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Eight hundred and seventieth eight chapters the biggest winner


The blessing of national destiny lasted for ten breaths, and within ten breaths, Su Ping'an's cultivation suddenly skyrocketed from the ninth realm of Wenshi to the fifth realm of Wenzong. Such a speed of progress simply shocked everyone in the circle.

"Phew... so strong!"

As the colorful national destiny and cultural atmosphere all around disappeared, Su Ping'an finally let out a breath and opened his eyes. He clenched his fists and felt a surging power flowing through his limbs, giving him a sense of strength.

Create the illusion that one punch can break the void.

"Now if I use all the magical spells in 'Journey to the West', I won't fall down in five seconds."

Su Pingan felt his current state and thought silently.

After receiving the blessing of the National Games, Su Ping'an suddenly gained a lot of envy and jealousy, and after the individual awards, there were collective awards.

In this Four Kingdoms Competition, the overall results of the four categories of calligraphy, music, painting, and martial arts were evaluated.

Su Ping'an, the king of calligraphy and literature, occupied the top six places with six books, which directly raised the overall ranking of Daxuan. This made Daxuan undisputedly win the group award of the Calligraphy Competition.

Compared with the individual awards, the group awards are literary masters and treasures. Although it is not as good as Wenzong Wenbao, there are rewards for the top twenty people in the Daxuan group, so this can be regarded as a big deal.

Long Cheng, Wen Liang, Feng Shaoyang, Guan Feng and others all obtained cultural treasures at once, which finally made their envy of Su Pingan lessened a lot.

"We also have cultural treasure rewards!"

Guan Feng touched an inkstone in his hand and felt pleased with himself. Although the quality of the inkstone was not good, it was an honor from the Four Kingdoms Competition and could not be compared with other inkstones.

Moreover, before the four-nation competition, the four countries all put up a share of their national games as bets. It depends on which country can win the most team honors in this competition, and the national games will be allocated to which country.

Taking a competition as a piece of national luck as an example, Daxuan has now earned its own national luck. If it can still get national luck in the future, it will be earned.

After calligraphy, there is painting. In this painting competition, Su Ping'an ranked first in the rankings, which greatly improved Daxuan's results. It is a pity that other people's paintings ranked lower, so in terms of overall

In terms of results, Dali Country came out on top.

"Huh... This time we finally didn't lose anything. Otherwise, we would really have no shame in returning to China."

Everyone who saw the group painting competition was rewarded with a big gift, and everyone who received the big gift breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the national destiny is extraordinary. If they do not gain any reputation this time and lose a share of the national destiny, then Xuanyuan Qi and others will probably be nailed to the pillar of shame by the people and literary cultivators in the country after they return, and they will not be able to hold their heads up for the rest of their lives.


Then came Qintao again.

Qindao Su Ping'an didn't perform much, but he contributed a lot of songs, such as 'Ambush from Flying Daggers', 'Spring River Flower Moonlight Night', 'Lanling King Enters the Battle Song', and '囍' and so on...

Nowadays, when it comes to who is the most powerful composer in the entire continent, no one would object when it comes to Su Pingan.

With several classic pieces of music, he was directly recognized by the four countries, who rated him as the number one composer.

But this time Cai Shaocheng, Lu Mingyue and Zhou Xiucai also performed very well. When the four countries took turns to play the piano, it was Da Zhan who fell behind the previous level, so the Qindao group award was won by Daxuan again.

, which made the people of Da Zhan all bow their heads and sigh.

Finally, there is the martial arts competition. Because of the emergence of the beast tide, the martial arts competition attracts the most attention.

In the group points competition, there is no doubt that Daxuan won the first place again.

Su Ping'an led the people from the liberal arts academy and Dali to fight in a bloody battle to kill hundreds of thousands of sea monsters. Su Ping'an relied on his personal strength to repel the attacks of the Turtle Emperor and the Sea Dragon Emperor, crushing the results of everyone present with his absolute performance.

And this is for Da Zhan, so no one can say anything.

Therefore, the group rewards for the martial arts competition have also gone to the hands of everyone in Daxuan. According to statistics, in addition to getting back the share of national luck that they contributed, Daxuan has earned two shares of national luck. This allows Elders Chun and others

He was so happy, "Great, this time our Daxuan can finally make up for the lost national fortune in the past, and have a chance to regain its peak!"

Elder Hua also nodded and said: "Originally, before this competition came, I didn't have high hopes. I just thought it would be good if my results were not worse than in previous years. But I didn't expect that this time, we would actually achieve the best results since Confucian Sage.

The results are really not easy!”

Elder Zhuo echoed: "Now we can finally give an explanation to the people when we return to China!"

What a relief!

This was the biggest feeling of the three elders at this time.

And because of Su Pingan's leadership, Dali Kingdom also ranked second in total points in this martial arts competition, which also made Dali Kingdom Zhou Hu and others very happy.

"We actually defeated Da Zhan and Dafeng, hahaha... We are not the worst anymore, we are not the worst..."

These words made Da Zhan and Dafeng's people blush.

Are you polite?!

In the blink of an eye, another three days have passed, but the residual heat of the Four Kingdoms Competition is still spreading in Tianqi City.

After the competition, Su Ping'an's story was operated by the Da Zhan royal family and began to be printed on their behalf, and then transferred to other cities in Da Zhan. In this way, Su Ping'an would harvest a large number of stories in a very short time.

As he becomes more book-loving and literary, his cultivation level will continue to skyrocket.

There are also his paintings, the music he created, the chess records he played... As the first person in the history of this Four Kingdoms Competition, all his experiences in the competition will be used as publicity points and then spread throughout the country.

Including Dafeng Country and Dali Country, this is also a unique treatment for Dabi No. 1.

However, while Da Zhan was still immersed in the celebration of Da Biyu, the envoys from other countries were beginning to think about returning home.

In the morning, the wind was clear and clear, with no clouds in the sky.

Daxuan's empty boat slowly took off into the sky, and then the soldiers began to move the prepared supplies onto the boat.

Su Ping'an and others had also finished cleaning up, and when they left the dormitory where they had lived for more than a month, they still felt a little bit reluctant to leave.

"This experience is rare, but we will go back after all!"

Wen Liang looked back at the small courtyard behind him, feeling quite emotional for a moment.

Many of their past experiences seemed to flash through the small courtyard.

Scenes of music battles with Dali Kingdom across the wall; scenes of all calligraphy cultivators working hard day and night on writing; scenes of piano cultivators working hard on practicing music, painting cultivators painting, chess cultivators playing chess, etc., all flashed before everyone's eyes.

Just when everyone was feeling a little down, Su Pingan also walked up and sighed: "Yes, this experience is really rare, especially the previous awards. It would be great if I could do it again!"


After hearing Su Pingan's words, Wen Liang's sentimental mood immediately disappeared without a trace, and his expression even looked a little resentful.

What you said is rare is not the same thing as what I said is rare, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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