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Chapter 174: Winery Rescue Plan (Large Cup)

"Sister Xiaolan, I suddenly really want to go to the toilet!!"

Noriko Amamiya heard Conan speak in a particularly childish tone and glanced at him immediately.

Why don't you give your wife a hug?

If you need to go to the toilet, just go!

Noriko Amamiya was one step ahead of Xiaolan and gently guided him: "Conan is not young anymore. He has to learn to go to the toilet by himself. Go ahead, go slowly, don't be in a hurry."

Conan: "..."

He deliberately said that he suddenly didn't want to go anymore, but in the eyes of everyone, Conan couldn't afford to lose face, so he left quickly, and then came back quickly. Finally, Noriko Amamiya no longer hugged Xiaolan, and the group was studying there.

Bodyguard vehicle safety issues.

Seeing that Conan was back, Amamiya Noriko smiled softly and praised: "Conan is so fast."

Conan: "..."

Shut up, I don't know what you're talking about!

He looked at the three cars. There was nothing much to say about Amamiya Noriko's Bentley Mulsanne. He had ridden in it when Kudo Shinichi was a student, and he recently learned that Suzuki Sonoko also owned a Bentley Mulsanne, and it was pink.

The two Buick Business cars seemed to be specially made, and were driven by two female bodyguards among the eight bodyguards.

Conan thought for a while and could vaguely realize that the two female bodyguards were prepared by the Amamiya family for Noriko Amamiya.

"The protection of the Amamiya family is quite good, isn't it? Why didn't you arrange it before... Oh, I understand, it must have been Amamiya Noriko who came up with it on her own."

After seeing the bodyguards and the car, Amamiya Noriko left before she was ready. The group returned to the art museum. Sato Miwako was a little relieved about Amamiya Noriko's safety and went there to handle the case with Officer Megure.


Amamiya Noriko and Xiaolan were chatting while looking at the artworks in the art gallery. Later she would be there to watch the handover work of the art museum. The Japanese branch of the Amamiya Foundation should have contacted the art museum to discuss the purchase.


As the only direct heir of the Amamiya family, and it was her subjective request, she still had to be present.

Xiaolan was quite happy, because when she went to the art museum with Conan and her father, the two of them showed a complete lack of interest and were not happy at all.

Noriko Amamiya is different. Although she has absolutely no interest in appreciating art or anything else, if Xiaolan goes shopping together, showing interest will make her happy.

I have generally learned this in Hawaii, and I can even briefly introduce the historical background of some artworks to Xiaolan.

To be honest, this is something she should have learned when she was a child in the Amamiya family. Just like Suzuki Sonoko looked at her, she must also have some knowledge of art, or the education of a rich lady would be involved.

But when she was a child, she was too busy catching kids to learn? Amamiya Rikuto and Amamiya E’s beautiful daughter didn’t take her to learn? She came back from Hawaii to learn.

But these are only used sometimes, not usually? Who in Tedan Middle School doesn’t know her gentle and lovely Miss Amamiya.

Xiaolan opened her eyes and looked at Noriko Amamiya with a soft smile. She can introduce most of the works of art to herself. She is so familiar with Noriko. She rarely feels the feeling of Miss Amamiya from Noriko.


She couldn't help but poke Amamiya Noriko who was introducing the artwork to her, and poked her soft face: "Noriko seems to know everything? And she's so cute? Her face is so soft."


Amamiya Noriko was stunned for a moment by Xiaolan's clueless words. She blinked, grabbed Xiaolan's hand and whispered: "Xiaoran finally likes me?"

"No, I've always liked Noriko."

Xiaolan also replied a little naughtily. Seeing Noriko not knowing how to respond? She couldn't help but feel happy: "What? Noriko is accused every day and she still doesn't know how to respond?"


Noriko Amamiya hesitated to speak. She was wondering whether Xiaolan's confession just now was considered a confession, and whether it would be useful to refuse, but there was a high probability that it would be useless.

