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Chapter 311: Flowers are coming

Shotaro Mukai, the vice president of the music club, was very thoughtful and adopted a roundabout attack method.

Pretend that the target is Sonoko, and then approach Noriko Amamiya, who is very familiar with Sonoko. She looks like she wants to bribe the target's best friend, but actually comes over and confesses to Noriko Amamiya.

According to his original plan, there was probably no need to be in such a hurry.

But because Noriko Amamiya had a piano performance that day, he felt that the number of his competitors had increased, so he decided to cut the knot quickly.

But he found that the sudden confession was not a surprise, but instead frightened Amamiya-san. With a shy and flustered reaction, Amamiya-san said that he was a good person, but inappropriate, thinking that he should like Sonoko...

Then he hurriedly said goodbye and left.

Shotaro Mukai looked at the back of Amemiya-san's brisk steps and suddenly felt annoyed. He must have made a mistake.

Amemiya-san also thought that she liked Sonoko, so it was even harder for her to accept her confession.

Damn, if that wasn't the case, maybe there was a chance.

Shotaro Mukai's plan failed and he left dejectedly, and was looked down upon at the cashier counter.

The waiter in the coffee shop looked at him with a smile: "That cute girl just now paid for you."

"Yes, really..."

Shotaro Mukai took the receipt handed over to him, his fingers trembling slightly, "Don't look at me like that, obviously I don't know Amemiya-san paid for it for me!"

Amamiya-san, it’s true, I asked her to come out to confess on purpose, but after scaring her, she still remembered to pay the bill for me before leaving.

It's really, really touching.

Shotaro Mukai decided to take the receipt back, have it molded and keep it as a souvenir.

Helping him pay for the bill was something Amamiya Noriko did easily. After all, she also cast a violinist and tool man to play the role and bought herself a large bunch of roses.

It would be too embarrassing to just run away without buying the order. By the way, I have received your thoughts. But don’t go back and get more and more angry after being rejected, and then become bent on turning into a murderer or something.

Conan buff, the murderer's catalytic success rate is doubled.

After Amamiya Noriko refused and ran away, she went shopping with the bouquet of roses in her arms.

Most people refuse to accept the flowers even if they refuse, but she was begged by Shotaro Mukai. If she refused, she should at least accept the flowers.

Noriko Amamiya thought about it and realized that indeed, coming with a large bouquet of roses and leaving with a large bouquet of roses would not mean being rejected.

Maybe the roses were thrown into the trash can halfway, lest people think it was a failed confession, which would be such a waste.

Anyway, it's not a problem for her to hold a large bunch of roses.

When others see it, they will just think that she is being confessed.

So Amamiya Noriko kindly accepted it and went back to plant it with the potted plants from the gardening club. Maybe she could grow a rose bush in her own yard.

The other side.

Belmode had nothing to do and was sitting idle in a cake shop in the mall.

It wasn't like she had nothing to do. At least the laptop on the table in front of her was browsing intelligence websites, so it couldn't be said that she was fishing.

She had not been involved in the previous major events at the Budokan, but she had heard some news, and another attempt was made to target Noriko, but it was obviously a complete failure.

Gin, who was at the scene at the time, mentioned it to her not long ago.

By the way, the task of finding Shirley was temporarily handed over to her.

Gin went to Osaka alone to pursue Kiichiro Numabuchi, and he didn't bring any vodka with him. It seemed that he was sent out to chase some suspicious rats.

Belmod's slender fingers were swiping across the touch pad of his laptop. His eyes under his anti-blue light glasses reflected the ever-changing fluorescence of the screen, and his brain was quickly identifying useful information for purchase transactions.

She basically has control over the information channels within the organization, but it is obviously of no use to find out the whereabouts of Shirley, who has defected from the organization, otherwise she would not have been found for so long.

She could only start from external channels to see if she could get any useful clues.

It is impossible to directly announce the reward mission to find Miyano Shiho, and her information cannot be disclosed to outsiders casually.

This resulted in a huge workload for her, and she had to read the information for a long time without knowing whether it would be useful. This was an extremely efficient operation on her part.

"This lady, your mango milleleuca."

