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Chapter 376: Brother, I think it should be like this

The front entrance of Amamiya Residence.

Noriko Amamiya wore a windbreaker over her nightgown to send Belmode away.

Originally, Belmode wanted to take a look at Noriko who was resting and then left. He didn't plan to stay too long, but he ended up seeing something even better.

I just chatted with Noriko for a while to comfort Noriko who should have been frightened today, and only now was I ready to leave.

Before leaving, Belmod even rubbed Noriko's head and felt the hair that he had just blowdried for Noriko. It was very soft and felt very good.

"Then I'll go back first. Get some rest early so you don't catch a cold. You can come and sit at my place when you have time later."


What else could Amamiya Noriko say, but she could only respond obediently. Sister Bei said she was here to comfort her, but she ended up teasing her after seeing her shy look.

But one thing to say is that Sister Bei's hair-drying skills are quite good. No wonder her blond hair and wavy hair are so beautiful when she looks like a real queen.


Waving her little hand and watching Bermod leave in the car, Noriko Amamiya exhaled and touched her chin to think for a moment.

"Well, if I pretend to be more scared, sweet, and pitiful, and don't dare to sleep alone, Sister Bei might stay and sleep with me."

But if Sister Bei finds out that she is Baileys...

That's even more dangerous than Ran discovering that Edogawa Conan is Kudo Shinichi.

In the car leaving the Amamiya residence.

Belmode turned around and saw Noriko Amamiya waving her little hand behind her.

Her sexy lips pursed into a slight smile, but her eyes were lost in thought.

She could sense that the Amamiya family's defenses were adequate. From what she saw at a casual glance, the young maid who was cleaning the house had clean and powerful movements.

But she was able to 'accidentally' meet Noriko directly after taking a shower, which was unsuspecting, which made her a little confused.

"Because the woman named Riho Chieda agreed to her request to see Noriko before leaving?"

She felt that her identity as Chris Wynyard was not a very close category in the eyes of Noriko's personal bodyguard, right?

"Could it be that Baileys deliberately let herself bump into Noriko just after taking a shower?"

Belmod fell into deep thought.

She knew that Baileys had been lurking around Noriko. Baileys...

"Nice job."

Bellmode didn't know that the truth of the matter was Amamiya Noriko who told Chieda Riho all about her. Chieda Riho believed that although she was quite dangerous, she was harmless to Noriko, and even seemed to

He will also protect Noriko, so he won't let other bodyguards keep an eye on him.

Noriko Amamiya returned to the room, and Xiao Ai was sitting on a chair, holding a newspaper in her hand that was slightly exaggerated compared to her elementary school student's body, unfolding it and reading it.

Ai and Conan were the first to be rescued. They were rescued from the uncollapsed part of the Aido Hotel New Building, followed by Matsuda Jinpei.

Amamiya Noriko herself was simply crushed too centrally and too low. There were collapsed ruins all around her. She had to move the broken walls from above to rescue her. It took her all night and only this morning to rescue her.

This was even after she broke several walls below.

While she was taking a shower, Xiao Ai had just been sent back from the Metropolitan Police Department. Miwako Sato picked her up in the morning and went to the Metropolitan Police Department to ask about the situation.

"Did the news say anything?"

"Well, the last trapped person has been rescued, and the police are investigating the murderer behind the case."

Xiao Ai looked up at Ji Zi. Absinthe was there just now, but she didn't come out.

"Kiko, you haven't eaten yet?"

"That being said, I'm really hungry."

Amamiya Noriko touched her belly. After all, she was doing hard work by beating the wall last night, so she had to add something.

Riho Chieda, who was following the news on her laptop, realized that she had made a mistake. She didn't expect this, so she said, "Shall I ask the kitchen to prepare it for you? There are all the ingredients."

"Of course you have to eat meat, eat it ruthlessly."

Chieda Riho nodded and asked: "Do you only eat meat? How do you prepare it? Kanto sent some nice Ise lobsters over this morning. Do you want to eat them?"

"Ise lobster?" Noriko Amamiya tilted her head. She only remembered that it was produced on an island, but she couldn't remember where it came from. "Is it produced in Fukushima? I won't eat it if it's not a sea king species."

Haibara Ai couldn't help but look away from the newspaper and looked at Noriko, who looked even more delicate in her cute pajamas. She tilted her head in question and looked very wise.

"Ise lobster is from the Izu Peninsula. What kind of fish is it?"

Amamiya Noriko suddenly realized that she remembered it as soon as Xiao Ai said it, and explained it to Xiao Ai by the way: "It's seafood the size of a monster."

"Kiko, if you say so, if you can make it into sushi, I would like to eat it."

Haibara Ai prides herself on being a scientist. The existence of this type of creature is unrealistic, but it does not prevent her from being a primary school student now and she can discuss this topic in depth with Noriko.

Noriko Amamiya nodded: "Okay, wait until I become the Pirate King."

Feeling that she had roughly understood what Noriko wanted to eat, Chieda Riho turned around and left to order the kitchen to prepare.

It was difficult for her to understand how the topic turned into Noriko becoming a pirate in the future.

