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Chapter 135: Conan

In the face of Kudo Shinichi's reasoning with solid evidence, the murderer's rebuttals were all invalid.

The murderer girl faced a desperate situation and knew that she could not escape. Finally, she knelt on the ground and covered her face, crying loudly.

"It's all his fault!! It's all her fault for abandoning me!!!"

Because she and the deceased Kishida had known each other for a long time and had fallen in love, but in the end Kishida abandoned her to be with that woman who wore heavy makeup and couldn't compare to her at all!

That’s why I chose to kill Kishida on the roller coaster when they were dating for the first time with the pearl necklace he had given him as a gift before, and then put the blame on his current girlfriend, Aiko.

While she was crying and having a mental breakdown, everyone looked at her in silence. Later, the police also found a large amount of sleeping pills in her bag. It seemed that she was planning to commit suicide later.

Only Kudo Shinichi and Amamiya Noriko seemed calmer.

Kudo Shinichi looked at the crying murderer lady. Taking other people's lives out of emotion, or unwillingness, for such perceptual reasons was too hasty in any case.

From a detective's perspective, it's pitiful but shouldn't be sympathized with.

Noriko Amamiya is even less advocating it. Killing her ex-boyfriend with a gift from her ex-boyfriend at the place where they had their first date is not worth learning.

Especially people who may feel resentful after being rejected by themselves.

The whole case took almost three hours to end. Later, the piano string pearl necklace was found in the cave of the roller coaster. It was exactly the same as Kudo Shinichi’s reasoning. The pearls on the pearl necklace were scattered on the floor, with the string still attached to it.

Blood stains, connected to an iron hook.

"Thank you so much this time, Kudo-kun!"

Officer Megure patted Kudo Shinichi on the shoulder and expressed that he was very satisfied and gave it a five-star rating.

Kudo Shinichi twitched his lips and said, "It's okay. You can always come to me if you have a case next time."

"Well, even though I say that, I feel like Kudo-kun, you often arrive at the scene faster than us police officers, or that you are always at the scene of the crime."

Officer Memu nodded and touched his chin.

Kudo Shinichi tilted his head: "Is there such a thing?"

"Maybe. Let's not talk about it anymore. Let's go back to the Metropolitan Police Department to handle this case. I wish you and Xiaolan and Noriko have a good time."

Officer Memu waved his hand, led the police officers to deal with the scene, and prepared to leave.

Kudo Shinichi is just thinking about Xiaolan and I having a good time, what does it have to do with Noriko Amamiya?

Looking back, it seemed that the case was too bloody or the murderer was pitiful. Xiaolan, who had a kind personality, was touched and couldn't stop crying. Amamiya Noriko wiped Xiaolan's tears with a tissue and comforted her softly.


He couldn't help but curl his lips: "You really know how to find opportunities."

Noriko Amamiya inserted herself quietly, and suddenly the two people became three. As they walked in the paradise, Kudo Shinichi frowned: "Why are you here?"

"I'm coming to the amusement park to play."

"No, I'm talking about why you joined in."

Amamiya Noriko turned to Xiao Ran who was still crying and said: "Xiao Ran, look at Shinichi, I will be scared when I see that kind of scene, and Shinichi will drive me away."

Xiaolan herself was still crying with a complicated mood. After hearing this, she raised her head and glared at Kudo Shinichi with eyes still filled with tears: "You are really calm, seeing that kind of scene!"

"I...I'm often at the scene of crime, so I'm used to it." Kudo Shinichi choked, but still responded to Xiaolan and said casually: "There are also corpses that have been cut into pieces.


Xiaolan covered her face and cried: "You are too cold-blooded!! Poor!"

Kudo Shinichi was so panicked that he didn't know how to comfort him, "You'd better forget it as soon as possible. This thing is very common!"

Noriko Amamiya asked doubtfully on the other side of Xiaolan: "Is this kind of thing common?"

Kudo Shinichi rolled his eyes at Xiaolan across the middle, but Xiaolan also raised her head and said to him, "It's not very common!"

He was at his wits end, Xiaolan was fine alone, and there was Noriko Amamiya next to her. It was definitely not that he couldn't comfort people, it was all Noriko Amamiya's fault.

When he glanced to the side, he suddenly noticed a very familiar black figure in the direction of the corner. He was the thicker of the two suspicious men in black on the roller coaster.