Forget it? If you miss it, you will miss it. Just a few attribute points? I don’t know if it counts. Xiaolan usually takes care of herself? She often cares about herself and gives Xiaolan a heart-warming package to make Xiaolan happy.

Amamiya Noriko seemed to feel very shy, but she still puffed up her face and muttered in a low voice: "I like Xiaolan too."

After saying that, he lowered his head slightly and twisted his fingers on his two little hands, as if he was embarrassed to look at Xiaolan.

Xiaolan couldn't help but stretched out her hand to cover her mouth gently, opened her purple-blue eyes and looked at Noriko's shy look, and had to say happily: "Noriko is really, really cute!"


Conan, who originally didn't want to follow these two girls to the art museum again, looked at this situation.

What are you doing, am I too late? Noriko, you have already attacked Xiaolan?!

Don’t take the opportunity to seek comfort from my Xiaolan just because you were attacked by a gun!!

Conan couldn't help but stare at Noriko Amamiya, and found that she looked shy now, and her cute expression was very heart-warming-play hard to get.

Xiaolan, don’t be fooled!!!

After Xiaolan smiled and said that Amamiya Noriko was cute, she couldn't help but said: "Huh, if Shinichi had seen such a cute side of you Noriko, he would definitely not have offended Noriko."

Noriko Amamiya thought about it and decided that she would definitely do it.

Conan also breathed a sigh of relief and thought: "I still know how to do it."

After all, is this something he can control?! When did Amamiya Noriko not put landmines under his feet and force him to step on them?!

never mind.

After all, Ran didn’t fall for Amamiya Noriko’s trick. Well done, Ran!!!

Amamiya Noriko looked at Conan who appeared and understood, this guy must have thought she was attacking Xiaolan.

It's a pity that she is just sending a SSS-level shy gift package to Xiaolan.

I don’t know how many people want this gift bag.

Noriko Amamiya looked at Conan: "Do you want to go to the bathroom again?"

Conan, who is completely a high school detective at heart, suppressed his blush and said: "No!!"

Amamiya Noriko took Xiaolan's arm and said, "Xiaoran, do you think Conan is very similar to Shinichi? They both like to be mean to me like this."

Conan: "!"

Xiaolan looked at Conan in a funny and helpless way. Conan didn't dare to look directly into Xiaolan's eyes and turned to look aside.

Xiaolan thought that Conan knew that he was wrong or wronged, so she rubbed his head, and then led Conan to continue shopping together.

Amamiya Noriko looks like this elementary school student who is a little embarrassed to hold hands with Xiaolan, haven't you earned it?

But I make money every day.

The preliminary consultations took until the afternoon to complete.

Because the owner of the museum, Manaka, and the director of Ochiai both died in this case, the value of the museum was suppressed to a very low level. In addition, there was a scandal involving Kubota employees selling art privately, and finally the preliminary agreement was agreed upon.

The value is that you can make a profit without losing any money.

It has basically been confirmed that the Mihua Art Museum will be affiliated with the Amamiya Foundation.

By the time it closes in the afternoon, the museum has actually been closed due to the incident. However, it will close earlier today. Tomorrow there will be notarized professionals to estimate the value of each artwork. The museum and the art in it will

Products are not packaged together.

Let Xiaolan and Conan get in the car first and take them home later.

Noriko Amamiya said to the current acting director: "Can you give me the key first?"

"Ok, Ok."

The other party also knew that the art museum basically belonged to the Amamiya Foundation, so he handed over the key very attentively, and asked if there was anything he needed to do, probably because he was worried that he would not be needed anymore.

"No, a lot of things happened today. You can go back and rest first."

Noriko Amamiya shook her head and smiled.

After dismissing the people, Noriko Amamiya looked at Riho Chieda next to her: "There should be no one in the art museum, right?"

"There is no one left. I'll cooperate with the police tomorrow and evaluate the value of these artworks. The museum will basically belong to you, Noriko."

