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Chapter 309: Conan, do you have a fever?

The Amamiya family's hot spring pond.

It is indeed a hot spring pond for Chiyonomiya Tomoyo.

Especially when she was making soup with her cousin, she felt like she was just going to make soup.

She was the one who got burned.

Therefore, when Amamiya Noriko asked her to take a bath, Chiyonomiya Tomoyo wanted to go very much and the temptation to take a bath with her sister was very strong, but she still did not dare to go.

I've already fainted twice, so I've learned well.

Noriko Amamiya could only hang out with Riho Chieda.

Riho Chieda leaned against the edge of the pool, looking up at the steamy ceiling.

Thinking about Kudo Shinichi's situation today, she wondered:

"So Kudo Shinichi can grow bigger?"

Amamiya Noriko nodded: "It's time-sensitive. Xiao Ai and I will study it again. It is possible to make a temporary enlargement pill that can be used to enlarge the body in an emergency."

As for when it is an emergency moment, Kudo Shinichi probably feels that it is an emergency moment at any time.

He wished he could grow up and go back to live with Xiaolan every minute.

We definitely can't let him play like this. His enlargement also means that Kudo Shinichi, who was originally dead in the eyes of Master Qin, has been resurrected.

Isn’t this just taking all the bombs that Mr. Qin used to blow up the building?

Fortunately, Kudo Shinichi himself had some idea, and would always tell Officer Megure not to publish his name in the newspaper after handling the case.

But we still have to go back and supervise him with Xiao Ai. The power of death of Primary Schoolboy Conan should not be underestimated.

Chieda Riho nodded slightly in understanding, and narrowed her beautiful eyes at Noriko's figure.

Noriko Amamiya: “…”

Don't think that I won't notice it.

She actually remembered what Ogura Asahi said to her, and turned around to talk to Chieda Riho.

Riho Chieda: “…”

She was also speechless under Gujing Wubo's calm gaze.

Ogura Asahi is her former comrade in arms, and it is really shameful that she pays attention to such things.

"She just saw the Conan-sized one after Kudo Shinichi changed into smaller clothes and loosened them up."

Noriko Amamiya stretched out a hand from the water and made a gesture.

Riho Chieda looked at the size of her gesture and frowned. Elementary school students were not of this size...

Noriko Amamiya thought her look was strange, so she explained: "I've never seen her before, I don't know!"

Chieda Riho said angrily: "I haven't seen it either."


Noriko Amamiya pursed her lips and buried her face, leaving only her big, watery eyes and small nose exposed on the water, looking at the size of Riho Chieda.

How can you say that the size of my gesture is wrong if you haven't seen it?

Although I did make random gestures.

Then the bathhouse fell into silence, only the heat continued to rise.

After waiting for a long time, they finally received the news that Conan had woken up. Noriko Amamiya and Riho Chieda got dressed and went out.

Conan originally just had a cold and then a low fever, but the experience of growing bigger and smaller probably put some stress on his body.

So I fell into coma immediately after getting a high fever.

Now Xiaolan has taken care of him for a long time, and finally the fever subsided and he regained consciousness.

When Xiaolan saw Noriko coming over, she asked Noriko to help look at Conan. She took Riho Chieda to make something for Conan to eat.

Noriko Amamiya wanted to just let her own chef go.

But Xiaolan was obviously planning to make something for Conan to eat with her own hands.

Noriko Amamiya looked at Conan's weak appearance and realized that this child could easily inspire maternal love.

But this is maternal love, not Xiaolan’s love for Kudou Shinichi...

"Sister Qianzhi, go with Xiaolan. There are a lot of ingredients in the kitchen. If you need any ingredients, you can have them delivered."

Riho Chieda nodded.

"Although my cooking skills are not as good as yours, Noriko, I can still cook whatever Conan likes to eat."

Xiaolan smiled at Noriko.

Amamiya Noriko blinked and waved her little hand: "Go ahead, let me take care of Conan too."

Anyway, if Conan is not naughty, Xiaolan will definitely be the first to dote on Conan.

