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Chapter 210: The wine is tight

"I don't need to apologize. What does it have to do with me that Noriko is cuter?"

Belmod's brows twitched for a while and then he looked calmly at Baileys in front of him.

Although she looks like Chieda Riho, her expression is definitely that of Baileys who is not serious at all with her mouth full of flowers.

So does what you said.

One second I was saying I love you, I love you, and the next second I still like Noriko more than Noriko.

If she hadn't been, she could be considered an emotionless killer, able to express her emotions and anger without expressing emotion. At this moment, she would have definitely taken off her shoes and thrown them up to fight Baileys for her life.

But Belmod still naturally kept calm, and reacted immediately after a moment. Bailey Sweet had admitted that she was now lurking around Noriko.

If you confirm this, it will be very useful information.

Belmod confirmed, while carefully looking at Bailey's disguise opposite him, trying to find any trace of Bailey's on Chieda Riho's face.

It stands to reason that her disguise skills are already very good, but if she still can't see any clues at such a close distance, Bailey Sweet's disguise skills are too superb.

Her teacher Kuroba Toichi was not that bad.


However, Noriko Amamiya waved her wrist, unfolded a folding fan in front of her, covered her mouth and chuckled, "Although Baileys is beautiful, don't be obsessed with it."


Belmode couldn't see clearly where she took out the folding fan, but the technique was somewhat similar to the magic technique. At this time, all she could see on the folding fan were the four words "Don't look at evil".

She couldn't help but calm down and said, "Stop playing around. What is your purpose this time?"

Belmode did not believe that Baileys would volunteer to be a bodyguard for Amamiya Noriko. There must be a purpose. The last time he protected Noriko, Calvados was killed.

"Do I look scheming?"

Noriko Amamiya took a small mirror and looked at it, but she looked confused.

Belmod ignored her little move and pondered for a moment, "Is your target also Noriko Amamiya?"

It is already a mystery whether Bailey is a member of the organization. Her work style is very similar to that of an organization person, but if she is a member of the organization, she will not directly kill Calvados. Now

Are you still hindering Gin's plan to capture Noriko Amamiya?

Unless her target is also Amamiya Noriko, what are her plans for Amamiya Noriko...

Belmode glanced at Bai Litian blinking at her with big innocent eyes, one hand idly playing with curling her hair. That is the wig used by Riho Chieda to disguise herself.

What's fun?

"Is this guy's sexual orientation okay?"

Now I have to worry about Noriko. With Noriko’s little face, it’s normal for her to bend.

Noriko Amamiya saw that she was always lost in thinking from time to time, and thought to herself that Sister Bei had to make eighteen turns in her brain to guess the correct answer, so she should give up.

She invited her loudly: "Let's go have a drink later? If you get drunk, my bed is quite big."

"Not interested." Belmode glanced at her and said, "I have already met you with my true face, why don't you take off your disguise?"

"Remember me?"

Belmod stretched out his hand to brush his hair and said, "I want to."

She could still tell that Baili Tian's face like Riho Chieda was no longer disguised, and that it should be her true appearance underneath.

Amamiya Noriko closed the folding fan, put it on her palm, pursed her lips and said with a smile: "I am sorry that I cannot satisfy your request. After all, secrets will make women more beautiful."

This was what she liked to say. Bellmode snorted coldly. Sure enough, the face that was biased towards mixed Chinese and English was not the true face of Baileys. It even made her search in London for a while in vain.

It was obviously a bit difficult to get Baileys to talk here. Belmode raised his hand and flew a card towards Baileys.

Amamiya Noriko caught it casually and found that it was her Chrissy Wynyard's business card with a contact number on it.

Belmode said calmly: "You know it anyway, I will have a drink with you tonight."

I can't talk to you normally, we'll talk about it after we're drunk.

Belmode has already made plans to drink Baileys to death that night, and her drinking capacity is not low.

But she looked at Baileys opposite as she took the business card and put it away, and then said to her: "Minors are not allowed to drink."


Frankly speaking, Belmode was really stunned all of a sudden. He couldn't be more stunned. Bailey Sweet told me that you are underage?