The slender waiter with a straight back bent slightly and placed a stack of delicious-looking mango phyllo in front of her table.


Belmode nodded politely, and then looked at the other person looking at his screen: "What do you think of Bourbon?"

Amuro's fair-skinned face couldn't help but smile: "I'm not familiar with that Shirley, and I don't know her whereabouts."

Belmode raised his eyes and glanced at Bourbon, who had slightly squinted eyes and looked harmless: "I mean, seeing my heavy workload, don't you have any ideas?"

Toru Amuro pondered for a moment, "I'll buy you a cup of coffee today."

Belmod's spoon was inserted into the mango lasagna without ceremony: "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Toru Amuro nodded and continued to perform his duties as a waiter.

He returned to the counter and stood upright, waiting for the customer to serve himself. However, he looked down at the time and looked up at the door of the cake shop with some confusion.

Logically speaking, his target should be at the store at this time every day.

After waiting for a while, Toru Amuro finally saw his target arriving at the coffee shop, and he went to greet her with a smile as he gave her the cup of coffee from Bermod.

A slightly fat middle-aged man in a suit and tie, with a slightly bald head, came in and found a seat he was accustomed to sitting in. After ordering some of his usual favorite desserts, he complained to the already familiar waiter: "These days.

It’s getting sadder and sadder, sooner or later I won’t be able to eat my favorite desserts.”

"How could that be? Mr. Fujino, you are an elite."

Toru Amuro smiled while remembering what he ordered.

Fujino shook his head: "It's difficult. The Americans started to stop talking about the trouble they caused. Yesterday, a diplomat I knew was arrested. It's hard to do business."

"Aimed at the United States?"

"Absolutely. What do you think if we Japanese go to the United States to carry out a terrorist attack?"

Tohru Amuro thought for a while, his Japan would not go to the United States to carry out any terrorist attacks unless the United States caused trouble first.

Even in the Budokan, he already wanted to teach those Americans who dared to come to Japan and behave misbehaving.

After thinking for a while, he casually asked Fujino if there were any strange Americans in Tokyo who had recently arrived. Fujino thought about it, but he didn't have much impression. He was going to change directions. Business in the United States was not very good.


Toru Amuro nodded and prepared his dessert.

Later, I asked people to arrest this guy, engage in some shady business with the United States, and help cover up some Americans whose identities were not visible and came to harm Japan.

Since it's no longer useful, grab it.

Toru Amuro mainly wants to know the FBI information.

After serving Fujino's last dessert, Toru Amuro saw Belmod waving to him.

"What's wrong?"

Belmode reached out and brushed the blond hair beside his ears, and raised his chin towards Fujino over there: "I heard that you have been busy with other things recently? Is it related to that guy?"

Toru Amuro glanced at the Fujino information that had been retrieved on the screen of Bermod's laptop, and responded casually: "Just looking up some more interesting things."


However, Belmod roughly guessed what he was looking for, and continued: "Akai Shuichi?"

Toru Amuro didn't hide anything. He and Belmod were considered allies. He nodded and said, "Well, it's him."

Belmode remembered that he suffered a small loss at the hands of Akai Shuichi in New York, and slightly frowned and said: "His words are not easy for you to deal with alone."

Bermod's reminder that Amuro Tohru didn't take it seriously, he must make a decision with former Rye Whiskey and FBI mole Akai Shuichi.

Moreover, Japan’s own territory does not require their FBI to interfere.

Belmod thought that she and Amuro Tohru were just allies, no matter how many he had, but if she discovered Akai Shuichi, she wouldn't mind adding a little more sense of participation.

After all, I suffered a loss at the hands of that guy in New York.

More importantly, if she hadn't been shot by that guy, she wouldn't have been taken advantage of by Baileys.

If she was in perfect condition, she wouldn't give Baileys a chance so easily.

Toru Amuro took a look at Belmode and didn't mind dragging her along.

"I can resign from here in two days, you don't have to come here."

Belmode nodded casually and looked back at the laptop screen: "Well, remember to call me next time you go to work."

Toru Amuro looked at her slightly surprised.

