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Chapter 265: Miyano Akemi, successful suspended animation

"Do you like what your sister looked like when she was little?"

The question was too abstract. Miyano Akemi's brain shut down for a while, but she still nodded. She liked it very much!

Of course I like my sister very much when she was a child.

Because she had never seen Miyano Shiho at a very young age, he was sent abroad to receive higher education. As an older sister, it was one of her great regrets that she could not see the younger sister with whom she now depends on each other when she was a child.

"But why would Baileys ask such a question? It's impossible for me to see Shiho as a child again, right?"

Miyano Akemi looked at the Baileys in front of her who had been made up exactly like herself with doubts in her heart.


Noriko Amamiya looked at her, tilted her head, and asked, "Do you have any more questions? As for your sister, I guarantee that she...has no worries about her life and can successfully escape from the organization, as well as you."

Miyano Akemi knew that now that she was in trouble, she no longer had time to carefully confirm the authenticity of what she said.

"What about you? What do you want us to do?"

"I just don't want to see people I know die. Your sister can do research with me."

Noriko Amamiya smiled at her.

Probably because they have the same face, the feeling of looking in the mirror makes Miyano Akemi look strange, or maybe they are doing research together...

You don't look like a researcher, do you?

Miyano Akemi hesitated, then heard Bailey Sweet say to her: "Let's go, go and change your clothes to me first, hurry up, so as not to arouse Gin's suspicion."

Conan didn't hear everything clearly, only half-understood. Seeing that they were about to leave, Conan quickly said: "What are we going to do?"

Obviously, the gentle-looking woman whom Amamiya Noriko stopped was one of the previous bank robbers.

It is really difficult to connect her with the gangster who planned to rob the bank worth billions of cash.

But now, after Amamiya Noriko's original plan went awry, she immediately made a new plan, and even seemed to have revised her plan after meeting the bank robber.

It seems that this gangster sister is not her entire target, there is someone more crucial behind her.

And we have to face that dangerous mysterious organization directly!

When he first met, he felt that the man with silver hair and black trench coat was extremely dangerous. His cold eyes took life too lightly, and he might be a dangerous person with multiple lives on his hands at a glance.

Even Amamiya Noriko is a little worried when facing someone.

Hearing this, Noriko Amamiya looked at Conan, then leaned into Riho Chieda's ear and whispered this and that to her.

Riho Chieda nodded to express her understanding, and then took Conan away.

Conan: "???"

I am also a high school detective, Arata Kudo——


Riho Chieda closed the car door and drove Conan away.

Miyano Akemi looked at it in shock, always feeling that the child seemed a bit pitiful...

"Don't worry about them."

Noriko Amamiya walked straight to the trunk of Miyano Akemi's car, opened it, took out several boxes containing money, and put them on the roadside.

Miyano Akemi didn't know what she was going to do, but she was a little surprised when she saw how she easily carried a few big boxes, because Baileys, who can make up her own body shape, shouldn't have a body with a lot of muscles, right?

"Okay, let's get in the car."

Noriko Amamiya looked at several boxes on the roadside and clapped her hands.

Miyano Akemi stood beside the car and couldn't help but remind her: "That's Noriko's one billion."

Amamiya Noriko thought to herself that I would just wait and call the bodyguards who were following me to come out and collect them. However, seeing that Miyano Akemi was always worried about losing her one billion, she thought for a while and said: "Then what are you doing?

Let’s watch it here.”

Miyano Akemi was unsure: "Don't I need to follow?"

"Look at the way I look now, I can't have two Miyano Akemis appearing together, right?"

"Indeed... eh..."

Amamiya Noriko pulled her into the car, exchanged clothes on the spot, and put a mask on Miyano Akemi.

After today, there will be no more Miyano Akemi.

Sitting in the driver's seat, looking at the changed Miyano Akemi, Amamiya Noriko pulled the handbrake, turned her head and said to her: "Congratulations, you don't have to do anything for the organization after today, remember to forget me.

Baileys is this person.”

Miyano Akemi bowed seriously: "I leave my sister to you."

Seeing her speaking the honorific seriously, Amamiya Noriko grinned lightly and said, "That's very polite. I'll wait for you."


Miyano Akemi looked at her face and said this, feeling somewhat awkward.

But she also sincerely hopes that the other party can succeed.

Amamiya Noriko drove off, and from the rearview mirror she could see Miyano Akemi standing behind her, holding the money and paying attention.

Miyano Akemi is actually a hostage, a threat to Shirley.

If nothing happens to her, Miyano Shiho will at least continue to work well in the organization for the safety of her sister.

