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Chapter 2099 I broke through

Welcome everyone:. The explosion produced a large amount of smoke and dust, as well as extremely terrifying power!

This force caused the entire ground to sink several meters, and the powerful shock wave leveled an area of ​​hundreds of meters to the ground. Not to mention the solid ground, not even a single intact house could be seen.

All turned into ruins.

When Li Jin and others saw this situation, they all breathed a sigh of relief: "Huh! It's impossible for these guys to survive such an attack, right? Now we have finally defeated all the masters of Bellagio.

Catch them all in one fell swoop, and no one in the entire universe will be our opponent from now on!"

"That's right, but this time it exhausted me to death. I thought I was going to die too." Lecto also let out a long sigh. Although Haitian didn't pose much of a threat to him before, Haitian killed him continuously.

The three junior giants also made them break into cold sweats. Fortunately, Haitian and his gang will all turn into smoke and dust and disappear into this universe together.

Well... wait, where is Haitian?

Li Jin and the others suddenly thought of an extremely key figure, that is Hai Tian! When they tried their best to instill star power into Mo Shan's body to fight against Tang Tianhao, Qin Feng and the others, Haitian didn't seem to see it.

"Mo Shan, have you seen Hai Tian?" Lector and the others quickly looked at Mo Shan beside them, because Mo Shan was much stronger than them, and their consciousness could not feel the existence of Hai Tian at all, so

We can only rely on Mo Shan.

But when they turned around and looked around, they found that Mo Shan's face was extremely ugly, and he didn't feel any joy at killing Tang Tianhao, Qin Feng and the others! Could it be that... a bad feeling suddenly surged in the hearts of the four of them?


Li Jin and the others quickly looked towards the ground. The thick smoke and dust had gradually dissipated. They saw a huge earth-yellow light mask blocking the front, and inside the light mask, there was actually a figure.

Take a closer look, it’s Haitian!

What surprised them most was that there was not even a trace of damage inside this earth-yellow mask! Tang Tianhao, Qin Feng and the other tens of thousands of masters were all wrapped up by this mask. In other words, they were completely covered by this mask.


"How is this possible?" Li Jin suddenly shouted in horror.

Not only him, but even Tang Tianhao, Qin Feng and others were all surprised. To be honest, they were really ready to wait for death just now! After waiting for a long time, it was not as expected.

Was blown to pieces.

When they opened their eyes to figure out what was going on, they saw a dazzling light coming from outside. Then a violent roar sounded. Although they were hiding in the khaki light shield, they were not affected by the real thing.

Sexual harm. But the deafening roar also made them ignore the surrounding environment and hurriedly protect themselves.

After they finally came to their senses, they realized that the reason why they were fine was entirely because the sea and sky were blocking their way, supporting a huge earth-yellow light shield, wrapping tens of thousands of people in it.

included in it.

"What a pervert!" Tang Tianhao, Qin Feng and the others shouted with joy when they saw Hai Tian standing proudly.

Although I have been prepared to die before, who wants to die? Everyone wants to live well!

Shan Qing and others were also extremely surprised, but their strength was extraordinary after all. They quickly came to their senses and looked at Hai Tian in surprise, and of course they were a little more grateful. After all, Hai Tian saved their lives.

Compared to them who were reserved, the other masters reacted and shouted with joy: "Long live Lord Haitian! Long live Lord Haitian! Lord Haitian is invincible!"

The deafening roar shot straight into the sky, making the faces of Mo Shan and others high in the sky even more ugly.

Mo Shan never expected that Haitian would rush out at this time. What made him even more incredible was that Haitian was able to use the Earth Origin Pearl to support such a huge protective shield. It also withstood the attacks of five of their giants.

Joint attack.

Although he has not personally controlled the Pearl of Origin, he has heard about it, and he has also seen how Hai Tian used it before, so he knows that using the Pearl of Origin consumes a lot of money, and he cannot sustain it for long before he reaches the level of a giant.

However, today's Hai Tian not only has the way to sustain it for so long, but can also cover such a large area. He can also withstand the attacks of the five of them! You know, it is not just his strength alone, but also Li Jin's.

The strength of the four intermediate giants. The combined strength of the four of them is definitely no worse than that of a senior giant.

Even in this way, Hai Tian's protective shield was not broken. This shows how terrifying the protective power of the Earth Origin Pearl is. A trace of fear arose in Mo Shan's heart.

Listening to the shouts coming from behind, Hai Tian immediately performed a complicated hand seal. In an instant, the earth-yellow light shield that originally shrouded everyone turned into a ball of light directed towards the Earth Source Bead on his chest.

rushed over.

After a while, the light mask completely disappeared, and all the previous energy had returned to the Tuyuan Bead. The Tuyuan Bead became the same again, looking extremely plain and unpretentious, without a trace of luster.

After doing all this, Hai Tian raised his head and looked around, and found that except for the range of the khaki light mask he just released, other places had become devastated, within a radius of several hundred meters.

