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Eight hundred and fortieth chapters siren attack


There was a thunder in the sky, and lightning tore through the dark clouds, intertwining various shapes in the sky, as if gods and demons were fighting in the sky. Then heavy rain poured down, and a water-colored bead curtain suddenly enveloped the entire Apocalypse City.

In the Daxuan Pavilion, as the piano competition ended, the Wenxiu of the other three competitions in Daxuan were completely relaxed. They no longer had to bear any pressure, and they no longer had to cheer themselves up every day. The remaining time of the Daxuan Competition , they only need to read and listen to storybooks and go shopping in Da Zhan every day.

As for the rest of the competition, Su Ping'an is entirely responsible.

"Let me go, it turns out that the person who killed Ling Buyi's uncle's family was actually Ling Buyi's father. This..."

"Hey, 'Niao Niao' is trying on wedding clothes, but 'Ling Buyi' is 'killing his father'. What kind of fairy tale is this!"

"'Ling Buyi', his name is 'Huo Wushang', he is not the son of the Chengyang Marquis. It was the Chengyang Marquis who admitted his mistake."

"This chapter is so exciting!"

The students from the Faculty of Arts were all chasing after the "Brilliant Star" in the hotel. They were having a great time watching it, and the discussion was also very heated.

Hearing the commotion here, Su Pingan came over and said speechlessly: "Why are you all watching 'Xinghan' too?"

As soon as these words came out, Cai Shaocheng immediately stood up and said with a smile: "Boss Su, what are you talking about? 'Xing Han' is your story. We think this is also supporting you. And 'Xing Han' dominates the rankings like this For a long time, we also want to see how good your story is."

When Su Ping'an heard this, the corner of his mouth curled up and he asked, "What happens next?"

Miao Quan immediately stood up and answered: "Of course it goes without saying that the writing is good. The plot you wrote is simply amazing. We were guessing who is the 'Ling Buyi' after watching the previous one." Big enemy, I didn't expect it after guessing that it was his father. Thank you for thinking it. By the way, tell us quickly, this 'Ling Buyi' has already 'killed his father', then what will happen to him in the future? What will happen?”

"Yes, yes... tell us first, what happened to this 'Ling Buyi'?"

"Where's Niao Niao? Can Niao Niao still be with Ling Buyi?"

A group of people soon began to ask Su Pingan for spoilers. The noise was so loud that Su Pingan had a headache. Fortunately, Longcheng stepped forward to smooth things over and said: "Okay, okay... don't argue anymore, it's coming soon." The martial arts competition is about to begin, and we are still counting on this guy to make a big show of his merits for us, so you just let him be quiet."

When it came to fighting, everyone became quiet again.

Wen Liang then looked at the gloomy sky and said: "It has been raining heavily for three days in a row. Originally, after the Qin Dao Competition ended, the fighting was going to start the next day, but it turned out that it has been postponed until now because of the heavy rain. Judging from the current weather conditions, I’m afraid we won’t be able to start in the next two days.”

Su Pingan then asked: "Isn't the martial arts competition held in the guild hall just like the previous competitions? What does this have to do with rain?"

Having said this, Long Cheng shook his head, and then explained: "It's like this. According to the usual competition between the four countries, the competition usually involves the literary cultivators from the four countries who want to participate in the martial arts fight together on the stage, and then draw lots to decide. There is no winner. However, this time the Four Nations competed, the Four Nations considered that the rules of the previous competition had been modified, so the fight should be conducted in a different way, so before that they discussed whether Wen could be allowed to compete. The cultivators will all go to a certain island, and then let the literary cultivators compete freely. Take the jade slips as their destiny and see who can survive to the end, who will be the final winner."

"What, the rules have changed?"

When Feng Shaoyang and others heard the new rules, their eyes immediately lit up, "This rule is great, it will be so fun to compete like this."

Wen Liang also used his brain, and immediately figured out some key points, "This competition is good, because now the competition is not about personal Confucianism and Taoism strength, but the competition is about the cooperation of the team."

Su Pingan nodded, and he immediately thought of the pros and cons of this competition.

The advantage is that literary cultivators from various countries can unite and attack others together, and have a greater chance of winning; the disadvantage is that if you are not smart, you can easily be tricked or fall into someone else's trap.

In short, this kind of martial arts competition increases the ability of actual combat and makes the competition more free and exciting.

"I quite like this way of playing!"

Su Ping'an himself doesn't like to be restrained. He doesn't like the kind of rigid, one-on-one competition. This kind of competition that can be played casually is more suitable for him and makes it easier to cause trouble.

Long Cheng then sighed and said: "But now due to the weather, I'm afraid this competition method will be canceled again. After all, the weather is too bad!"

Before everyone could be happy for a long time, they were immediately poured cold water on them, and Feng Shaoyang and others suddenly stopped.

Su Ping'an also shook his head, and then he looked up at the heavy rain outside the house. He felt a sense of depression and dullness in the air pressure. He always felt that something bad was going to happen, so he said: "I don't know if you have

I don’t feel it, it seems like it’s been raining for too long in Tianqi City.”

