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Chapter 2621 Broken Leather

After a long time, there was finally another wave under the calm lake. A little head suddenly popped out, its eyes were darting around. It was the Chrysanthemum Pig!

He looked around carefully for a few times, and after confirming that there was no one there, he dived into the water again and waved his little hoof to Mu Xin and others who were waiting below to indicate safety and motioned for them to hurry up.

After getting instructions from Chrysanthemum Pig, Tang Tianhao and Mu Xin slowly swam up. Tang Tianhao slowly climbed to the shore carrying Hai Tian on his back, and then he breathed a long sigh of relief. It was really thrilling just now.

If they really were to be discovered, it would be absolutely impossible for them to survive, with no chance of survival!

Looking at the pale-faced Haitian, Tang Tianhao and the others were extremely depressed! They originally wanted them to protect Haitian, but they didn't expect that in order to protect them, Haitian made his injuries more serious. Grandma, if they had been stronger

, how can you be afraid of those people in purple clothes?

"Damn it, who are those people in purple? They are a bit too cruel, aren't they? How dare they kill a small town where space walkers gather?" Tang Tianhao couldn't help complaining.

Wang Bing couldn't help but snorted: "I don't think they kill people for no reason. There must be a deep-seated reason."

"Then why don't we go to that small town and have a look, maybe there are still survivors?" Chrysanthemum Pig suddenly suggested.

Mu Xin hesitated: "But I'm afraid Hai Tian's injury can't be delayed, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Tang Tianhao and the others hesitated. After all, compared with their curiosity, Hai Tian's injury was more important. They couldn't delay it! After being silent for a while, Wang Bing suddenly said: "How about this? You can continue on first.

Fly forward and wait for me at the next town or city. I'll search here and maybe I'll find something."

"This is a good idea, and it won't delay our schedule at all." Mu Xin thought about it and agreed, "It just so happens that we can go to the next town or city to rest for a while."

Tang Tianhao nodded and said: "Then let's do it, Ah Bing. You should follow me as soon as possible and pay attention to safety!"

"Okay, I understand!" Wang Bing waved his hand, parted with Tang Tianhao and others, and flew to the massacred town not far ahead at the fastest speed! Tang Tianhao and others took the

Hai Tian went ahead.

In a short time, Wang Bing arrived at the small town. Even though he was mentally prepared, he still couldn't help but frown when he saw the miserable appearance of the town. The ground of the entire town was completely destroyed.

It was stained red with blood, and there were corpses everywhere, no matter they were men, women, old people, or children, no one was spared!

Cruel! It is really very cruel! Wang Bing asked himself that he had killed quite a few people, but compared with those people in purple, they were far behind! Of course, it did not refer to the number of people, but to the degree of cruelty.

Almost everyone was eliminated at once. Wang Bing simply couldn't understand what was the point of those people in purple massacring these cosmic walkers who had almost no room for resistance? Was it to satisfy their sense of vanity? No, there must be a reason!

Wang Bing walked a lot further inside, and there were corpses everywhere. Sometimes he had to lift his feet and fly at low altitude.

Originally, he had hoped to find a living person, but judging from the current situation, it was obviously impossible!

After a while, he walked to a large house in the center of the town and saw that the door was open and the door panel was covered in blood. Wang Bing was curious for a moment and could not help but frown slightly and walked in.

In this house, there are obviously not as dense a group of corpses as outside, but there are corpses everywhere. It can be seen that the original owner of this house should be a relatively powerful person in this town, whether it is

The decoration and layout are much more majestic and majestic than those ordinary houses outside.

Even the clothes of the corpses on the ground were much more gorgeous and bright.

Walking into the inner hall, Wang Bing found another corpse, but the height of this corpse was a little wrong, as if there was someone underneath it. Curious, Wang Bing took out his Innate Chaos Artifact to kill the corpse above.

The corpse was picked apart. Sure enough, under the corpse, another corpse was found.

Oh no, it can't be said to be a corpse, because this person is still alive, and of course he is dying.

Wang Bing immediately found the second-class elixir from the storage ring and fed it to him immediately: "Hey, wake up! Tell me quickly, what happened here? Why do those people in purple want to kill you?"

However, this middle-aged man pointed at the wall and said weakly: "Paint...paint..."

It's a pity that he died before he finished speaking!

Damn it! Wang Bing couldn't help but complain. He finally found a living person and even gave him a second-class elixir, but he still didn't survive. Grandma, didn't Old Tianji say that as long as he was not completely dead, he could be saved?

