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Chapter 270: Many people cry tonight

In front of Amamiya's house.

Noriko Amamiya looked at her phone, it was now 10:30 pm.

Looking at the humble elementary school student Edogawa Conan outside the door who was very small and could fly dozens of meters with one punch, he said, "I'd better take you home."

"Huh? No need, it's not far."

Conan was stunned when he heard this. The Amamiya family is only ten minutes away from the Mori Detective Agency, so why should they give it away?

"I can just go back by myself."

Shaking his head and saying that, he glanced at Haibara Ai at the door. This little girl seemed a little clingy to Amamiya Noriko. Or was she here to take a look at himself? She had been following Amamiya Noriko.

Because it was Amamiya Noriko who picked it up?

Hui Yuan Ai looked at him calmly, "Aren't you going to leave?"

Conan: "..."

The look in his eyes was too direct. He understood. He was afraid of strangers, right? OK, OK, let’s go.

Noriko Amamiya took out her car keys and said, "I'll take you back."

Seeing Conan's strange look, she said matter-of-factly: "Otherwise Xiaolan would think that I am an inconsiderate person and let Conan go home as a child so late at night."

Conan: "..."

The reasons were so sufficient that he had nothing to say.

Before sending him back, Amamiya Noriko knelt down and whispered a few words to Haibara Ai, and then took Conan to the garage to get the car.

Xiao Ai couldn't hide her excitement and turned back.

Conan looked back: "She seems very happy? She keeps a straight face, like an adult."

Amamiya Noriko glanced at him: "You are not even an adult yourself."

In Japan, adults are considered adults only when they are 20 years old.

Conan had no choice but to nod: "That's right, no matter what, she seems to have had some sad experience, right? I will take care of her when she is in Didan Elementary School."

"How dare you say that."

Amamiya Noriko said happily, "But I'll leave it to you, famous detective."

I always felt that there was something in Amamiya Noriko's words, but Conan couldn't figure out what was wrong. He could only turn around and pay more attention to Haibara Ai. At least I felt that she was more mature and not like Genta and the others who sometimes go too far.


There were no strange cases encountered along the way, so I was congratulated and sent Conan back to the Maori Detective Agency. He stayed to drink tea and chat with Xiaolan. Since Conan was watching eagerly next to him, he got up to leave.

Xiaolan asked her to wait, then turned around and ran to get the prize she won from today's grocery shopping for her. It was said to be a very good-looking cabbage...

Amamiya Noriko looked at Ran over there, turned her head and said to Conan: "Stingy, what's the matter if I talk to Ran more?"

Conan's head was filled with black threads: "Let's just talk, can you please stop stabbing the high school detective Kudo Shinichi?"

"What are you worried about? What is my relationship with that Kudo Shinichi-kun? Of course Xiaolan knows that I am not speaking ill of him. I am caring about Kudo Shinichi-kun who has been missing for so long."

Noriko Amamiya raised a finger and shook it.

Conan twitched his lips, "When will I, Kudo Shinichi, see the light of day again?"

Noriko Amamiya shook her head and thought: "How about a mouthful of Laobaigan when you have a cold?"

We still can't tell Conan this secret so quickly, otherwise he will be able to catch a cold every day and drink Lao Bai Gan until it bubbles up in front of Xiaolan.

After a while, Xiaolan brought a big cabbage over. Amamiya Noriko saw that it was really big and couldn't fit in the refrigerator, so she quickly declined, "Thank you, Xiaolan, but I'll leave it to Conan to make up for it."

Take care of yourself."

"Don't you want it? I want to return the favor."

Xiaolan saw that Noriko refused to accept it, so she had to give up, because Noriko came over and brought a box of expensive snacks, thinking of returning the gift.

Not accepting Xiaolan's cabbage, Amamiya Noriko sat for a while and then went back.

Xiaolan looked at Conan who was yawning and asked him to take a bath before going to bed. By the way, he asked if he had fun at Noriko's house.

