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Chapter 2123 The Unexpected Spy

:. Before following him out, Mo Shan glanced at the other people sleeping like dead pigs next to him. A glimmer of light flashed in his eyes. He quietly opened the door and stopped the two guards from talking. Then, he quietly

Heading towards the place where the Golden Origin Pearl is hidden.

Just after Mo Shan left, the entire side hall where he was drinking fell silent again, with no sound at all. However, about a minute later, a figure suddenly stood up, and the look in his eyes was extremely clear.

They didn't look like they were drunk. He glanced around, a sinister smile flashed at the corner of his mouth, and then slowly leaned closer.

But before he opened the door, he suddenly used his own strength to completely freeze the two guards, making them unable to see, think, or hear. Even their thoughts were completely fixed!

These two guards will now be completely like stone men, without thoughts, speech, or hearing any sound. When all this is lifted, they will not feel anything about what happened before.

And neither the person who came out first nor Mo Shan noticed all this.

Because the first person to come out at this moment had already arrived at the hut where Mo Shan kept the Golden Origin Bead. He showed the token he stole from Mo Shan, made up an excuse casually, and entered the room cautiously.

But after entering the room, a series of shining thin lines were floating in the air. This person understood that these were the restrictions set by Mo Shan. Once he touched any one of them, it would cause alarm and restriction.


Even a master at the senior giant level cannot completely avoid these restrictions. Of course, if you have the ability to forcefully break through and break in in the shortest time, that is another matter. It is a pity that you have such ability.

There are really very few people, at least the high-level giants will definitely not be able to do it.

Looking at these complicated restrictions in front of him, although he had already seen them before, the man still couldn't help but take a breath. Fortunately, he stole the token from Mo Shan that could close the restrictions, so he didn't have to worry about these things.

And worried!

He turned around and saw a slot on the wall next to the door, which was obviously reserved for tokens. He smiled softly and immediately inserted the token in his hand. In an instant, those original tokens were

The thin lines that could still be seen clearly disappeared completely at this time, and the whole room became very empty, except for the table where the Jin Yuanzhu was placed.

With a face full of joy, this man walked towards the place where the Golden Origin Pearl was placed, and gently stroked the box outside. He couldn't help but feel extremely excited. From this moment on, the Golden Origin Pearl, one of the five origin pearls of the universe, will belong to him!

Immediately afterwards, he couldn't wait to open the box. However, after opening the box, he found that what was placed inside was not the Golden Source Bead! Instead, it was a dim and yellow Life Bead. Needless to say, all the energy inside had been used up!

"No!" No matter how stupid this man was, he still knew that he had been tricked! Without saying a word, he quickly turned around and wanted to rush out of the room and leave this place of right and wrong.

But when he just turned around, there was a sudden snap, and the door that had been tightly closed suddenly opened wide. A familiar yet unfamiliar figure suddenly appeared at the door, shouting majestically: "

Lector, where are you going?"

Lector? That’s right! It was Lector, the mid-level giant, who stole the Moshan Token and wanted to steal the Golden Source Bead!

When Lecto, who had just turned around, heard Mo Shan's angry shouting, his face suddenly changed in fright, and he shouted in horror: "Mo Shan? How is this possible? Aren't you already drunk? How could you be here?


"Drunk? Hum, I am indeed drunk. If I wasn't drunk, how could I have lured you out?" Mo Shan sneered disdainfully. "Now you are the one who got the stolen goods, and you still have

What can I say?"

Lector's face was ashen. He never thought in his wildest dreams that Mo Shan would see through his cautious actions. He couldn't help but asked in a deep voice: "Tell me, how did you discover me?"

"I'm sorry. It wasn't me who discovered that you were a spy, but someone else!" Mo Shan chuckled and shook his head, "Okay, let's talk about it now. Who sent you here? Hai Tian?"


"Tch! It's impossible for a little Hai Tian to command me, a mid-level giant!" Lector smiled contemptuously, "But Mo Shan, since you have discovered me today, then I will not

I will stay again, so take the first step!"

Before he finished speaking, Lector suddenly rushed towards where Mo Shan was, his fists filled with star power!

Seeing Lector rushing over suddenly, Mo Shan showed a trace of contempt on the corner of his mouth, and the star power in his body started to work quickly. Does a small mid-level giant also want to break through the defense of a high-level giant like him? This is simply not possible.

Just dreaming!

Drink! I heard Lector yell angrily, and his fists hit Mo Shan's palms fiercely!

