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Chapter 200: Miyano Sisters

"I want her to work for our Amemiya Foundation."


Hearing Miss Amamiya say that the bank manager was confused, isn't this just to poach people?

This... is a good dig! Miss.

He didn't know what the relationship was between Hirota Masami and the eldest lady of the Amamiya Foundation. He didn't know if he should pay for it if he stayed in his bank, so wouldn't it be nice to just send it out and sell it well to Miss Amamiya?

However, Miss Hirota didn't seem to know Miss Amamiya's thoughts. During the interview two days ago, she still sincerely wanted to work in this bank, and she seemed to be a serious employee with a good attitude.

He had to ask: "I wonder if Miss Amamiya has communicated with Miss Hirota? I see that Miss Hirota still hopes to work here, and I am very optimistic about it too!"


Noriko Amamiya tilted her head slightly, "Are you so optimistic? I'll give you one billion if I turn around."

Of course Miyano Akemi must be saved, and she can definitely be saved.

Now go talk to Miyano Akemi and tell her, stop robbing the bank, come and rob my Amamiya Foundation, so I can save you?

This won't work.

Miyano Akemi would be suspicious just because she came to her. Even though Miyano Akemi looks very gentle, she is also a member of the organization and can steal a billion. She just came back to Yoneka Town. Didn't she tell her that she came to her?

Have you been looking for her?

Noriko Amamiya could only open her eyes with confusion: "I think your bank seems to have no shortage of people, right?"

"Ah? Because the previous teller resigned due to an emergency, and now there is still an empty window... How can I do it if it is empty? For the people who come to the bank to handle business, it is no problem for my bank manager to sit at the front desk personally."

The bank manager said subconsciously, and when he saw Miss Amamiya's lovely head getting more and more tilted, and the look of confusion on her delicate face getting heavier and heavier, his words suddenly changed.

The Amamiya Foundation's capital flow is quite considerable, and it is not the only bank in Yoneka Town.

This is a real achievement.

The bank manager understands.

After Noriko Amemiya left, he wrote a rough draft and went to find Masami Hirota, who was being briefly trained by an old employee at the back.

Hirota Masami is also a beauty. She has long hair tied up low, wears a pair of glasses, and generally always has a gentle smile. It is easy to make people like her, and she is also proficient in professional skills. She even works with Amamiya.

I know the eldest lady, she is such a good and reassuring employee!

After the bank manager organized his thoughts, he went to explain to Masami Hirota tactfully that the bank originally had plans to recruit new employees, but recently, performance and evaluations have not been very good.

Of course, it has nothing to do with you, Ms. Hirota Masami, but it may be inconvenient for the bank to recruit another employee now.

He said that he was deeply sorry! Talents like Hirota Masami cannot stay in the bank, but it doesn't matter. I believe Miss Hirota Masami that you will have a better future. After all, you are such an outstanding person.

In the end, he even lamented that he was really helpless and bluntly said that he had to go to the front desk to help with business.

Having said so much, Miyano Akemi, whose pseudonym is Hirota Masami, probably understands.

She could only sigh helplessly in her heart. It seemed that this bank really couldn't recruit her.

It’s okay, it’s okay to go to other banks and check.

But what impressed her was that the bank manager was a good person.

His words were full of self-blame and shame, as if it was his responsibility that he couldn't hire her.

Miyano Akemi could only comfort him in turn.

What's also a bit strange is that the manager appeared as if he had full confidence in her and felt that she could definitely find a better job than a bank clerk. Why was this?

After leaving Mitsubishi Bank, Miyano Akemi looked at the sky and couldn't help but sigh a little. Although she felt good overall, she had experienced the feeling of being kicked out after joining the company. This was even more uncomfortable than failing a direct interview.

But thanks to Mr. Manager, she is quite relaxed at the moment.

"Let's go see other banks tomorrow to see if they are hiring."

She smiled a little, with the mentality of interviewing and looking for a job just after joining the society, because the pressure was the same, and she also hoped that after one billion yuan, she and her sister would be able to leave the organization and live a normal life.

While walking on the street, Miyano Akemi picked up her cell phone and called her sister.

"Ah, sister?"