"well enough..."

Conan could only nodded hesitantly, leaving a way out if his shrinkage was revealed.

"Conan and Noriko also have a very good relationship, just like Shinichi and Noriko."

Conan shook his head repeatedly: "No, no!"

It seems that after knowing each other's identity with Amamiya Noriko, they subconsciously got back together, which made Xiaolan feel like this, so be careful.

Xiaolan was curious: "No? I thought Conan liked your sister Noriko. She is so pretty, right?"

Cold sweat broke out on Conan's forehead. If he admitted it, Xiaolan would know that Conan was Kudo Shinichi, and he would be thrown over his shoulder by Xiaolan on the spot.

"This... of course I still like Sister Xiaolan more!!"

Conan said this, but Xiaolan was still very happy: "Conan, are you hungry? Do you want to cook something for you?"

"Not hungry, not hungry."

Conan shook his head quickly, feeling relieved that he had survived this disaster.

Mori Kogoro, who was slumped on the sofa, reminded him of his presence: "Xiaolan, I'm hungry."

"Dad will cook it himself. He drank so much wine at night and didn't go to bed yet."

Xiaolan turned around and put the bath water in Conan's hands. Not being used to it, Maori Kogoro glared at Conan who was being treated differently and said, "Kid, let's watch Ms. Yoko's TV series together, and bring a bottle of wine by the way."

Conan curled his lips and refused to take it. Xiaolan would definitely teach him a lesson later.

On the other side, the Amamiya family.

Haibara Ai has found her sister who was hiding in Amamiya's house.

For the sake of safety, Miyano Akemi's room borrowed some space principles from Amamiya's house, and let her live in the hidden room first. Unless there was a design drawing of Amamiya's house, she would not be able to enter Miyano even after walking around the corridor for several times.

Mingmei's room, it's hard to find an extra room in the mansion.

Amamiya Noriko added many such designs when the Amamiya Residence was rebuilt after it was bombed by Calvados.

Haibara Ai followed the instructions given to her by Amamiya Noriko and opened the door to this room.

Miyano Akemi had nothing to do. She was watching a late-night TV series starring Okino Yoko. When she heard the door suddenly opened, she thought it was Amamiya Noriko. She turned her head and looked over, and she couldn't help but feel a little distracted.

This little sister...how does she look like Shiho when she was a child?

After Miyano Shiho saw his sister, his vision became hazy, a sore feeling came from the tip of his nose, and crystal tears rolled in his eyes as if they were about to fall at any time.

Because when she saw her sister on the news, there was already a picture of Miyano Akemi's body lying on the ground covered with a white cloth.

If Amamiya Noriko hadn't faked her death, there should have been a scene of Conan lens reflection standing next to Miyano Akemi's body, but it wasn't there this time, the bodies were all fake.

Miyano Akemi was so distressed just looking at her that she was about to cry. She didn't react for a moment, but when she reached out to take the child into her arms to comfort her, she suddenly remembered what Baileys had said to her.

"Did you like how your sister looked when she was little?"

"Yes, is it Shiho?"

Miyano Akemi's heart suddenly filled with joy and surprise, and she didn't dare to do it at all.

If it is true, she and her sister finally broke away from the organization, and the sister also became what she was when she was a child!

If not, the disappointment in her heart after seeing the hope disappear cannot be described in words.

But after Haibara Ai took the initiative to throw herself into her sister's arms and called her sister with choked sobs, Miyano Akemi understood.

Although I don’t know why she has become smaller, she is indeed my sister.

She burst into tears of joy and hugged her much smaller sister tightly.

Although there is no actual separation of life and death, it can be regarded as an experience, and each other regards each other as more important.

The two sisters hugged each other and cried. On the other side, Chiyonomiya Tomoyo, who was asked by Amamiya Noriko to take a bath in the bathhouse, also burst into tears.