Belmod stretched out his hand and raised his eyes, then raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said, "If you work part-time, you can also help me keep an eye on me. As an office environment, it's still very good."

Toru Amuro turned around and left. Belmode seemed a little idle.

But I really don’t have any clue about finding Shirley, and I still don’t even understand how she escaped at that time.

Toru Amuro privately asked Zero's people to search, but no useful clues were obtained.

Belmode would not just run around looking for it if he had no clue.

Gin is the kind of person who will let Vodka drive around in his Porsche even if he has no clue. Maybe he will meet him on the roadside.

Comparing the two, it is clear who works more seriously.

Toru Amuro turned around and left. After browsing the intelligence website, Belmode held his chin and fell into a feeling of having nothing to do. He would also get tired of browsing shopping websites.

Mei Mu casually glanced outside the cake shop and suddenly saw a girl holding a large bouquet of roses and holding a doll there.

What is the reason?

This season is not a season where roses are on sale, nor is it a Valentine's Day festival, and there are no temple fairs or summer festivals nearby.

"Children today..."

Belmode was about to sigh casually from the perspective of an elderly person, but the girl's school uniform looked familiar. Isn't this the uniform of Teidan High School? Kudo Shinichi, Maori Ran and Noriko were both in that high school.

And this back view is a bit familiar...

The girl who caught the doll seemed to have very good skills. After failing to catch it the first time, she caught a shark doll in the second time.

But Belmod only saw the girl turn her waist slightly, but did not bend down to pick up the doll.

Just when she was feeling strange, she saw the girl making a call on her mobile phone. When she turned around slightly, Belmod finally saw the side of her delicate little face.

Her impeccable snow-white skin and big eyes reveal a watery and crystal feeling.


Belmod raised his eyebrows.

Sure enough, when she saw the slender figure, she felt familiar.

At the same time, because Amamiya Noriko turned sideways to make a phone call, she also understood why Noriko didn't bend down to pick up the doll.

Because the shark doll is stuck horizontally on the entrance and exit of the claw machine, if it is slightly tilted or vertically with its head and tail downwards, it should be able to fall down and be taken out.

At this time, Bellmode, who looked like Chris Wynyard, couldn't help but laugh: "Kiko is too unlucky."

Noriko Amamiya is indeed very unlucky.

The first claw failed in its strength test, but the second claw stuck the doll's mouth.

And there is no need to think about grabbing a few more to smash the first shark doll down, because the blockage is perfect.

Noriko Amamiya called the phone next to the claw machine and asked the staff if they could help take it out in this situation.

The other party refused very ruthlessly and told her that this is the cruel law of the doll catching industry and cannot be changed!

This made Amamiya Noriko very unhappy, so she went to the mall staff with roses in her arms to raise the problem she encountered.

"Uh, little sister, have you encountered any problems?"

The young lady at the service center was slightly startled when she saw her holding a rose. Oh, is this cute little sister here to confess to me?!!

The male staff member next to her widened his eyes, why weren't they looking for me?

Amamiya Noriko held the rose aside and told the young lady that the doll she caught was stuck at the entrance. Can you help take it out?

The young lady paused for a moment, she didn't come here to confess her love, what a pity.

But he still followed Amamiya Noriko very enthusiastically to take a look at the situation, and then opened the claw machine to help her take out the shark doll and gave it to her.

Amamiya Noriko nodded very satisfied with herself, look, this is just a face brush.

Sooner or later, a sound changer will have the same effect.

In order to express her gratitude to the staff member, Noriko Amamiya chose a bouquet of roses from the bunch of roses she was holding and gave it to her.

Because this young lady seems to have been staring at her roses from the beginning.

Noriko Amamiya blinked at her: "This was given to me by someone else who confessed their love. I can only give you one bunch."

The staff member's eyes instantly shone, and her intention to gossip was very eager: "Ah, someone confessed to you?"

Noriko Amamiya nodded: "Rejected."

As soon as I said this, the young lady stopped. How could you still be holding so many roses if you refused?

"Rejected, but he still wanted to give me the rose."

The young lady hesitated: "Well... Judging from the results, it seems that I just sent you flowers..."

"...makes sense."

This chapter has been completed!
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