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Chapter 321: Baileys, you don't have to pretend!

Sally Beth cruise ship.

Inside the banquet venue.

Conan is guessing who and where the real dark star is.

Now most of the guests at the banquet have already worn fake jet-black stars. There are so many of them that it is impossible to tell which one is real.

"There are more than five hundred people, and you probably can't even look at them one by one, let alone have the ability to distinguish between true and false."

Conan pondered, assuming that Kaitou Kidd could successfully steal the pearl, he would definitely not use this time-wasting method.

Just then, Mouri Kogoro and Nakamori Ginzo ran over to ask Suzuki Tomoko who had the authentic product, and he also leaned over to listen.

Mouri Kogoro scratched his head and said: "The two of us are here to protect the Dark Star, but we don't even know where it really is. How can we protect it?"

Nakamori Ginzo also nodded in agreement: "Yes, Mrs. Suzuki, can you reveal it?"

Tomoko Suzuki glanced at Noriko Amamiya behind them, smiled, and said: "No matter how well-made it is, it is still a fake. If you distinguish it carefully, you can still tell the difference."

Mouri Kogoro was speechless: "You can't let us see them one by one, right? There are more than five hundred."

Suzuki Tomoko covered her mouth and laughed: "Hahaha, doesn't this mean that Kaitou Kidd can't even figure out where the real one is?"

Nakamori Ginzo looked at Mrs. Suzuki's smile and seemed to have a familiar feeling. Every time the victim who had a gem stolen by Kaitou Kidd had put in place protective measures that he thought were foolproof, he would smile so confidently.

He and Mouri Kogoro looked at each other, somewhat helpless.

Suzuki Tomoko smiled and said: "But both of you are knights with enough heart to protect our Suzuki family's dark star, so I will give you some tips."

"This dark star fascinated my grandfather sixty years ago, mainly because of the eye-catching malachite green luster it retains, so I have given it to the most suitable person, five hundred people on board the entire ship

There are exactly two people in the competition who can match it, and one of them is the one."

Mouri Kogoro narrowed his eyes: "Women should be suitable for wearing genuine products, right?"

"Ah, you are also very suitable, Mr. Mori."

Tomoko Suzuki covered her mouth and said with a smile.

Mouri Kogoro's head was full of black lines. He felt that the clues were too difficult to find out the authenticity, so he could only watch to see if anyone had taken action on other people's pearls.

Does this Mrs. Suzuki believe too much that I can solve the clues?

After hearing the prompt, Kogoro Mouri and Ginzo Nakamori scratched their heads as if they had never heard it before.

Conan pondered and walked back to Noriko Amamiya, "This pearl has a history of sixty years, and among the more than 500 guests, there are only two matching women. Sister Noriko, do you have anything in mind?"

"You ask me?"

Noriko Amamiya looked at him and blinked.

Conan looked strange: "...What if? Are there other smarter people here?"

Amamiya Noriko looked at Sonoko. Suzuki Sonoko didn't pay attention to what Conan said and blinked at Noriko without knowing why.

"never mind."

Noriko Amamiya turned to Conan and said, "I'm afraid you'll guess it right away if I give you some clues."


Conan pondered, so you just don’t want me to deduce it?!

Still not good friends anymore.

Amamiya Noriko tilted her head towards him: "Didn't the kindergarten teacher tell us that we should do our own thing~"

"Okay, don't imitate the kindergarten tone. This is not the tone used in your kindergarten."

Conan raised his hand to stop her pretending to be young. The problem was that this person would not have spoken in this tone in kindergarten, and was more mature than the teachers who cooperated with the children to become young.

Noriko Amemiya curled her lips and pointed to the jet-black star she wore just below the collar of her dress: "I wear the real jet-black star here."

Conan nodded very cooperatively, "I see, that's it, I believe it, I believe it."


Noriko Amamiya ignored him and went to the side to chat with Sonoko.

At this time, she suddenly saw a person coming over, and she couldn't help but open her eyes, "Isn't this Chris Wynyard, Sister Bei? Why is she also on the boat?"

"It's not impossible if it's a celebrity invited by the Suzuki family."

Noriko Amamiya pondered, should I transform?

When she saw Belmode appear, she felt that the three-hour flight was far more complicated than she thought.

Conan saw her looking at him and said, "It's that big American star. He came to me before and asked me where the bathroom is."

Amamiya Noriko glanced at him, Sister Bei doesn't know that you are Kudo Shinichi now, you are here to talk to Xiaolan.

