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Chapter 326: Cheers to Sister Bei, Conan Quick Fight

"Don't be narcissistic, will I covet your snow-white and delicate thighs?"

When Belmod heard this, he moved his thighs to the other side and put them together, not wanting to pay attention to Baileys at all.

It looked like Bailey was very familiar with this technique. The manual block was still a little far away from her thigh, so she shifted gears with her thumb and index finger, and rubbed the other three fingers and the palm of her hand.

It's an "ok" gesture.

Belmod held his cheek with one hand and glanced at her, "If you tease me again, you're welcome."

Amamiya Noriko was shocked when she heard this, raised her ears and asked, "You're welcome? What should I say?"


Belmode turned her head and looked out the car window coldly, not wanting to ruin her image as a royal sister.

Noriko Amamiya took Bermod all the way downstairs to the apartment where she lived.

By the way, the apartment that Bellmode lives in is the same building where Aumei's family also lives. After being bumped into her place by Baileys last time, Bellmode was too lazy to change her place.

Anyway, you can meet this woman anywhere.

Before going upstairs, Amamiya Noriko and Bermod had an in-depth discussion about other matters in the car. Bermod was a little surprised, but did not refuse.

After hearing this, Belmode took a puff of cigarette and invited her to sit in his apartment.


Noriko Amamiya was confused, so she got out of the car after her and locked the car, then looked at Belmod on the other side of the car: "Aren't you afraid that I will eat you?"


Belmod chuckled lightly, put out the cigarette on the trash can with his slender fingers, turned around and looked at Baileys up and down: "What are you going to eat me with?"

Noriko Amamiya wondered, Sister Bei, are you sure that I don’t have the tools to commit crime, right?

remarkably brave.

But when she went up, she found that Sister Bei was fishing in troubled waters.

Belmode took her back to the apartment where he lived and turned on the light.

Amamiya Noriko took a look at the layout of Sister Bei's house at the entrance. It seemed to be nothing special. It was a well-decorated apartment with an area of ​​about a hundred square meters.

There are quite a lot of shoes in the shoe cabinet at the entrance, but it's obvious that they all belong to Belmode alone.

Noriko Amamiya paused while taking off her shoes, which seemed to slightly expose her height.

Noriko Amamiya first took a look at the shoes used by guests to take off. Fortunately, they could be padded, and it was only a trivial matter to stand on tiptoes without leaving any trace.

Belmode greeted her casually a few times, very perfunctorily.

Noriko Amamiya felt like she was being treated as a guest.

"It seems that you are too familiar with Belmode and you are not polite at all."

Noriko Amamiya said to herself.

Belmode listened to her talking to herself, rolled up his sleeves, and glanced with his beautiful eyes: "Miss Bailey, would you like to eat something?"


Noriko Amamiya is now interested. Will Sister Bei show off her cooking skills?

"Warm a few pots of wine, bring in two pounds of beef with soy sauce, a plate of fennel beans, and two plates of peanuts."


Belmod turned around and looked at her expressionlessly.


You're really welcome to come to my house and order food.

Belmode opened the refrigerator and looked in the room, only two dozen cans of beer and a few bottles of red wine.

Amamiya Noriko confirmed for a long time that even Belmod was not enough for her to drink a pot.

She looked at Belmode suspiciously. Did Sister Bei give up on regaining her position?

Belmode's expression remained unchanged and he asked for wine, that's all.

Noriko Amamiya thought that she could not return without success.

Then the two of them watched an evening TV series for a long time, starring Okino Yoko, a work highly praised by Kogoro Mori.

Belmode, a professional actor and a big American star, reduced the series to nothing with a cold and critical gaze.

Amamiya Noriko also agreed with her opinions on some really ridiculous points.

But whoever lets her know Okino Yoko is hard to say is too rubbish.

At about half past eleven, the TV series ended, and Noriko Amamiya got up to say goodbye and leave.

Belmod thought that this woman was staying at home to sleep, but he was a little surprised.

She glanced at the ashtray. She usually served tea to guests, but it seemed like she had to smoke and send Baileys away.

Amamiya Noriko left at the right time simply because she had to take a bath while staying at the Vermeude home. Taking a bath would cause flaws, and Vermeude might discover her true appearance.

In other words, Bellmod would definitely find a way to peek at himself taking a shower. Bellmod must have already wanted to find out the true identity of Bailey Sweet.

It's not very convenient, so I might as well go home and sleep.

Smoking secondhand smoke is also one aspect.

Sister Bei looks really handsome smoking ladies' cigarettes.

But I am still a little speechless when I smoke secondhand smoke.

