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Chapter 164: I didn't see the princess

"Ah, really, did you just use a gun?"

Kuroba Kaito looked at Officer Deron's retro revolver and helplessly spread his hands.

Officer Delong said disdainfully: "Hmph, Kaitou Kidd, I will not show mercy to you!"

"Then, princess, please be careful."

Kuroba Kaito looked past him towards Princess An behind him. Considering that Kaitou Kidd's words were related to the safety of the princess, Officer Deron couldn't help but tilted his head subconsciously. At this moment, Kuroba Kaito lifted his head.

The cloak blocked his view.

Officer DeLong realized that he had been played, and immediately fired several shots angrily, but when the white cloak with several holes punched through fell down, Kaitou Kidd was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, a small ball was thrown from behind the sofa next to him. Delong's superb marksmanship swung the muzzle of the gun and hit it with a single shot.


Huge and thick smoke spread instantly and filled the entire room.


Officer Delon covered his nose with one hand and looked for Kaitou Kidd in the smoke.

However, Kuroba Kaito quietly approached the princess, politely and gracefully held her hand and whispered: "Princess, can I lend you your gem—"


Next to her, Aoko Nakamori slapped Kaitou Kid's hand away, guarding the princess behind her with vigilance: "What do you want to do to the princess?!"


Kuroba Kaito felt confused and looked at Nakamori Aoko speechlessly.

The main reason I do this is to help your dad regain his confidence and cheer you up!

If the purpose was to lure out the mysterious organization, then he could leave now. Rather than actually stealing any gems, it would be better to chase that Baileys to see if he could get any information about the mysterious organization.

"Aoko, you idiot!"

Kuroba Kaito was not polite, and took the necklace away from the princess's neck with one stroke of his hand, and then dived into the smoke again.

Princess An was a little worried when her precious necklace was stolen, but she felt relieved when she heard Kaitou Kid's voice in her ears.

"Princess, I will borrow it for a short time and will return it to you later..."

Officer Delong had already run to the princess and was shocked to find that the princess's necklace was gone.

Suddenly, a vague figure jumped out from the window in the smoke. He immediately chased after it, waving the air at the window to disperse the smoke, and at the same time raised his gun and pointed it at a flying Phantom Thief Kidd-like object in the dark night sky.


After the shot, there were gorgeous smoke and fireworks, and Kaito Kidd's dummy fell.

Feeling that he was being tricked again, Delon was furious. Before he could prepare anything, he was kicked out of the window by Kidd, the thief behind him.


After Kuroba Kaito locked the princess and Aoko in the room, he transformed into the princess and sold a flaw to Nakamori Ginzo so that he could see through his disguise and inadvertently let him take the necklace.

go back.

He changed back to the appearance of Kaitou Kidd, standing on the crescent-shaped sculpture, "As expected of Officer Nakamori! If you were here, you would let me do things with my hands and feet tied up. If possible, I really hope

Can you be removed from the search for me? Goodbye!!"

After reading the lines, Kaitou Kid disappeared in a burst of smoke. Nakamori Ginzo was holding the necklace in his hand and looked confused. Who am I? What am I doing? When was this necklace snatched back?

The rather eye-catching police officer next to him immediately said: "How awesome! Officer Zhongmori, you got the necklace back!!!"

"As expected of Officer Nakamori!!"

"Bah bang bang!!"

Amidst a burst of applause, Nakamori Ginzo also realized, yes, I am so strong, I snatched the necklace back from the hateful Kaitou Kid!!

"Hahahaha!! As expected, we have to deal with Kaitou Kidd, but we can't do it without me!!!"

Nakamori Ginzo raised his head and laughed, and suddenly noticed Officer Delong hanging outside the house. He couldn't help but calmly picked up the necklace and shook it: "Officer Delong, you can't do it! I still need my wise Nakamori to deal with Phantom Thief Kidd.

Officer Yinsan has to come!"

Officer Delong, who was kicked down from upstairs and was lucky enough to be hung up, gritted his teeth and wanted to shoot him. It was not like he didn't see that Nakamori Ginzo himself looked confused just now, so he actually turned around and pretended to be with him.


Among the guests, Kuroba Kaito, who had recovered his appearance, looked at Nakamori Ginzo's energetic appearance with black lines on his head, and wondered whether he was a little too energetic.

