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Chapter 2457 Heavenly Palace opens

After staring at the two big characters above for a while, Hai Tian withdrew his gaze. He hadn't seen these two seal characters for many years. If he hadn't been lucky enough to read them and pay attention to them, he really wouldn't have recognized them.


"What a pervert, what are the words written on this? Why haven't I seen it?" Tang Tianhao suddenly asked from the side.

Qin Feng and others also looked at the plaque with wide eyes curiously, and then looked at themselves. Not everyone has the ability to recognize these two words. After all, it was accidental that they recognized it. It is not surprising that they did not recognize it.

However, just when Hai Tian was about to speak, Ao Xieyun next to him suddenly said: "If I guessed correctly, these two characters should be the seal character - Tiangong!"

"Oh? Senior Ao Xieyun, you can actually recognize these two words?" Hai Tian raised his eyelids in surprise.

Ao Xieyun glanced at Hai Tian with the same surprise: "So, you also recognize it?"

After retracting his gaze, Ao Xieyun looked up at the two seal characters on his head again, and said solemnly: "In ancient times, when I followed Emperor Xuanyuan to unify the universe, I was seriously injured in a battle and lost my life.

I fell into a village. Many kind-hearted people in that village rescued me, but I found that their writing was very different from ours, which is the seal character."

"Seal characters?" Baile stepped forward and asked curiously, "Could it be that these are characters from ancient times?"

"No, the characters we used in ancient times are the same to this day, but this seal character is unique to that village. I once asked the people in that village, and they said, what kind of exiles are they, and that character is from their hometown?

Words. I once asked them where they were from, but they refused to tell me." Ao Xieyun sighed.

"What! Exile?" Hai Tian suddenly turned pale when he heard these words, startling everyone around him.

Qin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly: "Pervert, do you know something?"

Hai Tian did not answer immediately, but recalled carefully: "Do you still remember the secret realm we went to? We once met the tree people there, and the tree people said at that time that they actually

They are the exiled clan, the so-called exiles. But they come from the heavenly realm!"

"What! Heavenly Mind Realm?" Everyone present was shocked when they heard this.

Tang Tianhao couldn't help but ask: "Damn pervert, are you not mistaken? Does this seal character really come from the heart of heaven?"

"I'm afraid that's right!" Hai Tian nodded solemnly. "Although I have seen this kind of writing in ancient books, there are too few explanations about these words in ancient books. I can only recognize some, but I don't know clearly.

The origin of it. If the people in the village that Senior Ao Xieyun met are really exiles, then this seal character must come from the heart world of heaven!"

Immediately afterwards, Hai Tian briefly told the story of how he met the tree people in the secret realm. After all, he was the only one present at that time. Tianhao Qin Feng and the others were separated from him, and as for senior Baile and the others, they were completely separated.


After listening to Hai Tian's explanation, everyone understood that the words probably really came from the heavenly mind realm. Since the words came from the heavenly mind realm, then this "Heavenly Palace" must also come from the heavenly mind realm.

Strange thing, what is the meaning of such a "heavenly palace" suddenly descending from the inner world of heaven?

Hai Tian observed carefully for a while. The palace door was still closed, and it was covered with arcs of electricity. Let alone entering, even touching it. There were no windows around for them to enter. It seemed that they could only enter.

Stay here temporarily. Almost while they were waiting, more and more Kongyu people came over.

When they saw Hai Tian and others here, they all came over first to salute Hai Tian and others.

Hai Tian was not rude. He waved his hand casually and ignored everyone. He has been thinking about a question in his mind. What is the real meaning of this heavenly palace descended from the heart of heaven? Could it be that he wants them to enter the adventure?


If King Dayu takes advantage of this moment to attack, it will definitely be a major blow to them. There is no way, now he is not just a few people, as the inheritor of the universe, he must fight for the entire Kongyu Universe.


Just when Hai Tian stood in front of the Tiangong and was at a loss, King Dayu was also standing in front of the Tiangong and was at a loss. He once ordered one of his men to push the door to try, but before he got close to the door, suddenly there was a sudden sound on the door.

A strong electric current burst out, electrocuting his subordinate into powder on the spot.

This terrifying power even frightened Dayu Wanggele and he dared not step forward.

