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1369 Yuzifu's visit

"You are finally back."

While I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard a pop and someone jumped out of the carriage.

Lin Chu raised her eyebrows and never thought of the old couple in shabby clothes standing under the carriage.

It was actually Da Sikong Yuzifu and his wife.

Yu Zifu squinted his eyes and looked at the two people opposite him from head to toe without any politeness. The dissatisfaction in his eyes was like a thorn in the back.

Lin Chu was startled. Is Shangjing so busy recently?

Or is it that the feng shui of Kuizhou Prefecture is particularly good, why are these important figures running here one or two?

"Old man, I've been traveling for several days and I don't know how to invite anyone in?"

Yu Zifu glared: "You are such a good girl, you have to pretend to be a boy to deceive my old man. How can you become so rude like the boy?"

Hearing Yu Zifu's scolding of Lin Chu, Lin Zhi's face darkened for a moment: "I didn't invite you here."

Yu Zifu was choked by Lin Zhi's words for a long time and could not recover. His beard trembled for a long time, but he could not utter a single word.

"You're the same person. Can't you say nice things well?"

Mrs. Yu glanced at Mr. Yu Zi and smiled at Lin Chu: "Xiao Chu, I heard... you found An An?"

The word An'an seemed to have magic power, and the anger on Mr. Yuzi's face calmed down instantly. He could only keep stroking his beard to cover up the discomfort in his eyes.

However, he was in a state of confusion, and the strength in his hand was not accurate. He pulled off several beards with one stroke, grinning in pain.

Lin Chu looked at her and smiled: "You are here to see An An, she is in the backyard, come with me."

"Great kindness!" Mrs. Yu clapped her hands and laughed, with a little relief in her eyes.

Lin Chu gradually turned serious: "There is one thing that you need to know. And you'd better be mentally prepared."


The Yu family were shocked, Mrs. Yu's face changed drastically, and Mr. Yu Zi's husband pulled off a few more beards.

"Some changes happened to An'an during Wuxiangdu. Although her injuries were cured, she... has been unable to walk since then."

It was precisely for this reason that Yu Anan insisted not to return to Beijing. She did not want her disability to cause confusion to her parents.

"Bad... bad thing? My poor child." Mrs. Yu took a deep breath and finally couldn't help but feel sad.

"So what?"

Mr. Yuzi gritted his teeth and said, "My daughter, even if she is lame, is still the best daughter in the world!"

Lin Chu's eyes showed a smile: "As long as you don't mind."

In the backyard, Yu Anan stood in the moonlight, watering the herbs in the yard.

The moonlight turned her pale complexion into a faint layer of silver, making her delicate features more tranquil and serene.

Wen Ruojin took half a gourd to scoop out the water in the bucket beside her, and poured it into the small bucket at her hand.

The water surface in Yu'an'an's small bucket always maintains the same height, neither increasing nor decreasing.

Everyone paused slightly. The peace and quiet in front of them was like a beautiful picture scroll that people couldn't bear to break.

Mrs. Yu's eyes gradually filled with mist: "The last time I saw her, she was just a child."

Yu Anan seemed to realize something and suddenly raised her head.


The water gourd in her hand fell heavily to the ground, and the water in the gourd splashed all over the ground, quickly seeping into the soil and disappearing.

Wen Ruojin picked up the water ladle and put it in the bucket without saying a word, then walked to Yu Zifu calmly.

Yu Zifu raised his eyebrows: "What do you want to do?"


No one expected that Wen Ruojin would kneel down without any warning.

"My father-in-law and mother-in-law are here, Wen Ruojin is courteous," he said.

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