Conan only felt that he was mercilessly despised.

"I know! Her target is Xiaolan, and asking me where the bathroom is is just an excuse to talk to Xiaolan."

"I see, you still know."

Noriko Amamiya nodded, leaving Conan with black lines all over his head.

Ignoring her, when Sister Bei came towards her with a smile and a wave, Amamiya Noriko also walked up to her. She was well-behaved and jumped with a little surprise: "Sister Chris, are you here too? What a coincidence.


"Well, it's not a coincidence. If you invite me, of course you must be invited, Noriko."

Belmod nodded with a smile and hugged Noriko.

When he let go, his eyes fell on the dark star on Noriko's chest. Her beautiful eyes couldn't help but froze, but she hid it well.

Noriko's Amamiya family and the Suzuki family have always had a relatively good relationship, so it's not surprising that Noriko would be able to give the real Dark Star to her with confidence.

Although she is also somewhat interested in this famous black pearl, which is the largest in the world, but since it is worn on Noriko, forget it.

This is not her purpose.

At the same time, when she saw the dark star, she suddenly realized who the disguised waitress she met in the women's restroom was.

"It's probably Kaitou Kidd. He's not trying to steal this pearl, hehehe."

Belmode despised Kaitou Kid's behavior of sneaking into the women's restroom, and then decided to join Noriko to see how he stole.

Want to steal Noriko's pearls from under my nose?

Then someone walked out of the women's restroom and saw Noriko Amamiya and that Chrissy Wynyard standing together, talking and laughing, and they seemed to have a good relationship...

I suddenly took a breath of cold air.

"It's too difficult to steal a pearl these days."

Kuroba Kaito's scalp felt numb.

But he can also firmly confirm that Chrissy Wynyard must be Baileys in disguise, and she is approaching Noriko now because of the Dark Star!

After all, she said she would snatch it from her.

"She beat me to it, but I'm not a vegetarian either."

Except fish.

"Sister Xiaolan, are you back?"

Conan was bored while watching Chrissy Wynyard and Amamiya Noriko chatting, as well as Sonoko, who was also a fan of Chrissy Wynyard, and suddenly said happily when he saw Xiaolan coming over.

Xiaolan bent down and poked Conan's head: "Well, it's all Conan who wanders around and makes me want to find you."

"Ah ha ha..."

Conan covered his head in embarrassment.

Fortunately, Yuanzi pulled Xiaolan over and introduced Chris Wynyard. Both of them were fans of hers, but Yuanzi didn't know that Xiaolan had met her before.

Conan twitched his lips, chasing stars is so boring.

Unless Holmes appears in front of him.

Then Officer Chamu went to the stage to remind all the guests present that Kaitou Kidd could disguise himself as anyone, and the police suspected that he had already disguised himself and infiltrated among them.

Let everyone be prepared to avoid having their Dark Star stolen.

It is recommended that you set a secret code with each other to prevent Kaitou Kid from pretending to be someone else.

Yuanzi was also very keen on planning what secret code they would use between them.

However, Noriko Amamiya, who knew how things were going, took the code casually and had no use for it.

Her eyes fell on Xiaolan without any trace. It turns out that Kaitou Kidd disguised himself as Xiaolan and fished in troubled waters to steal the black pearl. So is this true or false?

While she was looking at the research, the lights in the venue suddenly dimmed, making it impossible for her to continue her research.

Amamiya Noriko also followed the light and looked. A man wearing Kaitou Kidd's costume was standing on the corner wall, lowering the brim of his hat and laughing: "It's useless even if you use a code, because the Dark Star has long been

I got it!"

He took out a dark star in his hand.


"how so?!"

The guests present were in an uproar, "How did this Phantom Thief Kidd obtain the real Dark Star?"

Conan frowned when he saw this, "How is this possible?!"

Xiaolan next to him pursed her lips and smiled, and a remote control suddenly appeared in her hand.

Not far away, Tomoko Suzuki listened to the exclamations of the guests and said with a smile: "Oh, oh, this thief is really troublesome! If Kaitou Kidd is so bold, he must pay it back quickly.

Just solve it——"

She slowly took out a pistol from her handbag.

Conan suddenly noticed her scene and couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

But Suzuki Tomoko still raised his pistol and fired, and Kaitou Kid's voice suddenly sounded in the venue: "Hehehe, the real Dark Star is already in my hands. What you are wearing is just the little one I gave you.

It’s just a gift!”

