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Chapter 151: The nest is still a person

Vodka and gin on the way out.

After seeing the blood on the ground, Fangtani Rei quickly left the scene. At the same time, he took out his cell phone and sent Gin a message.

Just kidding and showing how good he is at collecting information.

After he left, a large number of policemen approached slowly and cautiously with guns in hand and flashlights in one hand. The fire in the alley burned down to the last bit and the light gradually dimmed.

Officer Megure was at a later position, and Kogoro Mori was beside him, with a solemn expression on his face.

Following Officer Memu's order, police officers on both sides of the alley rushed in first. With the illumination of multiple flashlights, they confirmed that there was no one in the alley.

"Be on guard all around!"

Officer Megure breathed a sigh of relief and put away his gun. He turned around and saw Kogoro Mouri moving his nose and looking down at his feet.

A small pool of blood.

Officer Megure frowned: "It seems this is not an ordinary shooting case."

Mouri Kogoro nodded: "Neither the murderer nor the victim in this shooting want to have anything to do with your police."

In other words, there is a high probability that it is a conflict between dark forces.

This kind of conflict is actually very tacit, and the major issues are reduced to trivial matters, and it will be over after a period of confusion.

Because most of the time it would be difficult for the police on both sides to find them.

"I just don't know if it has anything to do with the case over there."

Mouri Kogoro knelt down and took a look, his blood was not very solid yet: "If the person who was shot escaped, he should still be found nearby."

Officer Megure nodded, and immediately assigned police officers to search the area to find the best ones. If they couldn't find it, go back and file it with the Metropolitan Police Department first.

Speaking of which, Brother Maori seems to be a bit reliable.

Something's wrong.

To a certain extent, Mouri Kogoro's guess was almost the same, Amamiya Noriko really couldn't run far.

This time, he received a solid shot, just below the clavicle of his right shoulder.

This part is very tricky. There are no bones. Otherwise, the hardness of her bones should be able to block bullets that have been weakened by the medicine box and skin and muscles. However, it is also on the edge of the pectoralis major muscle. Although her pectoralis major muscle is not very exaggerated, it is tough.

There is.

The bullet would be impossible to remove for a while, and it would be attached when she moved her arm in this position. It was really a little painful.

It's a level 7 pain, a little worse than dysmenorrhea.

"This time it can't be solved by putting on an OK bandage."

Noriko Amamiya lay on the flat seat and wrapped a simple bandage on one hand.

There was a police officer passing by outside the car window. He looked suspiciously at the commercial vehicle parked on the roadside. The black glass made it impossible to see inside, but he saw that there was a lot of dust on the vehicle. It must have been parked for a long time.

It probably has nothing to do with this case.

Then he turned around and went to check other places.

If he looked more carefully, he should be able to see that the dust on the door lock is lighter.

After all, she had just been pried by Amamiya Noriko.

Seeing that he was gone, Amamiya Noriko adjusted her seat and sat up to continue wrapping the bandages. The business car was a large model, and the space inside was relatively wide. After wrapping the bandages, she continued to lie down.

He typed a message with his left hand, then took out a red and white capsule from the lining pocket of his suit jacket and looked at it.

Her eyesight became particularly clear after adapting to the dim light, and she looked with clear eyes, making her want to spread her hands.

"Oh, big and small pills, I got it, Mr. Qin, you can't believe it."

Can this shot be in vain?

When she grabbed Gin's windbreaker, she just took out the pills with her backhand. She didn't even dodge the bullets. She couldn't take more. Even if she let the pill box take a shot, Gin might be cautious enough to pick them up one by one to determine the quantity.

One pill is the safest.

After all, it might have been shattered by a bullet.

It's comfortable, and I feel like I have the lifeblood of the winery in my hands.

It has to be put away.

I lay down for a while, although I felt a little sleepy, I still kept myself awake. I don’t know how long it took, but the footsteps of the police around me gradually became sparse, and I heard the sound of a vehicle parked in the parking space next to me.

The door of this business car was violently opened. Seeing Noriko Amamiya lying inside and smiling seductively at her, Chieda Riho almost couldn't hold back her fist.

"Get the stretcher, be careful, and get the lady into the car quickly."

Chieda Riho directed two other slender short-haired women in suits to carry Amamiya Noriko to the car she drove, which was apparently a van-like ambulance.

Noriko Amamiya said: "Don't be anxious, don't worry, I'm good at it."

