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Chapter 24: Shoot!

A white pickup truck made a sharp turn on a mountain curve.


The unconscious Amamiya Noriko felt a pain in her head. When she opened her eyes, it was still dark, and her eyes were covered with a layer of cloth.

The mouth was also taped shut.

His hands were tied with tape behind his back, and his legs were also tied with tape at the ankles.

"It's too rough, but I was kidnapped successfully."

Noriko Amamiya was still a little confused. She had prepared such a large bag of wilderness survival equipment, but ended up being tied up like this.

The place where I was was shaking. It was obviously in the car, and it didn't feel enclosed in the car. It could only be in the back of the pickup truck.

She often turned and rolled around, and it seemed that she was still on the outskirts of a road with many curves.

"Fortunately, my constitution is 16."

The fact that he didn't drive too far means he woke up quickly.

Noriko Amamiya found that her body was not tied up, only her ankles and wrists were tied up, so she decided to order.

Her body was extremely flexible, she bent her knees and curled up, and moved her hands behind her from the soles of her feet to the front of her body.

Then he bit the tape around his wrist with his teeth.

So many colds and fevers were not in vain, the canine teeth tore through several layers of tape with just one cut.

As soon as his hands resumed movement, he untied the cloth that blindfolded his eyes, and his vision suddenly opened up. Sure enough, he was in the bed of a pickup truck.

At this time, we were driving at high speed, without paying any attention to the continuous curves, and our driving skills were not inferior.

After untying the bandage on her foot, Noriko Amamiya regained complete freedom.

From the rear window, you can see the man sitting in the passenger seat and the woman driving.

"I'll be electrocuted, and I'll let you have a taste later."

Amamiya Noriko turned around and looked around. She still had an impression of the mountain scenery. At this speed, it was still about half an hour's drive back to the city.

"Hello? The target has been caught. There was a little accident, but it's not a big problem. Where to send it? OK."

Noriko Amamiya suddenly heard the man's voice on the phone, and hung up the phone after a very concise conversation.

You can only tell that the other party was hired or ordered to arrest her. After being caught, she was notified of the delivery location. This can rule out the order. It should be that she was hired, and she did not have a complete trust relationship with the person behind her.

In order to avoid being seen in the rearview mirror, Amamiya Noriko could only tilt her head and lean on it. How to solve it?

The woman driving the car said: "Where do you want to send me?"

"It turns out it's still location No. 2. Well, we've already done an investigation and the situation there is clear."

The woman chuckled and said: "Hehehe, are you still afraid that they will attack us?"

The man said coldly: "Of course, we are his evidence."

Then there was no sound from the two of them.

When Amamiya Noriko heard this, she thought that if you were the evidence of the crime, then there would be no need for much trouble.

But how to do it is a problem. The pickup truck also has four seats, two seats for the driver and passenger in the front, two seats in the back, and then there is the body where she is.

How do you deal with the two guys in front of you while the car is driving?

Noriko Amamiya climbed onto the roof of the car, lowered her body and grasped the sides of the roof tightly with both hands to avoid being thrown off when turning, and she also had to be careful about making any noise.

Amamiya Noriko's peaked cap was blown away by the wind, and her hair was flying in the wind, which made her feel extremely bad.

"This is what Spider-Man should do."

The man sitting in the passenger seat lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, put his arm holding the cigarette butt between his fingers on the car window, and blew out the open window.


Suddenly he noticed that the shadow of the car was abnormal, and he saw white hands quickly reaching out from the car window and strangling his throat to prevent him from breathing.

He could clearly feel several places being firmly embedded between his fingers, which was almost similar to when he was hit on his Adam's apple on the mountain.

"Cough kaka——"

He opened his mouth wide but could only cough hoarsely.

He stared at this hand with his eyes wide open, and at the same time he grabbed it with two big hands, trying hard to take it away, but the strength of this finger was ridiculously strong, and when it moved outward, it seemed as if it was trying to harden his Adam's apple.

Just catch them alive.

The feeling of suffocation continued to erode his brain.

"Stop it!!!"

The woman driving next to her shouted hurriedly and reached out to help, but one of her hands was grasping the steering wheel and was restrained by her seat belt.

After she stepped on the clutch and brake, the pickup suddenly stopped and rushed for a while due to inertia. Then she unbuckled her seat belt and saw that the man had stopped moving, his hands were hanging down, and Noriko Amamiya leaned down from above.

A gun was pointed at her from the car window.

Looking at the dark muzzle of the gun, the woman chuckled and said, "Kid, you can't fire bullets if the hammer is not cocked?"

Amamiya Noriko tilted her head in confusion, "Sister, I haven't said that your gun is too old, but although the P220 is a gun from the 1970s, it is also single- and double-action, so the first bullet does not need to overpower

A hammer will work too.”

"It's just that the trigger pull of this round is 4.5kg and the trigger stroke is 13mm. If I press the hammer down, the trigger pull is 1.7kg and the trigger stroke is 4mm. But for me, is there any difference between the two?

And at such a close distance.”

The woman's face gradually turned blue, her face was stiff, and she could not speak.

The car had stopped, and Amamiya Noriko got off the roof of the car, but the gun was still pointed at her: "Take out the stun device, it won't work this time."

The woman reached into the inner pocket of her jacket and took out the electric shock device, and Noriko Amamiya took it with her other hand.

Noriko Amamiya saw her left leg moving slightly and warned: "I suggest you don't let go of the clutch. This old manual pickup truck will basically stall when starting in fifth gear."

The woman was silent: "Well..."

Seeing this, Amamiya Noriko reached in through the car window and pulled the door open, preparing to throw the man out of the car first.

But the pickup truck suddenly started to move violently, and she pinned her arm. Amamiya Noriko fired directly, hitting the door on the other side with a bang, and the woman who had unbuckled her seat belt opened her other door.

She lowered the back of the seat and dodged her first bullet.

Amamiya Noriko's hand holding the gun was also knocked away by the advancing pickup truck, and the opened door almost knocked her down.


She looked at the car that had started in fifth gear and couldn't help but curse. Why didn't she do this when she took the driver's license test in her previous life?

But letting the opponent run away now is really troublesome. Noriko Amamiya raised her hand and aimed at the tire.

The hammer of a double-action pistol is already ready to fire after the first shot, so the trigger pull and stroke will be normal when she fires the next shot, and the accuracy will be higher.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three consecutive shots hit the car body or passed under the car. The speed of the pickup truck had reached at least 40 kilometers. Because it was a .45 bullet, there were only 7 shots. Noriko Amamiya felt that she was a novice who had never practiced shooting before.

The difficulty is too high.

So she stared at the driver's seat.

This chapter has been completed!
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