In the mist above the hot water pool, Chiyomiya Tomoyo kept wiping his hands, but he still couldn't stop the tears from flowing down.

Xiaokou choked and sobbed and wanted to say louder: "I, I almost poisoned my sister to death——"

"Yes, yes, I know I was almost poisoned to death by Tomoyo, don't cry."

Noriko Amamiya waved her hands in a funny way to comfort her. This was the first time Tomoyo had said this.

She tactfully told Chiyonomiya Tomoyo that the antipyretic medicine and another medicine would be poisonous, but she took them both.

Before even mentioning that aptx4869 was most likely to have died suddenly on the spot, Chiyomiya Tomoyo had already imagined that she almost poisoned her longed-for sister Noriko to death.

She is not a fool. She knows that Noriko must be comforting her. In fact, the danger must be more. Could it be that her sister has not come back in broad daylight? Maybe she is rescuing something in the intensive care unit of the hospital...


Noriko Amamiya felt that Tomoyo was crying to the point of losing her wits, and it would not work to comfort her with reason. Not only tears, but also snot was flowing from her nose. She made a statement in advance: "If your nose is also crying, go out quickly."

Oh, sister, I still need to take a bath."


Chiyonomiya Tomoyo got up from the hot water and went out to blow her nose. She looked at herself crying in the mirror. This embarrassing look was completely seen by her sister, and she cried even more sadly.

Noriko Amamiya saw her running over and crying in front of the mirror again. Although she should have felt sorry for the child and went over to comfort her with gentle words, she still couldn't help laughing.

Chiyomiya Tomoyo: "..."

"Okay, okay, wipe your face quickly and come back and continue soaking. Don't catch a cold."

Noriko Amamiya leaned on the edge of the pool and waved to her.

Chiyomiya Tomoyo washed her face and soaked it back in. However, her eyes were red and swollen from crying, and her image as a young lady from the Chiyomiya family was gone.

Amamiya Noriko was leisurely, wiping her body with a towel, and said: "Don't worry too much, the result is good, I have to take it sooner or later, and Tomoyo doesn't know what kind of medicine it is, so I just took it out.

I ate it without even seeing it clearly, but I should have told you earlier about picking up my sister’s manuscript.”

Chiyonomiya Chiyo whispered: "Don't you blame me, sister?"

Noriko Amemiya looked at her strangely: "I didn't even blame Tomoyo, but Tomoyo was already crying so hard that I couldn't even coax her."

Chiyomiya Tomoyo's face turned red and she whispered aggrievedly: "I thought my sister was blaming me for not comforting me..."

"No, it's just that I usually comfort those who are waiting to confess to me." Noriko Amamiya leaned against the pool and looked at the ceiling: "In this case, Tomoyo should also say that he likes me."

Chiyomiya Tomoyo hesitated and said: "Yes, is it okay?"


After receiving her sister's confirmation, Chiyonomiya Tomoyo quickly organized her thoughts and expressed all her young and naive thoughts. She had heard about the excellence of the Amamiya sister since she was a child and had always admired her.

The literary talent of the lady from the Chiyonomiya family is still good. Noriko Amamiya nodded: "Okay, true feelings, rich emotions, reasonable and appropriate wording, smooth logic, excellent."

Chiyomiya Tomoyo's eyes were slightly red, and he couldn't hide his excitement: "Sister, sister——"

"Ah? But I refuse."


Chiyomiya Tomoyo's little face suddenly became dull, and he couldn't react for a long time.

She didn't come back to her senses until she found her sister getting up after soaking. She also fainted and fell into the water.

Sister Noriko's bath water is very hot.

Amamiya Noriko took her out, dried her body and carried her back to her bed. Why does this child always get dizzy?

After covering Chiyomiya Tomoyo with a quilt, Amamiya Noriko went to Chieda Riho to make some preparations, and will go to help Haibara Ai go through the admission procedures tomorrow.

This chapter has been completed!
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