Noriko Amamiya had nothing to do anyway, so she followed Riho Chieda to the kitchen to take a look at Ise lobster.

"Xiao Ai, are you going?"


Haibara Ai followed him to have a look, and then came back alone soon. Because he didn't start cooking lobsters so quickly, Noriko was there to catch lobsters.

The giant lobster, which was more than 20 centimeters tall, had completely become Noriko's toy.

Shaking his head, he saw Chiyomiya Tomoyo appear out of nowhere, looking at him with eyes full of curiosity and desire to explore.

"What's wrong?"

Hui Yuan Ai said calmly.

Chiyomiya Chiyo raised her hand in confusion: "I'm very curious! Why does Xiao Ai keep calling her sister by her name?"

Because I was the older sister before.

Haihara Ai's mood was a little complicated. Once upon a time, Noriko was also a younger sister.

She glanced at Noriko's little cousin: "I also call you by your first name, Tomoyo, and I have been calling you for a long time."


Chiyomiya Tomoyo opened his mouth and discovered this.

"Should I also be called Sister Xiaoai?"

She looked at Haihara Ai, an elementary school girl. Although her calm and composed expression looked very mature, she was only 6 years old after all...

He suddenly felt like sitting on pins and needles next to Xiao Ai.

Chiyonomiya Tomoyo found that she had already lost in terms of temperament, to a girl who was still in elementary school...

When Amamiya Noriko came back, she saw Haibara Ai holding the tea cup, lowering her eyes and sipping lightly, looking in a good mood, while Chiyonomiya Tomoyo was very frustrated and reserved, maintaining a sitting posture.

Amamiya Noriko raised the net bag in her hand in front of them: "Look at the tentacle monster I just caught."

Haihara Ai looked at the octopus in the net bag without changing her expression. She likes animals, but she also knows anatomy.

Noriko, if you insist on saying it's a tentacle monster, that's not impossible. After all, it does have tentacles.

Chiyomiya Tomoyo sat up straight in an instant, with his back pressed against the sofa, a little afraid of this creature.


As soon as Chieda Riho came in with the three guests who came to visit the patient, they saw Amamiya Noriko frightening the children with an octopus in a net bag.

He looked so energetic, and it didn't look like he had been buried under the rubble all night.

"Xiaolan, Yuanzi..."

Noriko Amamiya saw the three of them and greeted them with a smile.

Yuanzi also felt a little disgusted with things like octopus, which were slippery and had tentacles, so he quickly ran to Xiao Ai, who didn't look very scared.

"Kiko, don't take it over..."

Xiaolan, who was originally visiting a patient, looked at Noriko helplessly and coaxed: "Okay, okay, Noriko, stop scaring them..."

"Okay, okay."

Noriko Amamiya followed Xiaolan's example and showed the octopus to the Conan children.

Conan smiled calmly: "Sister Noriko, I'm very sorry. Although it's disgusting, I'm not afraid of octopus."

"Oh?" Noriko Amamiya raised her eyebrows, "Then let me ask you a little question about octopuses."

"You can tell me that the amount of knowledge I have accumulated in order to become a detective is far beyond your imagination."

Conan didn't hesitate. He also knew a lot about the various living habits of various types of octopuses, especially the octopuses native to Japan.

"So, let me ask you, is Squidward a squid?"


Conan seemed to have a thunderbolt in his mind, "You say it again?"

Noriko Amamiya said patiently: "Brother Squidward, is it a squid?"

"What's the relationship between octopus and squid? They belong to different families and genera. One belongs to the genus Calamari and the other belongs to the genus Octopus. Their living environment, habits and nutritional value are different!"

Amamiya Noriko accused: "Look, you only care about the difference between octopus and squid, and you don't care who Squidward is at all."

Conan's eyes under the lenses were full of depression, and he looked at her: "Who is Brother Squidward? I seem to have an impression..."

"Beachburger lives in the deep sea and is the cashier of the Krusty Krab. He likes to play the suona, no, it's the recorder."


Conan's face darkened, and he remembered that one time the recorder of the music club of Teidan Middle School disappeared, and he helped to find it. Noriko Amamiya said that Brother Squidward had stolen it.

He gritted his teeth and said: "So this Squidward is not an octopus, right? It's just a nickname? Is this question related to an octopus?!"

"No, Brother Squidward is an octopus."

Conan now fell into deep doubt: "Really?"

"It is also a very rare mutant octopus with six legs. Only two have been found so far."

Noriko Amamiya gave him a popular science knowledge.

Conan put his head in his hands and looked in pain: "So what do you want to say?"

"Because you are very confident, I just want to talk nonsense to you. Seeing how you are tortured by the nonsense, I'm done now."

Noriko Amamiya said simply.

Conan took a deep breath: "Thank you, don't do this again in the future."

"Okay~ I'll introduce you to Patrick when I have the opportunity. He can always be a friend. This friend can be dealt with."

Finally satisfied with Noriko Amamiya, Conan gritted his teeth and resisted the urge to ask who Patrick Star was.

"Sister Noriko, just be okay! Sister Xiaolan has been worried about you since she heard about it after watching the news last night!"