Maybe Miyano Akemi also knew this, wanted to free her sister, and didn't want to hold her sister back, so she chose to try to grab a billion yuan.

Even if Gin doesn't keep his word and kills her, at least her sister will have nothing to worry about.

Otherwise, is Gin's eight-star reputation too good, or is Miyano Akemi too naive?

Only then would they believe that one billion would allow them to leave the organization.

Noriko Amamiya guessed that she was leaning toward Miyano Akemi because of her own sister.

But it’s no problem. If there are no accidents, just send Miyano Akemi to the United States to find Shuichi Akai to avoid the limelight.

Noriko Amamiya drove the express train again.

After arriving at the warehouse she had made an appointment with Gin and the others, Amamiya Noriko got out of the car and slowly walked into the warehouse.

"Da da da…"

The setting sun's light slanted through the cracks in the wall and shone into the warehouse, making it look dim and dark. The empty warehouse echoed with the crisp sound of her high heels hitting the ground.

After turning her head and looking around for a while, Noriko Amamiya put on a determined expression like Miyano Akemi's and said, "I'm already here! Where are you? Come out!"

"Thank you for your hard work, Hirota Masami, no, or rather, Miyano Akemi."

A calm and unhurried voice suddenly sounded at the door of the warehouse.

Noriko Amamiya turned around and saw two black figures already standing at the door of the warehouse, blocking her way out.

Because it was relatively quiet, Gin and Vodka did not tiptoe carefully, especially Vodka, so she had actually heard their footsteps.

But she still has to act like she just discovered that she is Miyano Akemi now.

Although she is a professional actor, she can still work on how to vividly portray people to death.

Especially a thoughtful and cold audience like Gin.

Originally, Miyano Akemi should have asked Gin Vodka why she killed several of her bank robbery accomplices at this time.

Then Gin and Vodka sneered, fully demonstrating the ruthlessness of the organization.

But because things developed too fast, in order to avoid further complications, Gin killed several of his accomplices who robbed the bank today.

The news hasn't been reported yet, so Miyano Akemi's status should be unclear at this time.

Noriko Amamiya can only change her lines temporarily. Normally she doesn't have to follow the routine, but now she prefers to follow the script.

Just because Gin shot her head instead of her body, she had to risk a "danger" on her head and rely on her intuition and body skills to dodge the bullet.

If it's just one shot, the success rate...can't be said to be 100%.

But for the two Miyano sisters who have known each other for a long time, the success rate is only 98%, which is enough.

Noriko Amamiya looked at Gin and vodka, frowned, and opened her mouth to speak, but Gin was the first to speak: "Did you bring the money?"

"The money is not here with me, I hid it somewhere else."

Amamiya Noriko said calmly, "That's fine. She, the fake Miyano Akemi, doesn't know the specific situation of those accomplices."

At the same time, she took out a hotel key, but there was no sign.

Stretching her arms straight in front of her sight, this way Gin would have a greater chance of not shooting where the key was heading towards her head.

"If you don't have a room number, you won't be able to find it."


Vodka immediately shouted angrily after hearing this, feeling that she was teasing him and his elder brother, but Gin calmly stretched out his hand to stop her.

Noriko Amamiya said: "Where is my sister? Bring my sister here first. This is our agreement. After this matter is over, we can let our sisters leave the organization."

"Humph, I'm afraid this is very difficult. Your sister is one of the few top-notch people in the organization. She is different from you. She is very much needed to serve the organization now."

Gin said calmly as he walked in step by step from the warehouse door.

Amamiya Noriko said angrily: "Then you have been lying to me from the beginning!!"

When Gin heard this, he just raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, while Vodka laughed mockingly, "Hmm, hahahahahahaha," showing his white teeth.

Amamiya Noriko was curious about what kind of toothpaste he usually used, but after Gin smiled at Miyano Akemi's childish thoughts, he reached out and took out a gun and pointed it at her.

He's not as bad as vodka, so let's end it as soon as possible.

"Okay, tell me where the money is. This is your last chance. If you can help me deceive Amamiya Noriko, I can still have some use for you. Now you have no need to live."

Gin looked at her indifferently and pointed his gun at Miyano Akemi's heart.

However, Miyano Akemi smiled at him and took out a pistol with her other hand and pointed it at him.

"You are too naive. If you kill me, you won't know where the money is."

Gin raised the corner of his mouth and smiled: "I think it's really you, right? Do you think I won't know where your money is hidden?"

After saying that, looking at Miyano Akemi's gun, his eyes became cold: "And I also said, that is your last chance."