But that's fine, to a certain extent, after this time Nakamori Ginzo should appear stably at his theft scene and won't be kicked out again. Then, wouldn't it be easier to steal gems?

It is indeed a bit dangerous for Delong to draw his gun directly.

Looking at the lively situation here, Kuroba Kaito suddenly turned his face and forgot that Aoko and the princess were still locked up by him!


Amamiya Noriko, who had already changed back into her dress, looked at the door lock of the princess's room; "Oh? Did he lock the princess and Aoko and pretend to be the princess to work?"

"It's a pity that I didn't see it. Kaito's women's clothes all look good. After all, they are disguised exactly the same."

Using a paper clip to unlock the door, Amamiya Noriko saw the princess and Aoko watching a play at the window.

The princess looked at the necklace on Nakamori Ginzo's hand and couldn't help but feel a little curious. Kaito Kidd-sama asked to borrow it. Could it be that Kaitou Kidd-sama gave it back to him on purpose?

Aoko clapped her father's hands. He looked very good. He no longer felt depressed about being excluded from Kaitou Kidd's case. In other words, he was in great spirits now, so she was relieved.

Noriko Amamiya said to them.

"Qingzi, princess?"

Nakamori Aoko hugged her happily when she turned around and saw her: "Noriko! I'm still worried about you, eh? Isn't the door locked?"

Amamiya Noriko's face was full of doubts: "Is there any? I pushed it away from the outside."

"Maybe this door is designed to be easier to open from the outside. Is your name Noriko? It's so cute."

Princess An didn't care about the door lock at all, she looked at Noriko Amamiya with wide eyes.

Noriko Amamiya tilted her head, "Princess, what do you want to do? I just pushed you down. Even if you have eighty, you can't attack me."

But she still showed a reserved personality, and she seemed a little embarrassed to be called cute: "Princess, you are also very cute."

Nakamori Aoko introduced Amamiya Noriko: "Princess, Noriko's name is Amamiya Noriko. She has been so cute since she was a child."


Noriko Amamiya turned her head and looked at Aoko. Is that how she introduced her? That’s good.


Princess An remembered this surname and smiled slightly: "Kiko is also a princess, the princess of the entire Amamiya Consortium."

Her Principality of Chabrina also has companies from the Amamiya Consortium, and it should be said that there are many. In a prosperous place, the trade will be quite large. Europe is considered one of the largest spheres of influence of the Amamiya Consortium.

The income of some countries with small economies may not be as good as that of the Amamiya Foundation. As the only jewel in the eyes of the entire consortium, it is not an exaggeration to say that Amamiya Noriko is a princess.

"If I were a boy, I would definitely marry Noriko home. Even if it is a political marriage, I would be very happy and she is so cute."

Princess An took Amamiya Noriko's little hand and said sincerely.

"...I reject?"

Refuse to confess successfully, attribute points: Agility 1.

Princess An was stunned: "Eh? Is it so direct?"

Noriko Amamiya tilted her head and said, "Princess, you should find someone you like. You can't marry me just because I'm cute."

Princess An said seriously: "It's not just cute, it's also rich."

Noriko Amamiya let go of her hand and said, "That's even worse. Princess, please stop joking."

Princess An smiled helplessly and invited Amamiya Noriko to visit her country if she had the opportunity.

Amamiya Noriko looked at the somewhat chaotic room and said that she didn't know anything. She asked in confusion: "Has Kaitou Kid been here?"

"Well, that hateful Kaitou Kidd!"

Nakamori Aoko nodded, because Kaito Kid always stole gems and returned them, so she thought that Kaito Kid was teasing the policeman, his father, so at least on the surface Aoko still hated Kaito Kid.

Privately, I also watch the news about Kaito Kidd and get excited from time to time.

The princess nodded, "Kidd-sama is really handsome. Deron was completely fooled by Kidd-sama."

Amamiya Noriko looked down at Delong from the window, you are also a miserable person.

But it would be okay, if it were me instead of Kaitou Kidd...

"But besides Kaitou Kidd, there seems to be another woman."

Qingzi looked at the princess. She arrived relatively late. At that time, she only saw a woman wearing a windbreaker. She jumped out of the window and disappeared.

It seems the name is Baileys.

