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Chapter 353: Transformation, no chance

The residence of Soichiro Soichiro.

The warehouse in the backyard was ablaze.

The fire rolled like a beast that no one could control, and Conan felt the heat waves rolling on his face.

"Hattori Heiji!"

He turned around and looked over. Hattori Heiji helped Sakata Yusuke up, looking like he was not prepared to let Sakata fend for himself.

Leaving him here to be burned to death in a fire, as a detective who deduces the truth and uncovers the murderer, there is really no way he can do such a thing.

But his reason told him that the biggest fire was at the door, and the rapidly spreading flames had already jumped along the pillars to the ceiling.

It was difficult for Hattori Heiji to help Sakata Yusuke rush out from there.

"You go out first."

Hattori Heiji supported the person, looked at Conan and said.

Sakata Yusuke stretched out his hand and pressed Hattori Heiji's shoulders and said: "Heiji-kun, you can leave too. The fire is too great. I will leave it like this..."

Hattori Heiji's eyes did not change at all after hearing this, and he said: "Even if you are going to die, you shouldn't die here."

Not to mention that he knew that Yusuke Sakata was out to avenge his father, even with his normal friendship with Yusuke Sakata, he would not be able to leave him behind.


The remaining oil barrels were dumped down, and the fire suddenly increased. The scorching heat hit his face, and Sakata Yusuke was knocked unconscious.

Hattori Heiji looked at Conan: "I'll throw you out."

Conan knew what he meant. The warehouse door was not closed. If he threw himself away, he might be able to throw himself out of the fire. Because the fuel burned and volatilized, he might catch himself in the process, or he might be thrown out directly.

will be burned.

The fire was too strong and even their small bodies were in danger. How could Yusuke Sakata and Hei Hattori escape on fire?

Conan glanced at Yusuke Sakata who fainted.


Outside the warehouse.

As soon as Amamiya Noriko raised her legs, she saw the fire suddenly swelled, causing her cheeks to turn red.

Absolutely, adding fuel to the fire? So big.

First, throw Numabuchi Kiichiro far away. This guy will be affected and burned soon.

The fire is too big.

Most people’s hair is about to be permed and curly.

"Hattori Heiji?!"

Noriko Amamiya tried to shout, but no one answered her.

Hattori Heiji and Conan were trapped inside and were probably very distressed.

"Then just rush straight away."

Noriko Amamiya lifted her skirt. Fortunately, she was not wearing a narrow skirt.

But I was still a little worried that my skirt was burning.


When Amamiya Noriko rushed in, a gust of wind blew up, and her sharp ears suddenly heard a sudden sound.

When I looked up, I saw that a beam on the door frame of the warehouse had been smashed down.

Old-style mansions like this in Japan are almost entirely made of wood and have a history, unlike her house which was destroyed by bombs and built a new one.

Amamiya Noriko turned around and kicked with her leg, kicking the entire beam away. When it landed, the flames swept across the ground and suppressed the fire slightly, but it immediately reignited.

But when she turned around, she saw Kudo Shinichi and Hattori Heiji rushing out while supporting the unconscious Sakata Yusuke.

Kudo Shinichi is not Edogawa Conan.,

"Take medicine?"

Amamiya Noriko kicked the warehouse door open, kicked it into the fire, and then blocked it for them.

Hattori Heiji and Kudo Shinichi almost rushed out with the flames on their backs, and took Yusuke Sakata to the ground with them, their chests heaving and breathing.

Noriko Amamiya walked over to them and said, "Is it exciting?"

Hattori Heiji could only say: "It's so exciting."

He glanced at Kudo Shinichi next to him and didn't know what to say.

Kudo Shinichi was still clutching his chest, as if the transformation had caused him a little pain.

It wasn't just ordinary pain, it felt like the process of restructuring her body was particularly painful, and she had experienced it too.

But now there is no time to let him feel pain here. Amamiya Noriko and Hattori Heiji said: "Remember, Kudo Shinichi has never appeared here."

Although Hattori Heiji didn't know why, he immediately realized that it was probably related to Kudo Shinichi's unbelievable transformation.

And I just saw her kicking the beam and smashing the door in the firepower.

You call me a detective with this skill?

He nodded directly and said: "Okay."