Noriko Amamiya felt a pain in her chest. She threw her head back and fell down amidst the smell of blood. Her breathing and movements slowed down, and she slowly closed her eyes.

She vaguely heard Vodka's footsteps coming over to pick up the keys she had left in her hand, while Gin took away her gun, but then her footsteps were still approaching, as if ready to confirm whether she was dead.

"This is wrong with the script. Miyano Akemi could still hold on until Conan came over to say her last words."

Amamiya Noriko said in her heart, while trying to pretend to be dead, and preparing to break up on the spot if something went wrong, overturning the gin and vodka and running away.

But at this moment, a rapid siren suddenly sounded outside the warehouse. Gin stopped bending down and turned his head to look outside the warehouse.

It must have been the police car that happened to be nearby and heard the gunfire.


Gin took the key in Vodka's hand and looked at it, got up and left, leaving Miyano Akemi's body lying quietly on the ground.

The tears and blood on the ground were avoided by him raising his feet coldly.

Vodka glanced at the motionless body and quickly followed him. His elder brother's shot accurately hit the heart, and there was no way he could have survived.

The two left quickly.

after awhile.

As the sirens approached, Riho Chieda drove into the factory in a black Bentley Mulsanne.

Conan sat in the passenger seat holding a police car siren horn that kept making sounds, and his ears felt like they were going to break.

After parking the car, he unplugged the cord from the siren, threw it away and ran into the warehouse where Miyano Akemi's vehicle was parked at the door.

Suddenly seeing the corpses and blood on the ground in the warehouse, his heart skipped a beat and his lips turned blue.

Noriko Amamiya...can't, right?

Conan's mind went blank. How could that Amamiya Noriko...

She really should have stopped her. When Noriko Amamiya helped others and saved others, she was too confident in her own abilities.

Feeling regret involuntarily, Conan walked towards the corpse with heavy steps, his face full of solemnity.

Let’s take a breath first...

Then the body sat up.


Conan's whole face was colorful, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple flashed all over, and finally turned black to the bottom of the pot.


Amamiya Noriko looked at him for a while, then quickly went over and apologized: "I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you, Shinichi. My body armor is specially made. The outer layer will bleed. It looks like it was really hit."

Same thing."

Conan: "..."

He almost wanted to cry. This person might have forgotten him at some point. How could you forget to say such a thing?

It scared him to death. If Amamiya Noriko really disappeared from here, he felt that he would have a psychological shadow and be upset for the rest of his life.

Amamiya Noriko had no choice but to remove her mask and spread her hands: "Oh, if you want to cry, just cry. I really didn't mean to scare you. If you cry, I have to apologize to Xiaolan."

Conan glanced at her, why do you think I cry so easily...

His muttering in his mind stopped, and he pointed at Noriko Amamiya's face with his fingers and his lips trembling, "You, you..."


Noriko Amamiya touched her face, "Oh, my ultimate mask accidentally came off. Put it on, put it on."

Conan: "..."

This person just thinks that it will be fine if he shows me your true face. Yes, you are so pretty.

He reluctantly allowed himself to put aside the beautiful and beautiful face that was gradually and deeply imprinted in his head and could not be erased, and said in a voice: "You...have you finished the matter here?"

Noriko Amamiya put on her mask and nodded: "It's done, I'll make a phone call to quickly characterize the case and let the police spread the news. The bank robber has been brought to justice and the billion has been recovered, so that the general public can rest assured.

Trust the police.”

"What kind of operation is this..."

Conan frowned and was provoked by Amamiya Noriko for a long time. He understood and wanted to divert the other party's attention and let the police take the blame.

You are poisonous, and the Japanese police are too difficult.

Amamiya Noriko patted him on the shoulder and said that between you and me, you are the one who caused the Mihua Town police to suffer more severely than me.

The incidence rate of this case would make stock investors laugh into their coffins.

This incident can be regarded as a case where the police quickly and qualitatively released the information in order to save face, or even blow a whistle.

One billion dollars was robbed in the afternoon, and the case was solved in the evening. Isn't this worth bragging about?

With Miyano Akemi's death confirmed and one billion dollars recovered, Gin and Vodka will no longer think it's worth the effort.

In order to avoid finding out any problems, we know that Miyano Akemi is not dead.

"You and Sister Qianzhi should go back first, and I'll lie down for a while."

Amamiya Noriko planned to pretend to be the body for a while, be cautious, and act out the whole scene, so that the police would feel that they had really collected the body of the robber, and even if there were people in the police organization, they would feel at ease.