In the light that only illuminated Kaito Kidd on the wall, several black pearls could be seen falling to the floor from above, and then thick pink smoke began to emit with a "chi" sound.


Tomoko Suzuki was the first to exclaim when she saw this, what is going on?!

The Phantom Thief Kidd on the wall was just a magician she invited to perform a performance in which she shot down Phantom Thief Kidd as the ending of Phantom Thief Kidd.

But the current situation was not at all in her plan.

Conan saw that she didn't raise the pistol and continued to shoot, and the "Phantom Thief Kid" above also looked surprised, and if you look closely, you can see that he didn't speak just now, and it was no longer him who made the voice of Phantom Thief Kid.


"Damn it, the real Phantom Thief Kidd has already started taking action!"

Conan gritted his teeth and said to Suzuki Sonoko: "Have someone turn on the light!"

Suzuki Tomoko heard his words in a daze, and quickly took out her mobile phone to ask the person in charge of the motor to turn on the lights. However, because the fallen 'black stars' on the ground began to smoke one by one, the guests hurriedly hurried away from them in the darkness.

A place of smoke.

The phone in her hand was accidentally knocked down and fell to the ground.

When Conan saw this, he quickly wanted to pick it up, but before he could take a few steps, his phone was kicked by the panicked crowd and disappeared somewhere.

"It's poisonous!"

Conan screamed in his heart, things were developing in an uncontrollable direction.

And he also noticed that many people were worried that the dark stars they were wearing would emit smoke, so they quickly took them off and threw them away.

Even if the police wanted to control the situation, it would be extremely difficult, and since the people present were either rich or noble, it would be difficult to use coercive means.

"This is all the plan of that Kaitou Kidd. He wants to take advantage of the chaos to steal the Dark Star. He already knows where it really is!"

"Or you can find out by paying attention to Tomoko Suzuki's reaction. She is the only one who knows who actually holds the Black Star!"

Conan reacted, suddenly woke up and looked at Tomoko Suzuki.

But when he saw the other party hurriedly looking in the same direction, Conan vomited blood in his heart, Noriko Amamiya!!

What you said turns out to be true!

He thought Amamiya Noriko was teasing him again by saying that hers was real!

Conan hurriedly wanted to get past Noriko Amamiya, but rather than running past, he was more worried about whether he would be knocked down and cause a tragic stampede.

Noriko Amamiya watched the panic scene quietly in the darkness, thinking for a moment whether this unplanned incident was caused by Kaito or Sister Bei.

If Sister Bei was on a mission, she would most likely do this by causing chaos in the place so that she could start the attack. Moreover, by borrowing Kaitou Kidd's name, she could perfectly avoid suspicion.

But she was immediately pulled by Sister Bei's arm to avoid the people who bumped into her in a hurry. Sister Bei didn't take the opportunity to do anything, so the suspicion was that Kuai Dou was the one.

Noriko Amamiya turned her head to look at Xiaolan, and saw Xiaolan reaching for her chest.

"Tsk, let's fight with your stupid hands."

She was just about to surprise Kaito when a hand came out from beside her and slapped Xiaolan's hand away.

Belmode looked at this 'Xiao Lan' with a sneer. She had noticed something was wrong just now. There were some traces of disguise but could not confirm it. At this time, she was sure. Sure enough, the waitress changed into Mao Lilan's appearance and was close to Ji Ji.


"What did you do to Xiaolan?!"

"Hehehe, she's fine, she's sleeping soundly somewhere now!"

Kuroba Kaito still looked like Ran, and did not take off his mask for the time being, but his voice returned to that of Kaitou Kidd.

Belmode felt a little more relieved and turned his head to look at Noriko who was protecting him behind him. His current identity was Chrissy Wynyard, so it was not good for him to be exposed too much in front of the simple Noriko.

Noriko Amamiya: "..."

How am I going to log into Baileys’ account and join the battle in this situation?!

Baileys was very anxious and asked to join.

When she was thinking whether she, as an ordinary citizen, should hide away and make way for them, Phantom Thief Kidd who looked like Xiao Lan spoke up.

He directly 'exposed' Chrissy Wynyard and said loudly: "Bailey Sweet, you don't have to pretend. Didn't you take the opportunity to steal the Dark Star when you approached Noriko Amamiya?!"

Belmod's mouth twitched when he heard this, are you an idiot?

She quickly looked at Noriko Amamiya and found that Noriko was also looking at her in shock.

"I'm not Baileys!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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