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Chapter 363: Professional and Amateur

Belmode went back to the room and took off her wig, letting her beautiful blond hair fall down. She used a special makeup remover to wipe off the makeup she had put on to disguise herself as Chieda Riho.

Revealing her own exquisite and charming face.

No matter how she disguises herself, her original face is the most beautiful.

Even when she was a famous movie star in the United States, Chrissy Wynyard's face was not as beautiful as her own Belmode's face.

This is her habit of disguise.

But even if someone disguises himself as someone else, as long as there is no requirement for good looks, good looks will be assumed.

He forced her to play a face-pinching game.

Belmod has met beauties of the same level several times, and all of them are so good that they can become famous just by their looks.

Not to mention, that woman's acting skills are at their best, she is very good at acting, and she plays herself every day.

As a star in the American entertainment industry, Bellmode thought it was a pity that she did not go to the United States to win an Oscar.

After taking off makeup and changing clothes, I made a phone call to Baileys.

But after she changed her clothes and picked up her phone, she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows and it showed that she refused to answer.

She called Baileys, but the woman didn't answer.

Suddenly I was called to work, but I didn’t answer the phone???

Belmode frowned for a while, then raised his eyebrows slightly.

I took a notebook and jotted it down with a pen. Baileys was very busy at this time and had no time to answer my phone.

If you remember too much, sooner or later you will be able to calculate the trajectory of your movements.

Belmode held the notebook thoughtfully: "But she wouldn't leave the matter to me and then run off to do other things?"

Thinking of this possibility, Belmod's beautiful eyes narrowed.

It's too much to deceive.

On the other side, Didan High School.

"Ah chirp."

Amamiya Noriko, who had just finished class, was packing her textbooks when she suddenly felt an itch on the tip of her nose and couldn't help but sneeze.

"Who is thinking of me again?"

I was muttering in my heart, and a boy passing by said casually:

"Amamiya-san, did you catch a cold again? You should pay attention to your health."

"Maybe. Maybe the weather will get cooler recently, so you should pay attention."

Noriko Amamiya touched the tip of her nose and smiled at him.

"Okay, okay..."

The male classmate blushed slightly when he saw the charming smile and left in a hurry.

Suzuki Sonoko walked to Noriko, looked at the back of the boy who was embarrassed to run away, and shook his head, this is too weak.

I dare to talk to Noriko, but I feel embarrassed when I see Noriko smile. This is not okay.

There is still a lot of room for improvement and we need to work hard.

"What's the matter?"

Noriko Amamiya looked at Sonoko in confusion, "Why are you looking so deeply?"

"No, has Noriko caught a cold?"

"It's just a sneeze, it's okay."

Noriko Amamiya waved her hand. She had just returned from Osaka. She had been a little tired from work recently. She would not catch a cold or have a fever.

Xiaolan walked over from the side, curiously asked what they were talking about, and then asked: "The next period is physical education class, will Noriko go?"

"Go ahead."

Noriko Amamiya laughed. Physical education was the class she missed the most, but she could go there today and show off her skills in harvesting leeks...

She has a relatively weak constitution. Isn't this a well-known thing? Due to physical reasons, there are very valid reasons for pigeon racing.

The teachers in the health room would agree with her very much, and then invite her to the health room. They would drink tea and chat leisurely while watching the students sweating in the sports field outside.

Didan High School has a male school nurse and a female school nurse. The other male school nurse is, of course, Shinde Chi-Ming. Occasionally, Shincho Chi-Ming will have tea with them.

However, this person also serves as the coach of the basketball club. When he is not needed as a school nurse, he usually goes to the basketball court to hang up.

Noriko Amamiya glanced at him occasionally, just to see if he had been replaced by Sister Bei.

I just make sure that Sister Bei is not here today, and there is no need to go to the health room to see anything.

It was only when Amamiya Noriko went to the locker room to change clothes with Xiao Ran Sonoko that she noticed a few missed calls on her phone.

Actually there aren't many, just three.

When I saw it was Sister Bei's number, I guess she stopped calling her after calling her three times and not receiving the call.

It's a bit unrealistic to expect Sister Bei to call me all the time.

And she could also imagine the ugly look on Sister Bei's face when she didn't answer the phone for a few days.

It's very dangerous to pigeonhole Yu Jie.

But I can't call back right away.

It's not long since the school bell rang. I didn't answer the phone calls before, but now I'm calling back as soon as the get out of class is over. Sister Bei probably wants to know that she is in class.

"Maybe Sister Bei is remembering my busy time and waiting to find clues to catch me out, every detail."

Noriko Amamiya curled her lips.

Not sure, but it's possible.

So I have to do pigeon sister Bei for a while.

After the physical education class started and she participated in the warm-up, she was fishing again, and then she called Belmode back.

"Are you finally free? You are such a busy person. I can't even call you three times. What are you busy with?"

As soon as I got through the phone, Sister Bei's tone was cold.

It's a little weird, but it's not incomprehensible.

Amamiya Noriko opened her mouth and said: "My dear, you have to socialize. There is no way to avoid this, you know."

Belmode was on the other end of the phone, holding a glass of red wine, with an expressionless face. What, can I understand this?

She said: "What you asked me to do failed, and that kid has been killed."

Listening to her flawless tone, Amamiya Noriko knew that Sister Bei wanted to scare her, but unfortunately, a certain curious kid with glasses had already sent her a message after the police over there received the prisoner.

After asking for details.

Regarding how Amamiya Noriko went to school and knew that Ayumi would be in danger.

Are the classes at Didan High School already so relaxed?

He is not a primary school student yet, so he didn’t feel like this when he was in class at Didan High School!

So Noriko Amamiya has confirmed that Ayumi is safe and sound. Although she was a little frightened, because Belmod disguised herself as Riho Chieda, Ayumi will probably become Riho Chieda's little fangirl.

The handsome big sister appears at the critical moment to save lives, which is great.

"I already know that you completed the task very well."

When Amamiya Noriko said these words, the phone was naturally silent for a while that day.

Belmode was not surprised, she just thought about it a little bit. Bailey Sweet asked her to help because she was not there. So how did she know that the matter had been completed?

Let's not talk about it for now, I will investigate slowly later, after all, she lives in this building.

"In exchange, you will also come and help me complete some tasks later."

Amamiya Noriko was a little surprised when she heard this, but she still agreed. She didn't mind seeing what Sister Bei's mission was.

"If it's a holiday, no problem."


Belmod nodded in agreement, but still wanted to say, you are a professional, do you still choose holidays when doing tasks?

Those who don’t know better think that you are at work during the week and do bad things during holidays.

Amateur, yet somewhat professional.

This chapter has been completed!
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