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Chapter 2279 I can't believe it

[Absolute power...] After Lang Shi's rearrangement, the crazy aura filled the entire Le Palace. After noticing this terrifying aura, all the senior officials in the Le Palace were extremely excited, and they were all like Shan Qinglei Jin.

Just like them, they sat down on the floor and started practicing directly

Of course, in order to avoid being attacked without anyone responding, Hai Tian specially arranged a team of people to guard the Le Palace and practice. They also took turns to come. After all, it can last for a year. If you don't practice for a while, it will be fine.

The closer you are to the central hall of Le Palace, the higher the aura is. Although it is not as terrifying as the one inside the hall, it is still seventy or eighty times more powerful. In order to prevent chaos, Hai Tian specially arranged for the later masters to be outside the hall, according to their strength.

In order, the higher the cultivation level, the closer you can get to the main hall.

Those super masters who have understood the rules of the universe are placed on the edge of the hall, while the central area is naturally reserved for Senior Brother Shan Qing and others, and others are not allowed to enter without permission.

After everything was properly arranged, Hai Tian himself sat on the floor and started practicing, eager to improve his cultivation level.

As Ao Xieyun had expected before, although the strongest forbidden defense blocked most of the spiritual energy, a lot of spiritual energy still leaked out. Many senior officials in Le City discovered this anomaly.

Moreover, they also found that the closer to the Le Palace, the higher the concentration of spiritual energy. Although it is not as exaggerated as the dozens of times in the Le Palace, it is still about ten times higher, which is also an incredible amount of spiritual energy for them.

All the people who discovered it rushed to the edge of the Music Palace and sat down directly on the ground to start practicing. However, the latecomers couldn't get a good seat because they arrived late, and they even got into a dispute and almost got into trouble.

Fortunately, Hai Tianqian had anticipated such a thing and arranged a team of senior officials to take charge of the matter. This suppressed the fight and ordered everyone not to hesitate to kill anyone who dared to fight.

Under such a strong order, no one dared to come out to find fault. Everyone sat calmly on the ground and practiced.

The huge Le City was now in a harmonious environment. Everyone was practicing with peace of mind. No abnormalities occurred. The patrolling Le Palace experts couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. They understood that only relying on them

It is absolutely impossible for the power to intimidate so many people. The main reason for this is that they borrowed the name of Haitian.

With Haitian's current reputation, he speaks very loudly in the entire universe, let alone in Lecheng? No one dares to disobey Haitian's orders. After all, the battle that took place over Lecheng a few months ago,

They still remember

The spiritual energy continues to spread outwards, and the concentration becomes lower the farther outward it goes. However, even so, the edge area on Lexing has at least twice the concentration, which is much higher than usual.

Originally there were many people arguing over the concentration of spiritual energy, but after the leaders of Le Palace conveyed Hai Tian's order, no one dared to speak anymore, and everything was in perfect harmony.

The abnormality on Lexing quickly attracted the attention of others. After all, Haitian and the others did not restrict the movement of people on Lexing. After learning about this situation, many people quickly notified their relatives and friends to come as soon as possible.

Haitian and the others don't have the ability to take care of this. Fortunately, Lexing is big enough to accommodate a lot of people.

Moreover, the situation here was quickly learned by the He Xie Palace secret agent who was stationed in Lecheng. When the secret agent reported it to Mo Shan, Mo Shan still looked unbelievable.

He didn't know about Lang Shi's existence, so he naturally wouldn't believe that such a thing existed. It wasn't until several spies reported the news to him that he had to believe that such a thing really existed.

Even the most remote place in Le Xing has twice the concentration of spiritual energy. So what is the concentration of spiritual energy in Le Palace, the initiator? Mo Shan is very envious and jealous. Such a terrifying concentration of spiritual energy can be used to practice absolute magic.

It's so cool that it couldn't be any better. If someone else gets it, he will try his best to get it.

The one who created such terrifying aura was his biggest opponent, and it was also the opponent that made him quite helpless.

He had no choice but to quickly report the matter to Rubio. As for how to make a decision, he left it to Rubio.

When Rubio listened to Hai Tian's report, he was also shocked. The whole city, oh no, it should be said that the entire planet has a higher than normal spiritual energy concentration. How is this possible? But after seeing Mo Shan confirm again and again, Rubio

Ao also has to believe it

"Let's go and see for ourselves!" Rubio pondered for a while and then gave the order decisively.

As the saying goes, hearing is believing, seeing is believing. He really didn't believe that there was such a situation.

Mo Shan couldn't help being shocked when he heard Rubio's words: "Sir, if we go like this, will we be sent directly into Ao Xieyun and the others? We managed to escape last time, and this time there is no Duanmu to hold us back..."