, not a single fragment is visible. Even within a radius of 10,000 meters, it is difficult to see a intact building.

"Huh! Hai Tian, ​​I didn't expect you to jump out?" At this moment, Mo Shan spoke.

The noisy people finally calmed down, but Hai Tian looked at Mo Shan across the way coldly: "They can risk their lives to help me resist, so why can't I risk my life to protect them? Mo Shan,

Don’t forget, this battle is not only about our personal grievances, but also represents the forces behind us!”

"And the most important thing is, I... am not fighting alone!" Hai Tian shouted.

"You are not fighting alone! You are not fighting alone!" The tens of thousands of Paradise masters behind Hai Tian roared in unison, their voices so loud that the entire Paradise seemed to tremble.

At this moment, these masters who have been through the gate of hell once will no longer have fear in their hearts, and they will no longer have the concept of life and death!

What fear do they have of death? They have only one goal, which is to follow Hai Tian and completely defeat Mo Shan!

Listening to this roar, the faces of Mo Shan and others were also very ugly. If they had known this earlier, they should have brought more helpers. Unfortunately, in order to ensure the suddenness of the attack, they did not bring anyone with them, only a few

A giant.

Now it seems that it is extremely difficult for just a few of these giants to defeat Bellagio.

However, he did not lose confidence. In his opinion, victory was always in his hands! Thinking of this, Mo Shan couldn't help but smile softly. He stared at the sea and sky like a cat looking at a mouse.

"Why are you laughing?" Hai Tian naturally noticed Mo Shan's slightly disdainful smile and couldn't help but ask aloud.

"I'm just laughing. You spent so much effort to protect them once. What's the use?" Mo Shan snorted contemptuously, "The protective shield formed by the Earth Origin Pearl is indeed powerful. But you can

How many times have you controlled it? I’m afraid that the star power in your body has been completely exhausted at this moment, right? Don’t hold on here any longer, it’s better to commit suicide as soon as possible, so that I don’t have to do it again!”

Tang Tianhao, Qin Feng and the others all looked at Hai Tian worriedly. Just as Mo Shan said, the Earth Origin Pearl was indeed powerful, but it consumed too much star power. Although they did not pay attention, they could guess that it was

When they were desperately resisting just now, Hai Tian must have recovered some of his star power, and then he controlled the Earth Origin Pearl to perform another defense.

But now I'm afraid that the star power in Hai Tian's body has been exhausted, and he is just barely holding on as before. If Mo Shan and the others attack like before again, then they will probably all die!

Thinking of this, Tang Tianhao said anxiously: "You pervert, leave quickly! The green hills are still there, so you don't have to worry about running out of firewood! As long as you can run out today, you can come back to avenge us in the future, and we will be here to help you delay time."


When Shan Qing heard this, he immediately thought it was a good idea and immediately shouted in agreement: "Yes, Junior Brother Haitian. Tianhao is right, you should leave quickly. We will definitely help you hold on!"

In their opinion, it won't take long for Haitian to break through to the giants and defeat Mo Shan! There is absolutely no need to die here with them. Haitian will avenge today's revenge on them sooner or later!

After hearing their shouts, Mo Shan and others' expressions changed slightly. In order to prevent Hai Tian from escaping, Li Jin and others stationed themselves in several directions. After all, what Tang Tianhao and others said was very likely to succeed.

However, to everyone's surprise, Hai Tian had no intention of leaving. Instead, he sneered and looked at Mo Shan in the sky: "Are you really so sure that I no longer have star power in my body?"

"Of course, you can't even try to lie to me!" Mo Shan was stunned for a moment, then affirmed, "You're just trying to hold on!"

Hai Tian suddenly smiled mysteriously: "In that case, you might as well give it a try and attack me again!"

"What a pervert!" Tang Tianhao, Qin Feng and others immediately shouted, "Are you crazy? Get out quickly!"

Mo Shan doesn't understand Hai Tian's thoughts. Could it be that he still has star power in his body? No, it's impossible. He must be tricking himself, trying to do the opposite, so that he can take care of himself and not dare to attack!

Humph, he would never be fooled by such a low-level person!

"Haitian, since you invite me so sincerely, then I agree to you. You can go to Palu to apologize to me!" Mo Shan laughed ferociously and shot out an extremely thin light from his fingertips again.

In the blink of an eye, the slender light hit Hai Tian hard amid everyone's exclamations. Just when everyone thought that Hai Tian was going to be penetrated through the chest like Master Asik, suddenly Hai Tian's

Another layer of yellow light lit up on the surface of the body.

This layer of light is exactly the same as the previous protective shield.

"How is this possible? How can you still have star power?" Obviously, this is the protective cover of the Earth Origin Pearl. But shouldn't the star power in Hai Tian's body be exhausted? How is it possible that you can still control the Earth Origin Pearl?

Looking at Mo Shan's panicked expression, Hai Tian finally showed a proud smile on his face: "The answer is very simple, because - I have made a breakthrough!"

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