He also rubbed Conan's back and rubbed Conan's nosebleeds out.

After Ran and Riho Chieda left, Noriko Amamiya looked at Conan.

Conan also rolled his eyes and looked at Noriko Amamiya.

Then I heard Noriko Amamiya change her gentle tone when talking to Xiaolan, look at herself teasingly and say: "You have such a small body, you are a bit weak."

Conan: "..."

"Ahem, what do you want from a primary school student?!"

Amamiya Noriko looked at him strangely: "It's not like you don't know. Didn't you see that I also had a cold and fever when I was in elementary school? Did you see me living like this?"

Conan was suspicious: "Don't you often ask for leave? Aren't you paralyzed at home?"

Otherwise, why would she always be considered sick and weak in the past, and a lot of people would spoil her poor health.

Noriko Amamiya rolled her eyes, pursed her lips and said, "The courses for primary school students are too superficial for me. I only study advanced knowledge at home when I take leave."


Conan nodded. Noriko was already being humble. He thought Noriko would say that she was too busy rejecting other people's confessions?

She was just a primary school student at that time.

"Sometimes I wonder if you took medicine and became smaller."

Conan couldn't help but look at Amamiya Noriko and said, but this possibility is basically impossible.

After all, we grew up together from Mihua Nursery School...

Growing up together, the gap is too outrageous. The gap between them is as big as the distance to the sky.

Noriko Amamiya chuckled: "The most likely time for you to defeat me is in kindergarten."

After hearing this, Kudo Shinichi's face darkened. Yes, he was beaten by Amamiya Noriko in an arm-wrestle.

This is indeed the time when we have the best chance.

Noriko Amamiya is not here with him to reminisce about hardships and sweet things. You have a fever, but you are not going to die.

"Hattori Heiji is already on the flight back to Osaka."

"That guy is gone. Why don't you come here to compare with me? There is only one truth. There is no way to distinguish between superior and inferior."

Conan thought of the wheat-colored man and nodded.

Seeing as they were both high school detectives, he still recognized Hattori Heiji.

Just thinking about it, he suddenly slapped his forehead: "He was the middle school detective at the ski resort at that time?"

Noriko Amamiya tilted her head: "Have you remembered?"

"Didn't you say that you met him at the ski resort? There are not many pillow detectives who can match me. I just remember that one."

Conan said very confidently.

Noriko Amamiya rolled her eyes at him. You'd recognize him if you recognized him anyway. "He'll probably come to you next time, so be mentally prepared."

"Of course, it's so easy to give up as a detective, but I won't be able to compete with him next time as Conan..."

As he spoke, Conan opened his eyes and looked at Noriko Amamiya.

"Kiko, please help me find a way to transform into Kudo Shinichi. It's okay to temporarily grow bigger!"

Noriko Amamiya said disdainfully, "Don't act cute with me, it's useless. I'll arrest you and make soup later."

Conan: "..."

There can be such a cruel person, and he is still a child!

As for the recovery medicine that he particularly wanted, Amamiya Noriko also directly explained to him first that the medicine was not just made casually, and it was also very rare.

It's just a dream to think that I will eat it whenever something happens and transform back into Kudo Shinichi.

"The most important point is that this is an imperfect medicine and has only a short-term effectiveness. After you take it, you will develop adaptability, which will only last for a shorter and shorter time. Taking too much may affect the ability to create a perfect medicine in the future.

The antidote effect that will turn you back to Kudo Shinichi forever."

Hearing that it would affect the effect of the antidote in the future, Conan immediately nodded to express his understanding.

Changing back temporarily is obviously not as tempting as changing back permanently. As for Amamiya Noriko's subsequent words about Kudo Shinichi being careful about being discovered by a mysterious organization, he also knew it.

If it weren't for the fact that sometimes he had to change his voice and use the identity of Kudo Shinichi to let Officer Megure do things, he would have wanted his identity as Kudo Shinichi to be canceled.

Consider it dead.

After bluffing Conan, Noriko Amamiya was playing with her mobile phone next to her leisurely.

