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Chapter 337: The game between Gin and Baileys

Vodka felt his soul soar for a while.

The first thing I did after I sat back firmly in my seat was to fasten my seat belt properly. My brother's driving skills were not bad, but he was very careless. Sitting in the passenger seat at this time was different from his usual driving experience.

Breathing a heavy sigh of relief, Vodka watched the car turn and leave the road, and couldn't help but said: "Brother, where are we going?"

Gin drove the express car and said calmly: "Let her helicopter become a decoration."

Vodka didn't understand, but nodded and believed that brother was right.

Noriko Amamiya, who was a little behind them, had also learned about Gin and the others' movements from her own helicopter. She suddenly accelerated? Changed the direction of travel significantly?

"It seems that they discovered that I was being followed by a helicopter."

Amamiya Noriko's good-looking and smart mind had a nearby topographic map floating around. She studied the direction Gin and the others were heading in, and found that it seemed a bit familiar.

"Isn't this the direction to see the cherry blossoms at that time?"

She thought about it for a moment. Gin and the others were walking forward when they were in junior high school. They were on their way to see the mountain where the cherry blossoms were located with Dr. Agasa and the others. They continued walking forward for a long distance, but there was only one winding road until they came out.

It's a two-lane road in a mountainous area, and most of the sides of the road are close to cliffs.

If the car overturns, it will most likely be a disaster.

Unless you can hang on some branch, find some cave, and your name is not Wang Dachui.

It was a bit unrealistic to rely on helicopters to track her in such a mountainous area. The helicopter she called over in a hurry was a civilian one, and the pilot's skills were average.

Anyway, there were no forks in the road for a long distance, so Amamiya Noriko let the helicopter go back.

And by now, she guessed that Gin had probably discovered that she was following him, and there should be no possibility of him being taken all the way to the research institute.

She doesn't have to continue following him now, but if Gin thinks he has gotten rid of her, and then quietly follows him, she should be able to go to some interesting organization location, right? If it happens to be some research of the organization

So, you can make a lot of money by sneaking in and stealing data.

Thinking of this, Amamiya Noriko slowed down. After Gin entered the mountainous area, in order to confirm whether she had thrown herself away, he would definitely slow down to confirm whether she was still following her.

The gin in the Porsche 356a in front was indeed what she thought. After entering the mountainous road, he slowed down and asked Vodka to poke his head out again to see if the helicopter continued to follow.

Vodka obediently probed out. This time he probed less cautiously because there were many curves and mountains blocked his view. It took him some time to confirm that he did not see the shadow of the helicopter.

"Brother! The helicopter didn't follow us!!"

Vodka quickly retracted and said to Gin, "I didn't see anyone following behind."

Gin glanced at the rear mirror and continued to drive forward for a while, then suddenly slowed down and stepped on the brakes, then reversed and drove back.

Vodka didn't understand what the operation was, but he thought it was better not to ask. There must be a reason why the elder brother did this.

Gin glanced at him and said, "Pull out your gun and prepare to shoot. If you drive back, you will definitely hit her."

Vodka quickly took out his gun and was ready to shoot at any time.

Gin looked straight in front of the car and drove at a leisurely pace. He didn't intend to take this road anyway, it was just to seduce her. If the helicopter didn't follow her now, she would never know that she had turned around.

Opened back.

The toe of the shoe switched between the clutch and the accelerator. As soon as he saw her, he stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards her. With the addition of vodka and a shot, he could kill her no matter what.

Gin's heart was cold and unwavering.

Then we drove back for more than ten minutes. Except for a few sparse cars, there was no sign of the woman.

Vodka carefully put the gun away, as it would still be troublesome if others saw him grabbing a gun.

Gin kept driving for a while with a cold look on his face. If he didn't meet her again, it wouldn't matter. He had to go this way on his way back anyway.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, and after seeing it clearly and confirming it, he put on a ferocious smile, stepped on the accelerator pedal, and the aged Porsche 356a suddenly picked up speed with a roar, and surged forward wildly.

Noriko Amamiya, who was drinking a drink she got from a man who struck up a conversation while driving and talking on the phone with Kudo Shinichi, was stunned.

Master Qin is a bit spiritual!

She quickly threw away her drink, put her cell phone in her pocket, pressed her helmet on her head, stepped on the motorcycle with her long legs and started to hit the accelerator, tilting her head and landing on the front wheel, then she sped off at a high speed.

