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Chapter 244 King Qi Who Afraid of Death

King Qi really didn't expect that in his lifetime he would see three ministers and the crown prince Dingguo come to him specifically to discuss national affairs. However, before he could get excited, he heard Shi Bin, the minister of official affairs, with a solemn look on his face.

He said to him, "Your Majesty, your Majesty's injury is urgent, and the chaos in Jingzhou is urgent. As the prince, you are the most suitable person to go to Jingzhou to quell the chaos!"

The corners of Prince Qi's lips that were half raised suddenly froze.

"Your Majesty, what Shi Shangshu said is absolutely true. There is no need to delay in Jingzhou now. If Your Majesty can quell the chaos in Jingzhou, Your Majesty will certainly not forget Your merits when he rewards you in the future." Seeing the stiff look on King Qi's face, the Ministry of Punishment

The minister also hurriedly stepped forward to agree.

"No, my lords, I, it's not that I don't want to go, it's just that the entire Jingzhou City is plagued by plague. What will happen even if I go?" King Qi looked at the people with a troubled face and said.

"Your Majesty, you don't have to worry about this. I have already thought of this for you. You can bring the imperial edict with you and recruit officials from various states and counties along the way. This will also bring a glimmer of hope for the people of Jingzhou!" Prince Dingguo also spoke at the right time.

King Qi obviously did not expect that the crown prince Dingguo would say such a thing. He was stunned for a moment, and then his whole face almost twisted into a knot, "Prince, is there no other way?"

Of course he knew that the Jingzhou incident was a rare opportunity for him to establish his image and prestige in front of officials and people.

But he knew better that in exchange for this opportunity, he had to risk his own life!

There will be opportunities in the future, but this is the only life!

Therefore, King Qi expressed embarrassment that he actually did not really want this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Your Majesty, this is the most feasible method that I have considered after discussing with several ministers! You will not advocate burning down the entire Jingzhou City like the prince!" Prince Dingguo said with a stern face.

Although King Qi felt in his heart that the prince's method was not impossible, looking at the gloomy faces of several people, he pursed his lips and did not dare to say these words.

"Of course not, it's just what I think... I don't necessarily have to go to Jingzhou in person. It's the same if we choose someone to go on my behalf. Your Majesty, what do you think?" King Qi bent stiffly.

He looked at a few people tentatively with his lips and said.

"Your Majesty, in the current situation in Jingzhou, no one with a lower status can stabilize the situation. You are the best candidate, but if you really don't want to go, then the only candidate left is King Duan."

As the Crown Prince spoke, he glanced at the Minister of Punishment and the Minister of Work.

He had already guessed how someone as greedy as King Qi and afraid of death could risk himself, but these two people did not give up and insisted on asking. Well, now they also heard King Qi's answer with their own ears.

Okay, now you have to worry about it!

The two ministers naturally noticed the gaze of Prince Dingguo. They glanced at each other with furrowed eyebrows, and then turned away at the same time.

Originally, the Crown Prince was already half dead. They thought, instead of doing this, it would be better to quickly build up the prestige of the King of Qi.

After all, His Majesty's situation is not very good now, but I didn't expect...

King Qi is so greedy for life and afraid of death!

"Prince Duan, yes, yes, yes, I think the candidate you proposed for the Crown Prince is very good. How about I send someone to call my fourth brother over now?" When the Crown Prince Dingguo threw out the candidate Prince Duan,

King Qi breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time felt a secret joy in his heart.

Anyway, Prince Duan is his biological brother, so it would be the same for him to follow him!

Thinking of this, without waiting for Duke Dingguo and the others to come back, King Qi quickly ordered his entourage, "Come here, hurry up, go and invite King Duan over!"

"Yes." King Qi's attendant responded, then immediately bowed and retreated.

Seeing the smile hanging on the corners of King Qi's lips, Prince Dingguo couldn't help but sneer at the corners of his lips. Then, he poured a basin of cold water on him, "My lord, you don't even want to go."

, do you think King Duan will be willing to go?"

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the smile on the corners of King Qi's lips immediately stiffened.

"Your Majesty, since you think Prince Duan is suitable, you can convince Prince Duan yourself! I have other things to do, so I will leave first." The Crown Prince of Dingguo said this and neatly bowed his hands to Prince Qi.

, then, he turned around and took a big step towards the door without looking back.

When Prince Dingguo suddenly waved his hands and left, the three ministers couldn't help but look at each other, and for a moment they all looked at each other.

"Your Majesty, since the candidates to go to Jingzhou are decided on you and Prince Duan, why don't you and Prince Duan discuss it yourself, and if you come up with the result, just come and inform me! I still have to go to your majesty, so

, I will take my leave first." After saying this, Shi Bin, the Minister of Civil Affairs, also bowed to the King of Qi, and before leaving, he did not forget to wink at the other two Ministers.

Since King Qi wants to get King Duan out, why do these old guys like them join in the fun here? It's a good idea. King Duan went to Jingzhou willingly. If it's not done well, wouldn't it be unreasonable?

Wang Jihen?

"Your Majesty, if this is the case, then I will also resign."

"There is also an old minister. The old minister also resigned."

The other two ministers also raised their hands and said goodbye to King Qi.