Conan's head was full of black lines: "Aren't you supposed to take care of me?"

Noriko Amamiya tilted her head in confusion: "Huh?"

Conan shook his head quickly: "No, no, no, I have a slight cold. How dare I ask Miss Amamiya to take care of me."

God knows how he will be taken care of by Noriko Amamiya. He just asked, so he might as well forget it.

Amamiya Noriko took a look at him, who didn't need much care at first. Remembering that in the original book, you should be the three fools of Didan who came to visit him at this time, she asked: "Do you want me to give in to Bomei and the others to visit you?

Play with you?"

Conan said decisively: "No, no, no!"

Isn't it enough for him? He still has to be tormented by those three guys, so he might as well lie down obediently.

Fortunately, Amamiya Noriko said that Xiaolan was worried that he would be hungry after he woke up, so she made him something to eat, which made him happy.

Noriko Amamiya was playing with her mobile phone next to her, looking at it and raising her eyebrows from time to time.

Conan estimated that he was operating something remotely. It was when Teidan was in middle school. Sometimes he was playing with his mobile phone in class, but it was definitely not reading the news or playing games. He was basically reading the inside information of the Amamiya family, or

Arrange something remotely for the people under her control.

Amamiya Noriko's raised eyebrow expression was based on his understanding.

She must have found something that interests her, or something worthy of her attention, but not something worth being happy about, so she would give the other person a punch.

It doesn't necessarily mean a punch. She might get involved in something good.

After high school, this kind of raised eyebrow expression in my impression was probably a sign that someone was plotting something against her.

Very interesting and curious!!!

Conan's heart was screaming, please don't do some regular and unconscious actions in front of a famous detective. In my half-informed state, I want to know everything even more.

There was nothing he could do. If Noriko Amamiya didn't talk to him, Conan would just look at the ceiling, but there was nothing interesting about the ceiling.

Although Amamiya Noriko's house is a simple Japanese-style building with some old-fashioned reliefs on the wooden ceiling, which makes it look extremely beautiful, you still have to see it after seeing it more than a dozen times.

And Noriko Amamiya is much better looking, not to mention eye-catching, and you can also guess what she wants to do.

It’s time to practice your detective reasoning skills.

After speculating for a long time, he finally couldn't help but said: "What news did you see?"

"I said you should always look at my face when you're fine. Do you want to know?"

Noriko Amamiya raised her eyes to look at him and chuckled.

Conan nodded: "I'm very curious!"

"Hey, you're not Chitanda."

Amamiya Noriko looked at him with disdain, then looked at the phone screen and said: "First of all, an internationally renowned killer organization announced that it would ban its killers from accepting assassination commissions from Japan regarding the eldest daughter of the Amamiya family, and outsource all rights to another well-known assassin.

The killer organization ensures that the opponent’s strength cannot be underestimated.”

Conan's head was full of black lines: "...so?"

"Kill me too many times and kill too many people. I can't bear it anymore. This move is called risk transfer."

Amamiya Noriko continued to look at the news and said: "The other company that accepted their outsourcing said it would not refuse anyone who came, and added a few points to my assassination commission. This move is a risk premium, but it is probably cut off.

Chinese chives."

Conan couldn't help but remind: "You should pay more attention to the killer accepting the commission to assassinate you."

Noriko Amamiya didn't care: "Fortunately, after those American mercenaries passed away last time, it has become more difficult for foreign killers to come to Japan to assassinate me. At least it is completely impossible to come by plane smoothly."

Before that, she could probably sit elegantly in first class, enjoy the excellent service provided to VIP customers by a first-class airline, and leisurely plan her assassination in her mind.

But now, because of the pressure exerted by the Amamiya Consortium, no matter how awesome the killer is, he has no choice but to sneak into Japan through smuggling channels.

As for the smuggling channels, although the Amamiya family is not involved in this business, it is an international consortium after all, and they have only dabbled in it. They have to be careful to avoid the channels of the Amamiya family.

Otherwise, it will be a sheep entering the tiger's mouth.

Conan suddenly understood, "The eldest daughter of the Amamiya family is amazing."

