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014 Sixth brother is really unusual


The speed of that thing was extremely fast. Lin Zhi only saw a flash of red light, and then felt his forehead was cold, and something sticky was stuck on it...

He could clearly feel that after the thing was applied, it quickly slid down towards his cheek, leaving wet traces along the way.

It is...alive!

Lin Zhi has never been afraid of anything, but his childhood experience made him extremely disgusted by the weird touch like the one he was seeing now. His heart felt like it was overturned, he pursed his lips and poured in his inner strength on his fingertips, and his two long jade fingers instantly turned as green as jasper.

Crispy. No hesitation to point towards the source of the creaminess on the surface.

However, that thing was very slippery. It seemed to be able to sense his intentions in advance, and as early as when his fingertips reached for it, it slipped away quietly to another place.

Lin Zhi frowned, withdrew his hands and sat upright, closing his eyes slightly. He watched as the jasper-like green color spread from his neck to his cheeks.

"If you want to find Duanmuyan, just bear with me!" Lin Chu's voice made Lin Zhi's breath stagnant. His skin color returned to normal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The man sat on the horse and stared at Lin Chu for a moment. Lin Chu also stared at him. In the night, the man's eyes were deeper than the dark night, faintly showing a bit of deep blue.

Lin Chu had never seen such beautiful eyes before, but there was a cool sarcasm on his lips and teeth: "Put away your illusions, I am better at this kind of magic than you."

Lin Zhi's eyes condensed, and the deep blue in his eyes disappeared in an instant. The color of his eyes was actually purer than the darkness at night, and he looked at Lin Chu a little more inquisitively.

"I won't harm you." Lin Chu said slowly: "That one on you is a fine insect, it is good at tracking. You have been in contact with Duanmuyan, and your body will be contaminated with her scent. As long as the fine insect can distinguish her smell,

There is no place in the world for that person to hide!"

Lin Zhi half-closed his eyes and stopped moving, letting the tiny insects swim around on his skin. The touch was not pleasant, but compared with what he had encountered before, what was it?

Lin Chu was a little surprised by the man's obedience, but he didn't look at him too much and focused all his attention on Jingchong.

After only a few breaths, a red light flashed across Lin Zhibo's neck and fell into Lin Chu's palm.

"It's done!" Lin Chu looked at the palm of his hand, with a bit of joy in his eyes.

Lin Zhi looked sideways and saw a fleshy insect the size of a small fingernail lying in her palm. It looked like a cabbage caterpillar, but its body was as red as fire. It had two horns, six legs, a round head and a round brain.

"Are you afraid?" Lin Chu glanced at Lin Zhi and saw that his expression was stern as if facing a formidable enemy. He secretly curled his lips and said, "This thing only weighs less than two ounces of meat. How dare you, a man weighing over a hundred pounds, be afraid of it?"

Lin Zhi snorted coldly and looked away, his expression as noble and cold as the sacred snow lotus. Maybe he was not afraid, but just...disgusting!

"Where is the princess?" The man's voice was cold, and the color was even colder than the night. The sixth brother is the one that dad cares about. For dad...he can bear anything! Even...insects!

"Why are you in a hurry? Let's go now." After saying this, Lin Chu touched the entrance of the short purple jade whistle from his neck. He covered half of the whistle with his index finger and blew out a low and monotonous syllable.

After a short effort, I heard a rustling sound in the forest beside me. The speed was extremely fast, as if something was moving very fast against the ground.

"Come behind me!" Lin Zhi's expression suddenly turned cold: "With this kind of movement, I'm afraid a giant python is coming... to attack."

The last word "attack" was still muttered between his lips and teeth, but the slender and thin young man calmly stopped his whistle and stared at something in front of him, showing a gentle smile on his face.

That was a large python as thick as a bowl. The snake's head was as big as an adult's fists, and the green and black markings on its body created a dizzying halo in the moonlight.

Lin Chu stood in front of it, stretched out his hand and gently stroked its head. He was affectionate and kind.

Lin Zhi squinted his eyes. He could never mistake it. It was a python, not a cat or dog on the roadside. The weak sixth brother had no fear of it? He was as close as a friend?

This man is really... extraordinary!

"Let's go." Lin Chu got on his horse and waved to Lin Zhi: "Let's go find Duanmuyan!"

This chapter has been completed!
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