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Chapter 342: Can't hide it?


Noriko Amamiya slowly opened her eyes after taking a nap.

I have to pretend to have a fever anyway, so I might as well take a nap.

When you are asleep, you have no control over it, and your body's body temperature will return to self-heating, and it will be considered as if the fever has subsided.

Most people might still be a little surprised that this high fever comes and goes quickly, but it is reasonable to put it on her.

After all, I have a history of frequent colds and fevers since I was a child, so it makes sense.

The lights in the room were not turned on, but she turned around and saw Xiaolan standing beside her bed.

I am so moved, these are good sisters.

From now on, please bully Kudo Shinichi less and Conan more.

I feel ashamed that I always bully my best friend and boyfriend.

It doesn't matter if you're a little brat.


Amamiya Noriko called in a low voice, Xiaolan suddenly raised her head and saw Noriko looking at her with bright eyes.

"Kiko really scared me to death——"

Xiaolan opened her arms and hugged Noriko without hesitation.

Amamiya Noriko herself was confused. Didn’t I say that I didn’t have a big problem?

But when Xiaolan's mood recovered a little, she asked and found out that there were rumors outside that a chaotic gun battle had taken place here.

The gangsters were armed with machine guns and bombs and various highly dangerous weapons, causing heavy casualties on the scene.

According to the whistleblower, this is a retaliatory attack by gangsters who hate a rich man and his daughter. The daughter has been seriously injured and unconscious, and efforts are being made to save her...

Basically, with this level of gossip, Amamiya Noriko had no doubt that the news of her sudden death was spreading.

"Unscrupulous editor, I saw one fished and another fished, and they were all cooked into soup."

However, this news was distorted, as if it was intended to cover up the murder gang and frame it as another type of vendetta case.

The struggle after failure?

Fortunately, Xiaolan was only a little worried about her and did not completely believe this mentally retarded news.

Noriko Amamiya comforted Xiaolan in turn.

After Xiaolan arrived, she was not worried about Noriko getting hurt, but she was worried that Noriko would be deeply stimulated by seeing the bloody scene at the scene, which would have a mental impact.

Her father, Mouri Kogoro, as a famous detective, went over and looked at it and almost vomited.

"Xiaolan is worried about this. It's okay. I have a strong psychological endurance. Isn't it all better now? I don't have a fever anymore. If you don't believe me, just touch it."

Noriko Amamiya understood, and raised her cheek to let Xiaolan touch her forehead.

The body temperature has returned to normal while sleeping.

She has a constitution that is warm in winter and cool in summer.

The body's ability to automatically regulate temperature is relatively strong.

Xiaolan looked at the delicate face in front of her, and she was so obedient that she allowed herself to touch her forehead, as if she was letting others take advantage of her.

When I looked into those crystal clear eyes, I couldn't help but feel my heart skip a beat.

This is so foul.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Noriko feels much more beautiful than when she was in Yoneka Town.

Xiaolan felt right. Amamiya Noriko took off some makeup in Osaka, originally to reveal that she was indeed in Osaka and attract those killers to show up.

So she would feel a little bit enlightened.

Not only boys like pretty and cute girls, girls also like to see them.

Xiaolan accidentally became fascinated by it.


Amamiya Noriko blinked and tilted her head, Xiaolan, didn’t you want to see if I still have a fever?

Thinking about it, Xiaolan reached out and gently touched her cheek.

Noriko Amamiya couldn't help but open her eyes with confusion.

Edogawa Conan-kun saw this scene as soon as he opened the door.

Seeing Xiaolan and Noriko looking at each other, Amamiya Noriko sat on the bed and raised her head, while Xiaoran looked down at her and reached out to caress Amamiya Noriko's face. Neither of them moved.

What are you doing?!!

Conan's hand suddenly froze on the doorknob.

I must have thought too much, and he had to comfort himself.

I was pretty sure in my heart that Amamiya Noriko wouldn't do it, but I still felt complicated when looking at this situation.

Because it seemed that Xiaolan took the initiative, Noriko was also surprised.

Behind him, Hui Yuan Ai opened the door for him with a calm expression and slapped away the hand that was still holding the door handle.

He is still a famous detective, but his mental capacity is really weak.

Haiyuan Ai looked at the situation of Xiaolan and Noriko and guessed that Xiaolan was probably slightly charmed by Noriko's appearance.

When Xiaolan saw the two of them, she reacted and reached out to touch Noriko's forehead. It seemed that her body temperature was indeed normal.

