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Chapter 104: Belmod

Nancy is a reporter from the United States. After graduating from college, she worked for a state television station. Then she was sent to Hawaii to interview and shoot celebrities on vacation because of the food.

In just two months, I successfully hacked several times.

She couldn't wait to catch an interview with a big star and leave this hellish place.

But it is impossible for a big star to have a big star. Who is a big star who wants to come to Hawaii for Christmas instead of staying in New York?

On this holiday, at this point in the airport, nine out of ten people who are betting on celebrities are gamblers, and the remaining one is just sitting idle with nothing to do.

She gambles and idles.

In order to capture big stars, I wish I could eat and stay at the airport.

When she suddenly saw a lot of bodyguards entering the venue, her eyes glowed green. A big star, a big star was definitely coming. She vouched for it with her own personality.

Pretending to be ordinary people picking her up at the airport, these bodyguards in suits mainly drove away the reporters but not her, allowing them to stand in a good position and crane their necks to watch the situation.

I could only see that the bodyguards then separated into two rows, and then said something in Japanese in a very respectful tone.

Her Japanese is really average, and being able to tell that she speaks Japanese is the reason why she still watches some Japanese dramas occasionally.

She could only crane her neck and look forward, and finally she saw one of the bodyguards, a little girl with a single ponytail and sunglasses. She was small, but walked at a leisurely pace, and looked accustomed to the bodyguards on both sides.

Extraordinarily temperamental.

Nancy could not find in her memory any famous wealthy family in Japan who had such a daughter.

But on the other hand, to be honest, reporting the news about the debut of a wealthy Japanese daughter in the United States is not very attractive.

Nancy still didn't risk taking out her camera: "It's a pity, it's still close. Why don't big stars come to Hawaii for vacation?"

Then she also saw Rikuto Amamiya and Emi Amamiya, and she could recognize them immediately. Those in the journalism industry can still remember wealthy people with a certain reputation, especially Emi Amamiya, who is the spokesperson of her own Amamiya Foundation.

There is a certain amount of exposure.

To some extent, he can be considered a star, but the Christmas report that the wealthy Japanese head of the Amamiya family came to Hawaii for vacation did not seem to attract much attention.

She sighed slightly, feeling that she had waited in vain again. She hoped that there would be famous people on the next few flights.

With a touch of sadness, she took a glance and saw Amamiya Noriko's profile as she took off her sunglasses after entering the terminal.

I couldn't help but zoom in and focus my eyes very clearly on the little girl's face. Her face was as delicate and flawless as opal, and her small nose was very cute.

The pink and thin lips were lightly pursed, silent and cold.

Under the enviable natural eyelashes, the amber eyes with jet black pupils are shining brightly. She looks calm and confident without squinting. When you look closely, you feel that you are deeply attracted by those eyes, as if you are in a dream.


She suddenly woke up and couldn't take out her camera to take pictures openly. She could only secretly take out her mobile phone and snap a picture. Amamiya Noriko's figure was immediately blocked from view by the bodyguards following her.

Nancy reluctantly withdrew her gaze, and opened the photo album on her mobile phone to look at the pictures. The slight blur could not cover up the girl's delicate face, but it was hazy with a layer of fresh filter. In fact, it was completely

It’s just that the pixels of the mobile phone are low and the pictures are a bit blurry.

There is no way to put this in the news, so I can only wait to share this unique photo with my friends in the United States. Although I didn't capture a big star, I feel that the trip was completely worthwhile.

Nancy went back satisfied.

The next flight arrived not long after, and there was a woman with a very beautiful appearance, and ice-blue eyes that made people instantly clear when they saw it. There was an elusive smile in the eye-catching eyes, and the golden curls were eye-catching.

Her long hair was tied down behind her head, and she wore a long dress full of Hawaiian vacation style.

After looking at the weather in Hawaii, she put on her sunglasses and slightly raised the corners of her lips with seductive lipstick.

"The weather is nice. It would be even better if something interesting happens."

Carrying her suitcase, Sharon Wynyard, a famous American female movie star with superb acting skills, high reputation, and very kind personality, arrived in Hawaii for vacation.

Rikuto Amamiya arranged to stay at the Hilton Hotel and have a good rest to eliminate the psychological shadow of the terrorist bombing attack on his home in Japan.

It's just that Amamiya Noriko gave notice in advance and left home long ago, so she wasn't even there, so the pressure wasn't very great.

Compared with them, the Japanese police are even more troublesome.

Because there is a pick-up service, the group arrived quickly. The Hilton Resort is right on the beach. Generally speaking, you can check out in the morning and check in at two or three in the afternoon. But, her father is rich.

Amamiya's parents share a room, and Amamiya Noriko and Chieda Riho share a room. The high-rise corner sea view room can see the sea from both sides, which is quite beautiful, but sleep is still important.

It was already night when we boarded the plane in Japan but it was not time to go to bed yet. But when we flew here, it was directly in broad daylight. There was a 19-hour time difference. Calculate slowly.

After putting away their luggage, Noriko Amamiya and Riho Chieda went shopping around, had something to eat, and then went to bed.

There are restaurants, bars, Starbucks and spas here, and there are more than one or two in the resort. Noriko Amamiya and Riho Chieda discussed going to eat seafood together.

In fact, Amamiya Noriko wants to go to the spa and have a buffet. Her appetite is... quite big.

Chieda Riho knew this, but looking at Amamiya Noriko, she obviously went to the spa and wanted to take off on the spot after letting herself go?

Chieda Riho ordered a seafood platter for Amamiya Noriko to eat.

Noriko Amamiya looked at the seafood platter, which was almost bigger than the school table. It was a little hard to accept, but it wasn't that she couldn't eat it.

The two of them ate such a big meal, and their reserved image was completely abandoned. They should have small portions, and after finishing one portion, they would have another portion, so that they looked like they didn't eat a lot.

Maybe this is the reason why Chieda Riho still doesn't have a boyfriend, so she can only stare at herself.

Amamiya Noriko thought about the difficulty of being single for Chieda Riho, but didn't say anything directly.

Riho Chieda checked before she ate it: "Have you taken off your makeup?"

Because Amamiya Noriko was too pretty and cute today, she was like a luminous body that attracted attention. It was nothing like the Amamiya family on the plane, but she discovered it at the airport.

Noriko Amamiya touched her face and opened her mouth.

"Didn't you bring anything to remove your makeup?"

"I even forgot to put on makeup. No wonder I feel like I'm being stared at too much when I pass by the airport."


Chieda Riho looked at Amamiya Noriko's face and was speechless. However, someone beside her laughed and made her turn around to see a very beautiful woman.

Noriko Amamiya:Niu Niu.

This chapter has been completed!
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