Conan can always pretend to be a child, which makes people uncomfortable.

Amamiya Noriko left to find Xiaoran Sonoko in disgust, thanking them for coming to visit her and inviting them to stay for a feast.

Yuanzi said carelessly: "It's okay. Xiaolan and I have been used to visiting you since elementary school. We haven't done it for a while and we are no longer used to it."

Noriko Amamiya: “…”

Yuanzi, what you said makes sense, so it’s all done just by eating, right?

Xiaolan also smiled a little regretfully and said: "It's just that Shinichi ran away somewhere, otherwise he would definitely be worried about you, Noriko."

Conan: I'm a little worried that Noriko will torture me.

He was just about to speak out to comfort Sister Xiaolan and give some excuses to Brother Kudo Shinichi, but he was hit by the scent of shower gel, and Noriko Amamiya had already opened her arms and hugged Xiaolan.

He hugged Xiaolan and gave her a heartfelt comfort.

Mao Lilan couldn't help but feel shy. She and Kudo Shinichi are not related now. Noriko, you don't need to be so comforting. She is even embarrassed.

Noriko Amamiya was thinking about the plot of Ran and Shinichi Kudo on a school trip, which gave the impression that the two had already established a relationship.

Moreover, Xiaolan and Kudo Shinichi have a close relationship to begin with, but compared to the original work, he occupies a little bit more of Xiaolan's heart.

So Noriko Amamiya was a little confused when she saw Xiaoran as if she was facing a formidable enemy.

He thought to himself that he was not picked up by shouting "Wonderful", and it was not Sepi who wanted to take advantage of Xiaolan.

He took Xiaolan's arm with peace of mind and asked others to go eat.

“Are you an extreme vegetarian and environmentalist?”

Haiyuan Ai glanced at Conan's face, it was so green.

"If you are a minor, black, identify as a woman, and are an animal rights activist and religious, you are invincible in the United States."

Conan couldn't help but look away from Amamiya Noriko and Xiaolan and looked at Haibara: "Is this reasonable?"

I won’t talk about Amamiya Noriko’s side. From what he heard, he felt that Haibara’s side was even more outrageous. You are indeed Noriko’s good sister.

"Free America."

Hui Yuan Ai said casually that she was sent to the United States to study by the organization since she was a child and grew up in the United States.

Conan pondered and thought. It's not like he has never been to the United States.

The only time I went to the United States...I encountered a case and a murderous maniac...

"Well, maybe this is freedom."

Conan thought for a moment and his face darkened because he discovered that Haihara Ai's original intention was still to say that he was green.

Damn it, you just have never been so green by Noriko.

Noriko Amamiya looked back at Conan as if aware.

Because he was teased by Xiaoai again after him, classmate Edogawa Conan now looks very bitter and hateful.

Young people, you have no idea how fragrant a lady with short brown hair, Japanese-English mixed race, queen-like temperament, rational IQ, and breathtaking beauty is.

Next is the special event of Ise lobster.

Meal time here, other side.

Acupido explosion scene

In a high-rise hotel not far away.

Belmode twisted the wooden door handle, pushed open the door to the room, leaned against the door frame and looked into the room.

The curtains were drawn and the light in the room was somewhat dim, but since it was daytime, it generally did not affect her outstanding eyesight.

The tall and burly Vodka was holding a telescope by the window and looking through the gap between the curtains. When he heard the movement, he just looked back silently, as if he was very steady.

Chianti's lips painted with bright lipstick were sipping the red wine glass, glanced at Belmode, and snorted unwelcomely.

Cohen was in the corner, wiping his sniper rifle with a fascinated expression on his face, without even looking at it.

Only Gin reacted normally, sitting on the sofa, raising his head slightly and biting a cigarette in his mouth. The light from the cigarette butt flickered like a firefly in the dim environment.

The sharp eyes between the top hat and the long silver hair half-covered glanced at Belmode, and the deep and cold pronunciation was not affected at all by the cigarette in his mouth.

"My bomb is reserved for whoever designed Pisk, or Shirley—"

"Among the people who came out from under the rubble after the explosion, a woman was missing. Her identity was unknown and there was no record from the police."

Gin said expressionlessly.

Belmode closed the door and took off Chrissy Wynyard's short wig. With a slight shake of her head, her long golden wavy hair slanted down. She smoothed it down and said calmly: "So Shirley escaped.


Gin was not sure, but said indifferently: "Pisk said before he died that he had clues to Shirley."

Chianti pulled out the dagger from nowhere and caressed it gently. The swallowtail butterfly tattoo at the corner of her left eye and her smile in the cold light at this time made this scene look very enchanting.

"That old guy Piske said he had clues about Shirley. I think he was basically plotted by Shirley. He was tricked by a little mouse who only escaped from the organization. He is really old."

Cohen, who was older in the corner but could not compete with the Belmore Derby, said impartially: "He used to be quite famous in the organization."

Belmode glanced at the vodka.

Vodka's face was heavy, and his tall figure slowly turned around, leaving himself speechless. He should say something so that his elder brother could make a better judgment.

"Brother, it's almost time to check out of the hotel at noon..."

This chapter has been completed!
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