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Chapter 333: You are very suspicious

After Amamiya Noriko threw a flash, she stepped on the accelerator and found that due to the damage to the tires, she could hardly pick up any speed.

The top speed coming all the way is 300 per hour.

The current 80 cannot be any more.

Noriko Amamiya choked up in her heart, feeling that when she got on the highway, she was not racing, but crawling.

"We should really get an armored vehicle and put on tracks. No, we should just drive a tank."

Amamiya Noriko fantasized briefly, glanced at the rearview mirror, and found that the motorcycle seemed unaffected after the flash.

In constant proximity.

“Is anti-flash so popular?”

Noriko Amamiya pulled down the window, stuck her wrist out the window, grabbed a UZI and shook it.

The driver of the motorcycle behind was wearing a motorcycle suit and a helmet. Her figure was somewhat similar to that of Sister Bei. She was also the only woman in the killer organization this time.

Code name olive oil.

Seeing an Uzi sticking out of the window of the Bentley Mulsanne in front of her and pointing at her, she had to shake: "She has a gun! The Uzi has a longer magazine!"

"It's not surprising that the bodyguards of the Amamiya Consortium can use guns! Give chase."

The killer sitting in the back said solemnly that in order to facilitate shooting while riding a motorcycle, he also had an Uzi in his arms that he could take out at any time.

Olive Oil's expression turned grim under her motorcycle helmet, "You won't be shot from behind anyway, and the most important thing about this mission is to avoid using guns."

After saying that, she slowed down immediately. The other person only took out the gun but didn't fire it, which was obviously just a warning.

After slowing down, she turned on the microphone and reported the situation to her boss.

All plans failed.

Cheese's voice came from the earphones: "It's okay, the plan is temporarily suspended, everyone evacuates. A yellow Lamborghini passed us before and caught you. Please be careful and meet at the next service area."

Cheese looked at the map in his hand and roughly guessed the situation of the Bentley's run-flat tires. The other party had to change the car or tires at the service, otherwise it would not be able to drive for long.

As long as the gun is not touched, it will be easy to deal with.

Thinking about it, he raised his head and glanced ahead, and vaguely saw a car with the height of a sports car parked on the side road of the highway in front of him. He could barely see the end of the highway, but it was a little far away and it was hard to see clearly.

He took a look through a binoculars and confirmed that it was the yellow Lamborghini.

On the slope outside the highway railing, a woman was holding a sniper rifle.


"Stop now! Turn around!"

He bent down to hide without hesitation and shouted at the driver.

His driver's skills were superb enough, and he immediately made a sharp drift and made a U-turn.

"Accelerator, don't drive in a straight line!"

"Basic vinegar, lie down for me!"

As the boss, Cheese hid himself and looked directly at the driver and the vinegar in the car behind him.

As a bodyguard, I can understand if you have a pistol or a submachine gun.

But why did you take out a sniper rifle?!

Belmode watched through the scope as the pickup truck turned around and drove in the opposite direction without saying a word, while still moving forward in a snaking motion.

She sneered disdainfully: "Your eyes are fine."

He took a look at the sniper rifle Bailey left for him, the PSG-1. It was exactly the same as the one in Chianti.

The woman actually brought a handful of these in the car.

"A rich woman."

Belmode could only click his tongue. This gun was almost the most expensive sniper rifle in the 1970s and 1980s. The unit price was about 10,000 US dollars, not counting back parts and after-sales service contracts.

Carrying a box of nearly ten kilograms, Belmode went down the slope.

At the same time, I called Baileys.

"You didn't even give me a chance to shoot, so you scared me away. Where are you?"

"I also retreated very self-awarely."

Noriko Amamiya looked at the motorcycle that was not following her in the rearview mirror and responded.

Belmode put the box in the car and guessed aloud: "It seems that unless it is a must-kill situation, they will not shoot to alert the Japanese police."

"Well, are you very patient? See if you can come over. There are two semi-trailers in front of you that have rolled over and blocked the road."

After hearing this, Belmode paused, looked back in the direction he came from, and said: "When you say so, they seemed to have caused some kind of car accident behind them and blocked the road. I didn't see other cars passing by for a while.


Noriko Amamiya suddenly realized, so that’s how it’s done, right?

Japan's expressway department must hate them, blocking three sections of the road in a row. Anyone traveling on this expressway today is in bad luck.