But after seeing that Gin was driving the car and Vodka was preparing to shoot, she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows. It seemed like it wasn't a big problem.

Gin stepped on the accelerator, held the steering wheel and ran straight towards her. The co-pilot's vodka had already leaned out and raised his pistol to fire.



When the first two shots were fired directly on the road on both sides of Amamiya Noriko, she had to secretly praise her, what a good shot!

But just in case, she still lowered her body to the side of the motorcycle, using the body of the motorcycle as a cover, looking up and steering the front of the motorcycle with both hands.

Vodka's marksmanship is taken into consideration, so you can ignore it. Just avoid hitting yourself with Gin while driving.

After Gin saw that the first two shots of Vodka were empty, he suppressed the idea of ​​drawing his gun, controlled the steering wheel, pointed at Amamiya Noriko, and drove the car into it.

Vodka felt anxious and fired a few more shots in rapid succession. He was clearly aiming, but he seemed to miss. The woman was hiding behind the motorcycle and nothing happened. The motorcycle continued to move forward steadily.


He tried to pull the trigger again, but there was a clicking sound, so he could only quickly grab the spare magazine.

Gin knew in his heart that there was no time. He had stepped on the accelerator to the bottom. Suddenly the motorcycle twisted violently. He laughed coldly and turned the steering wheel fiercely. His other hand had been holding back the gun.

Pulling the handbrake fiercely again, the black Porsche moved sideways as if it lost control, and the impact surface expanded in vain!

It is impossible to avoid a motorcycle that is originally directed in a single direction, and coupled with the inertia of the body's lateral movement, the only possibility of a motorcycle hitting is that it will be sent flying!

However, Gin saw that the figure of the woman hiding behind the body of the motorcycle to avoid bullets was finally revealed.

She has a very good-looking figure, but also has great strength. She pulled the front of the car with both hands, and the motorcycle was forced to turn and fall sideways. However, she arched her body and stepped on the motorcycle, controlling the slipping motorcycle body as if she were surfing.

Amamiya Noriko's face smiled under the helmet mask, but Gin couldn't see it, so she raised her hand and made a wave gesture with one hand and two fingers towards Gin.

The motorcycle that was originally just transferred to another lane was caught by her, and after sliding to avoid the Porsche 356a, it slid towards the guardrail beside the mountain road at an extremely right angle.

Motorcycles and Porsches passed by each other in the electric light, and she saw Gin's cold and ruthless eyes, as if avenging the last kill was not worth his extra smile.

And Gin also saw the gestures she made. Shouldn't they be the gestures made by someone who is about to fall off the cliff and die? Or what did she want to do before she died?!

Gin's hand reached for his pistol. Even if the woman's speed would allow her to open the guardrail and fall off the cliff, he would still have to make up for it with a few shots while she was airborne!!

But when he pulled out the gun, Amamiya Noriko kicked the motorcycle hard with both feet. The force of one leather-booted heel suddenly increased, cracking the fuel tank, and she also flipped back towards the cliff.

Outside, a pistol-shaped lighter was thrown out at the same time.

When Gin drew his gun and saw her beautiful figure falling off the cliff, the motorcycle was kicked back directly by her terrifying force, hitting his Porsche, and then a small black shadow hit the outside, mixed with

An explosion of fierce fire roared.


Listening to the explosion above, Amamiya Noriko, who was falling rapidly, unzipped her leather jacket with her backhand, and the folded glider suddenly opened, taking her into a sprint.

As the propeller behind the hang glider opened again, she took off completely. After flying forward for a certain distance under the cliff, she lifted up, flew out of the cliff, even reached a higher altitude, and flew back.

Landing on the mountain next to the mountain road with rising black smoke, Noriko Amamiya looked down and saw Gin and Vodka coming out of the car door on the other side. Vodka went to the trunk and took a fire extinguisher and pointed it at her burning motorcycle.


But the small, portable fire extinguisher seems to be ineffective in the face of a huge fire when a fuel tank explodes.

Gin turned his head and glanced at his own car, then turned and went straight to the edge of the cliff to look down.

Amamiya Noriko touched her chin. Of course Gin couldn't see anything, but he shouldn't still believe that he was not dead, right? This was too forced. A serious person should die well if he fell from the cliff.

