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384 The body can be cowardly, but the momentum cannot be defeated

"I'm trying to be brave." Mu Yiwen rubbed his neck and shouted: "Come on, I'll help!"

Xiao Yinchou pursed his lips and smiled: "Xiucai, you are really a man!"

"Of course." Mu Yiwen puffed out his chest: "A man is born between heaven and earth, capable of bending and stretching."

The body can be frightened, but the momentum cannot be lost!

The boat stopped at the sluice, and Zhong Si jumped into the shallow water next to the hinge, holding the hinge tightly with both hands and pulling down hard.


There was a muffled sound like thunder, and the thick iron rope broke out of the water, stretching straight in the air. Water droplets rolled down from the iron rope like rain.

The iron cables continued to tremble, but the water gate only opened a finger-wide gap and never moved again.

Zhong Si gritted his teeth and exerted his strength, then suddenly frowned.

"Zhong Si, stop! Don't use any more force!" Lin Chu's heart tightened as he saw that Zhong Si's right arm had reached its limit. If he exerted more force, he might be dead!

"I'm here to help." Mu Yiwen jumped out of the boat and put his hands on the back of Zhong Si's hands, completely forgetting that men and women should not be intimate.

Xiao Yinqiu followed closely behind, but he only had one arm, which was of little use.

The water gate made a muffled sound, slowly rose to half the height of a hand, and then stopped suddenly.

"Go and help." Lin Chu looked sideways at Lin Changxi.

"That won't work!" Lin Changxi shook his head: "My mission is to protect you!"

Lin Chu was helpless.

The brothers of the Lin family, except for the weird one Lin Laosan, the rest of them, no matter what they look like on the outside, are actually as stubborn as a nine-headed cow!

That’s all.

Zhong Si, Mu Yiwen and Xiao Yinqiu looked at each other and gritted their teeth at the same time and increased their strength.

Click... bang!

There was an unusual sound at the water gate, as if it had collided with something, and it was shaking and swaying from side to side.

"In the water!" Yao Xianxian frowned and shouted: "There is something in the water!"

"Lin Changxi!" Lin Chu ordered without hesitation.

The man splashed into the water. In the water waves, he looked as tall as a fish. He rode the wind and waves and dived to the sluice. He took a deep breath and dived to the bottom of the water.

"Master Jun." Chang Xing said quietly: "No one knows the situation under water better than the villain. Why don't you loosen the dagger and ask the villain to go down and help?"

Lin Chu glanced at him: "Be honest and don't move!"

"I'm honest." Chang Xing was frightened and said: "You must not move!"

Lin Chu ignored him and stared at Lin Changxi in the water.

After a long time, he stuck his head out, took a breath and submerged himself into the water again.

Zhong Si and the others held on to the twist lock and did not dare to move, for fear that the flood gate would fall if the force was released and hurt Lin Changxi who was underwater.

"Ah, you guys..." people on the shore suddenly exclaimed, and there was a slight sound of wind coming through the air.

Lin Chu squinted his eyes, that was...the sound of a sword being unsheathed!

The young man looked back, his eyes filled with scarlet murderous intent, and he saw all the river workers on the bank changing their faces.

At that time, everyone was completely focused on Lin Changxi in the water, and no one noticed when they caught the sword in their hands.

Blue thunder and lightning flashed in mid-air, and jackdaws flew up, showing their murderous intent.


Shi Feifei shouted softly, pushed Duanmuyan behind her, and bent over the back axle to avoid the oncoming knife.

Her body was soft and flexible, and the river workers couldn't do anything to her for a while. Duanmuyan was able to protect himself, but Mu Yishuang was always surrounded by dangers.

Yao Xianxian single-handedly saved this person and Gu that person, and was exhausted for a while.

The two river workers quietly approached Mu Yishuang, and the two knives struck at her from completely different angles.

At that time, Yao Xianxian was holding Duanmuyan by her collar and throwing her in a safe area, far away from Mu Yishuang.


Mu Yiwen shouted at the top of his lungs.

This chapter has been completed!
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