And during this period of time, more and more Dayu people rushed over. Of course, among them were masters from his Dayu Palace, but more of them were ordinary Dayu people. When they saw Dayu King

, everyone is filled with fear, there is nothing they can do about it, who told King Dayu to kill too hard some time ago?

Even though they are still very opposed to King Dayu, they don't dare to show it at all, for fear of being killed now.

King Dayu was too lazy to pay attention to these ordinary people, as long as they did not come to cause trouble for him. He stood in front of Tiangong, staring at the two big characters on the plaque above, but it was a pity that he did not have the knowledge and arrogance of Hai Tian.

With Xie Yun's experience, it is natural that he cannot understand these two words.

Moreover, the constant pressure coming from the palace made him understand that this was definitely not something from his own universe.

He was not an idiot, and immediately realized that this palace was probably related to the legendary heavenly mind realm. There were also legends about the heavenly mind realm spread in their Dayu universe, but no one had ever broken through, causing everyone to just think that it was

It's a legend.

Only at this moment did King Dayu suddenly think of this legend. Otherwise, how could he explain that a mere palace could actually emit such pressure that made him feel fear in his heart? What if this palace was really the legendary heavenly realm?

descended, so what does it mean? Is it to let them break into the expedition? Or what?

At the same time, he also thought of another question. If he led people to explore the palace, would Haitian and his Baile Palace take this opportunity to lead an army to kill them? If this was really the case, then his Dayu Palace would suffer a huge loss.


Maybe those monsters and monsters that he suppressed directly will appear again.

If Haitian and King Dayu knew each other's thoughts, they would definitely laugh or cry. After all, neither of them had spies planted in the other's territory. One was completely eliminated by Haitian, while Haitian took the initiative to take it back.

After all, no one thought that such a thing would suddenly appear? Now that the information is unclear, no one dares to act rashly. While they were waiting, more and more people began to gather.

In this regard, neither Haitian nor King Dayu did anything to stop them, but just watched with cold eyes. In fact, they knew very well in their hearts that if there was really something good in it, the danger would definitely be great. It would make no sense for these ordinary people to come here. If they could

The treasures that are given to ordinary people are probably just a pile of rubbish in their eyes.

But now I don’t know how long we have to wait?

About a month later, in Kongyu Universe, there were already more than 10 billion people gathered near Tiangong. It was still possible to get here, but I don’t know how many people have not yet arrived.

Haitian and the others have also been waiting here for a month. There is no other way. Who told them to fly too fast and arrive first?

Although there were many ordinary people around, there were no blind people who came to trouble them. Instead, more and more people kept saying hello to them, making Ao Xieyun and others have a faint look on their faces.

Smile. It seems that Haitian's reputation in this universe is still very positive.

The spies who had eradicated the Dayu people before were not only not lowered, but were actually promoted a lot.

While Hai Tian and others were waiting boredly, suddenly, there was a crisp sound in the palace, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone present. After all, many people had been waiting for a long time and felt very bored.


They firmly believe that this palace will not fall down for no reason, but will definitely have its own special meaning.

Suddenly, a large amount of white gas suddenly spewed out from the Celestial Palace and spread to a large area around it. Almost all the tens of billions of masters present were enveloped in it, and they kept coughing.

Although Hai Tian and others were the closest, their reaction speed was very fast and they immediately covered their mouths. At the same time, they also struggled to mobilize their star power to blow away the white gas.

Under the hard instigation of several of their masters, the white gas finally dissipated.

"Look!" I don't know who shouted first, and everyone quickly raised their heads to look at the Tiangong.

I saw that the arc that had been continuously entangled on the wall of the Tiangong had completely disappeared at this time, and was replaced by a ball of cold air. Someone boldly stepped forward and touched it gently. There was indeed no arc at all, but

The cold air coming from the wall directly frostbitten the man's palms.

Fortunately, he only put it on for a moment and took it back immediately. It was not particularly serious, it was just that his palms were frozen.

Just when Hai Tian and others were sighing, suddenly there was another loud rumbling sound from the Tiangong. They saw that the white door of the Tiangong, which was originally closed, was opening little by little.

As soon as a gap was exposed in the ten-meter-high door, a burst of cold air came from it. Even people as powerful as Haitian and others felt a chill immediately, and they couldn't help but mobilize their star power immediately to protect themselves.

But it was not in vain that they had waited for so long, the gate to the Heavenly Palace was finally opened!

This chapter has been completed!
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