Noriko Amamiya said with a smile: "Chengyi, after all, he is the son of an ordinary novelist, Uncle Kudo, so you don't have to give in too much."

Kudo Yusaku has relatively strong connections with the international police.

Conan: "..."

"Any normal news?"

"Normal news? Yes."

Noriko Amamiya looked at the mobile phone: "For example, the latest generation of smartphone technology has been successfully applied and will be launched soon. Apple will be the first, and other smartphones will follow. When you see whoever uses an Apple water dispenser, it will be worth it.

A trustworthy brother."

"You started to tilt your head while you were talking."

"Tsk, then Japan's housing prices are about to plummet."

"No way?"

Conan was a little skeptical when he heard this. He had read the news before that the Japanese yen was constantly appreciating and bank interest rates were constantly rising. However, in terms of economics, he was not a detective in this area. He just learned more knowledge out of habit.

"Because a few years ago, if the yen continued to appreciate, it would only lead to difficulties in exports, and domestic goods would have to be produced and sold locally. Therefore, at that time, Japan's smart lawmakers were discussing lowering bank interest rates to stimulate domestic consumption."

Haiyuan Ai walked in at some unknown time and spoke calmly.

When bank interest rates fall, money stored in the bank is no longer worth it. It is better to spend it. Even because the interest rates have also dropped a lot, if you don't borrow money from the bank, you are simply suffering a loss.

A large amount of loans created a large amount of money, and most of this money went into the real estate market and stocks, which have risen for several consecutive years. Starting a company is not as good as trading in stocks and real estate, and the industry has suffered another blow.

After sensing the crisis, the Japanese government has raised interest rates for the fourth time.

She saw these things more clearly when she was preparing to return to Japan from the United States, but the rising momentum was too obvious at that time, and now she can finally see some clues.

After listening to this, Conan probably understood. He couldn't help but take a few more glances at Haihara Ai, who looked calm. You know so much. I feel like she can touch on everything.

And Noriko Amamiya too.

Amamiya Noriko thought thoughtfully, it would be okay to take this opportunity to expand the power of the Amamiya Foundation in Japan.

I'll discuss it with my dad later on how to operate it.

Haihara Ai glanced at Conan who was lying on the bed covered with a quilt; "How do you feel?"

Conan pondered for a moment, "Is it a process of getting bigger and smaller or is it because I have a cold and a fever?"

Hui Yuan Ai said calmly: "Of course it's a process of getting bigger and smaller. Who cares about your cold and fever? Leave it to Xiaolan."


Conan didn't know what to say, Haihara Ai and Noriko were together.

Amamiya Noriko laughed beside her, "How do you think I, Xiao Ai, ignored the transformation process of the experimental subject and came to care about your cold and fever?"

Conan glanced at Amamiya Noriko with a black line on his head, and told Haibara Ai the feeling of his transformation process in detail.

Haibara Ai had listened to Amamiya Noriko's words before, but now she felt thoughtful after hearing what she said.

Conan saw her frowning for a long time, and couldn't help but asked: "How is it? Can you help me?"

"No, you yourself are not as good as Noriko said."

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Conan looked at Noriko Amamiya, who was laughing again, with a dark face, "How can you be so capable? You know my transformation process better than me?"

There is something wrong with this person!

He didn't know that Amamiya Noriko had also grown and shrunk once, so he told Xiao Ai about his feelings. At this time, Xiao Ai compared it with Conan. Except that the duration was different, Amamiya Noriko's other feelings were also different.

Zi said it even more clearly.

Conan was lying down, staring straight at the ceiling with his eyes wide open. It was so difficult.

After Haihara Ai recorded his description, he stuffed an oral thermometer into Conan's mouth, then looked at the time and waited.

When the time was up, I took out the thermometer and took a look. It was almost as if I had a low fever.

She didn't have to ask Conan how he felt. Just look at the thermometer and you'd know.

Conan, who was staring at the ceiling and had a thermometer stuffed in his mouth, was extremely aggrieved, but looking at Haihara Ai's appearance as a primary school student, even if she was not a primary school student before, he would be too embarrassed to do anything to her now.

