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Chapter 384: Bei-style home visit

"I'll sit here too."


Amamiya Noriko looked at Koizumi Anko with confusion on her face as she stood up and sat next to her.

"She won't be seen here."

Koizumi Anko even leaned back to lean on the back of the booth, because Amamiya Noriko's side was in the corner and she had to stick her head out to see outside.

Divination is her hobby, and she also believes in the results of her divination, so she naturally chooses to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune. In order to avoid being recognized by the female killer, it is better to hide.

"Then you can hide, but I'm going to the bathroom first."

Amamiya Noriko stood up with a smile and asked her to give way first. She was inside and Koizumi Anko was sitting outside and she couldn't get out.

But Koizumi Hongzi held her arm and refused to let go: "No, you don't want to go."


Noriko Amamiya was confused, even the mules of the production team couldn't do this.

Koizumi Hongzi's eyes were filled with suspicion, and her eyebrows almost raised: "You must want to run away. I even skipped class to play with you. You want to run away?"

"Are you here to play with me?"

Noriko Amamiya pointed disdainfully at the pile of empty plates over there. Many of the empty plates had already been taken away by the waiter, "You are really not afraid of getting fat."

She has system buffs, high constitution points, and occasionally has a high fever, and her figure is always online. Could it be that she relies on weight loss magic?

Koizumi Hongzi's face didn't change, and she even used a tissue to wipe the corner of her mouth stained with snack chips.

"As a witch, it makes sense that you need to eat more to maintain your strength, right?"

Amamiya Noriko rolled her eyes: "Ah, yes, yes, please let me go to the bathroom quickly. I just need to touch up my makeup. Don't worry, I won't leave the cute little witch behind and run away."

Koizumi Anko wanted to complain about her last words, but her witch's self-control made her hold back and questioned: "You don't have any makeup at all now, right? Why do you need to put it on?"

"Actually, I wear makeup. It would be troublesome if I don't put it on. But even if I don't wear makeup, I want to put it on now, right?"

Noriko Amamiya walked up to Koizumi Anko and asked her to see whether she had any makeup on her face. However, this layer of makeup was already at the level of disguise, and it was difficult to see at a close distance.



Koizumi Anko was dazzled by the flash of her cheek so close to her, not to mention that Amamiya Noriko was still humming proudly and exhaling like blue, which made her a little dizzy and she could only turn her head and look to the side.

"Yes, even you know how to put on makeup."

"You do not understand."

Amamiya Noriko had to seriously correct her misunderstanding: "This is a craft, I can only call her sister now, but if I put on makeup, I can call her honey, do you understand?"



Koizumi Anko's beautiful burgundy eyes widened after reacting and looked at Amamiya Noriko: "Can I understand this?!"

"you can."

Noriko Amamiya gave a thumbs up. Anyway, Anko was already on the same front as her.

"I can not!"

Koizumi Anko's rejection with crossed arms made her feel dizzy.

No wonder Amamiya Noriko is so good-looking but has no interest in boys at all. Is it true that she is curvy?!

If this is true, it's very, very surprising...

"Wait a minute, since her tendency is wrong, can she also become my prisoner?"

Koizumi Anko lowered her head and thought seriously about whether her definition of magic included such items.

if you can…

What's the use of being a little prettier than yourself? Are you going to become a prisoner of this witch?

"Ah!" She clapped her hands and showed a happy smile like an evil witch to Noriko Amamiya: "By the way, I will bring you a very delicious chocolate next time."

Noriko Amamiya turned to look at her smile, was it too bright for a witch?

It's not a proud Hongzi smile, but a smile plotting a conspiracy.

That chocolate, is it serious?

"Okay, I'm looking forward to your chocolate."

Noriko Amamiya blinked at her, thinking that Xiao Aiqi didn't expect the chocolate with magic special effects, it must be a great experimental product.

She reached out and pinched the side of Koizumi Hongzi's face: "Okay, okay, let me go and put on makeup."

Koizumi Anko slapped her hand away and prepared to move out of the way with a look of displeasure on her face. She turned around and saw the big American star Chrissy Wynyard standing outside the glass wall of the cafe, wearing a decent white ladies suit.

, a beautiful face that a top actor and star should have, with straight and smooth short golden hair, wearing round thin-rimmed glasses that are slightly larger than her cheeks, looking at them with a smile on her red lips.

It is obvious that she is actually quite young, but her eyes are full of familiarity and kindness.

If Noriko Amamiya hadn't explained it, it would be difficult for Koizumi Anko to associate this American star with a professional killer.

"Well, I think it might be a little late for you to go to the bathroom now."

Koizumi Anko pushed Amamiya Noriko's face outside and let her see for herself.

Amamiya Noriko hesitated when she turned around, "Sister Bei, don't you think it's crazy to stand outside the store and stare straight in through the glass?!"

After taking a closer look, I found that the gazes of other customers in the coffee shop had changed from casual to direct and intense gazes. There were probably a few fans of Sister Bei among them.

"Hongzi, pay the bill, it's time to go."


However, Koizumi Anko looked at the pile of dishes on the other side of her seat. Noriko didn't have much, and she was too embarrassed to ask Noriko to pay for it. She stood up and was about to go, but was pulled by Noriko and patted the hem of her skirt.

She turned back and glanced at Noriko strangely, knowing that she saw that her skirt was wrinkled because she had been sitting for a long time, but why are you so considerate now?

Is it because of the women outside?!

Noriko Amamiya smiled at her and said in a low voice: "Remember my big name, cute, kind, gentle and considerate, elegant and sometimes naughty, always thinking of others!"