"You can find an off-ramp and get on the expressway from somewhere else. They should do the same thing."


It was almost time to hang up the phone, but Amamiya Noriko always felt that there was something left unsaid.

"I'm in front, waiting for you."


Belmode hung up the phone, got in the car, and went after Baileys.

When she saw the off-ramp of the expressway, she drove straight down, keeping her speed and chasing forward. The pickup truck behind did not dare to pursue her sniper rifle, so she got off the expressway and drove forward. The faster the other party could not catch up.

Amamiya Noriko drove at a constant speed of 80 miles and was almost motionless. Although the run-flat tires could still last for more than 200 kilometers, at this speed, she could drive until lunch.

She headed straight to the nearest expressway service area.

The always-unquiet highway finally calmed down, and only two semi-trucks rolled over not far from each other.

One car was seriously damaged, and the driver probably died on the spot. Not long after, it even spontaneously combusted.

In another car, the driver was trapped in the cockpit by the twisted and deformed frame and could not get out.

The outline of the cockpit door window was distorted, and he suspected that he had been involved in a secondary car accident from time to time during the period when he fainted.

I can only be trapped in the car and complain that the sky is not responding and the earth and the earth are not working.

What he didn't notice was that a small device under the driver's seat was crushed and damaged by the twisted door.

The spontaneous combustion that was supposed to occur did not proceed as planned.

And in the first half of the highway.

A white car moved slowly along with the moving traffic.

"Ah...this traffic jam is finally over..."

Mouri Kogoro howled in pain, his old bones were too miserable.

Haiyuan Ai, who was sitting in the back and reading the magazine calmly, said: "Who told you to drive? It would be better to go by plane."

Mouri Kogoro glanced at this kid who didn't know why he felt as self-righteous as Conan, and curled his lips and said: "Children are really, the air tickets are very expensive, you know."

Xiaolan in the passenger seat rolled her eyes at her father, "How do you talk to a child?"

She spoke out: "Although I won the prize of free accommodation in an Osaka hotel, there is nothing I can do about it. The round-trip air ticket is not included. There are also many scenic spots to see along the way. Just treat it as a trip."

Haiyuan Ai glanced at Conan, it was this guy who insisted on dragging her along.

Conan laughed dryly, because there were only four places, so instead of calling one of those three troublesome guys, it would be better to call Haiyuan.

At least we have something in common, right?

Everyone is a mentally mature person.

Rather than this, he whispered to Haihara Ai: "Did you think it was weird that the big truck before turned over and the goods were scattered all over the ground, blocking the road."

Haibara Ai looked at her magazine calmly and unmoved, but she said directly: "Edogawa-san, don't think there is a case when you see any accident."


Conan turned to look out the window. Haiyuan was so mature that he felt like he couldn't arouse her interest at all.

But after looking at the scenery outside the car window for a while, he couldn't hold back his curiosity.

"Speaking of which, why didn't Sister Xiaolan even invite Sister Noriko to go with her?"

Conan said, glanced at Uncle Maori and Xiaolan in front of him, and added in a low voice to Haibara Ai: "And I feel that Amamiya Noriko is very strange."

Hui Yuan Ai glanced at him.

She knew that Noriko and Riho Chieda had changed their appearance, but Noriko didn't tell her what they were going to do.

There is no need to tell you Kudo Shinichi.

"What do you think?"

Conan's head was filled with black threads: "...Even if I'm reasoning about a case, I have to have clues, right?"

Haiyuan Ai glanced at him: "Noriko won't give you clues."

Conan opened his mouth: "That's true, she knows directly who the murderer is."

In this case, I probably won’t see Noriko Amamiya today.

Alas, I really feel a bit lost.

There should be no trouble for Noriko Amamiya today.


Hui Yuan Ai glanced at this man's smug look, De Xing.

Suddenly, several police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances passed by in the emergency lane.

Conan's face turned solemn for a moment, something big must have happened on the highway ahead.

When Mouri Kogoro saw this, he was also a little suspicious: "There may have been another accident ahead, but be sure not to get stuck in another traffic jam..."

Not long after, Mouri Kogoro's car stopped.

Completely blocked.

You can vaguely see another overturned semi-trailer in front of you, containers overturned, and a pile of things on the road.

