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Chapter 340: Accidentally raised the temperature.

At the moment of the explosion, not far across the road from the hotel, there was already chaos as the corpses were smashed down, and a crowd of people watched from a distance and did not dare to approach.

Gin slowly put the hand that had finished throwing the object back into the pocket of his windbreaker.

Immediately after the body fell, there was another explosion. The people nearby were all focused on that, and no one noticed his pitch.

Between the black top hat and windbreaker collar and the long silver-white hair, the corners of his mouth twitched, bringing out an inexplicable smile.


He was just following Yusuke Sakata to find out what this little policeman wanted to do, and also looking for the whereabouts of Kiichiro Numagachi.

When he arrived at the hotel, with his Porsche still hanging some distance behind, he saw the Bentley Mulsanne parked in front of the hotel, and also saw the foreigners in suits in the hotel lobby.

His eyesight is also relatively ordinary. With the same glance, he can tell that those people are not ordinary people. They are either bodyguards or killers.

But it seems that there is no one between them who needs to be protected, most of them are killers.

When he saw the two female bodyguards emerging from the window above the hotel, he also thought that Amamiya Noriko was not in the car. This was a trap by the Amamiya Consortium.

Then a body fell out, and when the black boy went out from the back door of the car, he saw Noriko Amamiya in the car.

It's actually not a trap.

This was a bit beyond his expectation. If it wasn't the Amemiya Foundation, it was a trap by those killers.

Moreover, under his cold gaze, while the killers were removing the bodies, a few of them were still holding weapons in the car in a covert manner.

Gin thought for a second, opened the car door, took out the C4, and threw it like a baseball pitcher.

The impact of a few corpse removals was relatively small.

But it doesn't matter.

After throwing the bomb, he put his hands in his windbreaker pockets to watch the show. Compared with the panicked passers-by who heard the explosion next to him, he stood calmly.

His expression changed slightly after seeing Noriko Amamiya get out of the car.

I saw it right, she was indeed in the car.

I haven't seen her for a while, but when I saw her now, I had a very obvious feeling that this girl was still becoming more beautiful.

Ever since he accidentally met her when he killed a traitor under the Amamiya Building more than ten years ago, until now.

I see her once in a while, and she becomes more beautiful every time.

Gin made some calculations in his mind, and it made him feel like a sniper. From 500 yards to 600 yards, to 700 yards, and now to 800 yards, the improvement trend was so stable that it is difficult to describe in words.

Chianti and Cohen are considered very good snipers in the organization, and their shooting range is only about 600 yards, depending on the condition.

But I just thought about it for a moment, and my appearance was like a passing cloud to him.

What's the use of just being good-looking and cute? What is useful is being able to contribute to the organization and improve the research on the drug APTX4869!

Mainly because seeing Noriko Amamiya I had to think of Shirley again!

If he can't find Shirley, he will stand in the shoes of those killers next time.

"Hehehe, I'm not as useless as these guys, just keep it until I need it..."

A cruel smile appeared on Gin's lips, his cold eyes glanced at the little girl over there who was protected by a female bodyguard, he raised his hand and put down his top hat and sat back in the car.

It's time to go, such a big movement must have attracted the attention of the police.

Noriko Amamiya waited until he dealt with Kiichiro Numabuchi first and then went back to find Shirley.

Thinking about it, he was just about to press the door lock when he saw the door of the back seat being opened, and a figure calmly got into his car.

Following the faint smell of perfume, the woman in the back seat slowly took off her mask, raised her beautiful eyes and looked directly into his indifferent eyes.

"One of my own."

Belmode raised his lips slightly and raised his hands, which were taking off the lady's gloves.

"Belmod, why are you here?"

Gin calmly took back the Beretta pistol that he had just pointed at her and asked aloud.

"Protect Miss Amamiya."

Belmode took out her lipstick and smeared it on her lips in front of the small mirror.

Gin vaguely heard the siren, ignored her and drove away from the hotel.

After applying lipstick, Belmode said: "Gin, I didn't expect you to use C4 directly."

"I don't want to cause too much trouble."

Gin glanced at her in the rearview mirror indifferently, "Did you follow her from Tokyo?"

"Well, there were actually two attacks on her on the way. She was also planning to take advantage when her bodyguards attacked those killers. But you did them a big favor."

