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Chapter 281: Want to go to the toilet?

On the way to the Budokan.

Gin in the black Porsche 356a looked at the car in front of him while holding the phone to listen to other people's reports.

It's not good news, but it's not bad either.

What displeased him was that Numabuchi Kiichiro actually escaped.

I can only say that my expectations for the Japanese police seem to be too high. They were able to escape on the highway.

The highway is mostly surrounded by deep mountains and old forests. Kiichiro Numabuchi also found a scapegoat. He deceived the police immediately and got in. He didn't expect it. He seemed to have some brains.

But Kiichiro Numabuchi is second best, just a grassroots member of an organization. If he can find it once, he can find it a second time.

It wouldn't be a problem for Gin to find him personally, but if that were the case, then it would be nothing but bad news. He got another piece of news.

At the expressway service area where Kiichiro Numabuchi escaped, another woman appeared.

He seems to be a member of the Amamiya Consortium. He has strong fighting skills and easily subdued the fugitive whom Numabuchi Kiichiro found as a scapegoat.

A woman with a relatively strong fighting ability was coming to Yoneka Town. He had to suspect that she was Amamiya Noriko's new bodyguard.

Knowing this news was good for him.

There is currently no trace of Kiichiro Numabuchi, and he is probably hiding from the police in the deep mountains and forests. Once there is news about him, Gin will go and deal with it as soon as possible, so he has nothing to do for the time being.

He had a little free time. When he saw some suspicious actions of some Americans who were suspected of being veterans in Japan, he didn't mind observing them.

Maybe this matter is also useful information for the organization.

Soon, just as he had guessed, a van carrying an unknown number of Americans arrived outside the martial arts gym where the concert was being held.

Only two Americans got out of the van, each heading in the same direction. Gin looked at it calmly. These two people were probably going to reconnoiter the nearby terrain. That's right. They must be planning to do something.


Let Vodka drive the car into the parking lot, and while observing in the car, Gin sent an email to Belmod, asking her about the concert.

As for information, Belmode must know something, right?

Belmod did know a little bit, but what she knew was limited to the fact that the singers Minami Takayama and Shiina Nagano were kidnapped before the concert started and lost contact with them. They were later rescued by the police before the concert started.

This is what she knows through her channels. If she were to be more careful, she would have to go out and find out personally.

Gin guessed that the singer's kidnapping had nothing to do with these Americans, so he asked Bourbon again.

Bourbon was busy and didn't notice anything strange about the concert. If I had to say it, it felt like a broadcast accident at the beginning of the concert. The rest was none of his business. He was just checking tickets at the door.

That's all.

During working hours, Toru Amuro simply sent a message to reply to Gin, and then continued to pay attention to his exit from the ticket gate.

He received news that someone seemed to be taking advantage of the opportunity to conduct drug transactions in the concert venue, so he paid attention while working.

There was no one coming out of the exit for the time being, so he turned his attention to the stairs below the gate of the martial arts hall. There were many steps, and there were parking lots on both sides as he went down. He suddenly saw Gin's familiar car.

"Why is he here? No wonder he asked me about the concert."

Toru Amuro frowned. Not all black Porsche 356a belonged to Gin, but most likely, besides Gin, he had never seen anyone else drive such an old car.

"Is the drug trade internal to the organization?"

This thought suddenly came to Toru Amuro's mind. If this was the case, then he had better stop immediately and pretend that he didn't know what to do.

His most important task is to lurk within the organization.

Therefore the exposure is too much to gain.

Toru Amuro secretly observed Gin's car to see what actions they would make.

Gin was watching the van from the car, waiting for their intentions to be revealed.

Inside the venue.

Minami Takayama's performance finally came to an end after the audience gave her endless applause.

She introduced Conan and his group to the audience with a smile. She did not elaborate on the situation of the kidnapping, but she also seriously expressed that the concert could go on as scheduled thanks to the efforts of these children.

Most of the audience didn't know why, but they also applauded Conan and the others.

The faces of several children, including Conan, were a little flushed. Most people would be nervous standing on a stage with a hundred people. At this time, there were thousands of spectators in the venue. Those who have not experienced it would inevitably be a little overwhelmed.

But I will also feel excited inside.

There are so many spectators applauding them.

