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Chapter 2208 stalemate

. After exiting the Heaven-defying Mirror, Li Ya found that he appeared on the other side of Mo Shan and others. He was not particularly far away from the Fruit of Life. But he found that Mo Shan’s attack was getting closer and closer to the Fruit of Life.

Nearby, without saying a word, he quickly had the same luck as Mo Shan, and sprayed out several fierce beams of light directly from his palm.

In the blink of an eye, these beams of light had passed directly through the Fruit of Life and collided with the beams of light emitted by Mo Shan! Boom! An extremely loud explosion suddenly came out.

The powerful shock wave suddenly spread from the center, and large tracts of trees fell directly. Even the low bushes were not spared. Not only that, the powerful explosion also caused the nearby trees to fall on the spot.

A piece of land was directly lifted up, forming a huge pothole on the spot.

However, it is worth noting that the branch growing the Fruit of Life was not very far from the center of the explosion, but after the shock wave arrived, the surface of the Fruit of Life and the entire branch actually lit up with a layer of luminous light.

No matter how those powerful shock waves blew, it was never damaged.

Mo Shan, Yan Kuan and Huo Hua were all a little dumbfounded at this time, especially Mo Shan. He pushed himself up and gathered the few remaining star powers in his body just to launch this final blow to make Yan Kuan

He and Huo Hua did not expect to get the Fruit of Life. But who could have imagined that his attack escaped Yan Kuan and Huo Hua, but was actually blocked by the emerging beam of light.

"Pfft!" Mo Shan, who was extremely angry, spat out a mouthful of rich blood again. He shouted with wide eyes, "Who is it? Who is it that came out to ruin my good deeds?"

Yan Kuan and Huo Hua also had surprised expressions on their faces at this time. Originally, they thought that the fruit of life could not be saved at all. Who would have thought that in a twist of events, an attack suddenly appeared and blocked Mo Shan's.

They were not as excited as Mo Shan, but they looked at the direction of the beam of light with great curiosity, wanting to see who helped them resist the attack just now.

With just one look, they immediately spotted Li Ya emerging from the sky-defying mirror. Whether it was Mo Shan, Yan Kuan or Huo Hua, their expressions instantly became extremely stiff!

"Li...Elder Li Ya. How could it be you?" Yan Kuan was the first to shout. As one of the thirty-six generals under Emperor Xuanyuan, how could he not recognize the eight generals under Emperor Xuanyuan?

Li Ya, one of the elders?

Mo Shan was also quite shocked and felt a little dazed for a while. Li Ya had strongly opposed their separation back then. Later, seeing that his persuasion had no effect and the disappearance of Emperor Xuanyuan, he left in frustration.

They lived in seclusion. They hadn't seen each other for so many years. They even thought that Li Ya was dead, but they didn't expect to appear here.

But what makes Mo Shan even more depressed is that he has not been able to handle Yan Kuan and Huo Hua. Now there is another Li Ya, making it even more difficult for him. You must know that Li Ya was already at the peak of the advanced level in the past.

He has been a giant-level master for so many years. Even if there is no progress, his strength will still be the same.

But now that he is seriously injured and his strength is not even one-tenth, how can he be Li Ya's opponent?

Listening to Yan Kuan's words, Li Ya glanced at Yan Kuan and Huo Hua coldly, and then at Mo Shan who was covered in blood. He snorted and said, "What? Can't I come?"

Or is this your territory?"

Because Yan Kuan, Huo Hua and Mo Shan were both involved in the original splitting action, Li Ya naturally would not have a good look at them. But after what he said, Yan Kuan, Huo Hua and Mo Shan were both a little bit agitated.


However, after thinking about it, they all realized that it was no longer the era of Emperor Xuanyuan's rule. Although their status was lower than that of Li Ya back then, they had no relationship now. After Huo Hua came to his senses, he immediately became cold.

He hugged his fist and said, "Elder Li Ya, thank you for protecting our life fruit just now. I owe you a favor!"

Favor? Li Ya couldn't help but sneered. This Huo Hua was really insidious. If he really admitted the favor, wouldn't it mean that the fruit of life belonged to Huo Hua?

Although Li Ya has not been interested in world affairs for many years, it does not mean that he is stupid. He couldn't help but sneered: "Favor? General Huo Hua, are you kidding me? I only took action for myself, not because of you!"

"You..." When Huo Hua heard this, a look of anger suddenly appeared on his face! Li Ya could become the eighth elder of Emperor Xuanyuan, how could he be an idiot? He deliberately called General Huo Hua, that is, he wanted to make Huo Hua realize

to the status gap between them.

If Yan Kuan hadn't stopped him in time, Huo Hua would have already rushed forward by now.

