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Chapter 338: Old-fashioned

What I was supposed to say was finished by the girl sitting opposite.

If Ojishiro feels like pausing for a while, he must carefully confirm the difficulty this time.

Taking the time to order from the waiter, Wakajishiro looked at Noriko Amamiya again.

She was so beautiful and cute that she couldn't believe it. What she just said really made him feel like he had met a colleague, but judging from her eyes and language at this time, it was impossible for him to be a colleague.

If you are good at striking up conversations, why would you call yourself uncle and act like you are barely doing it? If you are trying to strike up a conversation, the probability of success will plummet.

"And at such a young age, how could he be so good at striking up conversations? It's probably because he's relatively innocent and just got the right words."

Wakaji Shiro looked at Amamiya Noriko's innocent eyes and passed the correct guess.

However, what he originally planned to say was all formed into a routine, and being told all over by Noriko Amamiya made him feel more uncomfortable. At first, he didn't get any of the other party's information, and instead he was robbed of the opportunity to take the initiative to talk.


At this time, it is even more impossible to use the other person’s jewelry or other things to take the opportunity to ask if he has a boyfriend.

Some of the things Amamiya Noriko and Chiyonomiya Tomoyo ordered have already been served. Amamiya Noriko pushed the small plate towards Chiyonomiya Tomoyo. Anyway, Tomoyo was the main force in eating. Anyway, she had nothing to do, so she came to accompany Wakaji Shiro.

Have fun.

When you meet someone of the same kind, you can only see who is more skilled and has a higher rank.

Wakaji Shiro looked at her taking care of his sister and suddenly smiled and said, "Are you sisters? You look like you have a good relationship."

Amamiya Noriko smiled and responded politely: "Well, this is my cousin."

Wakajishiro smiled reluctantly and said: "Oh, let me tell you, although they are both cute, they are not very similar."

In his impression, shouldn't girls with such gentle personalities at least say their names at this time?

It seems that he may have lost the clichés from before and is still wary of me, so he is unwilling to reveal more information.

If Ojishiro calmed down, this would indeed be a bit troublesome, and the effect of guiding them to tell them themselves would definitely be better than if he asked directly.

He looked a little older and asked: "You should still be studying, right? What grade are you in junior high school? Or high school?"

She looks more like a junior high school student, but her temperament is closer to a high school student. If she were in a junior high school, she would still feel a little childish. Although Amamiya Noriko looks innocent and cute, in his opinion, she might be closer to a high school student.

, he seems to be more sensible and mature in taking care of his sister.

Although he felt quite confident in his heart, he still prayed that he would never reply with "What is your junior high school grade" or "High school"? Such a response would be another question in vain.

Even if you ask some useless things, it will make people feel like you are checking your household registration, which is not good. The best thing is to have interaction.

Noriko Amamiya smiled brightly at him and said, "I am a sophomore in high school, and my sister is a freshman in high school."

If Ojishiro breathed a sigh of relief, he probably didn't feel bored after hearing this tone, so it's okay to just continue asking for names for a while.

But just as he was about to speak, he saw Noriko Amamiya opening her innocent eyes, looking innocent and curious: "What about you, uncle? You should be almost thirty, right??"

"Ah... indeed, I..."

Noriko Amamiya was not interested in how old he was, so she continued, "He's almost thirty. You just said you don't have a girlfriend yet. Is that really okay? Will your parents push for marriage?"

"That's not true. My parents don't ask too much in this regard..." Ruo Zishiro shook his head, but he felt something was wrong. Where was it?

"But it's not always good to get married too late, right? In fact, have you ever secretly checked some marriage websites? Or wedding banquets and the like? I heard that people who are too old will try it no matter what.

Just for a while, right? What if I can’t find a girlfriend? I’ll be in trouble.”

Noriko Amamiya looked at him with very concerned eyes.


Wakajishiro smiled very reluctantly, because she had tried both of the things she said, but it was definitely not for marriage, just to meet some good women.

Needless to say, there are marriage websites. There are formal ones such as Ecle under the SNS website, and Rush, which is said to have reached 200,000 members. He has also tried them...