Riho Chieda held the document bag in her hand and spoke out after hearing the words.

To put it simply, the Amamiya Foundation provided money to buy things for Noriko Amamiya.

Generally speaking, it is not allowed for companies to pay for private purchases, but the Amamiya Foundation has long been regarded as a private enterprise of the Amamiya family, so buying a gift for the little princess, the only heir of the family, is not a big problem.

The person in charge of the Japanese branch also agreed. Buying a gift for the eldest lady is OK!

Riho Chieda originally didn't want to go to the Japanese branch. Noriko had an extra small treasury that Amamiya Rito gave to his daughter, but she left it under her control. It was enough to buy an art museum, but she just went to the Japanese branch.

The channel here can lower the price a lot, and she wants to save money for Noriko Amamiya.

As a result, the Japanese branch was very concerned, sent a professional team over, and said they could pay for the eldest lady.

Then I saved the money and spent an art museum in vain. I can just report it to Rikuto Amamiya later.

There was no way, the person in charge who was disobedient and was instigated by the winery has been replaced, and now they are all selected by the Amamiya family, so it is natural for them to take care of their eldest daughter.

Chieda Riho leaned closer and asked Amamiya Noriko in a low voice how to deal with the guy in the ventilation duct.

According to her idea, arrest her, torture her, force her to reveal the organization behind her, and then root her out by the Amamiya Consortium!

If you would rather die than surrender, throw it into the sea and feed it to the sharks.

Noriko Amamiya said that you were too cruel, wouldn't it be better to let him drown in the Belmode wine?

Riho Chieda: "?"

"Don't worry about it." Noriko Amamiya said: "Turn on the air conditioner at night to make the ventilation ducts colder, but don't freeze him to death."

Riho Chieda nodded, but she was still a little confused: "Aren't you going to take him away?"

"No, it's risky."

Noriko Amamiya stood at the entrance of the art museum, looked around, and shook her head.

Regardless of whether the winery organization sent her to shoot her this time, as long as Calvados loses contact, the winery will definitely be able to find out where he ended up at the art museum. There may even be wine secretly observing the art museum at the end of the day.

Anyone suspected of transporting Calvados will be noticed.

She and Xiaolan almost came out empty-handed, and the suspicion would only fall on Officer Megure. They transported the bodies of Boss Manaka and Director Ochiai. Who could not be seen in the body bags? The winery's

People are more likely to place their suspicions in that direction.

Under the protection of her bodyguards, Amamiya Noriko was as cute as ever. When it was time to go home, she didn't do anything extra.

On the rooftop not far away.

Gin looked at Amamiya Noriko's figure in the telescope, from the few strands of slender hair that were slightly ruffled by the breeze outside the museum to the slight scratches on the ankles of her white socks and the soles of her small shoes on the same side.

There are obvious scratches that can be seen clearly.

Finally entering the car, I couldn't see anymore, so I slowly put down the telescope.

"There were signs of falling to one side. Did it happen in a panic?"

Gin watched the three cars gradually go away, his face expressionless, and he was thinking in his heart.

Vodka, who was next to him, learned to speak carefully and just asked aloud: "Brother, have you seen Calvados?"

"That idiot can't be contacted. He probably didn't escape and is still hiding in the art museum, or he may have fallen into the hands of the police."

"Then are we going to save him?"

Gin said nothing.

Calvados, this idiot, had just returned to Japan with Belmod, and came over to kill Noriko Amamiya without his orders.

Noriko Amamiya was a senior scientific researcher in the organization that he planned to use to research and produce aptx4869 with Shirley.

From the information he has learned so far, it can be determined that given time, Amamiya Noriko can become a top scientist like Shirley. He has been waiting for the opportunity to capture her to work for the organization. As a result, Calvados

Give him a shot.

Now there are a few more bodyguards to cause trouble for him!

When Vodka understood, he called him an expert, Calvados, so much like his former self!