Conan took a long breath to keep himself calm, but he couldn't grin stupidly like Gentai Mitsuhiko...

He suddenly saw the lineup of Xiaolan Yuanzi Noriko and Haibara Ai in the stands.

Forget about Haibara Ai's plain eyes, and Xiaolan and Sonoko's unexpected looks, Amamiya Noriko had nothing to do and smiled at her. In the past, it should have been so gentle that it was scary, but this time it was very contemptuous.


I feel like my entire being is despised.


Conan doesn't know why. It shouldn't have anything to do with his singing, right?

However, he soon saw that Amamiya Noriko's smile immediately faded, and she looked harmless, because Xiaolan tilted her head to talk to her.

He favored girls over boys and reported it. He protested seriously, demanded equality between men and women, and returned Xiaolan to me.

If most of the boys other than herself don't have the idea of ​​Amamiya Noriko dating them, then that would be a blessing.

It's so difficult, I can't find the feeling of being gay at all.

Conan also acted like I'm just a child and harmless to humans and animals. Noriko Amamiya was like that. He should also pretend to be more careful.

After a brief period of interaction with fans, the concert officially ended, and the audience exited the venue in an orderly manner under the guidance of the staff.

Listening to the past, they all reminisced about the concert with relish.

Except for a slight delay and the extremely unpleasant tone-deaf singing, everything else was quite unexpected and rich in conversation.

Amamiya Noriko stopped Xiaoran and Sonoko who were about to go out: "Xiaolan, do you want to go backstage to see Takayama Minami?"

Xiaolan and Yuanzi were overjoyed when they heard this, but Yuanzi couldn't help but said: "I said before that I wanted to go backstage, but they didn't let me go."

"Because Takayama Minami and the others were kidnapped at that time, so they weren't backstage."

Amamiya Noriko said out loud that if Miss Sonoko wanted to go backstage to have a look and it was not easy, it could only be because Takayama Minami was not there at the time.

Yuanzi suddenly realized this, and quickly took them to the backstage to watch the idol.

Xiaolan also wanted to see Conan and the others. It felt quite magical, as they suddenly appeared on the stage.

Sonoko took the initiative to brush her face, and Amamiya Noriko didn't show up either. Her face was not as useful as Sonoko's, and Miss Amamiya still didn't reveal her appearance to the public.

When passing by the backstage corridor, Amamiya Noriko happened to see Officer Megure and Takagi Wataru.

Takagi Wataru was the first to notice them, and he immediately waved his hand and said with a smile: "Ah, isn't this Noriko? And Xiaolan, you guys are here to see Takayama Minami, right?"

Amamiya Noriko and Xiaoran stopped in the corridor to chat with Officer Megure and Takagi Wataru. These two people came to inform Takayama Minami to go back to the Metropolitan Police Department to record a transcript.

However, Amamiya Noriko took a look at Officer Megure's notebook and camera. This person is also a loyal fan of Takayama Minami. While asking the idol to take notes, it's not too much to ask for an autograph and photo by the way, right?

Xiaolan happened to ask Conan what happened to them and whether they caused any trouble to the police. Officer Megure suddenly looked serious when he heard this. Of course he did, quite a lot, but it was only thanks to them, Takayama Minami, that they were saved.

There's no way to blame them. They were such naughty children that they encountered a fatal twist and turn along the way.

I can only ask Xiaolan to go back and make the children more well-behaved and sensible.

Xiaolan understood, it was still a bit naughty, right? Really, how could it cause trouble to the police?

Noriko Amemiya nodded and looked at Sonoko. Sonoko nodded. Those brats and naughty children should be disciplined!

An emotion called jealousy arose in her heart because she could actually sing on the same stage as her idol Minami.

"Sorry, I borrowed it for a while, thank you."

At this time, a staff member pushed a small cart and passed by. The huge police officer Mu Mu in the narrow corridor was very cooperative and pressed against the wall to let the other person pass. After seeing the things on the small cart, he couldn't help but say:

"It's Takayama Minami's CD! I wonder if it's signed."

"Ordinary, just ordinary."

The staff heard this and said quickly.

Amamiya Noriko glanced at him and looked like he was overreacting and explaining directly. She curiously picked up a box and asked, "Really? Can I buy one and get it signed by Ms. Takayama?"