As for the banquet room, the banquet room is simply a place for four seats, but if you sit alone, you will be arranged to sit with other people of the opposite sex who come later. Amamiya Noriko and the others and Wakaji Shiro can barely be considered a banquet room.

It's just that the banquet room is special, and women basically don't have to pay. Men watch the length of time they sit...

If this information naturally flashed through Ojishiro's head, but he suddenly felt a little confused, should a female high school student know about such things as the Xiangxi House?

He had no choice but to scratch his head, pretending to be embarrassed as if his blind date had been discovered, and tried: "Do you still know this? Hahaha..."

Noriko Amamiya nodded: "Because these things are very popular in school."

If Ojishiro feels that he has found the reason, are high school students nowadays studying some weird things, making it so difficult to strike up a conversation? This is just a girl who seems to be quite innocent.

As a result, after a long time, he didn't ask for anything, not to mention his contact information, and he didn't even ask for his name.

When the critical moment came, he was interrupted when he wanted to ask for key information. He felt that he could no longer let Amamiya Noriko continue to ask questions, so he decided to take the lead.

Wakajishiro looked at the small cake in front of Amamiya Noriko: "What is this cake you ordered? Is it on the menu? It looks delicious."

Amamiya Noriko casually told him the name of the cake, and the man wanted to start with the fact that he often came to this coffee shop.

"Oh, it turns out this is it. I often come to this coffee shop without even noticing it. Do you want me to recommend to you some of the famous and delicious desserts in this coffee shop? I heard that they are very popular recently."

Find a topic and continue to cut into it. Girls generally like desserts, and if they hear it is famous, they might be more interested. You can take a photo and share it.

"Thank you very much. No need to worry. I've already ordered a lot."


The corner of Wakajishiro's mouth twitched. He was about to speak and try again, but he saw the waiter brought some more desserts. They were not ordered by him, but obviously ordered by the two girls opposite.

Isn’t this too much? You’ve already ordered a lot?!

His mood was quite complicated, why did a girl who looked so innocent give him a sense of invulnerability that water could not pour into her.

The last move, go straight to the point——!!!

"I can ask you about..."

Noriko Amamiya held her chin up with her arms and asked curiously: "Uncle, do you know Sonoko Suzuki?"

"Pfft——!!" Ruo Zishiro, who was interrupted again, couldn't restrain his heart. He smiled reluctantly: "I don't know you...why do you ask this?"

Noriko Amamiya shook her head: "Well, it's nothing."

Sure enough, I haven’t met Yuanzi yet, so I don’t know when the coffee shop case will come.

The half-said words made Wakaji Shiro feel extremely uncomfortable. He racked his brains to think about what was so strange about the name Suzuki Sonoko? What was its relationship with these two girls?

"Wait, Suzuki Sonoko?"

If Ojishiro was still in the advertising industry after all, he suddenly remembered who Suzuki Sonoko was. Suzuki Sonoko, isn't this the second lady of the Suzuki Zaibatsu?

His mind immediately recalled the information about Suzuki Sonoko. She was not very beautiful, but her family was rich. I heard she was carefree, and she didn't look like a rich lady, but her family was rich.

Wakaji Shiro's eyes lit up anyway. He looked at Amamiya Noriko and said quickly: "I remember, isn't Suzuki Sonoko the second lady of the Suzuki Zaibatsu family? Do you know her?"

Chiyomiya Tomoyo raised her head. She still had some impressions of Suzuki Sonoko. A small part of the Chiyomiya family's property had a cooperative relationship with Suzuki Sonoko, but it was not deep. The Chiyomiya family was not mainly in Tokyo, and she also had older brothers and sisters.

, these things are not for her to worry about.

But didn't Suzuki Sonoko come to visit her sister a few days ago? On the day she first came.

Because Chiyonomiya Tomoyo subconsciously glanced at Amamiya Noriko, and was noticed by Wakaji Shiro. He suddenly became more and more sure that the two girls actually knew Suzuki Sonoko, the daughter of a wealthy family, and he was very interested!

Noriko Amemiya laughed a little, not to mention that she would definitely go and tell Sonoko when she turned around that there was such a scumbag named Wakaji Shiro. Even if she didn't tell him, Suzuki Sonoko would probably not be fooled. After Suzuki Sonoko used the beauty experience card

It also has an immune effect on general pick-ups.