Listening to the sound of glass being rattled on the other end of the phone from her sister, Miyano Akemi asked curiously: "Shiho? Are you busy?"

"Well, a little bit, what's wrong with sister?"

Miyano Akemi felt that she had already seen her sister wearing a white coat, tilting her head and holding the phone to listen, while her hands were busy.

She tried asking: "Are you busy?"

Miyano Shiho tilted his head, put the beaker of coffee aside, looked at the screen, and tapped on the keyboard with his slender fingers, while saying: "I have been quite busy recently, and you know I am doing that sister,

It seems that Gin guy has lost a lot of medicine recently and is urging me to produce more quickly."

While urging to re-produce some of the test products, I am also urging the progress of the test to be completed as soon as possible to create a complete aptx4869.

In fact, it was because Gin lost his aptx4869. That box was for testing, and it had not been tested on humans before that box.

What Miyano Shiho is now watching is the video report of the experiment on mice.

Under such circumstances, she kept urging him to use the experimental product. Not to mention that she was just a genius scientist, not even the donkeys of the production team were like this.

Miyano Akemi was silent for a moment after hearing that her sister was very busy. She didn't completely believe what Gin said, and she would let her sisters leave the organization after one billion.

From the current situation, it seems that my sister is still in a relatively important position. Will the organization really let them go?

However, just having hope is enough. Her hope is that her sister can leave the organization and live a normal life.

"elder sister?"

Miyano Shiho heard that his sister on the other end of the phone had stopped talking, and asked in confusion.

She smiled and said, "Well, I'm here for other things, just to see if Shiho is busy."

Miyano Shiho smiled: "It's quite busy. When I have some free time, I'll go find my sister and go out for a drink together."

Miyano Akemi said hello when she suddenly saw a Bentley Mulsanne passing by on the side of the road. She seemed to see a familiar little face in the passenger seat.

"You've grown up."

Miyano Shiho was stunned: "What?"

Miyano Akemi couldn't help but smile, "No, I seem to have seen Noriko. Do you remember? Amamiya Noriko."

"Yeah, remember."

Miyano Shiho took a sip of coffee, and of course she remembered it. Gin even asked her about Amamiya Noriko as if she mentioned it casually some time ago.

It seemed like the question was asked casually and didn't mean anything, but she vaguely felt that Gin seemed to be eyeing Noriko.

As for the reason, she can certainly guess it with her wisdom.

In other words, this is how she was favored by the organization. She became a leading genius scientist at a young age. What the organization needed to study aptx4869 was her talent.

Rather than taking huge risks and kidnapping those already famous experts, or slowly cultivating such a method that would take countless years, it is obvious that a genius like her is the most suitable.

Moreover, she personally left a lot of notes for Noriko Amamiya. With the talent that Noriko showed when she was only 11 years old, if she studied hard, it would be possible for her to be discovered and targeted by the organization.

But don't worry too much, if the organization needs Noriko as a talent, his life will definitely not be a problem.

And with the size and power of the Amamiya Foundation, it would be a headache if the organization really showed its cards directly.

But she still had to smile helplessly: "I hope Noriko won't be caught by Gin and come with her."

If Amamiya Noriko knew that Gin was fixing so many things for her during that time and wanted to capture her to study aptx4869 with Miyano Shiho, maybe Amamiya Noriko would have directly cooperated.

Just infiltrate the organization openly and see if there is any opportunity to fish in troubled waters and bring something big to the winery.

And looking at Miyano Shiho's code name of "Shirley", she carefully studied aptx4869, why not give her one?

It's a pity that there was friction when the winery warned the Amamiya family at the beginning. Otherwise, the normal operation of gin would be to isolate Amamiya Noriko first, keep people around her away from her, and dislike her, etc.

It made Miss Amamiya have some world-weary thoughts, and he then added fuel to the flames.

In the end, he used both hard and soft tactics, threats and inducements, and threw out the organization's ideas and goals, impressing Amamiya Noriko to resolutely and selflessly serve the organization.

Despicable is despicable, but the person Mr. Qin wants doesn't care about any means. If that doesn't work, he can let Vodka do bad things. He can finally explain the beautiful concept of the organization.