?This middle-aged man is also a cosmic traveler, so the second-class elixir should be very effective for him.

But this guy still didn't get through it and died!

Forget it, there's no point thinking about it now, but what did this guy say before he died? Painting? Wang Bing stood up and looked around, and as expected, he found several ink paintings on the wall, but he didn't

Understand painting.

I leaned up and took a closer look. I couldn’t understand what it meant after looking at it for a long time. And it wasn’t just one painting, but several. Almost every painting had some blood on it. Could it be that the person just meant these paintings?

Is it important?

Out of curiosity, Wang Bing quickly picked off the bloody paintings. However, because there were so many paintings, he soon couldn't hold them. He accidentally dropped one on the ground and was directly hit by the blood on the ground.

Totally stained!

It's a pity that such a good painting... Well? Just when Wang Bing was feeling sorry for this painting, he suddenly found that the things on the painting had completely disappeared, replaced by a strange picture, like a

It looks like a half-drawn map.

Hmm? Wait, half the map?

Wang Bing quickly soaked the paintings in his hand into the blood on the ground! A magical scene appeared. After the paintings were stained with blood, the original content on them was erased and replaced by new patterns.

, very similar to the map just now, almost like a complete map.

It seemed that these paintings really had some skills. Wang Bing quickly found a quiet place and pieced these paintings together.

Sure enough, a complete map was formed! Unfortunately, due to the stained blood, the entire map was dark red, making it difficult to identify. It took Wang Bing a lot of effort to finally understand the purpose of this picture.

The big house marked above obviously refers to here, and then we have to walk a few hundred steps east and then a few hundred steps west...

Wang Bing took these maps and quickly searched. Those people in purple did not hesitate to kill everyone in the town. What they were looking for was probably not simple. And judging from the reaction of the middle-aged man just now and these paintings, it seemed that they were not

Didn't succeed.

Immediately, Wang Bing followed the map's instructions and searched for a long time, and finally came to the edge of the lake where they had hidden before.

He looked at the map again. Yes, it was in this lake, and according to the instructions, it seemed to be in the center of the lake. Wang Bing temporarily put away the maps and dived into the water again.

After swimming to the center of the lake, Wang Bing dug down three meters according to the instructions, and soon found a treasure chest.

Wang Bing did not open it immediately, but returned to the shore with the treasure box in his arms, and then opened it. At first, he thought that there might be some treasure hidden in the treasure box, but after opening it, he discovered that it was actually

An old piece of leather. And the skin of an unknown animal. It felt a bit old and had vague patterns carved on it.

Wang Bing took a closer look. This picture looked like a map, but it was obvious that there was only such a small piece.

Seeing this, Wang Bing felt a little discouraged. The people in this town and those people in purple must have made too much of a fuss. Such a sketch made of the skin of an unknown animal actually caused so many killings.

Sighing, Wang Bing destroyed the previous paintings. As for this piece of broken leather, he had better put it away for now.

As for whether it will be useful, we will wait for the future. The most urgent task is to catch up with Tang Tianhao and the others.

Then, Wang Bing adjusted his direction and immediately chased after him.

After flying for about a day, he caught up with Tang Tianhao and the others in a small town. At this time, Tang Tianhao and the others were also taking a break in this small town. After all, they had been flying all this time, and even though there were replacements, they were still very tired.

Secondly, wait for Wang Bing for a while. If he gets separated, it will be a big trouble!

"How is the situation? Have any survivors been found in the town?" Tang Tianhao asked impatiently.

"I did find one, but it's a pity that he died before I could ask what happened, and I wasted a second-class elixir in vain." Wang Bing sighed, and then briefly recounted the previous events.

, and took out the piece of leather.

Tang Tianhao, Mu Xin and the others all took turns to look at the piece of broken leather, but they couldn't see anything. The only thing they were sure of was that it was a map, and it was still incomplete.

As for what can be found on this map, it's hard to say, and there are other parts missing.

"This map is by no means simple. I'm afraid it's not just ordinary leather. However, my knowledge is limited. After I meet Third Master Uncle, I'll ask him. Maybe he will recognize it." Mu Xin studied it carefully for a while and couldn't help but shake.

Shake his head.

Tang Tianhao nodded and confirmed: "Yes, even if this map really hides some treasure, we don't have time to find it. And the map is incomplete, so we'd better quickly find a way to rescue the pervert. Okay, here you go,

Let’s get on the road immediately, time is very tight.” (To be continued…)

This chapter has been completed!
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