"Please shut up, miss."

Chieda Riho's tone was unkind. She jumped up almost instantly after receiving Amamiya Noriko's message. She rushed over to the Amamiya residence as fast as she could with a series of orders!

So why do you have no conscience with me here?!

After boarding the Amamiya family's special ambulance, Chieda Riho asked another woman to drive, while she watched from behind as her former medic and sister unwrapped the bandages and checked the injuries.

There is no flaw at all, but there is a wound on the basically perfect skin, and it is such a serious wound.

"Gunshot wound."

Medical soldier, usually the Amamiya family's permanent bodyguard and doctor, Ogura Asahi.

Miss Amemiya's bandaging method was simple and rough, but there was nothing wrong with it. As for the wound, she knew what it was caused by just one look.

Noriko Amamiya was lying down and blinked when she heard this, "Can you tell what kind of gun caused it?"

Ogura Asahi looked helplessly at Noriko Amamiya, who was quite energetic: "Miss... I'll know when I see the bullet."

"No need."

Noriko Amamiya took out her trophy, the Beretta pistol that Gin carried with her, and took it back and framed it with Gin's signature.

Invite Master Qin to your home someday!

Ogura Asahi and Chieda Riho looked at each other, Riho... I always thought the eldest lady was cute, gentle and kind. I want to say that I will always protect the eldest lady in this life, you know?

Riho Chieda responded without any expression, and even grabbed the gun. What a dangerous behavior Noriko was doing. She really shouldn't be too reassured about Noriko, who graduated from Hawaii. She was still not qualified enough.

Noriko Amamiya nuzzled at Ogura Asahi, please stop your sisters from being autistic.

Ogura Asahi looked back helplessly, I'm still helping you treat your wounds, could you please stop harassing me?

"Then it's up to you, Hi-chan, I may really need to take a nap."

Amamiya Noriko blinked. In ancient times, Guan Gong scraped bones to cure poison and played chess. Today, she, Amamiya Noriko, was not weak at all.

Riho Chieda saw Amamiya Noriko go to bed and immediately closed her eyes. Although she didn't know if she really fell asleep, the way she lowered her eyes quietly made her look as quiet and cute as usual.

There is no use in blaming yourself, you also need to become stronger in order to protect Noriko.

Asahi Ogura saw Riho Chieda reaching out and gently smoothing the lady's bangs. Although she had a cold personality, she saw a gentle look on her face.

Does this mean you have found the person you want to protect?

It's not that it can't be done, but when she dealt with the wound, she clearly felt that Miss Amemiya's body was not as strong as usual, and she was protecting her in reverse?

It was clear that Noriko, who was very cute when she was a child, often suffered from colds and fevers, which made her feel distressed many times. Unknowingly, she has grown up and is considered a little beauty, and her physical condition has improved a lot...

It’s better than usual!!!

A few days later, Ogura Asahi, dressed in a maid outfit, almost knelt down to watch Miss Amemiya play the piano. She was wearing a plain white dress, playing with a noble temperament, her head slightly raised, and she was beautiful without makeup.

Her eyes are shining, and her white neck is as graceful as a swan.

The Amamiya family has no requirement to wear a maid uniform, but Noriko Amamiya found that she was quite fun to tease, so she made a small bet that if she lost, she would wear a maid uniform.

Ogura Asahi is quite thin-skinned, but she does what she says.

Since Miss Amemiya was able to box within a few days after taking out the bullet, she could only accept defeat and accept the punishment of self-humiliation.

It's harmless anyway.

Noriko Amamiya didn't play any complicated music, but simply played Little Star.


When Riho Chieda came in, she saw Noriko Amamiya singing leisurely and dancing her fingers briskly on the piano. Next to her, Asahi Ogura was wearing a maid outfit and had a complicated face.

This situation is too complicated.

However, Noriko was probably just checking to see if there was any impact on the flexibility of her fingers, so it was harmless.

Handing over the latest newspaper, Chieda Riho briefly explained the situation at the same time: "Not all the cases that night were reported. We also discussed it with the TV station."


Amamiya Noriko stopped the piano, took the newspaper and took a look. It basically had nothing to do with her. The newspaper focused on Okino Yoko's case and introduced it in detail. On the side, there was a wave of popular advertisements for Okino Yoko.