Wakaji Shiro is barely average, but not even one-tenth of Kyogoku Makoto, right?

Seeing Wakaji Shiro tirelessly trying to get information about Suzuki Sonoko, Amamiya Noriko said: "There are two such cute girls in front of me. My uncle always asks what Suzuki Sonoko is doing? He will be unhappy."

Wakajishiro laughed stiffly to resolve the embarrassment, and took the opportunity to speak out: "I haven't asked your names yet. I'm taking the liberty of asking, can you tell me?"

Noriko Amamiya smiled at him: "No way."


Wakajishiro's head is getting bigger.

But his patience was almost exhausted. He had already spent half a day with these two girls. Apart from knowing that they probably knew the second Miss Suzuki, he didn't get any useful information.

Now, he not only wants to get to know these two girls, but also wants to get Suzuki Sonoko's contact information. If he hooks up with that eldest lady, wouldn't it be easy to make money?

Suzuki Zaibatsu! There are several buildings in Tokyo, but there is one here in Yoneka Town. And I heard that Suzuki Sonoko has an uncle who likes to collect famous paintings, antique gems and the like from all over the world, and he will randomly slip one out of his fingers.

It's enough to make a fortune.

In view of the opportunity to make a fortune right in front of him, Wakaji Shiro's breathing became heavier. Compared to becoming a rich man effortlessly, the two cute girls in front of him were secondary.

Noriko Amamiya looked at his evil eyes and curled her lips secretly, yes, Sonoko is still attractive. This guy was suddenly much more interested in Sonoko than in herself.

But it’s really boring, so that’s the end of it.

Noriko Amamiya picked up her tea and took a sip. This person is not good. He can't hold on even with a little money. The strongest scumbag must be someone who cheats money and sex through many channels. If Oji Shiro doesn't do that,

The money is exposed.

"It's too boring to just eat these things and drink tea here. Would you like uncle to take you to a more fun place? Many high school students like to go there."

Wakajishiro saw her drinking the tasteless tea and said seductively with a smile.

Wasn't it said before that it was very popular among high school students in school? It was also popular when going to bars or KTV, right?

He is different from those lower-level men who rape others. He doesn't commit crimes, but what if we are consensual when we are drunk?

By the way, I got this girl drunk and asked Miss Suzuki about the news. This is the most important thing. It just so happens that his money is a little tight recently, and it would be great to have money that can be easily obtained.

Women are easy to deceive with just a few nice words.

Chiyonomiya Tomoyo was eating well because she knew Amamiya Noriko's situation. Seeing her reaction and response, she could see some problems. This man was obviously eyeing them. No, he was.

Her sister, as beautiful, cute, and gentle as her sister, is easily targeted by others.

Because Amamiya Noriko didn't tell her what to do, she just kept eating and watching. But when she heard that this man dared to talk to her sister like this, she had to see her sister's reaction.


Maybe I can see my sister doing that in the alley, which is also very cool?

After listening to Wakaji Shiro's words, Amamiya Noriko looked very interested: "Uncle Wei, is this a fun place? Are you inviting me to a bar or KTV? Do you want to get me drunk?"

If Ojishiro's eyes widened slightly when he heard this, how could she know what she was thinking?

Noriko Amamiya smiled: "Because it's so simple, I can completely guess what you are thinking, uncle? Have you used this pick-up method with many girls? Could it be very effective?"

If Prince Shiro forced a smile, Quan thought he had made a mistake and said, "You know that? Then..."

"It's so strange. Such an old-fashioned method. Are you sure those girls are not teasing you like me?"

Noriko Amamiya tilted her head in confusion.


Wakajishiro felt that he had been greatly insulted: "I rely on my own ability to strike up conversations!!!"



Faced with Amamiya Noriko's suspicious gaze, Wakajishiro's eyebrows jumped, and he suddenly realized that she had been teasing him before!


Wakajishiro slapped the table and stood up suddenly.


Also standing up with him were a group of big men in the coffee shop.

Noriko Amamiya said that she was innocent, why did you yell at others?

Wakaoji Shiro: “…”

This chapter has been completed!
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