Amamiya Noriko nodded, it is convenient to talk to smart people.

Kudo Shinichi stood up, clutching his chest, and Hattori Heiji looked at each other, "I'll leave it to you, Sakata Yusuke."


Hattori Heiji nodded.

Kudo Shinichi followed Amamiya Noriko quite consciously.

Amamiya Noriko didn't take him far, but put a mask and hood on Kudo Shinichi in a dark corner of the yard.

"Put it on. If you look like Kudo Shinichi now, you probably won't be able to survive for half an hour."

Noriko Amamiya said directly.

Although Kudo Shinichi was wearing a mask, he was still a little speechless: "Am I that easy to die?"

Noriko Amamiya rolled her eyes, and Gin knocked you down with a sap.

Now that Gin was nearby, he saw Kudo Shinichi, and that was the word "death" for Kudo Shinichi.

"You can go back to Miwa Town. It's really not that safe there now."

Noriko Amamiya suggested, adding by the way.

"Of course it's definitely not safe around you."


What is your argument?

Kudo Shinichi was extremely depressed, but he finally changed back to himself. Now he is in a good mood and said with a smile: "Can't you protect me?"

"How dare you say that."

Noriko Amamiya looked down at him and said, "I'm so embarrassed to let a girl protect you."

Kudo Shinichi's lips twitched: "I just trust you very much."

"Let me talk to Xiaolan about your request. She will definitely be more willing to protect you than me."


Kudo Shinichi stopped talking. It would be really embarrassing to let Xiaolan protect him. Noriko...it is an honor to be protected by a super strong master. Well, this cannot be discussed together.

He touched his face. He didn't know what he looked like without a mirror, but he felt completely different: "I don't need to rush back because I look like this. I feel like there are still things going on here in Osaka."

"There are many people in this world who are good at disguise. Although they may not be as good as me, it's not surprising that a layman like you can see the flaws."

Noriko Amamiya didn't say much. Even though it was like this, it seemed that Sister Bei was your godmother and wouldn't do anything to you.

Your godmother and I are quite familiar.

If you love to stay, just stay.

Kudo Shinichi should become an adventurer.

Amamiya Noriko went back and looked at the burning warehouse. Yusuke Sakata was rushed over by the police officers and was in the process of first aid. Soon the fire department's vehicle arrived first, followed by the ambulance.

Only then did she remember that Numabuchi Kiichiro had been thrown into a corner of the yard by her.

But on the way over, she discovered that Numabuchi Kiichiro was out of breath.

Moreover, the posture in which he was lying there had also changed slightly, and he must have been struggling in pain.

When did Gin take action?

Amamiya Noriko was deep in thought, while Kudo Shinichi next to her ran over and took a breath. He knew what Kiichiro Numabuchi looked like, he was on the driving school photo.

Then he came back with a stiff face and saw Noriko Amamiya thinking, "Did he just die?"

"I don't know when it happened."

Noriko Amamiya nodded.

"By the way, he escaped from that organization."

"That organization?"

Kudo Shinichi suddenly felt that his sense of security was weak. No wonder Amamiya Noriko felt that she could not survive half an hour in her original state.

In front of that organization, I am nothing more than a dead talent.

Since the real situation of the case is basically the same as my own reasoning, it is better to leave the scene as soon as possible.

There is no need to take risks anymore.

No matter what, Sakata Yusuke has a few lives in his hands.

Noriko Amemiya nodded and left with him first. If she stayed here, she might be arrested and take notes.

This would also prevent anyone from thinking that she had beaten Kiichiro Numabuchi to death.

As for how Numabuchi Kiichiro died, she has no clue yet.

Preliminary observation showed that there was no obvious external injury, and it was probably poisoned. There is no fixed way for Gin to kill rebels. Helicopter shooting, poison, or accidental death can all be used.

The mountain next to the Xiangsi mansion was in flames.

Gin looked at the time in the car and smiled coldly: "It's almost done. Even if he escapes, he will die."

Belmod, who was in the parking space next to him, glanced at Gin's expression, then turned his swan-white neck to look at the fire.

There was poison in the bento that Gin gave to Numabuchi. There was no such thing as reciprocity.

He had already escaped once, how could Gin still let Numabuchi Kiichiro have any chance?

This chapter has been completed!
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