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902 Can I Trust You?


Lin Changxi's body trembled violently.

The hot spring water was slippery in the deep night, and their clothes were wetted by the pool water and clung to their bodies. Lin Changxi was about to go ashore when Duanmuyan bumped into her, and she immediately lost her strength.

The warm fragrance of nephrite filled his arms, and the faint fragrance of the girl's body wafted together with the aroma of wine. Lin Changxi's heart swayed, throbbing under pressure, and he immediately looked away.

"You drank too much. Sixth brother, come and ask me to take you back."

"Don't go."

Duanmuyan groaned and hugged Lin Changxi tighter, pressing his whole body against him.

Lin Changxi's heart beat like thunder, and his whole body felt unbearably hot.

The distance between the two of them was only separated by two thin wet clothes. The girl's body was so slender that one could easily feel the undulating softness of her figure.

Lin Changxi's breathing gradually became heavier, and he felt that the hot spring water was unbearably hot, and the steaming water made his mouth dry. This feeling was not pleasant.

"You can let go."

Lin Changxi's beautiful peach blossom eyes were filled with a suppressed red color.

He spoke much faster than usual: "I'll take you back to sober up."

"Don't go."

Duanmuyu's tone was erratic, he only murmured these two words repeatedly, as if he would never speak another word again.

Lin Changxi's head buzzed, and he felt that all the blood in his body was going to his head.

He seemed to be tainted by the smell of her alcohol, and felt dizzy for a moment. This feeling made him resist.

He doesn't like this feeling of being out of control. He knows that if he allows this feeling to develop, he will fall into the abyss!

"Go away!"

He subconsciously took action and pressed Duanmuyan's shoulder, trying to push away the source of the abyss.

However, the smoothness in his palm made his heart tremble, and he suddenly lost all strength. Duanmuyan, whose whole body was as smooth as if there were no bones, made him... unable to start.

"You, let go, you have to rest."

"don't want."

Duanmuyan closed his eyes, and there was a trace of crystal water dripping from the corner of his eyes: "Don't leave me, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Her voice gradually became thicker and nasal, and her thin shoulders couldn't stop trembling.

Lin Changxi froze, and lowered his head to look at the face of the woman in his arms. Duanmuyan's skin and hair were wet from the hot spring water, but a slight redness could be clearly seen in the water marks on his face.

Did she cry?

Lin Changxi felt shocked.

Who is Duan Muyan, the witch in Beijing? She is stronger than anyone else. Even in the face of life and death, her mother died early and her father abandoned her, she has never been seen showing any weakness.

Now she actually... cried?

It was obvious from the look on her face that she had been crying for a long time. It turned out that she hid in the forbidden hot spring area just to cover up the tears on her face?

"Duanmuyan, what happened?" Lin Changxi's tone was unimaginably soft.

His voice was already melodious, but now it was deliberately played softly, and it became the most beautiful music in the world. Listening to it, one would immediately lose their senses.

Duanmuyan raised his head and felt that the eyes of the man in front of him were as deep as the sea, as if he could see into people's hearts at once.

Being looked at by such a pair of eyes, it seemed that all the worries around her had suddenly found an outlet. She felt her heart sour, and her tears were like broken beads that she could no longer control.

"I...can I believe you?" Her eyes were blurred, and her voice was as thin as a gossamer.

"Okay." Lin Changxi looked into her eyes and said without blinking, "Trust me. Say it and I will listen."


Duanmuyan hesitated and slowly opened his mouth: "I misunderstood him, I have always misunderstood him. He died because of me, but until he died, I... never called him father!"

This chapter has been completed!
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