This is probably because Noriko often suffers from colds and fevers, so she recovers quickly.

"It is indeed a normal body temperature."


Noriko Amamiya nodded, and then looked at Xiaolan who had nothing to say. Did you just skip touching my face like this?!

"It's nothing serious, right?"

Haihara Ai walked to the bed and looked at Noriko's relatively relaxed face and asked.

"It's okay."

Amamiya Noriko was touched directly, and she reached out to touch the top of Haihara Ai's head, and slid her slender fingers down her hair.

Hui Yuan Ai raised his indifferent eyes, and for the sake of the patient, he calmly let Noriko take advantage.

Conan at the door took a deep breath, "Who are you flirting with?"

Noriko Amamiya also blinked at his unmarked face, which was soaked in both rain and dew.

Conan expressed his gratitude but was not sensitive.

Anyway, after confirming that Noriko was fine, everyone felt relieved. The two children, Conan Xiaolan and Xiao Ai, went out to play first while Noriko Amamiya changed her clothes.

When Conan went out, he looked back in confusion, why didn't Xiaolan go out by herself?

Noriko Amamiya was also surprised, why didn't Xiaolan go out?

"Let me help Noriko wipe her body."

"Oh no, I'm not sweating."

"Is that so? Isn't it usually necessary to cover yourself with a quilt when your body is hot..."


Can you say that I rarely sweat when it’s extremely hot in summer?

Although she basically doesn't bask in the sun.

"Then I'll just take a shower."

Amamiya Noriko opened the quilt and was about to get out of bed. As soon as her feet stepped on the slippers, Xiaolan was already supporting her arm before she got up.

Do I look weak??

Amamiya Noriko murmured in her heart, either she looked so weak that she couldn't stand, or Xiaolan was overly involved, or...

She thought for a moment about Xiaolan's previous action of touching her cheek, and suddenly realized.

"Xiaolan probably noticed that although my appearance is very good-looking and beautiful, it also fluctuates up and down."

This time I wore lighter makeup, so it’s normal to notice quite a big change.

Moreover, Xiaolan's observation ability can only be said to be relatively delicate occasionally, just like she can occasionally find out that Conan is suspected of being Kudo Shinichi.

But as long as you deal with it, you won't have to worry about it anymore.

The makeup she used to disguise herself cannot be washed off just by washing her face. Xiaolan, you are stepping into a tiger's mouth.

"Then... wash together?"

"Well, it just so happened that we were stuck in a traffic jam all the way here and wanted to take a shower."

Xiaolan looked at Noriko and she might be a little embarrassed, but she was also curious about whether Noriko was wearing makeup!

I really want to know Noriko’s true appearance.

And why do you put on makeup to look better when you come to Osaka?

Could it be that there is someone you like...

Not to mention Yuanzi, even she was very curious when she discovered such a thing.

It would also be a good idea to divert attention and distract Noriko from her frightened spirit.

"I'm going to get a change of clothes."

He stood up and looked at Noriko, who was sitting on the bed and looking at her obediently. Xiaolan smiled at her and went out to get clothes.

As soon as Xiaolan left, Amamiya Noriko immediately stood up and unloaded her equipment. Even if she was lying in bed pretending to be sick, she still had to take some things with her.

There was nothing in the skirt that Xiaolan could see, let alone that she was wearing a bulletproof vest.

Noriko Amamiya jumped up from the bed and stuffed things into the closet in her room.

If she wasn't afraid of arousing Xiaolan's suspicion, she would have wanted to take off her clothes and lie in the bathtub waiting for Xiaolan.

However, taking off clothes in front of Xiaolan can greatly relieve some of her suspicions.

Amamiya Noriko finished unloading the equipment, and Xiaolan came in with her clothes.

"I'll also get a change of clothes."

Noriko Amamiya took some clothes from the closet to cover up the suspicion that she was hiding something.

Xiaolan didn't think much about it, but she just slightly wondered if Noriko wanted to take a shower before she came in?

Or take off your makeup and clothes and hide in the bathtub?

It’s true, Noriko is still really shy. We’ve known her since the nursery school.

Xiaolan is much more generous.

With Sonoko, she might be a little embarrassed because of Sonoko's personality, but with Noriko, it doesn't matter. Noriko's personality should be more shy.

Xiaolan walked to the bathroom in the room and asked curiously: "Does the bathroom here need to heat hot water?"

"No, hot water can be produced at any time."

Noriko Amamiya shook her head. She lived in the most luxurious suite, so how could she still have to heat hot water?

