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Chapter 349: Gin: Found you

Minian Mountain.

After parking her car at the bottom of the mountain, Amamiya Noriko looked like a tourist who came to climb the mountain, but she walked up the mountain a little faster.

The cabin where Yusuke Sakata used to keep Kiichiro Numagabuchi locked up was not at the top of the mountain either, and was quickly reached halfway up the mountain.

But after seeing the house, Amamiya Noriko did not approach it rashly, but looked at it from a distance in the woods.

Gin and Belmod were nowhere to be seen.

But their cars are stored in the parking lot underneath.

"Where are the people?"

Inside the cabin.

Gin stood calmly in the hall of the wooden house, tilting his head and looking to the left and right. The wooden house looked deserted and had not been inhabited for a long time.

Spider webs were everywhere on the ceiling.

There were piles of garbage in the corners and even in the aisles, which made him frown.

It seems that many homeless people come here to stay temporarily to protect themselves from the wind and rain.

"If I don't find Ma Yuan, I will kill that guy."

Gin glanced at every inch of the room with cold eyes.

Belmode was not happy to enter such a dirty place outside the door. Hearing this, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Which guy?"

"The one who sold me information."

Gin casually raised his toes and kicked open the crooked cabinet door.

The shabby cupboard door hit the ground with a clang, and a big mouse ran out of the cupboard and ran away quickly along the corner.


A can flew over and hit the mouse against the wall.

The mouse and the deflated can fell to the ground at the same time, motionless.

Gin glanced at the pile of messy garbage in the closet and looked for it elsewhere with a cold face.

Belmod turned around and walked around outside the house, and then met Gin again in the yard.

"Aren't you looking inside?"

"Come out and have a cigarette."

Gin's face was expressionless.

The pile of rubbish inside made his patience reach its limit, so he came out to smoke a cigarette to calm down.

I should have known I would have brought vodka.

Belmode chuckled and lit a cigarette.

The two smokers smoked for a while inside the courtyard wall. After they finished, Gin looked at Belmod and said calmly: "It's your turn."

Belmode: "???"

Gin looked at her calmly, "Why don't you come here and do nothing?"

Belmode's beautiful eyes are wide open, you want to send me, a beautiful woman, to find someone in this shabby house??

Gin's face was expressionless and he had no intention of changing his words.

Belmode rolled her eyes at him with a charming look, but unfortunately Gin just nodded towards her, indicating that she should go in and work quickly.

Travel at public expense is not advisable.

Belmod threw away the cigarette butt, stepped on his high heels, and walked into the house to look for someone.

There's no point in talking to Gin.

Gin watched her go in, while he stood by the gate of the wall so that he could respond in time if someone came.

As he thought, his ears twitched and he was extremely keen to hear subtle footsteps approaching.

"It's a woman."

You can hear Gin from the distance between his footsteps, and most of them are of the lighter type.

Even if she is a woman, Gin's eyes are still sharp.

"Go out and warn her to stay away."

If the other party happened to see Numabuchi Kiichiro coming out, they would have no choice but to silence him.

As expected, Gin walked out from behind the wall.

But when he saw that the sound of footsteps was very inconsistent with the footsteps he heard, this woman was in front of him, and his eyes suddenly turned cold.

Noriko Amamiya was startled when Gin suddenly stepped out from behind the wall next to the gate.

She subconsciously put her hands in front of her body and almost threw her over her shoulder with a backhand.

Fortunately, she reacted very quickly, with long silver hair and cold and sharp eyes. When she realized it was Gin, she immediately stopped her hand and stopped throwing her over her shoulder, without even shaking forward at all.

He just put his two hands in front of himself, bumped Gin slightly, stumbled back and fell to the ground.

Then he raised his head and looked at Gin with a confused expression.

Gin looked at her ruthlessly, only glancing at her good-looking face, but he didn't mean to help her at all.

Although the other party seemed to be extremely weak, he fell to the ground after being hit by him.

But if there is a threat, the action of helping her up will have flaws.

So he just looked at the other party coldly, and at the same time warned in a cold tone: "Stay away from here."

The woman who fell on the ground didn't seem to be in trouble. She got up and looked at him and apologized: "I'm sorry I didn't know this was your home. I'll leave right away."


Gin watched calmly as the woman patted her butt and turned away, heading down the mountain.

After the other party was completely out of sight, he looked back at the dilapidated house.

Belmode came out of the house door and called out to him.

"Come in and take a look. I found something. What's your expression? Could it be that you want to blow up the house if you can't find it?"

"It wouldn't be surprising if such a dirty house caught fire, right?"

Gin sneered and walked towards the house.

Belmod gave him a strange look, "You look like me, being teased by Baileys."

"No way?"

She looked towards the gate of the wall, and outside was a quiet forest.

How could such a ridiculous thing happen?

After flipping up her long hair, Belmode turned around and entered the house.

She found muddy footprints on a window in the house.

And the window was blocked by railings, so it was impossible to step on the window frame in order to climb out of the window.

Gin's eyes fell on the footprints on the window frame. There was a forest outside the house. The road in the forest was very bad. It had rained before in Osaka and it was normal for some places to be muddy.

If it wasn't turned outward...

His eyes moved upward. With Yusuke Sakata's height, he could reach the beams if he stepped on the window.

Belmod looked up and said, "Only there are no spider webs around there."

Gin looked up and raised the corners of his mouth: "I understand."

He quickly stepped on the window edge, jumped up, grabbed the beam, and climbed up.

He stepped on the beam and walked to a main pillar with no spider webs on the side. He put his hand against the ceiling and lifted it up easily.

Numabuchi Kiichiro was locked with handcuffs in the attic. When he heard the movement, a cold smile appeared on his lips.

The skin on the thin face seemed to be close to the bones and flesh, and the skull-like face smiled extremely in the dark.

It can be called one of the shadows of childhood.

When someone comes to help him unlock the handcuffs, he will find a chance to escape. No one can catch him, not even Gin...

The floor of the attic slowly lifted up, and Gin looked at him with a sneer.

"Got you--"

Listening to Gin's voice, Numabuchi Kiichiro's heart felt as cold as if he had fallen into hell.

Because it was not easy to find this hidden attic, he even imagined that the police would find him as a way to escape, but he never thought that Gin would find him!

Outside the house, Noriko Amamiya stood lightly on the tree trunk, and she had already seen Gin coming up from the window.

"I was beaten first. I should have delayed the fall just now, but Master Qin already looked like he was about to draw his gun. My fake steps scared Master Qin."

Amamiya Noriko watched for a while, and after seeing Koto dropping Kiichiro Numagachi from the attic, she jumped down the tree and left.

With the action of patting the skirt to cover it up, there was actually no dirt on it, and the technique of flopping was not ordinary.

and Morohoshi University.

After failing here, Amamiya Noriko naturally turned around and went to the other side.

By the way, drive the ae86 away as soon as possible. It's always such a cool car. Maybe Sister Bei will immediately suspect it's her when she sees it.

This chapter has been completed!
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