Others had not yet realized the meaning of Su Ping'an's words. Some people wondered: "It's raining. Is there any problem with this?"

Su Ping'an frowned slightly and explained: "As far as I know, in areas near the sea, the weather generally changes very quickly. It never rains for more than two or three hours, and the longest is only one day. But this time it rained heavily.

Zhan’s rain was a little too long.”

Before others could understand the meaning of Su Pingan's words, Long Cheng and Wen Liang reacted. They both looked shocked and said in unison: "Are you saying that this rain is not normal, and there must be a monster if something goes wrong?


Su Ping'an nodded slightly, then he didn't speak, he just stared at Heavy Rain with a strange light shining in his eyes.

Everyone else also looked at the heavy rain outside, and a bad feeling suddenly rose in their hearts.

The heavy rain continued for another whole day. This is also the twenty-eighth day of the Four Nations Tournament. According to the pre-match process, the martial arts competition is almost over at this time, and then the statistics of all the final competitions will basically begin.

results, then hold an awards ceremony, and finally return to the country, but now...

Just when everyone was still guessing how long the rain would last, Da Zhan finally couldn't sit still anymore, and then news came that the rules of the competition had been changed again, and the literary cultivators were no longer allowed to go.

There is a competition on the outdoor island, and it has been changed back to the original drawing duel, so that the literary cultivators can compete indoors without fear of heavy rain.

"What? Changed it again?"

"What's going on? In the grand competition of the Four Nations, the rules are changed at the drop of a hat."

"I still prefer to compete freely outdoors."

"Forget it, there's nothing we can do about it. Who made the weather look like this?"

But just when everyone was complaining and had to prepare for tomorrow's martial arts competition, at midnight that night, a military report suddenly came from outside Tianqi City.

Three hundred miles outside the city from Tianqi City, there is a small town by the sea called "Luoyue City". There, at dusk in the afternoon, a large number of sea monsters were suddenly discovered near the town.

Originally, the literary cultivators and soldiers of Luoyue City only thought that this was another ordinary sea monster attack. Because it was close to the seaside, Luoyue City had long been accustomed to such things as sea monster attacks.

As usual, they blew the bugle, then summoned the army to open the ban in the city and prepare to resist the sea monsters. However, the number of sea monsters this time far exceeded their expectations. The sea monsters had already formed a beast tide. Looking at the situation,

Looking out, the vast sea is filled with silhouettes of sea monsters.

And this time there were many powerful sea monsters among the sea monsters. There were monster generals and sea monsters who took the lead in the charge early on.

Luoyue City is just a small and medium-sized town in Da Zhan. Their location was generally relatively safe in previous years, so the restrictions were not too strong. As a result, the strength and number of the Kraken this time were far greater than before, resulting in the protective barrier of Luoyue City.

Within half an hour, it was directly destroyed by the sea monster, and then a large number of sea monsters passed through the border like locusts, and all of them rushed into Luoyue City. As a result, Luoyue City was destroyed overnight, and countless people and literary cultivators fled.

Now that the sea monster tide has entered the hinterland of Da Zhan through Luoyue City, those sea monsters know that Apocalypse City is the most important place in Da Zhan and has the strictest protection. Naturally, their attack will not rush towards Apocalypse City, but in Apocalypse City

There are many small and medium-sized towns around the city.

Once the Kraken continues to wreak havoc in the hinterland, it will be a disaster for Da Zhan.

So after the military report was sent to Tianqi City overnight, Da Zhan's royal family immediately convened the ministers for an emergency meeting, and then dispatched troops and generals to continuously send people to support and kill the sea monster.

However, after the Kraken entered the hinterland of Da Zhan, it divided into several teams and swarmed in different directions. This made Da Zhan's troops feel a little stretched for a while.

At this critical moment, the old Taoist painter Su Ping'an had seen before, Zhenhai Houweng, made a suggestion to the royal family, "Now it coincides with the Four Kingdoms Competition, and the envoys from the other three countries are also in our country. Their strength

It’s also very powerful, why don’t we use the other three countries to help us kill the sea monster?”

When the royal family members heard this, they frowned and said: "But the other three countries have always been in competition with us, Da Zhan. They all hope that our national fortune will decline. Now it happens that the Kraken is causing trouble. They will just cause trouble if they don't follow."

Now, will they still help us?!"

Weng Yizhong's eyes flashed, and the ordinary appearance of the past had long since receded, replaced by the appearance of a shrewd and cunning old fox. He said majestically: "Simple, the martial arts competition hasn't been held yet, right?

Taking this opportunity, we can just hold a martial arts competition together. The rules of this martial arts competition are that the victory or defeat will be determined by the number of sea monsters killed!"

When they heard the idea of ​​Weng Yizhong, the eyes of everyone in the Da Zhan royal family suddenly lit up.

This chapter has been completed!
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