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829 The Apocalypse

After saying that, Yang Liu's eyes turned darkly and looked at Yao Xianxian. Yao Xianxian only lowered his head, not paying any attention to her expectations.

Zhong Si glanced at her: "If you can't go up, just stay."

Yang Liu's complexion changed slightly, and her eyes suddenly became as dense as mist, as if she was about to burst into tears.

"Now that I'm here, how can I leave?"

Lin Chu smiled and patted her shoulder: "I'll take you up."

Yang Liu froze, feeling that Lin Chu's words sounded strange. Looking at her face, she smiled brightly, as open as the moon.

She couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and secretly thought that she was too worried.

"Thank you." She said softly.

Before the word "thank you" could even hit the ground, I suddenly felt that my feet were in the air, and someone grabbed my waist and jumped up into the air.


Yang Liu exclaimed in fright.

Looking down from her point of view, it feels very cold up there.

The house in the night was like the ferocious mouth of a beast, which seemed to be able to swallow her whole body in an instant.

Yang Liu subconsciously stretched out his arms towards Lin Chu, intending to hold her waist tightly.


Just when his fingers touched Lin Chu's clothes, he suddenly felt a sharp pain, as if he had touched a hot iron plate.

Fingertips, where is the human body?

Yang Liu was so painful that he immediately let go, but unexpectedly Lin Chu also let go at the same time.


The body of the willow tree was like a ball, and it hit the roof hard. Smoke and dust rose up like fog in the night, but it dissipated instantly without causing any waves.

After the dust settled, Lin Chu jumped onto the roof.

The other three followed closely behind, cautiously gathered in the corner of the room, and looked towards the theater together.

Yangliu lay quietly, feeling raw pain from the thick and hard rubble beneath him, but could not move at all.

She almost died from the fall.

Now she was burning inside and out, as if someone had tightly grasped her belly and intestines and pulled them hard. The pain was so painful that she wished she could die on the spot. How could she still have the strength to listen carefully to what Lin Chu and the others were saying?

No one paid attention to her around, as if everyone had suddenly forgotten her.

The theater was illuminated by torches as bright as day.

Baili Yunsheng was sitting beside the table on the stage, holding a bright dagger in his hand and playing with it.

In the past, he always showed a gentle image, always smiled modestly, and behaved kindly, politely, and easy to get along with.

At this moment, all the smiles on his face had disappeared.

Her thin lips were tightly lined, and her eyes were staring at the sharp edge of the dagger in her hand. Her eyes seemed to have been contaminated by the cold light of the iron, and they lost all warmth.

In the darkness under the stage, there was a crowd of people, and from time to time there were sounds of sadness.

Lin Chu squinted his eyes, and his whole body was filled with a dark, mist-like haze.

The situation in the courtyard, just as Yang Liu said, those trapped in the courtyard now are all old, young, women and children.

"My commander's patience is limited."

Baili Yunsheng spoke slowly: "You Han Men Alley harbored the imperial criminals and are obsessed with it. Now that the time has come, if you still refuse to tell the imperial convicts, then you can't blame me for killing them all!"

His eyes were cold and cold, and the fingers playing with the dagger suddenly tightened: "Go."

Gulu gulu.

The monotonous and dull voice drowned out the noise all around.

There was nothing strange about the sound, just like wooden wheels rolling across the road. But it inexplicably gave rise to an unspeakable shiver deep in the heart.

In an instant, I saw several cars slowly rolling out from the four corners of the yard.

The cart is an ordinary push cart with wooden poles and wooden wheels that can be seen everywhere.

The people in Hanmen Alley are all from the lowest level in Shangjing City. Many of them are from coolie backgrounds, so carts like this are all too familiar.

When they saw the car coming, everyone was silent for a moment, and they all looked sideways at the cart.

This chapter has been completed!
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