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Chapter 2015 The end of Niuben

In fact, Tang Tianhao, Qin Feng and the others knew very well that even with Niu Ben joining them now, they would not be able to survive for long. After all, no matter how powerful Niu Ben was, he was only one person, while Mo Shan and the others had four people.


And now that Song Xing and Zhao Wuyan have been injured, the combat power they can exert is extremely limited, and it is difficult to help Niu Ben. What's more, Niu Ben is not actually trying to help them, but just to see Mo Shan and the others unhappy.

That's all. Maybe if he really wants to go, Niu Ben won't bother with their help.

In any case, Niu Ben at least delayed them for a while, giving them a short period of time to recover.

Due to Niu Ben's sudden rebellion, the situation of Mo Shan and the others changed slightly, but it did not affect the overall situation. However, Mo Shan and the others felt a burning pain on their faces, as if they had been beaten.

Face-like. The people who were about to lose their skills before were now starting to fight against them.

Although most of the humans who participated in this press conference had left for refuge due to the incident just now, there were still many people who stayed, hiding and watching from a distance. If such a thing spreads, I am afraid that Mo Shan will

Their reputation will fall even faster, which is something Mo Shan and the others will never allow.

Mo Shan was not an idiot. He thought for a moment, glanced at the ordinary humans who were still watching, and said loudly: "Niu Ben, are you going to join the Baile Palace? Let me tell you,

Even they can't protect you! They just want to use this vast human population to eliminate you, and they won't take you in at all! You are already the public enemy of all mankind!"

Hearing this, the onlookers on the side suddenly started whispering. Qin Feng, Song Xing and others also frowned in unison. I am afraid that except for a stubborn person like Tang Tianhao, the others

Everyone already understood what Mo Shan meant.

Obviously, Mo Shan was instigating to prevent Niu Ben from joining forces with them. Although even if Niu Ben really came closer, it would not pose much of a threat to Mo Shan and others, but there would still be trouble.


And now that Mo Shan said this, Qin Feng, Song Xing and others must also pay attention to the impact. Because before, they positioned Niu Ben as a butcher who wanted to exterminate mankind, and called on all humans in the universe to destroy him together. Now if they and Niu Ben join forces in

Together, what will all the humans in the universe who listened to their call think? Will they directly rise up to resist them?

If Mo Shan takes advantage of him again, these humans may directly attack them.

Today, this group of humans is like a flood, extremely powerful, but it can be guided. As long as it is guided, the other side will be under great threat.

When Mo Shan said this, he was undoubtedly warning Song Xing and the others not to join forces with Niu Ben.

Regardless of whether Niu Ben is willing to unite with Baile Palace or not, if Song Xing and the others do not support it, even if Niu Ben is extremely capable, he will not be able to defeat Mo Shan. He will not even be able to escape.

As long as Song Xing and the others really do this, it will definitely chill Niu Ben, and I am afraid that Niu Ben will no longer help Song Xing and the others. In this way, for Mo Shan and the others, all difficulties will be solved, and their opponents can be eliminated effortlessly.


After Qin Feng and the others figured it out, they couldn't help but curse a few times in their hearts. Mo Shan was so vicious. He was able to come up with such a cruel trick, which put them in a dilemma. It was either a matter of helping or not.


Just when Qin Feng and the others had no idea what to do, his frowning brows suddenly relaxed, and then an expression of ecstasy appeared on his face. But all of this, Mo Shan and the others did not notice at all.

They were concentrating all their attention on Niu Ben. After all, Niu Ben was the focus of their attention.

"How about it? Niu Ben, do you think it's worth going against us? I advise you to just surrender without hesitation, otherwise your fate will be the same as theirs, destroyed both physically and mentally!" Mo Shan said with a proud smile.

Mo Shan's words really had a great effect. Niu Ben, who had been resisting resolutely just now, suddenly had a trace of panic on his face. If we really wanted to tell him, Qin Feng, Tang Tianhao and the others were absolutely indispensable for bringing him to this point.

But in order to preserve his own strength, he must join forces with them to fight against Mo Shan.

If Qin Feng, Song Xing and the others did not help him because of the impact, then his skills would be destroyed! He knew it very well. Mo Shan would not say it first, but it was absolutely impossible for Wasp and Huan Yu to tolerate him alone.

Get off his.

This group of people are basically united for profit, so they can betray him for profit!

Niu Ben hurriedly turned to look at Song Xing and Zhao Wuyan, and threatened fiercely: "You are in the same situation as me now. Only by joining forces can we succeed, otherwise we will all die here!"

"Humph, Song Xing, even if you join forces with them, you will still die!" Mo Shan's voice suddenly sounded again, "But it will bring huge trouble to your Paradise. By then, everyone in the universe will die."

Human beings will begin to besiege you. Do you hope that Bellagio will be completely annihilated because of your incorrect decision?"