The semi-trailer blocked several lanes, and only the emergency lane on the edge could move forward.

Mouri Kogoro's face turned pale. It was over and he had to be stuck in traffic for a long time.

The police officer in front directed the traffic to stop first. This situation would have to wait for the tow truck and crane to come over. It would not be possible for the time being. Moreover, according to the news sent back by the police car that continued to check the road conditions ahead, there was also a semi-combustible car in front of it.

The highway was completely blocked.

Let alone allow the vehicle to move forward.

Conan also felt a little tortured, but after looking at the situation over there, he had an idea and said: "Uncle, let's go see if there is any case happening over there!"

Mouri Kogoro, who was lying on the steering wheel in despair, suddenly became energetic after hearing this.

It's boring to wait here anyway, so I might as well go solve a case.

His famous detective Mouri Kogoro takes action!

"You guys wait for me in the car. I'll go and come back."

Mouri Kogoro left in style. Anyway, the traffic was blocked and he was motionless. People in front of him had already got out of their cars to exercise.

Squeezing his way through a group of people who were getting out of their cars to watch, Mouri Kogoro happened to see a man being taken off the front of a semi-trailer by the police.

"We received a call saying that you crashed into someone's house to attack, causing the vehicle to roll over. Is this true?!"

Hisashi Uesugi quickly shouted unjustly: "Officer, it's nothing. How can you say that? I can only be considered fatigue driving at most?!"

The police officer didn’t believe his one-sided words at all: “Your driver’s license!”

Hisashi Uesugi quickly took out his driver's license and showed it to the other party.

The police officer lowered his head and looked at the driver's license, compared the photos, and confirmed that it was him. Then he said, "Is it Hisashi Uesugi? Where is the person who called the police who stayed here?"

Uesugi Shou looked around and said with a confused face: "The one who called the police? I don't know? How can anyone stay where they are?"

The police officer looked at him suspiciously. The operator at the police station did ask the person who called the police to stay where he was, and he should be fine.

But when they got here, except for this guy trapped in the car, there was really no one else at the scene.

"Ah, uncle? What happened to the slap mark on your face, uncle? Does it hurt?"

Suddenly, a child's innocent words sounded nearby. The police officer turned his head and saw a little boy wearing glasses pointing at Uesugi Shou's face and making a sound.

"Why are there children here?"

Mouri Kogoro also looked down at Conan next to him with a ghostly expression on his face. When did you follow him out???

"Ah, officer, I'm really sorry. This is my relative's child. I'll send him back right away."

"Ah, isn't this the famous detective, the sleeping Kogoro? It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, just let him stay here. I wonder what you think of the current situation?"

After the police officer looked at Kogoro Moori strangely for a few times, he suddenly remembered that he was a famous detective in Tokyo, and he suddenly became enthusiastic.

By the way, I asked the famous detective if he had any opinions. Maybe he could find some omissions and fix them.

Hearing this, Mouri Kogoro looked around a few times, and finally landed on Uesugi Shou's face: "This guy does have slap marks on his face."


The police officer squinted his eyes and couldn't see it from his side. He changed his angle and looked at Moori Kogoro from the side, and found that it was indeed there.

But this guy pretended to be embarrassed very well, hiding the dirt on his face.

This shows that this guy lied. The slap was probably left by the person who called the police at the time, but he said that no one stayed at the scene.

A light flashed in Mouri Kogoro's head, he pointed at Uesugi Shou and said, "Could it be that the person who called the police has been killed?!"

The police officer was shocked when he heard this. It was indeed possible!

The two people immediately started questioning Uesugi Hisashi.

Conan looked on speechlessly.

Even if the person who called the police was killed, it was probably not the guy named Hisashi Uesugi who did it. He was obviously no match.

He was originally attacking someone, but he was slapped on the face.

What can I do to fight back?

"And judging from the situation at the front of the car, he was basically trapped in the car and couldn't get out."

"That's even weirder. In this case, he doesn't need to lie or anything?"

Over there, Hisashi Uesugi was also shouting injustice: "I fainted after the car accident. I don't know why there was a slap on my face! To be honest, I actually drank. I didn't know what happened."


Conan looked over after hearing this.

You are very suspicious again.

Is the crime of actively concealing drunk driving more serious than drunk driving causing death?

This chapter has been completed!
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