However, what surprised Mo Shan was that a very strong force suddenly burst out from Lector's body, which was not weaker than the power of a high-level giant like him. The force was so strong that Mo Shan couldn't hold on to his feet at all.

The ground continued to retreat, dragging a trace that was more than ten meters long.

Wherever he passed, the green bricks on the ground had turned into pieces, and the surrounding floors began to crack.

"How is this possible? Are you actually so strong?" Mo Shan shouted in surprise.

A smile appeared on the corner of Lector's mouth: "Mo Shan, you don't know, right? In fact, my strength is the same as yours. We are both giants who have reached the peak of advanced levels, but I used a special method to suppress it.

Now that my strength has reached this point, I no longer have the need to hide my strength! Drink!"

As Lector shouted angrily, a tyrannical energy suddenly burst out from his body. In an instant, a dazzling light burst out from Lector's body. Mo Shan could clearly feel Lector's strength.

It was actually growing continuously, and soon it broke through the mid-level giants and reached the level of high-level giants.

In the end, just as Lector said, he stayed at the level of a senior peak giant.

"This is impossible! You are actually also a high-level giant, so why do you suppress your strength and come to our River Crab Palace to work undercover?" Mo Shan suddenly screamed in horror, if Duanmu hadn't reminded him this time that Lector was a spy.

, then he may never know Lecter’s true strength.

If we have to talk about spies, Mo Shan once suspected Brian, but he never suspected that it was Lector!

And what kind of force can actually cultivate such a powerful spy? It can also forcibly suppress the strength of high-level peak giants to only mid-level giants. As far as he knows, this is something that many top giants may not be able to do.


Looking at Mo Shan who was being forced back step by step, a rich smile appeared on Lector's face: "I won't tell you the specific reason. But you and I are both high-level peak giants, so it means

None of us can do anything to the other, so why not stop here and shake hands to make peace?"

"Fart! You sneaked into our Hexi Palace to be a spy, and you also wanted to steal my Golden Origin Pearl. Do you think I would let you go so easily? Even if your strength is the same as mine, I will kill you!" Mo!

Shan Yi was furious when he heard this!

In an instant, Mo Shan, who was retreating, suddenly stepped hard on the ground with his feet. In an instant, the solid green bricks suddenly spread around like a spider web, and Mo Shan's own body also surged out.

A tyrannical force.

The smile on Lector's face disappeared, and he understood that at this moment, Mo Shan's strength was fully displayed!

With an angry shout, Mo Shan's hair fluttered in the wind, his eyes were as wide as cow's eggs, and the tyrannical star power in his body poured out continuously, suddenly ejecting Lector's fists.

But Lector was not discouraged. He rubbed his fists, narrowed his eyes slightly, and raised his voice and said: "Mo Shan, don't think I'm afraid of you! It's still too late for a truce, otherwise you, this river crab palace,

I have to finish playing! I am not the Haitian I was at that time, and I don’t have the ability to destroy your River Crab Palace!”

"Go to hell!" Perhaps because of these words, Mo Shan was stimulated, and Mo Shan suddenly became mad!

A loud roar came from Mo Shan's throat, and his fists were suddenly struck by an extremely terrifying force of wind! Wherever they passed, all the bluestone tiles on the ground began to overturn.

"Damn it, just fight, no one is afraid of whom!" Lecto was also made angry by Mo Shan and started to fight back without saying a word.

His power was also absolutely strong. Suddenly, he collided hard with Mo Shan's fists, and the bluestone brick ground around the two people completely turned into powder. The strong energy fluctuations even continued to center around it.

As we drove forward, many buildings behind us were already affected.

Moreover, such a violent sound had already alerted the guards of Hexrab Palace, who came out from all corners one after another. But when they saw Mo Shan and Lecto fighting extremely fiercely in the middle, they were all stunned with shock.

I was speechless for a long time, and I didn't dare to step forward to help.

Darling, these two giants are both giants. As the saying goes, when gods fight, mortals suffer. If they rush forward so casually, it is certain that both giants will be fine, and their lives will definitely be at stake!

Just when the guards of the River Crab Palace were at a loss, another figure who had followed Mo Shan was hiding in the corner and watching the battle not far away: "Lector actually wants to steal the Golden Origin Bead, and it's...

As someone else’s spy, I thought I was the only one who wanted to steal the Jinyuan Pearl. It’s interesting, it’s really interesting.”

If other people see this figure, they will definitely recognize it. This figure is Brian, the boss of the Northern Territory.

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