As a result, Calvados did a good job a few years ago. He was bombed and bombed. He should not have been successfully counterattacked by the opponent. This directly led to Amamiya Rito's determination to remotely control Japan's Amamiya Foundation.

Part of it is isolated, and all the items that need to be checked are swept out.

He just made it clear that he was not ready to bow to the mysterious organization that attacked his family.

The winery only needed to use the channels of the Amamiya Foundation to carry out aptx4869 research in Japan at that time. Once it was rolled out, it would no longer be needed, and it had no interest in spending energy to become an enemy of a large consortium.

Moreover, after Rikuto Amamiya expressed that he would not bow his head, he did not fight back against the winery.

The most direct impact is that the winery will be too lazy to take care of the Amamiya Foundation. Otherwise, Japan will definitely find it difficult to maintain peace secretly if the winery really takes action.

Therefore, Amamiya Rikuto has taken precautions against the dangers around his family. It is impossible for Gin to implement his original plan. It was a long-term plan, and it was not a plan that was implemented all at once. Sooner or later, Amamiya Nori will be secretly protected.

Zi's ​​bodyguard stopped him.

Therefore, Ginjiu could only choose the most direct method, kidnapping and robbing people.

And out of caution, he did not directly take action himself, but hired a killer group to kidnap him. In his opinion, if a killer group just kidnaps, it should be able to succeed, right?

It didn't work out, and he silenced the killer group himself.

On the contrary, because she looked like she was going to kill herself, Amamiya Noriko would definitely not cooperate, and she didn't know that some of the questions and notes she had made about Miyano Shiho were being watched repeatedly by Gin.

Furthermore, Amamiya Noriko snatched away Mr. Koto's treasured medicine. She was doing experiments at home from time to time and it was so boring that she couldn't bear to die. The medicine she made even poisoned a Calvados. It would be impossible for her to organize research every day.


It's okay to join an organization and become a ruthless killer.

She was more interested in Gin's schedule of cleaning up the traitors every day.

Miyano Shiho is only a little older than Amamiya Noriko, but she is too mature at heart. Her impression of Amamiya Noriko is that she is a very cute little sister, one of the few girls of her own age who does not feel childish.

I don’t know anything about Noriko Amamiya’s punching power of hundreds of pounds per punch. It is said that Noriko Amamiya is so cute and often sick.

How could one think that she is now good at driving, sailing, flying, flying, and flying tanks, her marksmanship is accurate, her strength is great, she can run fast, she can also make drugs, she knows a lot about sweet words, and she is much cuter.

Woolen cloth?

All Miyano Shiho could think of was asking his sister out of curiosity: "We haven't seen each other for many years. Has Noriko become cuter or is she more beautiful as she grows up?"

When Miyano Akemi heard her sister ask this, she laughed a little and thought about Noriko whom she had just seen. "I should say she is a dignified beauty, and she is also very cute."

She felt like a good-natured young lady. She suddenly remembered that she had taken Noriko to an izakaya when she was still young, and she seemed a little ashamed of bringing a good child into bad shape.

Miyano Shiho couldn't imagine it at the moment, so he made an appointment with his sister to go shopping and chat together later. If Noriko Amamiya went to school, they could go and see it from a distance.

Satisfy your curiosity.

Miyano Shiho usually has a cold expression, but when he is with his sister, that is no longer the case, and his smile can still be seen often.

The next two days, Amamiya Noriko felt that there was always someone staring at her on the way to school. She remained calm and secretly notified Chieda Riho to investigate to see if there was another killer who had been coming gradually.


Being warned not to alert others, Chieda Riho asked everyone who was following Noriko to pay attention to the suspicious people around them and not to be too conspicuous.

Someone soon sent her a photo. Looking at the people in the photo, she couldn't help but be stunned. She recalled carefully. One was the woman that Noriko Mitsubishi Bank paid attention to, and the other...

She quickly remembered that he was a friend of Noriko's when she was a child. She remembered that she and Noriko had quite a conversation, and she had a cool and cold expression at such a young age, which left a deep impression on her.

She then sent the photo to Noriko Amamiya. Noriko Amamiya was stunned when she saw Miyano Shiho and Miyano Akemi in the photo. These were people she had not expected.

Before, I had my eye on Miyano Akemi.

This chapter has been completed!
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