As he spoke, Belmod raised his eyes and glanced at Gin, curling his red lips and smiling.

If Gin hadn't lost the C4, those killers would have taken their weapons from the car and opened fire on the Bentley Mulsanne.

But according to her estimation, if Gin doesn't take action before then, Baileys will take action first.

Thanks to the gin, she missed another opportunity to observe Baileys.

Gin felt her response very keenly, and sneered: "Originally, I wanted to teach those killers a lesson, so as not to interfere with me when I took action, but I just didn't have time here in Osaka, so I let you take a look.

Since everyone has come to me, I won’t be polite.”

He still remembered that time when everyone had gathered together to attack Noriko Amamiya, they ended up colliding with other killer organizations, which directly caused his operation to be unable to continue.

After speaking, he ignored Belmod's reaction and said: "Since you have come to Osaka, come with me to solve this task and go back as soon as possible to find Shirley."

Belmode thought for a while, the assassin organization's matter was solved, and it was almost impossible to fish out Baileys, so he nodded.

There is no way that several members of the killer organization would have thought that someone would throw C4 and blow them up.

The firepower that was more than enough to rob a bank was completely destroyed without being used at all.

There were even flash bombs that suddenly exploded after the explosion.

The last straw for the Italians, their leaders finally went crazy.

There is no chance at all.

But there was another thing that made her vaguely aware of Bailey Sweet's move.

She could hear the gunfire under the four silencers from the hotel at the time. It was mixed with the sound of the machine gun led by the killer, and it was difficult for others to detect it.

It accurately hit the ankles of the two people from below, causing them to fall directly to the ground, losing the ability to move and completely losing hope.

The attack was silent and left no trace. It wasn't the two female bodyguards, it was definitely Baileys.

However, the situation at that time was quite chaotic, and it was still silent, so she couldn't find the place to shoot.

"What a mysterious woman."

Belmode lit a cigarette and looked out the car window.

Gin just glanced at her, "Don't drop your cigarette ashes on my car."

The other side.

The frightened Miss Amamiya was escorted to the hotel room for protection, and police cars gathered downstairs of the hotel.

Before that, under the instruction of Amamiya Noriko to assume the identity of Riho Chieda, Naruse had already awakened the female killer codenamed Olive Oil and briefly interrogated her.

Apart from knowing that they were actually not British in the place of registration, but Italians, who were former car thieves, and that the one who died in the end was their leader and employer, they didn't get much useful information.

Moreover, she immediately lost consciousness again. Her back was hit by the flying car debris caused by the explosion, making her bloody and miserable.

In this way, he was interrogated by Naruse. He couldn't stand it anymore and finally asked for help.

Although it was agreed that she should tell the information first and then arrange for treatment, after she fainted, Naruse sent a message to Miss Chie about how to deal with it.

Amamiya Noriko received the message upstairs, and immediately felt that she had already said what else to do about the treatment, and for the sake of others being honest, she would just save her.

"But they all died without treatment."

Naruse: "Understood!"

Noriko Amamiya catches them all in one fell swoop and is prepared to spare no one.

The killers who came to Japan this time all met a clear end. They were not the kind who were arrested by the police, then examined the evidence for several months, tried for several months, and finally no one paid attention to what happened after a year and a half.

And apart from Japan, her father Rikuto Amamiya will also show no mercy in the UK.

Just to show the hand of the Amamiya Consortium and see who dares to provoke her without fear of death.

Nishio, who looked cold, knocked on the door outside the room and asked: "Miss, how are you feeling?"

Amamiya Noriko rubbed her cute face, it was Riho Chieda who gave the cruel and ruthless instructions just now, not her.

With a slightly frightened but calmed down expression, Noriko Amamiya put away her phone and went to open the door.

"Well, it's okay. Sister Nishio, don't worry. I was just frightened for a moment."

Noriko Amamiya pursed her lips and smiled to show that she was fine.

Nishio saw that although the eldest lady was still as cute as ever, she was clearly affected. She was still trying to reassure herself that she was fine. She couldn't help but feel a little confused as to what to say.

How could it be okay?

The leading killer was shot by him, and the female killer's back was still bruised and bloody. The killers who died under C4 were in the center of the explosion, and none of them had complete bodies.

The bloody scene of severed limbs flying everywhere and the bloody and bloody hell-like cruel scene was difficult for both she and Naruse to see, which caused some discomfort, although she covered the eldest lady's eyes after passing by and brought her into the room.