"Sister Qianzhi arranges a private flight to the United States. It must be ready to leave at any time. It will not be investigated and no records will be left."

Noriko Amamiya said something to Riho Chieda before lying down.

Riho Chieda nodded, it can be done in the next two days. Looking at Noriko lying down, she said: "Noriko, I'll just let someone come. You go back and have a rest first."


Noriko Amamiya sat up and thought about it, nodded, and left the mask to the bodyguard who replaced her.

Conan thought for a moment, looked at Noriko Amamiya and said suddenly: "Even if you are wearing a bulletproof vest, it should be quite painful if you get hit, right?"


Amamiya Noriko opened her mouth, covering the bleeding spot of her body armor, her cheeks were dripping with beauty, and she looked at him embarrassedly: "This is a place that Shinichi cannot see."

"...I don't want to see it at all!"

Conan's veins jumped and he shouted.

"You are saying things that are against your will."

Amamiya Noriko nodded, stood up and walked out of the warehouse with light steps. When you look back, you will be stabbed in the heart by the mouth of Xiao Ai's knife a few times, and you will know that I am a gentle person.

I'll be gentle and prick my heart.

Her bodyguards took over the job of loading the corpses in the warehouse. Noriko Amamiya went home, took off her body armor and looked in the mirror.

There are indeed no wounds. Her body now looks a bit like a Newtonian fluid, soft and soft to the touch, but it has regained its proper defense after being impacted too quickly.

The effect of "Physique" is a comprehensive bonus to balance, appearance, skin, blood, bones and tendons, etc. It is extremely cost-effective.

After it is fully stretched, even if the body is hard when hit, it will still be soft and cute.

However, the wound on the left side of the clavicle is almost healed. It was also shot by Mr. Qin. I replaced it with aptx4869, which made a lot of money.

"Speaking of which, I have made little progress in continuing my research. The most I can do is create aptx4869 that may fail or become smaller, and the probability is completely uncertain."

Noriko Amamiya picked up her cell phone and called the underground laboratory: "Prepare a few more research materials, and then order a set of experimental equipment for children, about the size of a first-grade elementary school girl..."

"elder sister?!!"

Amamiya Noriko turned her head to look at Chiyonomiya Tomoyo who suddenly opened the door and came in. She subconsciously reached out and lifted the collar that she had opened for inspection.

However, Chiyomiya Tomoyo's eyes were widened as he took a good look at it. His sister's colorful clothes were slightly faded, revealing her snow-white petite shoulders, which was very attractive.

She came to remind her sister to check if there was anything missing in her schoolbag. When someone hit her in the afternoon, the contents of their schoolbags were scattered all over the floor.

I don't know if there is anything missing or wrong.

Noriko Amamiya curiously asked what was going on, and found out that the robber had been hit by Riho Chieda and also hit Tomoyo Chiyonomiya.

This retribution came very quickly.

"There is nothing missing. Sister, please go out for a while tonight. Tomoyo, go to bed early."

Noriko Amamiya glanced at her schoolbag and found that there was nothing missing.

Chiyonomiya Tomoyo opened her mouth, but still didn't ask her sister where she was going, and nodded her head obediently.

You have to work harder to follow in your sister's footsteps.

Noriko Amamiya rode her bike at night and headed straight to the research institute hidden in the mountains at the winery outside the suburbs.

But when I dived to the outside, I found that there seemed to be some changes. It changed from a research institute to a base for other purposes, and the chemical decomposition ponds outside were buried.

Also arriving here at night like her was a large truck. Judging from the shape covered by a huge oil paper cloth, it looked like the outline of an armed helicopter.

"Do you want to take off from here? It does take less than half an hour to reach downtown Tokyo."

Noriko Amamiya was thinking that she didn't want to see this helicopter appear in downtown Tokyo at all. It would mean the beginning of the movie, and everyone would be treated as a human being.

"I wanted to come here to inform Xiao Ai, but I probably haven't had the chance, but I did see other interesting things."

It's a worthwhile trip. Arrange people to keep an eye out between here and the city to prevent sudden threats in the city.

After taking one look at the base and giving up the idea of ​​infiltrating, Amamiya Noriko turned around and left.

Near the urban area of ​​Mikka Town, inside an ordinary-looking pharmaceutical factory.

Shiho Miyano, codenamed Shirley, was wearing a white coat and was looking at the report with concentration, but at the same time he was also planning where to go with his sister next time.

It would be nice if I could reunite with Noriko without causing trouble to her.

This chapter has been completed!
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