Princess An nodded: "That sister is very beautiful, a great beauty, but she seems really dangerous!"

She told Aoko all of Amamiya Noriko's operations at that time, and it was quite exciting. The main reason was that except for the moment when Amamiya Noriko pointed the gun at Kaitou Kid's head, which made her feel scared, nothing else happened from Amamiya.

Miyakiko sensed some danger.

Instead, it feels like being completely teased.

Maybe she is a gentle big sister.

Amamiya Noriko looked sideways, the gentle big sister is right in front of you, but as the princess said, you should be more aura next time, because she is very cute and the princess did not scare her much.

It depends on the person, she can be casual with most people, but if she is like Belmode, she must be full of firepower, making even Sister Bei unable to resist her offensive~

Speaking of Sister Bei’s words.

Noriko Amamiya turned her head and looked at the kitten in the princess's arms. Your name is also Belmod.

The kitten in the princess's arms looked at Amamiya Noriko curiously. Maybe Amamiya Noriko's appearance was universal, and it had a lot of affection for Amamiya Noriko inexplicably.

Then Amamiya Noriko glanced at her gently, and she was so scared that she shrank into a ball and did not dare to look at Amamiya Noriko.

The princess looked at Belmod in her arms strangely. Why did she seem to be frightened? She usually ran around very naughtyly, and was not afraid of anything except Deron who used a gun to scare it.

After feeling strange, she said to Aoko and Noriko: "Speaking of which, that sister was quite scary when she was serious. When she was confronting Mr. Kidd, Mr. Kidd went outside to block us.


Qingzi thought for a while, it seemed that there was such a time, and the Kaitou Kidd seemed to have glanced at him. Was it an illusion?

At this time, Kuroba Kaito had already walked upstairs to the door. He was a little surprised when he saw that the door was actually open.

This is the door to protect the princess. How could it be so easy to open it after he locked it?

After checking that there were no traces left on the door lock, he raised his eyebrows. It seemed that this person's lock-picking skills were comparable to his.

Although there were no signs of picking the lock, he could still confirm that the door was not opened normally.

"Who is so powerful?"

A little puzzled, I looked in from the door, and I understood after seeing the figure of Amamiya Noriko.

She was probably right.

Not all magicians are so good at picking locks, but if he learned it from his father, he would definitely know how to do it, because it involves escape magic.

"This guy, even if he is so good at other magic, is he so strong at this aspect? A young lady from the Amamiya Foundation can actually learn these things so well. I, Kaitou Kidd, have done it for you."

Groaning in his mind, Kuroba Kaito raised his hand and was about to speak out when he heard Aoko yelling: "That damn Kaitou Kid, finally wanted to hold the princess's hand, but I slapped him away."


Kuroba Kaito looked at the back of his hand, which was still a little red, and couldn't help but rub his hands.

"Kaito, what are you doing there?"

Noriko Amamiya had already noticed the movement at the door. When she saw his hands rubbing together inexplicably, she made a sound out of pure curiosity.

Upon hearing this, Nakamori Aoko immediately turned around and looked over. She didn't quite understand what he was doing. However, since there was no evidence that he was caught in the princess's room to find the princess, she still asked with a harmonious and curious attitude: "Kaito, where are you running to?"

Yeah? I haven’t seen you yet.”

Kuroba Kaito scratched his head and laughed, "I was taken outside by the guards, and I have just been able to come in now."

He looked at Noriko Amamiya to see when this person came in. Speaking of which, he had never seen her.

"That's it."

Qingzi nodded, and the reason was pretty good. She had been chatting with the princess for a while, so the guard didn't ask her out.

But, Kaito, why do you always look at the princess?

Aoko looked at Kaito and narrowed her eyes. Sure enough, she still wanted to see the princess?

"Hey, Kaito, is the princess cute?"

"Hmm... cute."

Kaito, who was thinking about Amamiya Noriko's suspicious behavior, subconsciously responded, and then found Aoko looking at him with a smile: "No wonder she keeps staring at the princess."

"No, I was staring at her!!"

Kaito reacted instantly, pointed at Noriko Amamiya and said firmly.

Noriko Amamiya tilted her head, do you think it's okay to look at me?

Her face turned red and she whispered: "Don't keep staring at me..."

This chapter has been completed!
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