But I feel like the eldest lady may already have a picture in her mind.

"Miss, are you really okay? If you're scared..."

Nishio didn't know how to comfort him. Miss Chie would definitely know how to deal with the eldest lady, but Miss Chie probably had more important things to deal with now, so she didn't show up.

Noriko Amamiya looked at her anxious and concerned eyes, and felt a little enlightened.

Oh yes!

I should feel more uncomfortable. After all, she is a noble and slender young lady. It is normal that the scene is a bit too shocking.

A normal person would probably vomit on the spot just by seeing the cheese headshot.

Professional snipers will feel psychological pressure due to the bloody scene of the enemy being shot in the sniper scope, let alone a weak young lady like her.

"I'm a little too calm."

Noriko Amamiya reflected seriously.

Vomit it and get a fever.

After Nishio asked carefully, he saw that the eldest lady's eyes, which were originally strong and showed no fear, were now filled with mist, and her eyes were full of tears.


Nishio was immediately stunned. I am a cold-blooded and capable female bodyguard who is good at all kinds of firearms and ammunition, especially sniper rifles with a range of 500 yards. After joining the Amamiya family, I am determined to protect the safety of the eldest lady.

The eldest lady is sheltered from the wind and rain and eliminates all dangers. She just wants to see the eldest lady's lovely smile.

But I won't comfort people.

Especially the eldest lady who makes people feel so sad when she cries but also feels very cute.

Nishio could only carefully hold the eldest lady in his arms, touch the eldest lady's silky hair, and then quickly send a message with one hand calling Naruse to come up.

After hugging and comforting her for a while, Nishio noticed that the eldest lady looked very uncomfortable, so she quickly let go of the eldest lady and asked how she was doing.

But I saw the eldest lady running to the bathroom and closing the door, and heard the sound of vomiting.

"This is a normal reaction. It's the kind of scene that makes you sick to your stomach when you see cruel scenes."

It might feel better if I vomit, but I'm afraid I won't be able to cope mentally after vomiting.

In the bathroom, Noriko Amamiya first arranged the arrangements for this incident using her identity as Riho Chieda and the person in charge of the Osaka District of the Amamiya Foundation, and then sent a message to Sister Chieda explaining the situation.

It has basically been solved, and I will go back to Mihua Town in a while.

There is also a serial murder case of Langhua here.

"Speaking of which, that c4 was thrown by either Sister Bei or Master Qin, but the possibility of Sister Bei using a bomb is lower. Is it really Master Qin?"

She thought about it for a moment, and realized that Mr. Qin was also here for Kiichiro Numabuchi. Originally, Mr. Qin should not have paid attention to Kiichiro Numabuchi. It wouldn't matter if he was caught by the police. What's the change?

What happened in Shizuoka Prefecture?

Noriko Amamiya didn't know clearly after thinking about it, but she could ask Sister Bei later.

Sister Bei has not shown up since she followed her to Osaka separately. I don't know where she is hiding. She may have reunited with Gin. Asking her is undoubtedly the most effective.

After everything was set up, Noriko Amamiya went out as if she was very weak after vomiting.

A little retching will not affect my image.

Naruse, who rushed up after handing the matter over to the police, saw the eldest lady sitting on the bed with a somewhat pale face. He quickly became concerned and reached out to touch the eldest lady's forehead.

Very hot.

Signing to Nishio to call the doctor, Naruse quickly asked the eldest lady to lie down and rest first, and not to think too much about those scenes at this time.

I'm afraid that the eldest lady will never forget those bloody scenes in her mind.

Fortunately, what reassured her was that although the eldest lady looked a little uncomfortable with her lips as pink as early spring, she still obediently lay down and closed her eyes to rest.

Nishio called the Amamiya Foundation's private doctor. She checked Miss Amamiya's body temperature and was shocked. However, when she saw that the Miss Amamiya was sleeping, her breathing was calm and quiet, and it didn't look like she was very healthy.

Looks like a big problem.

"How about it?"

Naruse asked her with his eyes.

She could only try again and found that the eldest lady's body temperature dropped quickly again, and was close to the normal level with only a slight fever.

Noriko Amamiya closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep without talking, but accidentally raised the temperature too high.

This chapter has been completed!
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