Xiaolan went into the bathroom and took a look and saw it too.

The bathroom was larger than the living room of the Mori Detective Agency. Yes, the large round bathtub was enough for her and Noriko to lie down.


She was about to go into the bathroom, but when she looked back, she saw that Noriko was still next to the closet.

"I'm coming."

Amamiya Noriko threw away the last magazine and trotted over quickly to avoid arousing Xiaolan's suspicion about the wardrobe.

This wardrobe deserves to be protected now.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but when Xiaolan saw Noriko passing in front of her, she felt that Noriko's breasts were a little smaller.

Compared to when she was sitting on the bed before.

"No way..."

Xiaolan also didn't believe the thoughts that came to her mind.

Noriko's breasts are usually not small, at least they are bigger than Sonoko's, so there shouldn't be any need to pad them.

"Is there something unspeakable? You said someone likes bigger ones?"

Xiaolan's eyes sternly revealed her preference so obviously that Noriko could tell that she was trying to protect her. She was definitely not a good person.

As her best friend since childhood, Noriko's crisis is her crisis.

Xiaolan wished that Sonoko was here at this time, so that the two of them could work together to help Noriko solve the problem.

Crisp and neat.

It's really weird. Could it be that the killer gang's conspiracy took advantage of Noriko's weakness of never being in love, used despicable means to pretend to be the person Noriko liked, lured Noriko to Osaka to have sex with her, and then took the opportunity to secretly kill her?


Mao Lilan's divergent thoughts settled down, and for a moment she felt that she had found the truth.

It's really because she and Sonoko have been looking forward to it for so many times, and Noriko has never agreed to someone's confession, so she almost doesn't think about things in the direction of Noriko's love.

But when I think about it for a moment, it’s really scary to think about it.

"Even if it's not actually because I listened to too many mystery stories told by that guy Shinichi."

Xiaolan was almost certain of her thoughts.

If he guessed correctly, then of course he couldn't let Noriko, who had never been in love, be deceived.

Mao Lilan clenched her fists for the sake of her close friend.

Although it is not good to meddle in other people's love affairs, she must not sit idly by when it comes to Noriko's feelings being deceived.

Even if Noriko complains about it later, she will still go!

The belief is firm and complete.

Xiaolan's eyes were also extremely firm.

"Why don't you come in, Xiaolan?"

Amamiya Noriko went in and turned on the faucet to run the water, but she saw Xiaolan entering the bathroom, closing the door behind her back, and striding towards her with an awe-inspiring expression.

Astonishingly, he stretched out his hand to block her shoulders, as if to prevent her from resisting, so he used greater strength.

If Amamiya Noriko struggled, she would naturally be able to break free, but looking at Xiaolan's very serious look, she felt the seriousness of the situation and did not struggle.

"Kiko, tell me the truth."

Xiaolan looked directly into Noriko's eyes, her eyes full of seriousness.

"What truth..."

Amamiya Noriko's heart skipped a beat and she asked in a low voice.

But her heart was pounding. Xiaolan really discovered something? Was she seen by Xiaolan putting something in the closet when she was taking off her clothes?

Grenade? Pistol? Magazine? Flashbang?

That spool of fishing line?

Or a bulletproof vest?

Small makeup bag?


There were too many things, and she was confused. She didn't know how it was discovered, let alone how it was discovered.

Xiaolan looked at Noriko's confused look and nodded.

It is understandable that Noriko is probably not just embarrassed, but there should be some other reasons mixed in, which are more complicated.

She could understand it, but what if it was the scumbag who tempted Noriko not to tell them?

"Noriko, we are good friends, right? We have known Noriko since the nursery school, and Noriko even helped me and Sonoko vent our anger."

Xiaolan's tone was quite serious, but she still spoke to Noriko with gentleness.

"Of course..."

Amamiya Noriko sighed inwardly. It seems that Xiaolan still discovered it?

Now that we have said this, we really shouldn’t continue to hide it from Xiaolan and the others.

At least Xiaolan and Yuanzi should be trustworthy enough, and they will never tell anything about themselves.

She was just afraid that Xiaolan and Yuanzi would be implicated.

But if I can't hide it now, there's no need to deceive Xiaolan anymore.

So should you show your true appearance to Xiaolan? Or should you show Xiaolan a bunch of skill certificates that you obtained in Hawaii?

Or should I change my appearance in person? It’s hard to choose.

"Xiaolan...actually I..."

This chapter has been completed!
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