't stay at the venue any longer, "It's time for me to go back and hurry up to finish the manuscript!"

When Su Ping'an returned to Daxuan Hotel in the afternoon, the atmosphere in the hotel was very strange.

The other writers were either thinking about playing chess, calligraphy and painting, or going out to watch the calligraphy competition on the first day and reading new stories. However, Wen Liang, Long Cheng and other calligraphy writers all stayed in the room, working on

After thinking hard and building a car, some people think about it all afternoon, but the more they think about it, the more they collapse; some people are constantly coming up with fantastic ideas, but they still need to polish it carefully if they want to build a complete story.

Anyway, everyone is working hard, so the hotel is much quieter than usual.

Su Ping'an didn't think much about it, and then went back and started coding.

"These guys finally figured it out!"

Secretly, the three elders of the Literary Academy were also patrolling the entire courtyard. When they saw everyone working hard, the three of them nodded frequently.

Sometimes when they encounter some literary students whose story structure is difficult, they will also come up with ideas and help improve the story, which makes the students very happy.

The first day passed quickly. On the second day, when Su Pingan and his team rushed to the calligraphy hall, they looked up and saw that earth-shaking changes had taken place on the list of essays.

The first is the number of stories. On the first day until Su Ping'an returned, there were less than twenty story books on the literary list. But when I came here early this morning, I saw that the number of jade slips on the literary list had exceeded six.


"With this amount, people from the other three countries have also created jade slips?"

People in the liberal arts college were secretly surprised.

After a whole night, they had just finished the structure of the story and had eliminated the contents of the previous one or two chapters. Unexpectedly, he was the same as the other three countries, and his movements were a little faster than them.

Seeing this, Long Cheng hurriedly said: "Don't be nagging, let's hurry up and register. After a while, the popularity may have a big impact."

"Yes, let's hurry up."

Everyone acted quickly and went to the person responsible for managing the list to register.

Su Ping'an's jade slips have been created, but in order to hide the identity of the creator, now even updating the content in the jade slips requires the intervention of those who manage the list.

In order to ensure the fairness of this literary list competition, I have to say that Da Zhan’s consideration was quite comprehensive.

Su Ping'an handed the new manuscript to an administrator, who took the manuscript to the literary list and sealed the content into 'Xingchen Bian'. Then someone in the crowd said: "Hey, there is something new in 'Xingchen Bian'


"'The Stars Change'? What is this story about? I seemed to have some impression of it before, but I have forgotten it."

"The title of this book is rather weird, and it doesn't sound good to me, so I'll forget it."

Because there are so many new storybooks popping up all of a sudden, Su Ping'an's "Star Transformation" has dropped from the tenth place yesterday to the fortieth place. Even those who read it yesterday, because there was only one piece of content before,

Many people don't remember it, and only a few people have an impression of the story, so they came here specifically to find it.

"Hey, there are five more chapters all of a sudden. The creator of 'Star Transformation' has something up his sleeve!"

"What, is it true or false? Can anyone create something so fast?"

"If you write so fast, your writing will definitely not be good."

Among those who followed it, they saw that "Star Transformation" had a large number of updates, and it suddenly attracted the attention of many people.

After all, it is a competition between the four countries. In order to strive for excellence, the literary writers on the list all work hard. After they write a chapter of the story, they often have to review it again later, and then correct typos or consider some words and sentences.

, the revised manuscript was already a mess, and they needed to re-write it into a text. After all this time, it took only an hour or two to finish it.

So at the end of a day, even the most diligent writer can write three or four chapters, which is considered a feat. But now, Su Ping'an has written five chapters, which is beyond the expectations of these old bookworms.


In terms of the number of updates alone, Su Pingan has undoubtedly become the number one.

Seeing this scene, Su Ping'an's lips curled up, and then he said to himself: "Maybe updating this area can also make everyone curl up."

Su Ping'an smiled evilly, with a hint of ill-intention in his expression.

Others need to think about stories, but he doesn't worry about it at all.

If Feng Shaoyang and the others were around at this time, they would definitely be wary when they saw his smile, because often when Su Pingan smiles like this, it is when he decides not to be a human being.

Soon, Wen Liang and the others came back, and each of them had an extra jade slip in their hands. Soon after, the administrators of the literary list began to hang a new batch of jade slips on the literary list. Naturally, most of them were

They all belong to Wenliang and the others.

"Next, the war begins!"

The moment he saw his jade slip hanging on the literary list, Feng Shaoyang clenched his fists and muttered.

The expressions of Long Cheng and others also became inexplicably colder, as if they were really on the battlefield.

At this moment, Wenbang was like a battlefield, except that there was no bloodshed in the fighting, but the cruelty was no less than that of a real battlefield.

While everyone was observing the literary list, literary scholars from other three countries also arrived unknowingly.

Although Ji Fengbai from Dafeng Country is not a calligraphy major, he is quite strong in calligraphy. He led a group of people to the literary list. After seeing Su Ping'an and others, the people on both sides looked at each other.

Without saying a word, the sword was already shining and sparks were flying.

Then Xuanyuan Qi and Zhou Hu from Dali Kingdom also came. Their people were all here. Even those who were not here to participate in the calligraphy competition, they all showed up together to cheer for the people from their Canaan Academy, so their momentum was

It's the most vicious.

Finally, there are the people from Da Zhan. As the hosts, as soon as they appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the venue.

"Feng Haitang, this is Miss Feng Haitang, she will definitely be the leader of calligraphy this time!"

"While Feng Haitang Wenzong is here, let's see who else can act so arrogantly in front of our great master Zhan Wenxiu."

"Master Huo Lei is here, he will definitely be proud of the literary list!"

"There is also Master Gu Qingfeng, he is one of the best calligraphers in our Da Zhan. He will definitely be able to suppress all the powerful enemies this time and reach the top spot!"

The Four Kingdoms literary cultivators were all gathered at the venue at once.

In front of the huge literary list, at this moment, he seemed a bit insignificant in front of the calligraphy and literary cultivators from the Four Kingdoms.

The literary cultivators from the Four Kingdoms all had serious faces, and then they all looked at me, then at you, with fighting spirit, dissatisfaction, hatred... all kinds of eyes and gazes met together, and finally formed an extremely strong aura.

Then they collided and crushed each other.

Hear the thunder in silence!

Such a situation frightened the book fans around them into silence for a moment, and the entire huge venue was so silent that one could hear the drop of a pin.

The people in the liberal arts college did not want to weaken their own momentum at first, so when others looked over, the people in the liberal arts college straightened their backs, deliberately put on a cold posture, and then fiercely attacked the opponent.

Stared over.

But as they stared, they suddenly realized that it seemed that in the end, the people from the other three countries were staring at them.

There were still people in the crowd who didn't know what was going on and whispered: "Brother Longcheng, the people of Dali Country are so fierce, but my eyes are not as good as theirs, what about you?"

Long Cheng was speechless for a while.

How long has this been? Guan Feng is still talking nonsense with me. Is it now a question of whether to lose or not?!

But Feng Shaoyang answered, and said: "Damn it, I can't hold it any longer. Why are more than a dozen people from the Gale Country across the way staring at me? What are you doing? Hurry up and help me stare back together."

Then I heard a literary scholar from the liberal arts college say weakly: "Brother, why do I feel that people from the three countries are staring at us? Do they want to rush up and beat us directly, or...

…Let’s escape first?!”

After being exposed by that Wen Xiuyi, Feng Shaoyang and Guan Feng came to their senses and took a closer look. Well, it is indeed like this. You are all trying to join forces, can't you afford it?!

This chapter has been completed!
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