"Me? What am I?" Li Ya looked at Huo Hua coldly, but there was no movement in his hands. He wished he could delay a little longer now so that Hai Tian could break through as soon as possible and then come out and they could work together to snatch the fruit of life.

Just now, in order to avoid the destruction of the Fruit of Life, he had to show up in advance. Now the suddenness was lost, and the two forces that originally competed for it suddenly rose to a three-party force, and the situation will become more complicated.

Although Mo Shan has been seriously injured, it does not mean that he does not have any fighting ability. As old rivals, Yan Kuan and Huo Hua know extremely well that as long as Mo Shan is given a breath, Mo Shan may turn defeat into victory.


But they don't dare to attack Mo Shan now, for fear that Li Ya will take this opportunity to attack them. After all, Li Ya is different from Mo Shan. Although Mo Shan is also in his peak period as a senior giant, he has been injured anyway. But Li Ya is

They are intact and their morale is high. If coupled with a sneak attack, it is very likely that they will suffer heavy losses!

As the weakest Mo Shan today, it is even more impossible to act rashly. He must seize every moment and work hard to adjust his breath and recover. At the same time, he also hopes that Li Jin and Brian in the distance can find the bottle of elixir early and break through to help.

He lends a helping hand.

If Mo Shan knew that the bottle of elixir he was looking for had long since fallen into Hai Tian's hands, he might faint from anger.

In this way, no one among the three parties dared to move first, each with their own small thoughts. Li Ya was most satisfied with this situation, he had better delay for a little longer.

Time passed by minute by second, and the whooshing cold wind kept blowing, which once again brought up a cloud of dust on the bumpy ground. The fallen trees around were enough to prove the brutality of the blow just now.


Yan Kuan and Huo Hua naturally knew that continuing to delay would be very detrimental to them. But they were surprised that Li Ya should be more anxious. Why didn't Li Ya make any move for such a long time?

Moreover, Li Ya's appearance just now was very sudden. They didn't even notice any signs, and they were inevitably a little nervous.

Taking advantage of the period when Yan Kuan and Huo Hua did not dare to take action, Mo Shan decisively found the elixir, swallowed it directly, and recovered bit by bit. Although the speed was a bit slow, the effect was

After all, there is still some.

Seeing that Mo Shan's injuries began to recover bit by bit, Yan Kuan and Huo Hua couldn't help but feel a little anxious. If this continues, facing the siege of two high-level giants, they will definitely not be opponents.

No, you have to make a decisive decision!

Thinking of this, Yan Kuan and Huo Hua couldn't help but glance at each other, and both saw the determination in each other's eyes. Yan Kuan nodded lightly, then looked at Li Ya on the other side and said: "Elder Li Ya, what happens now must be between you and me.

We all know very well that everyone wants this fruit of life. But there is only one fruit of life, how should we distribute it?"

Huo Hua continued: "I suggest that we get rid of Moshan first, and then fight each other. How about the victorious party getting the fruit of life?"

"You..." Mo Shan became furious when he heard that Yan Kuan and Huo Hua actually proposed to deal with him first.

After all, Yan Kuan and Huo Hua are not stupid, and they know that they have to pick on the weak. If they deal with Li Ya first, although they are not afraid of Li Ya's status as an elder, Li Ya is relatively strong after all.

In their opinion, Li Ya would not veto this proposal, after all, it would be beneficial to both parties.

But Li Ya doesn't want to snatch the fruit of life now. He knows that with his own strength, the possibility of success is too small. It is better to delay the time like this and wait until Hai Tian breaks through. And once Yan Kuan and Huo Hua destroy Mo Shan

, then these two people are bound to deal with him next. Even if he is strong, he is only on the front line and cannot sustain it for long.

So Li Ya pretended to be in deep thought and tried to delay as much time as possible. Seeing that Yan Kuan and Huo Hua were getting impatient, Li Ya said: "No! Who knew when I was attacking Mo Shan,

Will you take the opportunity to attack me?"

Upon hearing this, Mo Shan, who was originally nervous, breathed a long sigh of relief, and his face also showed a trace of gratitude. Of course, he was not grateful to Li Ya, but to God. He had been constantly saying this before

I prayed to God and begged Li Ya not to join forces with Yan Kuan and Huo Hua, but I didn't expect that I would succeed!

Yan Kuan and Huo Hua frowned after hearing this. Although they didn't have this intention, Li Ya was further than they thought. But if Li Ya didn't take action, how could they rest assured?

Attacking Moshan?

If they just keep waiting like this, Mo Shan's strength will recover more and more. Even if they can win in the end, the price they pay will definitely not be small. If Li Ya takes the opportunity to attack them again, what will happen?

For a time, the three parties were in a stalemate, and no one dared to move at will.

And time just passed by little by little...

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