Amamiya Noriko smiled and added: "I am 17 years old forever, but of course I can drink with Belmode."

Belmod said expressionlessly: "What a coincidence, I am 18 forever, a little older than you. See you in the evening."

Waving his hand, Belmod left, and Gin's order to withdraw came through the earphones.

With Baileys getting in the way, it would be impossible for her to find Noriko Amamiya, and Belmode didn't intend to waste any more time.

In the alley outside the entrance of Didan High School.

After Gin gave the order to retreat, he looked at the police cars passing by on the side of the road, as well as the many police cars parked at the entrance of Didan High School. They had to go.

Gin was quite conscious about whether he and the others were suspicious persons in the eyes of the police.

Since Belmode has the art of disguise, he doesn't worry much about being caught by the police anyway.

Vodka held the tortured person with one hand, and at the same time looked at the body that was disposed of by Chianti: "Brother, do you want to dispose of this body?"

"Process it so as not to leave any unnecessary traces."

Gin didn't even look at the corpse. It was just because of Chianti's hand that he couldn't be sure if she had any flaws. He glanced at the one who passed out after being brutally tortured by vodka.

"Has this person finished asking questions? Has everything been explained clearly?"

Vodka nodded when he heard this, "I told you everything honestly."

Gin glanced at the police officers who were getting out of the police cars outside the alley. Taking someone to drive would easily attract the police's attention: "I'll sort it out when I get back and deal with him too. It's too troublesome to take someone away."

Vodka nodded to show that he understood, he did this job often.

After a while, the gin, vodka, and Chianti in the alley dispersed and left, and then met up with Bourbon Cohen in the parking lot. Cohen basically kept observing the situation from a high point, and there was no chance to fire his sniper rifle.

Originally, Gin wanted to use his sniper rifle to smash the bulletproof van, but the sound of the sniper rifle's gunshots was eye-catching anyway, so he simply made it louder to make it even more difficult for the police to investigate.

When Cohen saw them coming, he got into Chianti's car and left with her first.

Bourbon looked at the gin and vodka and said, "Should I wait for Belmode?"

In addition to this operation before, he basically acted with the same vehicle as Belmode.

Gin opened the door of his Porsche and turned his head to look at Bourbon: "No, she will leave in disguise. Have you disposed of your body?"

Bourbon nodded: "The forgery was an accident."

"Yeah." Gin didn't ask for details. The more complicated the situation is, the better. If the police can't get away with just the information on the surface, they can hide it perfectly.

But he is also prepared to deal with this Dark Group.

The few remaining survivors will probably bring the news back, and judging from the conversations he heard, it seems that the other party does not associate them with the Amamiya Consortium. Sure enough, they don't act like bodyguards?

It doesn't matter anymore, I wasn't just planning to be a bodyguard.

Although now that I have finished my job as a bodyguard, I will be gone.

Bourbon is also good at intelligence collection. Gin said calmly: "Bourbon, please pay more attention to this group. They seem to want to come back to cause trouble. Once you understand it more clearly, we will deal with them."

Bourbon nodded, Gin also nodded, and then let Vodka drive away first.

After they left, Bourbon looked at the black Porsche going away. If Gin wanted to solve the Dark Group, he would really like it. It would be best to clean up the scum in Japan who do things for money. According to his understanding, this group is involved in many aspects of crime.

It's not just kidnapping.

He also drove away from here. Before leaving, he looked at the chaotic situation at Didan High School. A large number of police officers arrived. The scene was very tense. The organization was still too unscrupulous. The bomb was used openly. When he found an opportunity,

This organization must be eradicated completely.

The good news is that Amamiya Noriko was not found, and Gin's operation was considered a complete failure.

On the way, he also called Belmod. Judging from his impression of her after recently forming an alliance with Belmod, Belmod was definitely a very capable member of the organization, and with the addition of the disguise

Due to the particularity of the technique, it seems that her actions in Didan High School were a bit too failed this time.

