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Chapter 299: Kiko Xiaoai Mixed Doubles

Conan was sitting on pins and needles in the passenger seat.

He remembered that Amamiya Noriko said to Haibara Ai that she rescued her from the organization.

To be honest, because of Amamiya Noriko's calm and indifferent tone at the time, he just thought that he was a poor child who accidentally got involved in the actions of a mysterious organization and was rescued by Amamiya Noriko.

But the problem is that this girl is someone in the mysterious organization who can participate in the research of the drug called aptx4869!

And she still has a code name, Shirley!

Is it really okay for you to save such a character?

Conan clearly remembers the guy who gave him a sap and poured poison mercilessly.

That guy who is ruthless and has no regard for other people's lives.

Haihara Ai is on the same level as that kind of person and has a code name.

Former detective Kudo Shinichi appears in Edogawa Conan with a solemn expression. A very serious situation is now before him.

Noriko Amamiya probably didn't know Haibara Ai's true identity, and probably thought she was just an ordinary child, so she kept her at home. This was too dangerous.

Conan looked in the rearview mirror at Haibara Ai who had calmed down behind the car.

"Why does she look so confident? She is indeed completely sure. Aren't you afraid that I will tell Noriko Amamiya about the matter?"

After carefully analyzing the risks and problems, Conan could only sit in the co-pilot and fell into deep thought. He had to confirm the situation with Noriko quickly. The target of the mysterious organization must be Noriko.

He himself may be one of them, and the fact that he has become smaller has been exposed by Haihara Ai, and the people around him are already in danger!

"Are you suffering from ADHD?"

Amamiya Noriko started the car and left the underground garage, and saw that Conan was still restless.

"No..." Conan hesitated.

It's just that his face turned green and white. In the eyes of Yumiya Noriko, are you someone who is okay?

This guy only looks like this when people around him are in danger, or when he meets someone from a mysterious organization, or when he encounters a case and can't figure it out for a while.

It's still relatively easy to guess.

Amamiya Noriko thought for a moment, looking at the road ahead, but she tilted her head to look at Xiao Ai behind her and said curiously:

"Xiao Ai, did you scare him?"

Hui Yuan Ai nodded: "Yes."


Noriko Amamiya said in a long tone, "I understand." Shirley, who was happy to hear the news, was cold and frightened Conan.

"Oh, it's such a pity that I didn't see it. Why didn't Xiao Ai ask me to come with him?"

Haiyuan Ai explained: "I just had nothing to do in the car."

Amamiya Noriko suddenly realized that she had been playing with Sister Bei for too long and made them wait for a date. "Next time, remember to take me with you."

Conan, the co-pilot, listened to their conversation and his eyes widened.

What do you mean? Scared me?!

And next time??

"Do you know her true identity?!"

Conan couldn't help but pointed at Haibara Ai behind him and asked Amamiya Noriko.

To be precise, they asked two people at the same time. Amamiya Noriko's current appearance is the face of the Amamiya family's bodyguard. Haibara Ai probably didn't know that she was Amamiya Noriko.

Hui Yuan Ai cast a cold glance at his finger. Conan also felt that it was a little rude, twitching the corner of his mouth and took it back.

Noriko Amamiya glanced at the two of them while driving and nodded.

"I know Xiao Ai's identity."

Conan quickly asked for confirmation: "What is it?"

Noriko Amamiya smiled: "The top scientist in the mysterious organization who participated in the research of the drug APTX4869, codenamed Shirley, has now taken the drug and turned into a cute little girl living in my house."

Conan took a deep breath and looked at Haibara Ai's reaction. The other person's expression was still indifferent, but he smiled faintly, "Please take care of me, the famous detective Kudo Shinichi, or Edogawa Conan——"

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like you're asking for more attention.

Moreover, when Amamiya Noriko was not around, she had exposed her identity as Kudo Shinichi, which frightened him so much that he almost got out of the car and ran away.

But he understands the current situation. Generally speaking, Amamiya Noriko and Haibara Ai both know each other's identities, right?

Haibara Ai also knew that this blond bodyguard-looking woman was Amamiya Noriko’s disguise!

Noriko Amamiya also knew that Ai Haihara was a member of the organization with a code name.

"You, you two..."

Are they biological sisters?