After going downstairs, Amamiya Noriko got into the car and found that she smelled of cigarette smoke. However, Sister Bei's cigarettes were of good quality, so the cigarette smell was still relatively light, and she was too lazy to spray it with car perfume.

Driving home all the way to sleep.

Chieda Riho was still awake, and Amamiya Noriko opened the door and found her boxing in the garden.

Good punch.

Serious ordinary human beings have a harder time living.

Noriko Amamiya jumped over to spar with Sister Chie with a whoosh.

After adding some water, cousin Xiao Sheng did one and a half moves.

"Assignment, acceptance, acceptance."

Noriko Amamiya went to take a bath humbly.

Riho Chieda looked calm, and she was tricked by Noriko.

When I went to the bath, I found that Xiao Ai wasn't sleeping either and was drinking water gurglingly from her cup.

Noriko Amamiya reminded: "Scientific research shows that drinking water before going to bed can lead to edema, so it is not advisable to drink too much."

"I have the body of a child. I'll wait until I'm in my twenties to worry about these things. Talking about it makes me thirsty."

Hui Yuan Ai waved her little hand and put the cup aside.

Amamiya Noriko curiously asked her what she was doing, and then learned that Haibara Ai went to the underground laboratory to do research after school in the afternoon, and she had to explain it from time to time while taking her assistant Ogura Asahi.

Then I was tutoring Chiyomiya Tomoyo with her homework, and she kept talking.

These two people were educated by Haihara Ai, who was in the first grade of elementary school.

Moreover, Xiao Ai’s teachings are very strict.

Noriko Amamiya said sweetly: "Thank you for your hard work, Shiho-sama."

Xiao Ai glanced at her, twitched her nose, and nodded: "Kiko has worked hard too. She smells of cigarettes and alcohol. It's really hard work."

Noriko Amamiya nodded and said, "It's just for socializing..."

Haiyuan Ai nodded, then smiled and said: "Kiko, do you look like those husbands who hang out outside at night and never come home?"

Noriko Amamiya pondered for a moment: "Don't tell me, it's really similar."

Sister Bei mistook me.

Haihara Ai joked with her for a while, then urged Noriko to take a shower.

As for Noriko's drinking, although she is still underage, with Noriko's level of disguise, she will become an adult in a matter of minutes.

Not to mention psychologically, when she met Noriko when she was only in her teens, it was because Noriko, like her, was mentally older and wiser than her peers, so she could talk to her.

Of course, it was also because of her sister's introduction. Miyano Shiho listened to her sister's words.

Noriko Amamiya went to take a bath and came back. When she passed Chiyonomiya Tomoyo's room, she found that the child was still being tutored by Xiao Ai, and she immediately felt pity for him.

I went to bed first, and in my dream I was making soup for you, Tomoyo, to recuperate.

After a very fulfilling day, I had a good sleep.

I woke up very energetic the next morning.

Amamiya Noriko took a look at Chiyonomiya Tomoyo, who looked tired even though there were no dark circles under her eyes.

She came to brush her teeth with a cup of tea.

"Tomoyo, this is morning tea, not mouthwash."

When Amamiya Noriko saw her, she felt like she was knocked unconscious, and she was in a vague state of wandering spirit.

Chiyonomiya Tomoyo came back to his senses, looked at his tea cup, blushed and ran back to the dining room to put the tea cup away before coming back to brush his teeth.

Amamiya Noriko asked with gentle concern: "Are you exhausted, Tomoyo? You have to pay attention to rest. When studying this kind of thing, the important thing is to balance work with rest."

"elder sister..."

Chiyomiya Tomoyo watched her sister squeezing out toothpaste for herself, and was so moved, but it was a bit too much.

Noriko Amamiya said you're welcome. After all, there was too much toothpaste and I couldn't put it back.

Chiyomiya Tomoyo explained the situation to her while brushing her teeth.

To put it simply, Chiyonomiya Tomoyo, who was studying, was seen by Haibara Ai, who had just finished his research and came up to drink tea.

Xiao Ai went over and took a look at the study progress of Noriko's cousin.

Yes, very good. The knowledge in the first year of high school is very solid.

I also studied second grade knowledge on my own, but my understanding of some parts was obviously not thorough enough.

So Xiao Ai pointed out her mistake and taught her step by step how to do the questions.

Chiyomiya Tomoyo suddenly realized.

When I came back to my senses afterwards, I found that the person who was guiding me in my studies was my sister's other cousin, and she was only a first-year primary school kid.

A deep sense of frustration arose spontaneously.

The psychological pressure is huge.

They are both my sister's cousins, why are there such big differences?

"I see."

Noriko Amamiya understood, "Then Tomoyo, you must study hard and don't let down Xiao Ai's cultivation for you."