"It's just a low-grade fever. Why do you look so ugly?"

Hui Yuan Ai looked at his face and said doubtfully.

Amamiya Noriko nodded in agreement: "He is still a famous detective."

Conan; "..."

It's so difficult for me.

As he was thinking about it, he saw Amamiya Noriko taking a towel to wipe his sweat, even though he had stopped sweating since he woke up.

But finally, I felt a touch of human warmth.

Although Noriko Amemiya tortured herself to an extent that could not be explained in ten pages, destroyed her spirit, and threatened her with force, her occasional gentleness and this rare feeling made him put aside all the torture.

The back of my head.

This at least proves that Amamiya Noriko will not only save herself as a person at critical moments, but also treat herself well as a childhood sweetheart.

Although there is only such a minute in 365 days.

But after all, I saw a glimmer of hope.

"Forget it, I won't pick on Noriko anymore. Anyway, she can't take away my Xiaolan. I'll just turn a blind eye to the others."

Conan sighed in his heart and looked at Noriko Amamiya.

Although Amamiya Noriko's expression was casual as if she was wiping casually, her movements were really wiping herself...

What about gua sha? How about microdermabrasion? So vigorously——

Conan took a deep breath and looked at the ceiling blankly. Well, Noriko just doesn't know how to take care of people. It's understandable that she can do everything but she is not good at it.

Xiaolan's voice sounded at the door, "Kiko, are you wiping Conan's sweat? Xiaoai is here too, how is Conan?"

Noriko Amamiya said to Xiaolan with a slightly worried expression: "I see that Conan's forehead is still a little red and he still has a fever."

"Of course the fever won't subside that quickly. Let Conan come and eat something. Even if you have no appetite, you still have to eat something."

Xiaolan looked at Noriko, who was taking care of Conan, and went to the dining room with confidence to wait for them to arrive.

Conan sat up in shock while he was dying, and looked around. Where are my ten pages of paper recording Amamiya Noriko's crimes?

One more page is needed.

Damn it, he thought Amamiya Noriko's conscience found out that she knew Xiaolan was coming, so she kindly wiped her sweat!

And rub it so hard!

Noriko Amamiya looked at him sitting up: "Feeling better?"

Conan put on his glasses and curled his lips: "No, if I continue to be tortured by you, I will feel cold, let alone have a fever."

"Hey, you're such a stingy guy. What's the use of just wiping it lightly?"

Next to her, Hui Yuan Ai nodded: "Indeed, it's not just about wiping sweat, but also promoting smooth blood circulation."

Noriko Amamiya nodded: "Really?"


Conan pondered, and what he said seemed to make some sense. Of course, it was all women who made sense.

He realized it.

Conan lifted the quilt and was about to get up to eat. Xiaolan cooked it for herself. Eating it would replenish the blood bar that had been tortured by these two people.

Seeing this, Amamiya Noriko quickly said, "How can you let the little patient walk over by himself? Let my sister come and carry you over."

Conan ran away after hearing this.

Fever? Fever doesn’t affect my feet’s instinctive reaction when encountering a life-threatening crisis!

Noriko Amamiya curled her lips, still a little unhappy at being rejected.

The two of them also went over to eat. Haibara Ai asked curiously: "Will Noriko really hug Kudo Shinichi?"

"He is Conan now. Hold him. When I hold him, he will be thrown high into the air, more than ten meters high. Well, of course I will still hold him in front of Xiaolan properly. Anyway, it is about the same weight as lifting a chicken. If he is not happy,

There’s nothing wrong with being more active.”

Haiyuan Ai laughed, which was quite like Noriko's style.

Just thinking about it, she found that she suddenly lost weight and was suddenly hugged by Noriko.

It's okay to hug herself, she's just not used to it. The key point is that Noriko still calls her in the same tone as before: "Shiho-nee."

Haiyuan Ai also calmly shouted: "Kiko is good."

Noriko Amamiya: "..."

This chapter has been completed!
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