Conan's heart was choked with blood, and he said that Haibara Ai always gave her the feeling of a young and ferocious Amamiya Noriko. She was obviously a primary school student, but she didn't expect that she had become younger at all.

The two of them are basically the same, one has a cute appearance but hides a bad character, while the other has a pale face and a vicious tongue.

But because Amamiya Noriko opened up and released her bad side to him, she felt that both of them... were very difficult for him to tolerate.

Suddenly thinking about the days to come, Conan's eyes lost their luster and his head tilted to one side weakly.

The look on his face was so miserable that one could almost burst into tears.

Noriko Amamiya and I looked at each other in the rearview mirror. This person's mental endurance is so low.

Conan said weakly: "...To be honest, what else are you hiding from me? What can scare me? I really want to go sit on the top of the eighteenth floor."

Amamiya Noriko looked at the road ahead: "Why don't I find you a prison and you can sit there for a while? The famous detective must have never experienced the feeling of being in prison, right?"

Conan declined politely: "I'm sorry. I hope I won't have this experience in my life. Thank you."

Haihara Ai said abruptly from behind: "Shouldn't a mature detective be brave enough to try anything? Any subtle, inconspicuous experience or discovery may be a key clue to successfully solve the case."


You want me to go to jail if you co-write it?

Conan's eyes under his glasses reflected the noisy lights of the Tokyo streets at night. Look, a mixed doubles fight had already begun.

Who can withstand this?

It's so difficult for me.

Stopping and waiting for the traffic light, Amamiya Noriko reached for a small box and took out APTX4869 and gave it to Conan, "Do you want to try some medicine?"


The red and white capsule, Conan will never forget what it is.

His eyes widened and he lost his voice: "You even made the medicine???"

"That's right, Huihara Ai is a member who participated in drug research."

Conan thought of Shirley behind him, nodded, reached out to take the medicine, and looked at the very similar capsules, "Is it really okay?"

"There has only been one human trial so far, and it was a very special individual. The result was not successful."

Hui Yuan Ai from behind said calmly.

Conan's hand shook, indicating that the medicine had not been successfully researched yet, so he directly stuffed the medicine back into Amamiya Noriko's box.

"Although I really want to change back, I'd better play it safe before doing so."

Amamiya Noriko curled her lips: "Of course, I just wanted you to see it."


"Didn't you say there is something else being hidden from you? Let me tell you first, the research on this drug is barely on the agenda. You will have the opportunity to change back in the future. Of course, it will be guaranteed for another 800 episodes, right?"

"Eight hundred episodes?"

"It would have been dangerous to go anywhere like you, and you wouldn't have survived more than two episodes."


Conan nodded. You are right that the number of episodes is a quantifier, but the quantity may be a bit strange. I don't want to know the specific situation.

Then, he couldn't help but confirm with Amamiya Noriko again, Miss Shirley is really okay?

After saying that, Haiyuan Ai looked over and added: "It's not that I don't trust you, Haiyuan, it's just that I don't have a clue right now?! By the way, how old are you? You are researching drugs in an organization.

Scientist, you must be quite old, and judging from your usually indifferent expression, you do look like an old lady..."

Haiyuan Ai stared at Conan with an unkind look: "Oh? Really, I look like an old lady?"

"One thing." Conan taught her the trick of pretending to be a child: "Let me tell you, if you want to pretend to be a child now, you can't do that. It will make other children think that there is something wrong with you, like an adult.

, sometimes even if it feels childish, you still have to do it.”

Noriko Amamiya asked curiously from the side: "Lift up a girl's skirt?"

Conan vomited blood, you are Xiaolan's best friend, you have to be responsible for what you say, and quickly explained: "Of course I won't do it, okay?!"

Noriko Amamiya nodded, "That's right. With your current height, you can see it without lifting your skirt."


Conan had a righteous look on his face to show that he was definitely not that kind of person.

Occasionally, if you accidentally see it, it is an accident.

Conan looked back at Haihara Ai behind him, and saw that the other person was leaning against the window, holding his chin, and giving him a blank stare.

"What's up with her?"

Amamiya Noriko chuckled and said: "It's good to call a young girl an old woman without giving you a punch."

Conan's head is full of black lines. Is my reasoning wrong?

Amamiya Noriko gave him a brief explanation, "Xiao Ai's sister is the big sister who robbed the bank before. She robbed one billion yen in order to get her sister Xiao Ai to leave the organization."