Wearing sunglasses, he glanced around very furtively, and then left the busy and crowded place from behind.

"What is he doing?"

A question arose in Kudo Shinichi's heart, and he couldn't help but attract all his attention.

Seeing that the other party could no longer be seen, he tilted his head slightly and said: "Sorry, Xiaolan, you go back first, I will catch up with you soon."


Xiaolan raised her head and looked at Shinichi with tears still hanging from the corners of her eyes.

Kudo Shinichi glanced at Amamiya Noriko, Xiaolan will be left to you.

Noriko Amamiya blinked, go ahead, go ahead.

Kudo Shinichi took one last look at Xiaolan, and then chased after her.

Mao Lilan looked at Kudo Shinichi's back, stretched out her hand and shouted, but she didn't let Kudo Shinichi hear. When she wanted to chase after him, she found that her shoelace had fallen off.

She lowered her head and looked at her shoelaces, then looked up in the direction where Kudo Shinichi left. She didn't know why she felt empty in her heart. Tourists were coming and going around her, and the atmosphere was very lively. But she didn't know why, but she felt a very empty feeling.

I had an ominous premonition that I would never see Shinichi again.

"Xiaolan, are you okay?"

Noriko Amamiya called out softly to Xiaolan who was completely stunned on the spot.

Xiaolan came back to her senses, stretched out her hand to wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes and said apologetically: "I'm sorry for making Noriko worry. I'm fine, it's just Shinichi..."

"He will be fine for sure, but Xiaolan, you don't seem to be in a good condition. You should go home and take a rest first."

Xiaolan hesitated: "But..."

"It's okay. I'll ask Sister Qianzhi to take you back. I'll go find him."

Xiaolan looked at Noriko, who made her sit on the bench and tied her shoelaces very gently. She didn't know why she felt at ease all of a sudden, and she couldn't help but nodded gently.

"I'll just wait here. Noriko, go and see Shinichi."


Amamiya Noriko nodded and asked Xiaoran to wait for Chieda Riho to pick her up, then she chased in the direction where Kudo Shinichi left.

The other side.

Kudo Shinichi had quietly followed Vodka to a remote corner of the park. He originally lost track of him, but suddenly heard the suspicious man's voice: "I kept you waiting, Mr. President."

He hurriedly followed the sound, peeked his head slightly behind the corner and saw the suspicious man and another short, fat man in a suit.

He said to the suspicious man in a nervous voice: "I came alone as promised."

The tall and suspicious man nodded and said, "Well, I know you came alone. I confirmed this on the roller coaster."

After hearing this, Kudo Shinichi immediately understood the purpose of their roller coaster ride.

"Then give me that thing quickly!"

Vodka said calmly: "Don't worry, get the money first."

When Kudo Shinichi heard this, he immediately took out his miniature camera. It was obvious that if there was going to be a transaction, he would use the camera to capture it.

He wanted to see what this suspicious man was secretly doing.

The president opened his alley to the vodka, which was full of banknotes. Kudo Shinichi visually inspected it and found that it must be more than 100 million in cash.

Vodka checked the money and then accepted the box: "Okay, the deal is done."

The president urged: "Give me the negatives quickly."

Vodka took out the film and gave it to him: "Take it, these are the evidence films and photos of your company's gun smuggling. Don't do bad things."

The president's head was full of black lines and he couldn't help but said: "If you want to talk too much, what we do is nothing compared to what your organization does."

When Vodka heard this, he turned around and looked at the other person threateningly: "Hey, how much do you know about our organization? Huh?"

The president reacted and waved his hand quickly: "Ah, that..."

"We only took a mere 100 million yen from you and let you live. If you understand, just close the company and go elsewhere. We just want to build on that land."

Just a new laboratory."

Facing the pressure of vodka, the president's tone suddenly weakened: "Yes, yes..."

When Kudo Shinichi saw this, he didn't quite know what the overall situation was, but it was obviously not a legal transaction, and even involved gun smuggling.

"Go back and give the video to Officer Memu to check..."


When Kudo Shinichi heard the sudden footsteps behind him, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. He slowly turned around with a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, and it turned out to be the other of the two suspicious men in black, a man with long silver hair in a trench coat.

He looked at the other party with a grin and sneered, and slowly raised the stick in his hand: "The detective game is over-"

Kudo Shinichi, who gritted his teeth and turned around to run away, received a blow on the head and fell to the ground in confusion.