What happened next is simply summarized under the operation of the Amamiya family. It has nothing to do with the noble and upper-class Amamiya eldest daughter. It is purely the retaliatory behavior of the three-person killer team against the police, and even committed such inhumane acts as suicide bombs.

Trying to go to hell with the police.

However, the wise and wise police officer Mumu from the Investigation Division 1 saw through it and kept the police officers away from the bomb, avoiding huge casualties, and was given a major commendation by the Metropolitan Police Department.

Attached is a picture of Officer Megu receiving the award. From the slightly curved corners of his mouth, we can see that Officer Megu’s smile is not forced at all, but the corners of his mouth are a bit heavy.

Officer Megure believed that this was definitely a sinister force working through the upper echelons of the Metropolitan Police Department, completely reversing the priorities of the entire case and putting the cart before the horse. The case of Yoko Okino was completely insignificant compared to the subsequent bombings and shootings.

Pushed to the highest tide.

Forget it, he was brought out for a round of commendations. At least Officer Mu Mu, who still had justice in his heart, found it difficult to accept it. Wasn't this, didn't it make him embarrassed to continue the investigation? This commendation was not fragrant, it was,

Heaviness, versus heaviness.

There was nothing he could do about it. It wasn't like he didn't understand the situation, and Brother Maori had already made assumptions from the beginning.

Therefore, for Amamiya Noriko, who was actually the victim that day, Officer Megure felt very ashamed. He was unable to track down the murderer for the victim Noriko, and he was sorry for the many requests given to him by the head of the Amamiya family before going abroad.

Not long after, he came to visit Noriko Amamiya in person, who was said to be too frightened to ask for leave and did not go to school.

When I came in, I saw Noriko Amamiya moving a chair, standing on tiptoes to reach for a calligraphy and painting on the wall?

Officer Megure said: "Noriko, how about I do it?"


Amamiya Noriko turned her head and saw Officer Megure. She quickly hid the Beretta pistol that she had reached out and turned over the words framed on the wall so that Officer Megure could not see them.

Behind Officer Megure, Riho Chieda looked calm, while Asahi Ogura covered her face.

Seeing Amamiya Noriko's expression of shock after seeing him, Officer Megure quickly waved his hand and said: "Don't be afraid Noriko, it's me, Officer Megure from the Metropolitan Police Department, here to visit Noriko."

"I'm sorry, because that day... I overreacted."

Amamiya Noriko expressed her apology with a weak expression, then asked Chieda Riho to prepare tea and entertained Officer Megure.

She is someone who has played in the tea club.

Immediately, he gave Officer Megure a handful of Youjing green tea, and Officer Megure praised Noriko for her amazing tea skills, embodying the cultivated temperament of the Amamiya family.

I was originally here to visit Noriko Amamiya. Anyway, I can’t say enough good things about it.

Noriko Amamiya was humble, and then asked weakly how the investigation went that day.

Rather than reading the news and newspapers, it is far better to ask the police officer in front of me who is actually directing the on-site search work.

Officer Megure has nothing to hide. His relationship with Rikuto Amamiya is also considered to be Amamiya Noriko’s elder.

The fire in the alley that day obviously destroyed most of the evidence. Due to technical problems, it was impossible to find more things in the flame residue.

On the other hand, some samples were collected from the blood at the entrance of the alley on the other side and sent back for testing. However, due to technical problems, there was not much progress.

Noriko Amamiya looked at her thick mobile phone. Of course, with the current level of technology, she was still a few months away from being able to test her blood sample in detail.

There is no genetic database in the world of Conan, so there is no way to match.

It's okay to have some blood collected by the police now, but Amamiya Noriko really can't guarantee that in a few months, Ke Xue's development will be really disappointing.

Officer Memu also sighed and said: "I don't know how those medical experts did the tests, and they asked us what kind of animal we collected it from to fool them. It doesn't seem to be human blood? Isn't this a joke? Still...

Not as reliable as our coroner."


There is a big question mark on Amamiya Noriko's head, is I not a human being?

Don't be like this, it's just that the fever has increased, and Amamiya Noriko feels that she is still a human being.

If she wasn't human, the bullet wouldn't even be able to damage her skin.

Thank you very much to Officer Megure for the information. After seeing Officer Megure off, Amamiya Noriko didn’t bother to mount Qin’s gun. Instead, she returned to the room and took off her clothes in front of the full-length mirror to look at her wounds. Wasn’t she still recovering?


The number of colds and fevers is still less!

This chapter has been completed!
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