Bermod's tone was calm: "It's nothing. I encountered a difficult bodyguard from Amamiya Noriko and there is no way to find her."

After hearing this, Bourbon thought for a moment and said, "A difficult bodyguard? I heard that Gin has also encountered one."

Belmode didn't care much: "Maybe it's the same person."

She knew something about Ginjiu's business. Although Ginjiu would definitely not take the initiative to say it, she still knew something.

Wasn't it because he was robbed of the pistol and the APTX4869 in his hand was destroyed?

She was teased by Baileys every day without saying anything.

Anyway, Belmode was basically convinced that it must have been done by Baileys. There weren't that many people in the world who could just show up and flirt with her and Gin.

Let's think about what kind of wine to drink with Baileys tonight.

In Didan High School.

After Bellmode left, Amamiya Noriko went to take off her makeup, and then told Chieda Riho that she could show up and that the matter was settled.

Riho Chieda, who had been paying special attention to Amamiya Noriko with binoculars on the building in the distance, was still a little stunned. From what she saw, the criminal group called by Noriko came to block the bullet. The unknown but very

The powerful mysterious organization originally wanted to attack Noriko, but in the end they had to retreat quietly.

Chieda Riho judged that they were probably unsure and could not confirm that Noriko was really in Teitan High School, so she did not risk being attacked by the police and continued.

If the police had been called around from the beginning, they might have taken action directly against Didan High School, but now the police were attracted by the noise they made themselves. There is an essential difference between the two.

"Kiko is really capable."

Riho Chieda thought for a moment, asking multiple criminal groups to kidnap her was something that no serious person could do.

However, Chieda Riho still strongly advises against continuing next time. This method can only work once.

She checked upstairs again to make sure there was no problem, then went downstairs to meet Noriko Amamiya.

It's just that she couldn't find Noriko Amamiya when she arrived at Teidan High School.

After taking off Chieda Riho's makeup, Amamiya Noriko transformed herself into an ordinary boy, blended into the crowd of students taking refuge in the gymnasium, and found a corner to sit down.

It seemed to be the cause of the police sound outside. The students and teachers in the gymnasium were basically relieved at this time, and the atmosphere was not so depressing.

A terrorist attack is enough for ordinary people to have a psychological impact if they encounter it once.

He who says he has no psychological shadow has a really big heart.

With such a big heart, Amamiya Noriko actually looked at the boy sitting in the corner with her. He looked neither happy nor sad, and his eyebrows revealed the aura of Net Yiyun. She had already seen through the world of mortals.


Noriko Amamiya didn't want to talk to him at first, but the other party sighed, "Well, I'll save a lost boy like you, don't say thank you or not, just confess."

Noriko Amamiya asked gently in her current male appearance: "Classmate, have you encountered any difficulties?"

The other party glanced at him, turned his head and continued to sigh.

Amamiya Noriko nodded, look, this is the difference, if she used Amamiya Noriko's face, he would definitely not react like this.

"Tell me directly, if you encounter anything unhappy, tell me to make me happy."

Noriko Amamiya clapped her hands, asked him to look over, and smiled.

The other person sighed, "The person I like doesn't like me."


Noriko Amamiya understood and commented.

"To tell you the truth, I feel the same way."

He took the bait and looked at the boy who seemed to have the same feelings as him: "Huh? Doesn't the person you like also like you?"

Noriko Amamiya sighed: "No, it's just that a small number of people like me."


Noriko Amemiya looked up at the ceiling, as if to prevent tears from falling: "I like people all over the world, but not even one ten thousandth of them confess to me. I once believed in love."


The young man Wang Yiyun turned his head and looked to the side. This person was either a fool or a fool.

Amamiya Noriko turned her head and looked at him, raising her eyebrows: "What about you? Who do you like? She doesn't like you?"


"Are you a man? Speak out boldly."

After hearing his encouragement, the young man Wang Yiyun was very sorry: "As a man, I'm sorry. The one I like...is Amamiya-san."


Amamiya Noriko glanced at him, "If you do this, I have to say a few words to you, young man."

This chapter has been completed!
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