Vodka spotted Kudo Shinichi and Gin pouring out from around the corner, and quickly came over: "Brother..."

"Idiot, you are actually being followed by this brat."

Gin looked down at Kudo Shinichi on the ground, stretched out his hand to retract the telescopic swing stick, and said coldly.

Kudo Shinichi looked at the place and said: "This kid is the detective just now! Damn it, do you want to kill him?"

As he said this, he had already taken out his pistol and was about to take out his pistol, but Gin reached out to stop him.

"Stop, because of the murder just now, the police are still hanging around."

Gin picked up Kudo Shinichi's miniature video camera.

Vodka wondered: "Then what should we do?"

Hearing this, Gin raised the corner of his mouth with a cruel smile and took out a flat square box from his arms: "Just use this."

"This is a poison newly developed by the organization. After a person is poisoned by this poison, the toxin cannot be detected from the body even after death. It is a good thing that can be used to commit a complete crime.

"However, this drug is only a test product and has not been tested on humans."

Amamiya Noriko quietly watched Gin pouring medicine into Shinichi from the wall at the corner. Hearing this, she couldn't help but improve her senses about Gin. Gin not only knows how to explode art, but also pays attention to killing people invisibly.


Watching Kudo Shinichi being stuffed with gin, he directly stuffed aptx4869 into his throat to make sure everything was safe, and then took out the potion in the square box and poured it on him.

Noriko Amamiya's eyes fell on the box of red and white pills in Gin's hand.

After drinking gin for Kudo Shinichi, he stood up and smiled coldly.

"Goodbye, detective."

Gin and Vodka turned around and walked away quickly.

Amamiya Noriko watched Kudo Shinichi's condition from the wall. He was lying on the ground without making any movements. His consciousness was obviously not very clear, and he was accompanied by a rapid and thick cough after finishing drinking.

"It should be fine."

Noriko Amamiya opened her eyes and looked.

Suddenly Kudo Shinichi twitched, his eyes widened in an instant and he was twisting and curling up in pain. He opened his mouth wide and was unable to make any sound from his throat. Steam-like hot gas was emanating from his clothes and the ground.

"Giant transformation? In reverse."

"I must be wailing in my heart. I remember that the process must be very painful."

Amamiya Noriko tilted her head and saw Kudou Shinichi struggling for a while but making no movement.

She jumped down and checked Kudo Shinichi's breathing. It was still normal, so there should be no problem.

"You will call me Sister Noriko from now on."

Noriko Amamiya couldn't help but chuckle, put him aside, and patted his head.

"Then, Sister Noriko, let's see if we can get a medicine and study it first, and then I'll see you later, Conan."

The windbreaker she wore, including the skirt, basically carried everything. After simply changing her appearance and appearance to an ordinary one, Noriko Amamiya went after gin and vodka.

After the two of them took care of Kudo Shinichi, they walked quickly towards the gate of the park, ready to get in the car and leave.

It will be troublesome if you are already in the car.

A black Porsche 356a just started driving away at the entrance of the park.

Amamiya Noriko clicked her tongue and walked to the side. A black and red Kawasaki Ninja was parked on the roadside with a helmet hanging on it.

Reaching out and taking out the key in her pocket to start it, Noriko Amamiya got on her horse and chased after her.

Now she has not just graduated from elementary school, but graduated from Hawaii with perfect scores, and is playing against Master Qin on the trumpet!

Noriko Amamiya was riding a bicycle on the road, weaving in and out between vehicles, saying sorry to the traffic laws, for the sake of seeing the world of Conan, and she was fighting against evil forces.

Vodka drove the car as the driver, while Gin calmly used the cigarette lighter in the car to light a Jiloise brand cigarette he was accustomed to smoking in the passenger seat.

Gin looked casually outside the car. He had completed the task and killed a person. There was no great psychological pressure on him.

Suddenly, on the side of the scenery outside his passenger window, a slim girl riding a handsome motorcycle kept pace with his Porsche 356a, and the other person's helmeted head tilted its head at him.

The two people looked at each other through their helmets.

Gin slowly put down his cigarette, but saw that the other party had already accelerated and rushed forward.

Vodka: "Big brother?"

"Ignore her."

This chapter has been completed!
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