However, his car seemed to have been modified. Qin Ye's first reaction at that time was probably to roll the car window crazily, because he lowered the car window in order to shoot himself, but after rolling it back, it blocked the explosion and fire.

Vodka seemed to realize that his brother's car would not be burned by the fire for the time being, so he bravely got back into the car and drove the car a long distance away from the motorcycle.

Amamiya Noriko was sitting on the top of the hill watching Gin and Vodka working hard.

She, the super powerful bodyguard of Miss Amamiya, can fake her death to lure the snake out of its hole.

On the mountain road.

Gin waited for a while for the motorcycle to be on fire, but it still hadn't stopped. It was probably going to burn down the motorcycle until all that was left was a frame before the fire was extinguished.

Turning his head to look at Vodka, he was also checking the damage on the Porsche body.

In fact, there wasn't much damage. Only the door on that side was directly exposed to the explosion and was burned by the fire for a while. The paint must have fallen off and it was a little deformed.

As the representative of replacing that troublesome woman, Gin could accept it, but it still made him feel a little cold after being tricked by the other party before she died.

He temporarily assumed that the woman was dead. With the height of the cliff below and the protruding gravel edges on the wall, it would be impossible to survive if she fell like that, right?

Gin sneered, but someone would still confirm it later. You need to see the person alive, and you need to see the corpse after death.

Although he thought so, this thought only passed through his mind, just like Kudo Shinichi left after being drugged by him. It is a reaction that people who have considerable confidence in themselves will have.

Moreover, he would not have to do it himself to confirm life and death. The organization would naturally send people to confirm. As for how the confirmation was done, we will talk about it at that time.

"After that woman dies, it shouldn't be possible for Noriko Amamiya to have bodyguards of this level around her anymore, right?"

Gin changed the direction and thought about it. Even if the Amamiya Foundation arranged bodyguards for her again, there would be a certain vacuum period in a short period of time to take action. Without this troublesome woman, it would be better to take action against Noriko Amamiya.

It will be much easier.

Just remembering that Amamiya Rikuto was here at this time, Gin thought for a moment and gave up on the overly tough approach.

If Calvados didn't blow up all the Amamiya family members that time, it was destined to be hard to get another chance. It would be difficult for a consortium leader of this level to find opportunities to protect his own safety.

It gets harder.

The organization does not want to directly stand in a hostile position with such a large consortium.

"Amamiya Noriko..."

Gin read the name, snorted coldly, and turned to look at Vodka: "Vodka, it's time to practice your marksmanship!"

A drop of cold sweat broke out on Vodka's forehead. He quickly stopped pretending to care about his brother's car and said with a correct attitude: "Don't worry, brother, I will practice my marksmanship seriously when I get back."

Gin said nothing more to him and called Chianti.

Chianti said with a confused voice: "gin? What's wrong?"

Gin said coldly: "Take the vodka later and train Cohen's marksmanship with Cohen. You don't need a sniper rifle, just a pistol!"

Chianti's training with vodka didn't matter, but he was very curious about the reason why Gin suddenly asked for it.

Gin sneered, "I solved a troublesome woman around Amamiya Noriko, but it also showed me Vodka's shooting skills."

Vodka honestly didn't dare to speak.

Chianti was very excited when he heard this: "Have we solved the troublesome bodyguards around her? Then when will we solve her? Because she, Calvados hasn't been found yet!! Belmode and the others really don't know who she is.

What are you looking for to eat? I don’t think they are looking for it seriously at all!”

Gin frowned when he heard this, and warned her in a cold tone: "I'll tell you again, that Amamiya Noriko can play a great role in the organization's drug research, maybe it can be on the same level as Shirley, you

It's best not to attack her."

Chianti just said "I understand" and asked if there was anything else before ending the call.

Gin didn't take Chianti's awkwardness to heart and sent her and Cohen to train Vodka anyway.

Just talking about Shirley, Gin also remembered what her sister said about raising one billion. I wonder what the progress is now?

Vodka checked the condition of the vehicle and reported: "Brother, the car can still be driven."

Gin nodded calmly and said, "You drive to the research institute."

The somewhat damaged Porsche 356a was driving on the mountain road, returning the same way. Noriko Amamiya, who was on the mountain, curled her lips, jumped off the top of the mountain, unfolded her hang glider, and followed.

This chapter has been completed!
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