The staff member was stunned for a moment after seeing her exquisite appearance, but he quickly put the CD in her hand back on the cart and shook his head: "Sorry, these are not for sale now."

"It's okay, I'm just asking. Please, Officer Memu, let's go in too. Stop chatting here. There should be CDs in the lounge."

Noriko Amamiya smiled slightly and looked at Officer Megure after finishing speaking to him.

Officer Memu nodded, "That's right, business matters are more important."


The staff member lowered his head and pushed the trolley away quickly.

Amamiya Noriko was a little behind, and after paying attention with her peripheral vision, she obviously passed by each other and couldn't help but look back. She was not looking at her beauty, but at Officer Megure.

Because she just called Officer Megure the title, the other party knew the identity of Officer Megure Thirteen, so he was even more concerned.

"There's a problem."

The box of CDs she just picked up didn't feel right or had the wrong weight. There might be something else inside.

I couldn't help but guess that it was a bomb. After all, the martial arts gym should be quite impressive when it exploded.

It's just that it shouldn't be the case. You can feel a bit of a sandy powdery feel when you shake it slightly when you pick it up.

Then the rest of the answers are relatively obvious.

Quite bold.

Haibara Ai also looked back at the staff member, pulled Noriko's sleeve and asked in a low voice: "What did you stick on just now?"

"tracking device."

Amamiya Noriko chuckled lightly, leaned over Xiao Ai's ear and whispered softly. Her flashing technique was invisible to Officer Xiao Ranmegure and the staff member, but Xiao Ai saw it from a different angle.

It’s not surprising to see it.

Haihara Ai nodded. Sure enough, Noriko also noticed something was wrong with the staff member.

"Aren't you in a hurry right now?"

Amamiya Noriko narrowed her eyes: "Don't worry, let's take a look at the situation first, but I don't like that thing."

Haihara Ai calmly looked at the staff who disappeared around the corner pushing the cart, and nodded: "Me too."

Yuanzi came over and asked curiously between the two of them: "Kiko and Xiaoai, what are you whispering about?"

Noriko Amamiya said that she was just discussing Xiao Ai going to school tomorrow.

Hearing this, Yuanzi gave a serious advice to Xiao Ai, not to learn from those brats in Conan.

Haiyuan Ai rolled her eyes at Yuanzi, could she imitate those brats?

A group of people went to Takayama Minami's lounge to meet the idols and notify the transcripts. Genta and Mitsuhiko were so proud that they completely forgot about the things that were holding them back.

What surprised Noriko Amamiya was that Minami Takayama knew her, the eldest daughter of the Amamiya Foundation. Minami Takayama knew about it, and the organizer of this concert also specifically told her that Miss Amamiya was at the venue.

After all, Amamiya Noriko came in through the back door.

Mina Takayama is also quite beautiful. She is the kind of person who doesn't look good in private even after putting on makeup. She also has a cheerful and generous personality. Noriko Amamiya also has a good impression of her. After all, she has the same voice as Conan and attracts attention.

The concert has just ended and there is still a lot to do, so why not have a meal together?

Conan glanced at Amamiya Noriko from the side, you shouldn't be eyeing her huge fan base, right?

It shouldn’t be, Amamiya Noriko can go to heaven even if she becomes an idol.

Noriko Amamiya noticed his puzzled look and whispered in his ear: "Because her voice is very similar to Conan."


Conan walked aside and imitated Takayama Minami's words and muttered to himself, Damn, they really look alike. Your reason for leaving is reasonable.

Looking at his depressed look, Noriko Amamiya covered her mouth and chuckled, then took out her cell phone and looked at the newly received emails.

Chieda Riho sent it, and the content was so rich that she felt it was so wonderful.

After editing the reply, Amamiya Noriko grabbed Conan's ear: "Do you feel like you want to go to the toilet?"

Conan: "..."

I don’t want to, I’ll find another reason to run away next time!

Outside the martial arts hall.

Riho Chieda drove the Bentley Mulsanne to the side of the road and immediately attracted the attention of two groups of people in the parking lots on both sides. She glanced at the van over there with a cold expression on her face.

Sorry, the other person who bought the news about Noriko was her.

"Noriko Amamiya?"

Gin also recognized that familiar car and couldn't help but frown. Amamiya Noriko was not included in his recent plans.

This chapter has been completed!
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