Conan suddenly understood and nodded: "I understand."

She still admired Hirota Masami. Did she steal one billion to save her sister from an evil organization? Ordinary people can't save one billion even in their lifetime. So you have the courage.

And it was really successful.

My detective will obey you, a billionaire bank robber.

Amamiya Noriko glanced at him and said, "Men really like gentle older sisters."

Haihara Ai also nodded and said: "It's a pity that my sister has a boyfriend. You, a primary school student, should not even think about it."

Conan's head was full of black lines: "I have someone I like, okay?!"

"So you use your smaller body to get close to people and take advantage of them?"

"...Who told you that this is the case? Is it Noriko?"

Conan felt something was wrong as soon as he heard this. What Haibara Ai knew was distorted. He turned to look at Amamiya Noriko.

Amamiya Noriko glared at him: "I said, what's wrong?"

Conan was dumbfounded, why did you stare at me first? Is this justified?

He looked at Haiyuan Ai angrily: "Look..."

Hui Yuan Ai turned her head and looked out the window: "I don't want to look."

Edogawa Conan was in a state of grief, anger and pain. I wanted to get off the car, but I got on the wrong car. This car was too dangerous.

It was just that the three people explained everything clearly, and the process was harmonious without any objections.

Noriko Amamiya also told Conan that at present, there are two main goals. One is to get APTX4869 and promote research. He himself also wants to grow up and go back as soon as possible. The other is better, to get the research data of APTX4869 and directly pursue it.

Flat winery research progress.

After Conan listened, he frowned and thought for a long time, feeling that the difficulty was relatively high.

If he wanted to accomplish the former, he would probably have to attack the man codenamed Gin, who might have drugs on him.

This is actually quite difficult. After being robbed once by Noriko Amamiya, Gin will probably not be carried with her anymore.

For the latter, they would have to sneak into the drug research institute of a mysterious organization. They didn't have a clue. The previous research institute in the suburbs had been converted into a base, and the one in the city had been blown up because Shirley escaped.

"The Japanese Amamiya Foundation has investigated to a certain extent, but because it cannot be made public, progress will definitely be slower. If you have clues about the case, you might as well check it out. If not, ask me to take care of it."

Conan nodded: "Yeah, but I don't come across cases very often."

At this point, Noriko Amamiya can pat him on the shoulder: "Don't underestimate yourself."


After sending Conan downstairs to the Mori Detective Agency, Amamiya Noriko drove back to the Amamiya mansion with Xiao Ai.

It was already late at night and the temperature had dropped slightly.

Conan stood downstairs and watched Amamiya Noriko's car leave, thinking that the days ahead for Amamiya Noriko and Haibara Ai would be a bit sad in the future.

"But at least I understand that Haihara Ai can become a top scientist at such a young age. At least he is also a very smart person. Finally, he no longer has to face a bunch of brats in elementary school every day."

At this point, Conan was still happy. For the rest, Conan scratched his face. After seeing what happened today, he still had to be cautious.

Haibara Ai and Amamiya Noriko also reminded him to be careful when investigating cases, as it does not necessarily mean that the criminal is evil.

Sometimes pig teammates are more vicious.

"But I can't understand what these little brats are thinking in their heads. I'm not a real brat either."

Conan scratched his head for a while. If he had understood the brain circuits of two little brats Genta and Mitsuhiko, he would have thrown them into the police station next door and refused to let them leave.

"Go back to school and see if they have learned their lesson. Noriko Amamiya has shown no mercy to little brats since kindergarten."

No one who is naughty or mischievous can escape.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but sneeze when the cold wind blew him, shivered twice, and hurriedly went upstairs.

Mouri Kogoro was chasing Okino Yoko's evening drama. Xiaolan had just come out of the bathroom. Seeing that he was back, she urged him to take a shower.

"Kiko told me that you will be home soon, so you have to boil the water first."

"oh oh."

Conan nodded. Children can't stay up late, so they quickly took a bath and went to bed.

On the other side, after Amamiya Noriko and Xiao Ai arrived home, they helped Miyano Akemi pack their luggage and take the Amamiya family's special plane to Hawaii early tomorrow morning.

Noriko Amamiya has already said hello to the teachers in Hawaii.

A brighter and better future is waiting for Miyano Akemi.

This chapter has been completed!
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