It has to be said that Mo Shan's threat was very effective. Song Xing and Zhao Wuyan had a lot of hesitation on their faces.

However, Niu Ben shouted nervously: "We can't listen to him. As long as we join forces, there is hope for survival!"

The voices of the humans hiding outside were getting louder and louder, making Song Xing and the others more concerned. However, when all their attention was on Song Xing and others, they did not notice at all.

, Tang Tianhao, Qin Feng and the others kept disappearing one by one, but within a few seconds, they appeared one after another.

Because the disappearance time was so short, no one else noticed this situation at all.

Seeing that Song Xing, Zhao Wuyan and the others were still hesitant, Mo Shan's patience was completely exhausted. He was afraid that if he waited any longer, he would attract the three giants, Hai Tian and Baile, and the situation would not be good by then!

"Okay, since you are unwilling to make a decision, then let me make the decision for you!" Mo Shan snorted coldly and immediately said to Brian and others, "Let's get rid of this traitor first!"

"Okay, no problem!" Brian smiled evilly and immediately rushed forward waving his Chaos Artifact.

Naturally, Mo Shan and Wasp Huan Yu would not be idle. In order to eliminate Niu Ben as soon as possible, the four of them could be said to have used all their strength to attack Niu Ben. When they saw Mo Shan, they began to attack Niu Ben, and from time to time, Niu Ben and others came from them.

Song Xing and Zhao Wuyan were hesitating in their hearts as they shouted for help. They didn't know whether they should save Niu Ben.

Or maybe they took advantage of this moment to sneak away quickly, but they thought about it but did not do so. Because they firmly believed in their hearts that part of Mo Shan's spiritual consciousness must have been placed on them.

If there is any abnormal movement, they will be discovered, and then the overwhelming attacks will rush towards them.

With their current injured condition, let alone defeating Mo Shan, they would not even be able to escape.

Just when they didn't know what to do, suddenly there was a look of surprise in their eyes, and then the two of them immediately started to move. They just moved a little, but there was no movement at all.

Just as Song Xing and the others had guessed, when Mo Shan and the others attacked Niu Ben, some of their attention was really focused on them. As soon as they made any movement, Mo Shan and the others immediately noticed it!

Just when Mo Shan thought that Song Xing and Zhao Wuyan were going to come forward for this matter, the two people suddenly stopped moving again, and stood there stupidly, with the expressions on their faces becoming quite weird. Mo Shan was even more confused.

Shan felt that something incredible was that the aura of the two people had completely disappeared, making him, a super giant who understood the rules of the nine-layer universe, unable to feel it.

Strange thing, really strange thing! If he hadn't seen Song Xing and Zhao Wuyan standing here, he might have thought that these two guys had run away. Then he paid attention to Tang Tianhao, Qin Feng and others next to him.

I found that they were all there, and I could feel their breath. Although my face was a little nervous, it still felt a little unnatural.

Under the group fight of the four giants, Niu Ben was quickly beaten badly and was covered in wounds! Even the strength to cry was gone! Seeing that Niu Ben had basically lost his fighting power, Mo Shan and the others also

They finally came back to their senses. But there was a bit more embarrassment on their faces. Although they had an absolute advantage, Niu Ben's counterattack still caused them some injuries.

Of course, these injuries are minor and can be completely ignored.

In order to ensure that Niu Ben would no longer hinder them, Mo Shan and the others even completely disabled Niu Ben's skills after beating Niu Ben until all his bones were broken. Niu Ben screamed in pain on the spot.

From now on, let alone practicing, Niu Ben cannot even stand up, and can only crawl on the ground like a bug. All the bones in his body have been completely broken into pieces, even if there are giants

Even if experts help, they may not be able to fix it.

Seeing Niu Ben's miserable appearance, Brian felt a little unbearable. He couldn't help but glance at Mo Shan, feeling a little more vigilant in his heart, maybe he might be the next Niu Ben.

Of course, Wasp and Huan Yu didn't think so much. They were full of excitement. Niu Ben had been completely eliminated, so the territory previously divided in the Southern Territory would completely belong to them.

After Niu Ben was completely eliminated, Mo Shan breathed a sigh of relief and shifted his target to Song Xing, Zhao Wuyan and the others: "Okay, now your only helper has been eliminated.

No one is here to stop us! With your injured bodies, I can destroy you with just one little finger."

"Hmph, you are so good at bragging! A little finger?" Zhao Wuyan covered his injured body and coughed.

"What? Don't believe it? Then let me try it for you!" Mo Shan smiled confidently and suddenly fired a fierce beam of light with his little finger, flying directly towards Zhao Wuyan's chest.

Boom! The beam of light exploded violently on Zhao Wuyan's chest. However, surprisingly, Zhao Wuyan did not vomit blood and fall down.

"How is that possible?" Mo Shan's eyes suddenly widened. Please remember--,-- to write for you.


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