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382 Nahe Gong, mighty and majestic

"Xishan National Protector Miracle Camp, under the orders of the governor, came to explore the river." Lin Chu raised his waist badge and shouted softly.

"It turns out he is the military commander of the National Defense Army." The leader's round-faced sweat immediately raised the corners of his lips: "Disrespectful, disrespectful. The villain Chang Xing is the foreman of Huishan River."

Lin Chu squinted his eyes, life on the Huishan River was very good? The river workers... were more than a little more majestic than elsewhere.

"Foreman Chang is polite." Lin Chu nodded to him: "Which river channel does each of these two sluices control?"

"The one directly in front leads to Shangjing, and the west side leads directly to Fengshui County." Chang Xing lowered his eyebrows and replied cautiously.

Lin Chu nodded, Chang Xing did not lie, and it coincided with what Yao Xianxian said.

"You have been stationed here all year round. Have you seen any suspicious people coming up the mountain and lowering the sluice gate recently?"

Chang Xing smiled and said: "There is no suspicious person. The villain fell down the floodgate together with his brothers."

Lin Chu frowned, and a faint cold light flashed in her eyes. It was unreasonable to drop the gate at this time, and Chang Xing's frankness surprised her.

"This is not a dry season. The Fengshui County sluice gate is closed, and the river will flow directly into Shangjing. The Shangjing river will be overwhelmed. Don't you know this?"

"How could a villain not know how to manage the river for many years?" Chang Xing sighed: "But a grown-up came here a few days ago and ordered the villain to do this. The villain... didn't dare to disobey."

Lin Chu squinted his eyes, someone was really causing trouble!

"I'm ordering you to raise the water gate now, do you dare?" Lin Chu stared at Chang Xing's eyes, not missing the slightest change in his expression.

She did not ask who gave the order. That person dared to do such a thing blatantly must be an unanswerable question.

"This..." Chang Xing pondered for a moment and blinked his eyes: "Does the military master have the official documents from the Water Division Yamen?"


Chang Xing grimaced: "Then...I'm afraid..."

"I have an oral message from the Governor Lin."

"Ha." Chang Xing chuckled: "I haven't seen Sect Leader Lin. Looking at the way you are dressed, you don't look like people from Zongzheng's mansion."

"Bold and unruly." Duanmuyan's suppressed anger finally broke out at that moment: "My master is the commander of our national defense army! The commander orders you to do things, how dare you to resist him?"

"The villain really doesn't have the guts to provoke the commander." Chang Xing smiled lightly: "But the commander must also pay attention to procedures when doing things. Opening and closing the water gates is a big matter. If you say it with red lips and white teeth, I will forgive the villain for not being able to obey!"

"What if this princess orders you to open the gate?" Duanmuyan frowned, impatience showing in his eyes.

"Princess?" Chang Xing took a serious look at Duanmuyan, then turned and laughed with the river worker behind him: "She doesn't even look at herself, how can she look like a princess?"

Duanmuyan bit his lip, with humiliation in his eyes.

She came in a hurry from the National Protectorate Army, wearing ordinary camp uniforms like everyone else. She walked back and forth on the Lingshui Dam, polluting her whole body with filth.

Looking left and right, there is indeed nothing dazzling about the princess.

"Don't think that those of us who have been living in the mountains all year round have no knowledge." Chang Xing chuckled, and became more and more excited when Duanmuyan remained silent: "We have also seen the drama. Who among the noble masters in Beijing does not dress up?

Glossy and beautiful? Who doesn’t go out with an overwhelming entourage?”

"You guys!" Chang Xing raised his eyelids and shouted: "You have to pretend to be more realistic!"

"Have you said enough?"

The young man's extremely indifferent voice suddenly sounded, Chang Xing's voice stopped abruptly, and his contemptuous laughter was stuck in his throat.

It was like a duck whose neck was stuck, and it only let out half a cheer. It was so suffocating and uncomfortable.

This chapter has been completed!
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