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287 Level 1 Alert, Assemble

Mei Zhi covered her lips and coughed softly: "We are all colleagues...why hurt the harmony? Don't let the first battalion take advantage of the loophole and laugh at us."

The words were intermittent but everyone could hear them clearly. Everyone's eyebrows moved slightly, and they all saw caution in the eyes of others.

Just leave like this? You are not willing to give in! If you don’t leave, how can you get what you want again?

We were in a dilemma when we suddenly heard a loud military bugle sounding over the camp.

"Level 1 alert!" Su Wen listened carefully and gradually frowned: "Assembly call!"

Western Chu has been at peace for a long time, and the national defense army has not yet been formed. What could happen, and the first-level alert rally call was actually blown?

"Let's go!" Lin Chu frowned slightly.

Lin Zhi and Dan Qing arrived one after another last night, and the assembly horn sounded early this morning.

Is there any connection between this?

Everyone in the courtyard took the initiative to retreat and asked Lin Chu to go first. Everyone lined up behind her in a mighty and orderly manner and ran towards the school building.

When the Second Battalion arrived, all the instructors from the National Defense Army were already present. They all looked serious, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

There was only one person in the first battalion, Zhuang Weizhe. After waiting for a long time, all the people in the first battalion arrived in twos and threes.

The teachers remained calm and just waited for everyone to arrive before getting up.

"Everyone." The first person to speak was fighting instructor Sun Zhao. The old man was very energetic despite his age, and his eyes were particularly bright.

Strength has always spoken in the military camp, and Sun Zhao has extremely high prestige among the teachers, and his status is second only to Danqing.

He cleared his throat and said solemnly: "Last night, it was reported that Cao Village in Fengshui County was massacred. The whereabouts of 321 people in the village were unknown. The property and livestock in the village were looted. This case alarmed the Holy Emperor, and the Emperor was furious.

Order the National Guard Army to assist Fengshui County in thoroughly investigating this matter."

"What?" Everyone was surprised.

"Shouldn't investigating crimes be the responsibility of the Criminal Department? What are you asking us to do?" Some people in the first camp began to complain.

"Exactly, we are neither cadres nor cadres, what can we do?"

"Anyone who can massacre a village must be a ruthless bandit. We are still training. How dangerous is it?"

"This is a military order!" Sun Zhao's face darkened: "The military order is like a mountain, how can I allow you to comment on it?"

There was no sound in the camp, but everyone's eyes showed dissatisfaction.

"Old Sun, why do you need to make the atmosphere so stiff?" Yu Zifu, a poetry and literature teacher, chuckled and came over: "What are you saying about massacring villages and robbing monsters? It's just water bandits causing trouble. We are dignified.

Isn’t it easy for a military camp to suppress a bandit?”

"They are all children, don't scare them." Yu Zifu smiled and patted Sun Zhao on the shoulder.

"Master Yuzi, are you the only one who can speak? Then you can speak, and I will be in peace!" Sun Zhao glared at him and backed away angrily.

"Your temper..." Yu Zifu sighed, and when he looked back, his face changed into a gentle smile: "Actually, this bandit suppression is actually a competition."

What does competition mean?

"Suppressing bandits and quelling chaos is not easy, but it is not difficult either." Yu Zifu stroked his gray beard and smiled: "The governor wants you to send some people from each of your two battalions to rush to Fengshui County together.

Whoever can solve the case first will be qualified to order the other party to do something."

Yu Zifu raised his eyebrows, with a hint of mystery and temptation in his eyes: "It's anything!"

Zhuang Weizhe raised his head: "What happened?"

Yu Zifu smiled: "How do I know this? Of course, the winner has the final say. No matter what the winning party asks, the loser must complete it and must not resist!"

This chapter has been completed!
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