"No, Liao Shangshu, Zhang Shangshu, and Prince Duan are coming soon. Why don't you wait a little longer?" Seeing that these two people were about to leave, King Qi became a little anxious. He quickly took a step forward and grabbed Liao Shangshu's clothes.

After all, this job in Jingzhou is not easy to handle. If they both leave, who will talk to King Duan about this?

Liao Shangshu frowned slightly. He rolled his eyes and glanced around. After making sure that no one was around, he lowered his voice and said to the king, "My lord, if you want to get Prince Duan to agree, you can also ask Concubine Xian to do it."

Please come over?"

"My mother-in-law?"

"Yes, yes! Concubine Xian must have clearly understood the pros and cons of this matter with His Highness Prince Duan." Zhang Shangshu also echoed at this time.

Upon hearing this, King Qi's eyes suddenly lit up. He raised the corners of his lips, then smiled and let go of Liao Shangshu's clothes, "In that case, the two adults will go slowly."

Liao Shangshu and Zhang Shangshu looked at each other, and then they saluted King Qi in unison, "Your Majesty, I take my leave."

After bowing, the two of them quickly walked out the door without even pausing.

As soon as the two left, King Qi immediately called anxiously to his entourage, "Quick, go and invite the mother and concubine, go and invite the mother and concubine over!"

As soon as King Qi said these words, a follower immediately stood up and said, "Yes."

King Qi's eyes moved, and he suddenly seemed to have thought of something, "Wait a minute! I will personally invite my mother and concubine!"

He had to go to his mother and concubine in person to explain the seriousness of the incident in Jingzhou, otherwise, King Duan would come later and there would be many things he would not be able to say in front of him.

On the other side, Shangshu Liao and Shangshu Zhang had not gone far when they met Shi Bin, Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel, who was standing in the corner of the corridor waiting for them.

Seeing the two people coming out, Shi Bin smiled at them and said, "How about Liao Shangshu, Zhang Shangshu? Does King Qi really intend to send King Duan to Jingzhou?"

Upon hearing Shi Bin's words, Liao Shangshu's face immediately became unhappy. He said, "Shi Shangshu, why don't you take us with you when you leave! Didn't we agree to advance together and retreat together?"

Shi Bin laughed and said, "Look at what you said, didn't I give you a wink?"

After hearing what Shi Bin said, Liao Shangshu pursed his lips, but said nothing more, "King Qi should go find Concubine Xian now!"

"The Concubine Xian?" Shi Bin was slightly startled, but in just a moment he immediately understood the key. He said, "Liao Shangshu, could it be that you gave the idea to King Qi?"

"Otherwise? Is it possible that I and Zhang Shangshu really can't convince Prince Duan?" Liao Shangshu rolled his eyes at Shi Bin and said.

With his sharp tongue, it is not impossible to persuade King Duan to express benefits and move people with affection, but in front of King Qi, how can he say those benefits to others easily? Moreover, once these benefits are promised, they will not be able to persuade him in the future.

, if King Duan uses this to ask him to stand in line and help, wouldn't he put himself in a dilemma?

Alas! The current situation is really dangerous!

Even if there are regulations for Jingzhou's affairs, what about the capital city?

Compared with Jingzhou, what worries him more is the capital city!

"Okay, okay, let's wait for King Qi and King Duan to discuss the matter in Jingzhou. As for the capital, why don't we send people back to Beijing to find out the news first!" Zhang Shangshu stood up and said worriedly.

As soon as Zhang Shangshu said these words, both Shi Bin and Liao Shangshu's expressions became heavy.

The matter in Jingzhou is easy to solve. As long as King Qi and King Duan try their best, even if the people of Jingzhou City cannot be saved in the end, they can at least silence the public, but the capital city is different...

If the prince and Xu Shoufu have turned against each other, then the capital will be in crisis. Apart from other things, they both have family members in the capital!

If the crown prince and Xu Shoufu threaten their family members left in the capital, what should they do?

"In this matter, we still have to look at His Majesty's decision in the end. After all..."

After all, His Majesty has not yet convicted the Crown Prince and Chief Xu.

Shi Bin did not say the latter sentence, but Liao Shangshu and Zhang Shangshu obviously understood it.

"But Your Majesty's current situation is really worrying. Can't we just waste our time here in the hunting palace?" Zhang Shangshu frowned and said unwillingly.

Just in case there is something wrong with Your Majesty...

"Zhang Shangshu, your majesty should wake up soon! However, what Liao Shangshu just said is right. We should send people to the capital to investigate the situation before your majesty wakes up!" Shi Bin looked at the two with a solemn face.


"Then who should we send?" Zhang Shangshu asked hurriedly.

Shi Bin frowned and pondered for a while before slowly saying, "Do you still remember that there is a man named Xia Yu in Jin Yiwei..."

"You mean the Qianhu of Jinyiwei who accused Wang Tao!" Liao Shangshu immediately remembered who Xia Yu was.

Shi Bin nodded heavily, "Yes! That's him! After all, he is Jin Yiwei Qianhu. Maybe there are people he can control among the Jin Yiwei left in the capital!"

This is better than them sending people back to Beijing again!

After all, after the failure of the plan of the crown prince and Xu Shoufu, they will strictly guard the capital. They are afraid of sneaking into the capital easily, not to mention that there is still a distance between the hunting palace and the capital. Therefore, the best way is to let people in the capital go out.

Deliver the message.

This chapter has been completed!
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