"...But, Xiao Ai is still a primary school student?"

Chiyonomiya Tomoyo reminded her sister in a low voice that although I am a freshman in high school, I am also a high school student, and I am also the first in my grade.

In this way, I was tutored by elementary school students.

"There are always some geniuses in this world, and they are geniuses who work hard, that's it."

Noriko Amamiya patted her shoulder and comforted her.

More importantly, Xiao Ai will tutor you personally. If I teach you how to fish, will Xiao Ai come to me for tea?

"There is no limit to learning and hard work! Come on, you can do it."

After encouraging her older cousin for a while and replacing the work-rest balance she mentioned earlier, Amamiya Noriko left in style.

Chiyonomiya Tomoyo also encouraged himself and continued brushing his teeth.

There are a lot of bubbles.

My sister squeezed so much toothpaste for herself, so she couldn't live up to her expectations.

After having breakfast at home, Amamiya Noriko took the car to Xiaolan's house. Last night, she made an appointment with Sonoko on the Sally Beth to go shopping in Shibuya today.

Inside the Mori Office.

Noriko Amamiya asked Mouri Kogoro about his recent business situation.

How many mistresses or cheaters have been caught?

Mouri Kogoro murmured that he was no longer interested in these small incidents, and only really big cases could arouse his interest.

Amamiya Noriko added: "But didn't Uncle Mouri's commission to capture Kaitou Kidd fail last night?"

Mouri Kogoro put his hands on his hips and said, "But the Black Star didn't let that hateful Kaitou Kidd steal it, right?"

Amamiya Noriko looked at him with contempt, "That's all my fault, okay? I put the black star on my body, Kaito dares to attack?"

That guy was really brave, but didn't he succeed?

Mouri Kogoro felt that he couldn't lose face, so he turned the boss's chair and faced the window, leaving Miss Amemiya with a lonely figure: "Look, when people in Tokyo encounter unsolvable cases, they will eventually find me.

Detective, sleeping Kogoro Mori——"

Amamiya Noriko nodded, by the way, Mouri Kogoro also likes to look at the beauties on the street from here.

Don't bother him anymore.

Noriko Amamiya turned to look at Conan.

Conan was despising Uncle Mouri. When he saw this, he looked at Amamiya Noriko.

Amamiya Noriko didn't speak for a long time, and he couldn't help but feel weak.

"What, what's wrong? Sister Noriko?"

Noriko Amamiya smiled and said softly: "Why are you feeling guilty before I even say anything? Did you do something bad?"

Conan said decisively: "No."

I said, why didn't you say anything for a long time, why did you stop interrogating me?

Xiaolan's voice came from the room, "Kiko Conan, please wait a moment while I look for my pair of shoes..."

Amamiya Noriko wondered why Xiaoran could make such a small mistake and couldn't find her shoes?

Conan said calmly: "Xiaolan had something on her mind early in the morning."


Noriko Amamiya raised her eyebrows, then suddenly realized.

Xiaolan is still struggling with the Kaito who she met in Shibuya before who is very similar to Shinichi, and there is a pretty girl Aoko beside Kaito.

Today I am going to Shibuya again. Xiaolan is worried about running into her again, so she confirms that it is Kudo Shinichi...

But it was confirmed that Shinichi had a new love.

Conan knew very well. When he saw what Amamiya Noriko was thinking, he quickly asked: "Do you have any clues?"

Noriko Amamiya thoughtfully told him her analysis.

Conan's back felt cold, and he always felt like he had been stabbed in the back.

He calmly whispered: "You know I am Kudo Shinichi! There shouldn't be anyone who looks like him in the world, right?"

"It's hard to say..."

Amamiya Noriko thought about the faces of Kudo Shinichi and Kuroba Kaito. Even if they were not biological brothers, they felt like they were blood cousins.

If you have time, you can bring these two people in for an appraisal.

Amamiya Noriko's answer made Conan tremble.

Well, if that person looked so much like Kudo Shinichi and was recognized as him, wouldn't he pick up the pot and carry it on his back?

I was very anxious to go to Shibuya with Noriko Orchi Sonoko. Along the way, Conan carefully checked everyone who was similar to him.

Finally, while crossing the road, he suddenly saw a boy who looked very similar to himself.

It was indeed very similar, and it also gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

It seems like I have seen it somewhere.

Conan searched the memory in his head and recalled it suddenly.

Amamiya Noriko noticed his expression, thought about it, and couldn't help but suddenly realized that when she was a child, she disguised herself as Kuroba Kaito and walked around in front of Kudo Shinichi.

It was Kaito's fault.

This chapter has been completed!
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