"Don't worry, we are not going to fight. Besides, as long as we disguise ourselves, I believe no one will be able to recognize us." Rubio thought for a moment and said, "And with such terrifying aura now, Ao Xieyun and the others are probably busy.

I’m still practicing.”

Mo Shan was right to think about it, but he still couldn't help but worry for a while. After all, the last attack on Le Palace really shocked them too much. If Rubio hadn't taken him with him, they might not have been able to escape.

Afterwards, Rubio and Mo Shan walked on the road lightly, without even saying hello to anyone. When they arrived near Lexing, they couldn't help but were shocked. A large number of stars were rushing toward Lexing crazily.


With a quick scan of their consciousness, they discovered that many people in Xingyao were talking about the terrifying aura that suddenly appeared on Le Xing, and everyone rushed over with their families in tow to get a share of the pie.

Those who can arrive now are all locals from the Southeast Region or people from the Eastern and Southern Regions, but they found that it seems that people from several other star regions are also coming in a steady stream. Now people in the entire universe are going to

Have you gathered at Le Xing? How come Ao Xieyun and Le are so lucky to have gathered so many people?

Although they control a large territory, in fact, a considerable part of the population does not listen to their orders at all. The number of free people is quite large, making them afraid to offend them easily.

After all, they rule a territory. In addition to resources, it is also the population. With a huge population as the basis, it is easy to have a high. Coupled with the concentrated use of resources, the high can become a high.

So seeing so many people running to Le Xing now, they still feel envious and jealous in their hearts.

Soon, Rubio and Mo Shan arrived on Le Xing. Of course, they did not dare to land directly in Le City, but chose to land in the wild. But the problem was, they found that the wild was also overcrowded, and many people directly

Sitting on the ground and starting to practice, there was no place for them to land even if they wanted to.

"***, why are there so many people?" Rubio cursed in displeasure.

Mo Shan smiled bitterly: "Sir, our place is relatively close to Le City, and we have three or four times the spiritual energy. It is normal for there to be more people. I think we should just put away the star in the air. There is really too much on the ground.

There’s no way to stop”

In response, Rubio had no choice but to nod his head and put away the Star Glory in the air.

Now they also felt the terrifying concentration of spiritual energy, and they were naturally extremely curious. But if they wanted to find out, they had to enter Lecheng. But now they swept their consciousness and discovered that not only the wild, but also the entire Lecheng

It was also overcrowded. From the edge of Le Palace to the entrance of Le City, there were people everywhere.

The most important thing is that flying is not allowed in Lecheng. It is completely impossible for them to enter on foot. However, once flying, wouldn't it be clear to Ao Xieyun that they are coming?

"Sir, what should we do now?" Mo Shan looked at Rubio helplessly.

Rubio is also very helpless. He wants to enter violently, but he is afraid that Ao Xieyun will find out; but he can't be exposed, and he can't go in, and he can't get the news. Moreover, even in the wild, there is such a high concentration of spiritual energy, so the center of Le Palace must be at least

It must be dozens of times higher, right? With such a high spiritual energy concentration, how great would it be if he used it for cultivation?

"Didn't you plant spies in the city? Have they discovered the source of the spiritual energy?" Rubio turned around and asked.

"I'll send a message right now to ask!" Mo Shan was slightly stunned, then nodded immediately and went to ask.

After a while, the subpoena came back. After Mo Shan received this message, his face suddenly turned very ugly. Rubio asked strangely: "What's wrong? Didn't they find it?"

"No... I found it, but..." Mo Shan smiled bitterly, not really knowing what to say.

Rubio frowned in confusion: "What can't you say? Tell me the truth!"

"Yes! Sir, they heard that this spiritual energy was created by Hai Tian," Mo Shan said with an ugly face, "And Hai Tian also ordered that if anyone dares to argue, they will be killed directly!"

"Wait, who are you talking about? Hai Tian?" Rubio couldn't help shouting in surprise, "Didn't he get caught by Duanmu? How could he create this thing again?"

Mo Shan sighed and said: "Sir, the news I received is indeed like this, and more than one person said so, several spies said so. This spiritual energy seems to have been created by Hai Tian."

"This is impossible!" Rubio vetoed it without thinking. "Haitian was obviously caught by Duanmu, how could he escape? Although his fighting power is good, his cultivation has been sealed, how could he escape from Duanmu?

The palm of my hand?"

Rubio will never forget the ridicule Duanmu and Haitian made to him when he went to Tianshan Star. Although he is very unhappy with Haitian and Duanmu, he also understands that Duanmu's cultivation is enough to completely suppress Haitian, and it is impossible to let him

He ran

Seeing that Rubio didn't believe it, Mo Shan was helpless: "Sir, I also think this is strange. Why don't you send a message to Duanmu to ask?" You are welcome. Your support is my biggest motivation.

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