Regarding whether to save Calvados, Gin first took out his cell phone and prepared to contact Belmode.

In his impression, Bellmode should also know Noriko Amamiya. This woman should have met Noriko Amamiya in Hawaii a few years ago. Calvados, this idiot, may also have been instigated by her.

Rice Flower Hotel.

Bellmode booked a VIP suite to stay in. She currently uses the identity of Chrissy Wynyard, the daughter of the famous American movie star Sharon Wynyard, who is also a famous female movie star. Living here is very suitable for her status.

At this time, she was putting on makeup and preparing to attend a party in the evening.

"Belmod, do you know what Calvados did?"

After receiving Gin's message, she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows slightly. She was still applying lipstick unhurriedly with her bare hands. After looking at her perfect lip makeup in the mirror, she put down her lipstick and picked up her phone to reply.

"What's up with him?"

"The shooting of Amamiya Noriko at the Miwa Art Museum failed."

Belmode didn't care much about Calvados. He opened his eyes when he saw Noriko's name.

But since it was a failure, Amamiya Noriko should be fine. She directly called Gin: "Oh? How did it fail?"

Listening to Bermod's tone of not caring about Calvados and Amamiya Noriko, Gin smiled slightly sarcastically: "Don't you care about Calvados?"

"Then is he dead?"

"No, he was hiding in the art museum, or was secretly taken away by the police." Gin responded, and then said with a cruel smile: "As for how he failed, he probably encountered the most difficult person around Miss Amamiya.


Belmode paused after hearing this. The most difficult bodyguard around Noriko?

In my impression, the person who followed him seemed to be the one named Chieda Riho, but Chieda Riho didn't seem to be the most difficult person Gin said.

"What, you suffered a loss?"

Hearing this, Ginjiu narrowed his eyes, and the cold look in his eyes made Vodka next to him excited. He was the culprit who made his elder brother suffer...

Gin's tone was indifferent and he said coldly: "I will find that woman."

Hearing the tone of his words that he wanted to find and kill the bodyguard, Belmode couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth slightly, looking like he was drinking gin, which was rare.

But for some reason, she remembered the Baileys she met.

It's mysterious. She can't be found in London, but she will definitely find you in Japan.

"Then good luck to you, gin, I'm in charge of the police confirming Calvados' whereabouts."

"I'm in charge of the art museum."

After finishing the call with Bellmod, Gin sent a message to Bourbon, who was good at intelligence gathering in the organization, asking him to also pay attention to the police to avoid incomplete information obtained only from Bellmod.

Seeing that his elder brother had ended the call, Vodka quickly said: "Brother, are you ready to take action?"

Ginjiu raised his head slightly, looked at the sun that was still rising, and said calmly: "Wait for the evening."

As for Toru Amuro, who was working as a chef in a restaurant at this time, he raised his eyebrows slightly after seeing the message sent by Gin. Is it possible that Calvados fell into the hands of the police? Let him conduct a side investigation?

This is no joke. If you can capture a member of the organization with a codename alive, you may be able to learn key information about the organization from the other party.

There was no time to work here anymore, so Toru Amuro took off his apron, went to his boss and told him to take a few days off and come back to work again.

The boss was speechless: "Why are young people today like this? They obviously have good cooking skills, but their hearts are still impetuous. Can't they just calm down and study the art of cooking?"

Toru Amuro: "???"

"While you were away this morning, a very cute little girl came to borrow the kitchen. Her cooking skills are really good! It's a pity that she doesn't have the intention to do this!"

The boss shook his head with a sigh, and waved his hand to Amuro Toru: "If you have something to do, go ahead. In your spare time, you can also work in the store. I'm very optimistic about you!"

Amuro Toru hung her apron aside, dumbfounded, and asked by the way: "Do you know what that girl's name is?"

"It seems to be called Noriko Amamiya?"


Toru Amuro couldn't help but raise his head, what a coincidence?

This chapter has been completed!
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