Koizumi Hongzi suppressed the urge to roll her eyes, held her arm with her back and said with a smile: "Thank you for the reminder, please remember to invite me to rehearse next time!"

Amamiya Noriko looked surprised: "To a witch, it's all a trivial matter, right?"

Koizumi Anko was angry: "Who on earth told you that witches are omnipotent!"

"Maybe Kuroba Kaito."


Koizumi Anko snorted coldly, but she still had a big smile on her face. She took Amamiya Noriko's hand and walked to the counter. The clerk smiled and seemed very satisfied with the good relationship between the sisters. By the way, she told them that they had already paid.


Amamiya Noriko tilted her head and looked outside. One of her bodyguard sisters nodded and nodded slightly. It was obvious that the knot was over, as if to say, don't worry, young lady, the arrangements are very thoughtful and will not cause you any trouble!

Koizumi Anko smiled and held Noriko's arm. Although she didn't care about a few small coins, it was just that Noriko didn't succeed!

Amamiya Noriko's watery eyes blinked, my bodyguard sister is too professional, she will suffer a loss if she does this.

Sister Qianzhi is more capable.

The two of them walked out of the coffee shop, and Belmode was already waiting at the door.

Although she just turned around and found Noriko in the coffee shop next to her after talking to Aikawa Touya's agent.

I originally came to see what Baileys was doing here, but I didn't expect Noriko to be there, which was an unexpected bonus.

Throw the Baileys aside first.

However, when I got closer, I saw Noriko and her little sisters together. She had no intention of hiding, so it was natural for Noriko's little sisters to see her.

Belmod looked at Koizumi Hongzi's eyes and felt a little familiar.

But she obviously had a hard time connecting this with Baileys' stand-in.

Belmode could only temporarily suppress this doubt. Noriko looked back and found herself after being reminded. The expression on her cute little face seemed to be startled, and then she waved to herself with a surprised expression.

Then I realized that it seemed like I was being stared at by other people in the coffee shop, and a trace of embarrassment appeared on my face. I turned around and said something to the little sister, and the two of them went to the counter to pay.


Belmode noticed Koizumi Hongzi holding Noriko's hand, and her eyes narrowed slightly.

"Apart from Ran and Suzuki Sonoko, does Noriko have any other female classmates with whom she can be so close?"

There is no such person in the investigation data in my memory.

New friend? Judging from the school uniform, it doesn’t look like he’s from Didan High School.

Having made up her mind to have a good chat with Noriko's little sister, Belmod went to the door to pick them up with a mature and gentle smile.

Amamiya Noriko first enthusiastically introduced Koizumi Anko to Sister Bei. Generally speaking, she can tell Sister Bei that Koizumi Anko is also a relatively wealthy eldest lady in the family and studied at Ekoda High School. As for the rest, it is obviously not suitable to talk about it.


You can't just say in passing that this person is still a tsundere.

Then he pretended to introduce Sister Bei, Chrissie Wynyard, to Koizumi Hongzi.

Koizumi Anko directly said that she did not need her introduction. She already knew this American star. She also said that she had seen the movies and TV shows she acted in, which were very exciting and beautiful, and that she was still a fan of hers.

"So that's it. Thank you for the compliment."

Belmode was polite to the very familiar suit, and then asked the question he wanted to know the answer to: "Koizumi-kun, your uniform doesn't look like Noriko's from the same high school, right? How do you know each other?"

It sounded a little weird to both Koizumi Anko and Amamiya Noriko because she deliberately had an American Japanese accent.

Koizumi Anko glanced at Noriko, you answer!

She can't say that she met Noriko Amamiya because the magic mirror said that Noriko Amamiya was more beautiful, so she started to cause trouble but was counterattacked...

Noriko Amamiya also wondered why Sister Bei asked this.

Logically speaking, as a popular girl in school, and I also hold a position in the student union, I occasionally organize exchange games with fellow schools. Is it normal to have friends from other schools?

When Sister Bei asked, she felt as if her mother was inquiring about how her daughter met her new friends and whether they were safe or not...

Amamiya Noriko raised an innocent and bright smile: "It happened when I was a child. I had a master's son living with Ekota, and then I met Anko, but we were not in the same school, so we rarely played together."

"Really, Hongzi?"

"Yes, yes. Although we rarely play together, our relationship is still so good!"

Koizumi Hongzi reacted quickly and held Noriko's hand tighter.

Why does this Noriko keep adding scenes to me! I want to finish it!!

Noriko Amamiya couldn't help it, except that she was better at editing when she was a child.

Moreover, when she was a child, she learned how to disguise herself from the Kuroba pirates, and would go to Kuroba's house to have dinner. Indeed, she often went to Ekoda's place. As for whether she really got to know Anko, I can only say that she did get to know Nakamori Aoko.

Whether it's true or false, it's impossible for Sister Bei to really find out after so many years.

Today she was going to teach Hongzi a lesson, "Actor".

Belmode looked at the two people's reactions, nodded and said with a smile: "So that's it, that's great."

after awhile.

Chrissie Wynyard finds a chance to be alone with Koizumi Anko.

It was not considered alone time, except that Amamiya Noriko was playing with the dance machine in front. Bermod said that she was too old to play with this kind of thing, and Koizumi Anko said that she was not interested in this kind of toy.

Noriko Amamiya thought that the two of them were just lazy shopping dogs, so she let them sit back and watch her play and learn!

Koizumi Anko didn't think much of it at first, but as Bermod sat next to her and asked her several seemingly unrelated questions from time to time, she started to feel a little uncomfortable.

Could this be...a home visit?!

This chapter has been completed!
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